"flpTW VJfc l v a S. 1 ' It fl MARCH 17. 1905 The Commoner. 9 perfectly smooth and free from lumps, then stir In a tablespoonful of alum and two quarts of boiling water; set on the stove and let the paste cook well, stirring so it will not burn. Squeeze out the paper and add it to the paste, mixincr thormicrhiv. Tot tmii Y if not thick enough, until if a rr .,! I- consistency of putty, and press it into the crack3 with a knife blade, smooth- ing It over. It will soon harden and muue me noor smootli. Llbrtvrv Past Take a piece of common glue-two inches square and pulverized alum as much in weight as the glue; soak the glue and dissolve it in water, adding the powjdered alum. Mix half a tea spoonful of flour in a little water until smooth, stir in the glue and alum and heat to a boil. When nearly cool, stir in two teaspoonfuls of oil of lavender. This should make nearlv n ninf nt ff paste, and will keep a long time, if rn jxeiJL ugiiuy coverett wnen not in uko. Another: A solution of two and one half ounces of gum arabic in two quarts of warm water; thicken with wheat flour to a paste; to this add a solution of alum and sucrar of inri. If ounce and a half each, in water; heat tne mixture and stir until at boiling . point, when it is to be cooled. If too tnick, thin it with a little dim Rein s' tion in proportion as above. Kid Glov.os In buying gloves, examine the Angers closely for broken stitches, if, when the fingers are stretched, the threads pull away from the kid, leaving a white spot, it shows that the skin is tender, and the gloves will not wear well. When the kid stretches easily, and seems elastic, the glove is likely to be of good quality; but a stiff, unyielding glove will neither fit well nor last well. ftfe SUPERIOR MERIT. Remarkable Curative -Properties of a Remedy For Indigestion and Stomach "Weakness. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, a prepa ration for the cure of dyspepsia and the various forms of indigestion and stom ach trouble, owes its great success as a cure for these troubles to the fact that it is prepared for disease and weakness of the stomach and digestive organs only, and is not recommended or, advised for any other disease. It is not a cure-all, but for any stom ach trouble it is undoubtedly the saf est, most sensible remedy that can be advised with the prospect of a perma nent cure. It is prepared in tablet form, pleasant to taste, .composed of vegetable and .fruit essences, pure pep sin and Golden Seal, every one of which act effectively in digesting the food eaten, thereby resting and invig orating the weak stomach; rest is na ture's cure for any disease, but you can not rest the stomach unless you put into it something that will do its work or assist in the digestion of food. That is exactly what Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets do, one grain of the di gestive principle contained in them will digest 3,000 grains of meat, eggs or similar wholesome foods, they will digest the food whether the stomach is in working order or not, thereby nour ishing the body and resting the stom ach at the same time, and rest and nourishment is nature's cure for any weakness. In persons run 'down in flesh and appetite these tablets build up the strength and increase flesh, because they digest flesh-forming food which the weak stomach can' not do, they in crease the ffow of gastric juice and prevent fermentation, acidity and sour watery risings. " ' Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets can be found at all drug stores at 50 cents per package. Do not make tho mistake of solecting a glove that is too small, as the stretcher weakens tho stitching and deprives the skin of its elasticity; besides, the hand loses its graco of shape and motion when cramped in a tight glove. Short fingered gloves are also disfiguring, and are certain to break between the fingers before they are half worn out. Caring for Kid Gloves The life of a kid glove depends large ly upon the manner in which it is first drawn on. The hand should be dry and cool, and if there is any perspira tion, the fingers should be well pow dered. The fingers should first be well worked on, the thumb being left until the fingers are fully in place; then, having inserted the thumb, place the elbow on the knee and work the glove down smoothly. Button the second button first, and then the others, leav ing the first button until the last. This method of buttoning will greatly im prove the appearance and fit of the glove and increase its durability. The greatest strain is obviously upon the first button, but when this i3 partially relieved by fastening the others, the danger of drawing tho seams, tearing the kid or enlarging the button holes is considerably lessened. In removing the glove, never begin at the tips of the fingers to pull them off, but turn back tho wrists and draw the gloves off wrong side out. Before putting them away, turn right side out and smooth them lengthwise. Rolling them up into a wad or drawing one inside of the other will ruin the best of gloves, as they lose their shape, and the mois ture absorbed from the hand will dry slowly, making the leather stiff and hard. Strips of canton flannel laid between gloves are beneficial. Soiled Gloves If glove's are badly soiled, it is best to' send them to a professional scourer, if they are worth it; if but slightly soiled, rubbing in dry corn meal will clean them. Washing in gasoline is recommended, but this is apt to take tho finish or dressing off, and the gloves soil much quicker afterwards. When black kid gloves become rusty about the fingers, they may be parti ally restored by adding a few drops of black ink to a teaspoonful of olive pil- and applying with a feather or camel's hair brush. Or good liquid blacking may be tried. For-mending kid gloves, gum tissue is good; apply a piece of the tissue to the inside of the glove where a strain is apparent, and it will strengthen the' skin and prevent an actual break. Window-Box Gardening Great is the capacity of a wooden box in the way of furnishing spring relishes Fill a shallow box four or five inches will do with a rich leaf mold rendered loose and pliable by having sand worked into it, and in U1I3 plant lettuce seeds; in another like it, radish seeds; in still another, tomato and egg-plant seeds. Give the soil a good wetting, and, unless the room is very dry, they will need but little more water until the little plants appear. Set them in a sunny window, and lay a piece of flannel, dipped in water, over them. This flannel may be sprinkled every morning, to keep it wet. When the plants begin to appear, the flan nel must be removed, and the soil in the boxes kept moist by use of the sprinkling can. Have other similar boxes ready, and mix with the leaf mold "less sand and more good garden soil, having the boxes deeper, also. When the plants are large enough to transplant, set them in the larger boxes about two inches apart, watering them well and shading them from tho mm until they straighten up, thon givo them plenty of water and sunshine, and they will do flno. Tho surplus plants may bo left in tho first boxes and, as they got large enough, used for tho table, thus thinning them out and giving them a chance to grow, also. The soil must be quite rich, to insure the best resulta. If care is .taken to keep tho soil moist and warm and in good light, one can have quite nico little messes of green things long before the ground outside will grow anything. When the garden patch can be worked, the ground should bo well enriched with old manure, and the soil spaded deeply and pulverized, and the tomato, egg plant and lettuce .plants should bo strong and thrifty, and may be trans planted without tho least stunting or dwarfing. Tho large plants of lettuce will grow and make flno heads after cutting off the large leaves ana plant ing the root and crown. The lettuce plants may be set two or three Inches apart, and thinned as they cover tho ground. A Mlco Wrxy to Drvrn To fill in the worn places in the knees of children's stockings, trim the worn place out square, as If to set in a 'patch; take a long yarn in your darning needle and, commencing back from the edge, run across tlie opening, back and forth, until done crosswise, then, with another strand of yarn, take up the first lengthwise, beginning back from tho edge, and work a chain of button hole stitches to the other side, taking in one thread of the crosswise warp each time. Be sure to take up the original stitches at each end of the hole. This is a neat way to fill in worn out finger tips in gloves, and thumbs in mittens. Contributed Recipes Celery Tops. An excellent way to utilize tho green portions and delicate leaves of celery, when one has not soup or salad in which to use it, is to wash -it thoroughly, cut it in pieces about three-fourths of an inch long and put it in a saucepan with a little water to boil, letting it simmer for an hour and a half or two hours, adding a pinch of salt; let the water boil nearly out, then add a little eream, a small piece of butter and a little flour or corn starch wet with water. The corn starch is much more delicate, though some prefer flour. When done, this should bo like a thick batter; slices of toast may bo prepared and the hot celery put upon them, a largo spoonful to a slice. A tiny bit of butter and the least possible dash of pepper may be added; .then send to the table to be served immediately. Spinach and Hcrse-radish Soup. Wash the spinach and horseradish leaves carefully, place the picked leaves of the spinach and the minced horse radish leaves in a vessel on the stove In boiling water and cook ten minutes. When tender, drain, remove from stove and chop fine. Bo sure to 3ave the water and replace all in it, adding one tablespoonful of onion juice, salt and pepper to taste; mix two tablespoonfuls of flour into a little cold milk till creamy, then add this to one quart of milk; place this in a kettle with the greens and let it come to the boiling point, stirring constantly. Add table spoonful of butter just before remov ing from the stove; serve with sal tines. Deaf People Now Hear Whispers Listening Machines Invented, by a Kentuckian. Invisible, When Worn, but Act Like Eye-Glasses. Furniture Polish For "Subscriber" and others: To pol Ish the piano and remove the bluish color caused by the action of' the damp air, apply a drop or two of sweet oil, and rub the surface thoroughly with YVijy.Y W raui (fll 'M Ever ooo n pair of Listening Machines? Thoy mako Uio Deaf hoar distinctly. Thoy aro eo aof t lu Uio oars ono can 1 toll thoy aro wearing thorn. And, no ono clno can toll olthor, hocauso thor aro out of Bight whon worn. WIIhoii'h Ear Drums nro to weak hearing what apcctack-H nro to wouk sight. Hocauso, thoy aro Hound-magnlllora, Just aa glasses aro elgbtmagnlflorfl. They rot tho Ear Norvos by taking tho otraln off thorn tho etruln of trying to hear dim sounds. Thoy can bo nut Into tho earn, or taken out, In a minulo, ast as comfortably as epoctaclos can bo put on and oft. And, thoy can ho worn for wooknat n tlrao, bo cause thoy aro vonttlatou, and so soft In tho oar holes thoy arc not felt ovon whon tho head recta on tho pillow. Theyalsopro toct any raw Innor parts of Iho oar from wind, or cold, duHt, or suddon and plorclng sounds. Thceo llttlo telephones mako It as easy for a Deaf person to hear wouk sounds as jpoclaclco mako It easy to road In print. And, (ho longer ono wears thorn tho hotter his hoar Ing grows, bo causo thoy rati nn.nnil Btrfititm. -i en, the oarnorvos. Torosta 0 (l aoak oar 'join straining is 0,(10 iio4ruiHinn h turuiueu wrist from working. v " Wilson's Ear Drums rest tho Ear Nerves by making tho sounds louder, so It is easy to understand without trying and straining. Tiioy mako Doaf pooplo choorful and comfortable, bocauso such pooplo can talk with tholr friends without the frlonds having to about back at thom. Thoy can hoar without straining, it is tho straining (hat puto such a quoor, anxious look on tho faco of a doaf person. Wilson's Ear Drums mako all (ho sound strike bard on tho center of tho human oar drum. Instead of preadlng it woakly all ovor tho surface. It thus makes tho cantor of tho human ear dram vibrate ton times as much aa if tho natno sound struck tho whole drum head. It is thia vibration of tho oar drum that carries sound to tho hearing Nerves. When wo mako the drum vibrato ton times as much wo make tho sound ton tlmos aa loud and ten time aa easy to understand. This is why people who had not In years "heard clock strike can now hear that samo clock lick any whoro in tho room, whllo wearing Wilson's Ear Drums. Doafnoss, from any caaeo, caracho, buzzing poises in tho head, raw and running oars, broken oardrums, and othor our troubles, aro relieved and cured (oven aftor Ear Doctors havo given up the cases), by tho uso of theeo comfortable little ear rosters and Hound-magnlllors. A sensible book, about Deufneflfl, tells bow they aro mado, and has printed in it lettors from ban dreds of pooplo who aro ublng them. Qlorgymen, Lawyers, Physicians, Telegraph Operators, Trainmen, Workors in Boiler Shops and Foundries four hundred people of all ranks who wero Doaf, tell their experience in this froo book. Thoy tell how tholr hearing was brought back to them almost instantly, by tho proper uso of Wilson's Ear Drums. Somo of Ihoso vory pooplo may livo near yon, and bo well known to you. What thoy huvo to say la mighty strong proof. This book has been tho means olTraaklng 320,000 Deaf pcoplo hoar again. It will bo mailed freo to yon If yon raoroly wrlto a post card for it today. Don't put off getting back your hearing. Writo now, whilt you think of it. Got tho free book of proof. Writ for it today to tho Wilson Ear Drum Co. UQ Todd Building, Louisville, Ky. a bit of clean, soft chamois skin. A good furniture polish is made of one scant ounce of linseed oil, a full ounce of turpentine and Jhree-fourths ounce of cider vinegar. Shake until thor oughly mixed. Rub a little on the fur niture and allow it to stand several minutes, then polish well with a soft, dry cloth. In using any polish, there must be thorough, hard rubbing, in or der to bring out the polish. All greasy feeling should be rubbed into the wood, else, the oil will only be a dust-gatherer, and the last state will be worso than tho first. i ttf .tflLr-.v