, inymniBPl ft The Commoner. ---V1 a ii. VOLUME 5, NTJIibeh Nrvturo's Resurroctlon Spring's gentle breath, with touch of gracious heat, Unbinds the current of the ice locked stream, Her pulses at the roots or grasses heat, Her spirit animates each sun-ray's gleam. The yellow wands of willows leafed in green Half gray, from which the woolly catkins swing, On oak and maple summit, perched se rene The robin and the blue-bird bravely sing. In woody places, pungent with the scent Of the moist earth that quickens with new thrill, Spring beauties, that are star and roses blent, With radiated blooms the spaces fill. The dainty crocus lifts its perfect flower, And kindred blossoms, gay with golden plumes, Unfolded by the sun's persuasive power, Look-up and smile in many-tiuted blooms. From out tho mold that held its bloom in thrall, "Where hid its life in darkness, all unseen, At sound of Nature's resurrection call, Tho white narcissus stars Earth's bosom green. Throughout the land, uplifted to the sun, Tho colors of the triple crown com bine To symbolize immortal aureoles won Through resurrection of our Lord can, and in this way, the knots can be untangled reliably. S'o, friends, you must accept our thanks for the interest you take and the help you give, and in order to en able mo to meet your needs, remember that I am working for you and with vou, and am perfectly willing to share the honors with you. Remember, too, that your kindly criticisms are just as welcome as your words of praise. Wo need both sides. Floral Notes The balmy days which March some times brings us sets us wild to get out our garden toors, forgetful that these are but the promise of the good times soon to come, and for which we may make preparation now as well as at another time. There will be storms of cold rain, If not sleet and snow, before the Easter dawns upon us; but tho seed supply may be in spected, and plants determined upon, and orders sent to the florist and seeds men. Many things should be started now, indoors, if we would have early bloom. Many people fail with sweet peas because they plant them too late. They should bloom before the hot weather comes. March is not too late to start pansy seeds; chrysanthemums and dahlias should be in the window box, too, that one may have sturdy plants ready for outdoor planting. The bulbs potted last fall should now be promising you their best. While plan ning the flower garden, don't neglect arranging for the herbs and vegetables. dent to have his own; I speak from ex perience when I warn you of the In convenience of such a proceeding. Keep a little fine steel file in your machine drawer to use in case your needle be comes blunted. Refuse to loan this, also, for, like the oil, it will not come back to you, in most cases, even after "many days." Before making over any cast-off or out-grown garment, give it a cleaning and freshen it with some of the many ten-cent dyes. They come In prepara tions for dying cotton, cottons mixed with silk, or wool, or linens, or for all wool goods, and be sure you get the right mixture and follow the directions closely. You will be pleased with the result If you happen to have any dresses of the make of seven to ten years ago, they will need but scant changing, as, unless you are one of the extremists as to mode, you will find them "just in fashion." divine. Selected. Homo Chats A sister editor writes: "How do you find so much to write about? And how can you answer so manv emeries?" I think if she could seo my letter box, and know what kind, helpful readers I have, that she could easily solve the riddle. Whatever tho Home Depart ment is, the merit of it is largely due to the interest taken in It by our friends all over the country, who re spond so cordially to any call made on them. Do you imagine that one head could hold all this helpfulness? But thousands of heads can do so, and nearly every one of tho many letters mat come to me has some kindly sug gestion, whilo tho Queries themselves aro very important suggestions and give a valuable insight to tho needs and wants of our large family. Then, too, I find our business peo ple ready and willing to give any in formation asked of them, and some of them, when answering these calls on their time, offer ether suggestions, which aro of very great valuo to our homo-keepers. In case they, themselves, can not give me the desired informa tion, they kindly refer me to those who Food For Thought A correspondent sends me a few lines clipped from another paper which is so in line with several suggestions of the same nature sent in by our read ers that I think it best to give it. It does not apply to our girls only, and the reading will benefit our boys, as well. Indeed, we may pass it upward, along the line, I think, with benefit. Our correspondent truly says that our young people would indignantly resent any personal accusation, but giving it to them.through the types may awaken tneir consciences. Here it is: "When you, girls, tell those vile stories, which you surely would not wish your mothers to hear, do you ever stop to consider what their telling means to your own natures? Do you ever realize that you are a responsible oeing responsible to your own self There will bo but a few days, now, before the spring work in the fields and gardens begins in earnest, but those few days may bo well employed by the gude mon in getting up a sup ply of wood for the cook stove and the laundry. No fuel is more unsatis. factorv in HlP hiiiM-inl nV .wi a. ting up meals for her tired family and for your ownself for what you than the soggy green stuff that Is usu- do' how you do il uow you act and ""' "U1 iiuruuu, anu iew tmngs make . JWU l'ttUVi iUB UI1U lQ1 wnat you more "strained relations" in tho t,c hold than its compulsory use. One's wood for the year's use should always be in the woodhouse, and if no wood- uuuse is provided, it should be piled up in the yard, close to the kitchen door Indeed, the thoughtful husband or children should seo that it is brought indoors, to lighten the moth er s labor. A NOTRE DAME LADY. I will Bend (rcc, with full Instructions, some of this simple preparation for the euro of' Lo icor lircea. Ulcerutlon, Displacements, Falllnc of tho Womb, Ecnnty or Painful Periods, Tumors n? Growths, Hot Flashes, Desire to Cry, Sine Jeollne up the Splnu, Pain In tho Hack, and I aU I-emalo Troubles to nil Bonding address. To mothers of suffcrinR daughters ftvill explain 2 Micccsiful Homo Treatment. If you decide tS continue It will only cost about 12 cents a week ?,n8u,nnV,ltTC0 iftCUJ0, Tu other BUfierersoflt that is all I arte. If you are interested xrrUWrli x. V,11 eyour BU"eng trlends of it. Address Mrs. M. Summers, Lox 1C9 Notre Dame, Ind. For Tho Sowing Room One of the ilrst things the home seamstress should see to it that her ma chine is clean. If it runs heavy ive it a thorough oiling with coal oil soaking all parts that are to be oiled' and picking out of the joints and hid SSP8.?6011 parts a11 the accu- ",umi,uu Ui ""St ana lint, and brush ng such parts well with a stiff tooth brush. Tho coal oil will cut thn gummed places, and everything shoiiiS be well wiped off with a oft old clo h after, the machine needle has Deon re moved and the machine run rapidw for a few minutes. Some home seam, stresses may have been induced to u?e unsuitable oils because there was no SSSrtoatm,?flSd' aml if the on fails to cut the gummed accumlation she should use gasoline on its SS In rta T' aml after Alpine off ? liberated dirt, give it an oilin with good .machine oil, which should be lent on hand for the sowing machine onlv Do not allow the gude mon" car off your oil can nnri ,,c ..;...cariy jPly simply because hs 7oo' improv willingly hear. You will be ludcer iw your comrades by the nature of your conversation. Even though you may not repeat a vile story, if you counte nance its telling by listening to It, you encourage its like. If a young man tells a doubtful story in your hearing let him know that it displeases you' for, if you laugh over it In his pres ence, he will say of you to others 'Oh she's no prude, she enjoys a good story, and, try as you may, you can never regain his confidence in your purity of heart and mind, so thought lessly forfeited." "but This evil, barely hinted at Jn the above lines, is greatly responsible for much of the undercurrent of immoral ity which so taints the social life of to- ffiv Z th diSCredit in which the purity of our women is held bv her men associates. Remember, girls and boys, that you can not touch nitoh without being defiled. You can nofm b m vub conversation, no matter how secret, without th inking vile !?"' a"d ;as a n thinkethf so he mora&authorietyim0ny f th ' A Convenience For Baby Every mother knows how tronhlo some and at times even langero, s" t is to have a little one, just beginning to walk, constantly c inglnc tr ? w Wrta or getting undr her left Often too when left for a moment alone ?t gets into dangerous situations by its venturings. To remedy this 77 goods box, oblong as to shape It,7 onougli to pass through the donn!W and about as high as the baby& just high enough so it can com? 7 ably see what is going on on tC ., " side when standing on its feet ,. preferred, the board bottom mav I left on and a piece of carpet or a fnhu? quilt laid over it, insuring warmth box with its playthings, it win anSS itself in safety while its mother gS about her work indoors and out tZ from the distressing anxiety which all mothers feel when tho whereabouts n the baby is a constant problem ai though tho baby may prefer the" free dom of the floor, and may even protest with tears and cryine acainst uB . finement, it can not get into dancer or hurt itself, and busy mothers all know that babies have to cry some times. The box can be taken to tho porch, the shady yard or even to tho garden when the mother has work to do there, and, by holding to the sides walk around its pen, following the movements ot the mother from place to place, and at the same time be learn ing to walk, much better than when pushing a chair about, or oeonsinnniw .pulling it over onto itself to its hurt. Query Box H. S. For cleaning windows, wash in warm soap suds and dust with Span ish whiting, and, when dry, polish with chamois skin. T. T. To polish brass trimming, scour with hot salt and vinegar, wash well with soap suds and polish with whiting. Sarah M. Cheap varnish will attach labels to tin cans and boxes and glass bottles. All ,such receptacles should be labelled. S. H. N. Have had no experience with dish-wa3hing machines, and do not know of any one who has. They aro used principally in hotels and res taurants, I think. ' Alice. A girl of srxteen should not accept attentions from men without the knowledge and consent of her moth er. She should not exchange photo graphs with them. . L. H. S. would like to know of a way to restore the ink in family records so as to be legible. S'ald records laid for three days in muddy alkali water, ow ing to an accident. If you know, please tell us. "Seventeen." You are too young to wear a black lace dress, and you should wear but little jewelry. Earrings are little worn- White dresses are always popular. Ask your mother the ques tions you ask me. Housewife. The color of the walls of a room must depend upon the aspect of the room: if no sunlfcrht enters the room, blues, greens and grays are not to do thought of; warm tints, yellows and some shades of red and warm browns belong to shaded rooms, uhilo for rooms flooded with sunshine, blues and greens may be the koynoto. Thomas p. For clearing and clean ing plate glass, rougo is most general ly used by glass manufacturers. While oxide of zinc is also good, and when the glass is set in frames, is preferablo to rougo for the reason that tho lat ter, if it should come in contact with woodwork, Is very difficult to remove. Either may bo had at most any drug store, and is applied on a damp cloth rubbed on the glass and let do, then polished off with a very soft, dry cloth or soft chamois skin. Mrs. H. L. For Ailing crocks in your floor, put to soak in water several newspapers, torn "or cut into fino pieces; mix one pound of flour and one quart of water together, beating until vnaAN,L1) AND WELL TRIED REMEDY. tnthu;WKN8?w'8SooTIIo Smup for children tflMh S B,ou!d niways be ubo1 for children whl! win5 nh'-ii1' BO"on the Rums, allaya. all ruin, curei T!?ntShi02l0 an.a ,s tUfl bost remedy for dlftrrba Awenty.flvo cents a bottlo. A f -sV ; .? U.5.r.?.?!fflSttfeja fcSE JL'.ir. ' ?-.& Jtt k'i j" ;