The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 24, 1905, Image 1

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The Commoner.
K 5, No. 10.
Lincoln, Nebraska, March 34, 1905.
Whole Number 218
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'To The Good of Those Who Confer"
Bad Case of "Grand Dukes"
Quite a Difference
Work of Organization Begun
Just Like the Littlefield Bill
Colorado's Shame
' The Gambling Vice
San Domingo Treaty Defeated
Death Claims Two Grijat Men
News Of The Week
The Week At Washington
:ansas democrats are organizing
Hinder the leadership of .State ChairmanSapp,
democrats of Kansas are organizing for the
campaign. On February 22, at a banquet
iich filled the hall to overflowing, a state club
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Mpanquet and was gratified to meet a number of
trong young men who are entering politics with
ligh ideals and genuine earnestness. Kansas is
pioneer in many things and her example ought
to ue lonowea m tms new rorwara movement, ay
iext spring there should be a similar club in every
The report of the organization of the Kansas
ilub appears on another page of this issue.
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"The Mountain Has Labored and Brought Forth a Mouse.
"It is to self-government, the great principle
fbf popular representation and administration, the
system that lets in all to participate in its coun
sels, that we owe what we are and what we hope
to be."
"The administration of government, like a
lardianship, ought to be directed to the good of
those who confer, not of those who receive the
"It is among the evils, and perhaps not the
Smallest, of democratic governments, that the peo
ple must feel before they will see. When this
happens they are roused to action."
"Nothing will ruin the country if the people
themselves will undertake its safety; and noth
ing can save it if they leave that safety in any
fchands but their own."
Here are four quotations that should be im
pressed upon the rank and file of all political or
ganizations. It is The Commoner's purpose to
impress these solemn truths particularly upon
Of what avail will be the system that "lets
in all to participate in its counsels" if men who
are desirous of good government and who believe
in "equal rjghts to all, special privileges to none,"
deliberately ignore the opportunity to take part
in governmental affairs?
It Is true that the administration of govern
ment ought to be directed "to the good of those .
who confer, not of those who receive the trust."
But is it any wonder that when the masses become
indifferent to their duty as citizens and permit
minorities to rule, those who receive the trust,
convince themselves that the government should
be conducted for the special benefit of .themselves
and their friends?
No truer words were ever uttered than:
"Nothing can save a government If the people
leave that safety in any hands but their own."
It is not only a citizen's privilege to vote, but it
is his duty to vote; but the duty Is not discharged
when the citizen absents himself from his party's
primaries and contents himself with casting his
vote for the ticket named and the policy adopted
by the comparatively small number of men who,
having special Interests at stake, are active and
diligent, where men whose interest is only in the
general welfare are indifferent and neglectful.
It must be plain to everyone that the greatest
political contest in history will be waged in 1908
if the special interests that now thrive at the
expense of the general public are to be brought
into obedience to law and justice. In that great
contest the democratic party may play a conspicu
ous and important part, or it may be found in a
discreditable If not an obscure position. The party
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