u The Commoner. MARCH 17, 1905 15 II $360 E PROFIT IN PE35DING ONE TON TO TOUR CATTJLE OR-HOGS. Obo Ilnndrod Founds will mate you 1 18.00 not profit. "International Block Food" vrlUi tho World Famous Lino a VKRUa for OKK CENT-lsknown ovory whow. It If prepared from high clan powderod Roots, Herbs, Seeds and Darks and purifies tho blood, tones up and permanently strengthens tho ontlro system, Cures and Prevents DItoase and Isa romarkablo aid to Diges tion and Assimilation so that each animal will gain tnoro pounds from all praln oaton. Wo poiltlvoly guarantee that ono ton of 'International Slack Food" will make you 4360.00 net profit, over its cost. In extra growth and Quick Fattening of Cattle or Hogs In Winter, Spring, bummor or Fall and atthosamo time kaep your stock Healthy and Extra Vigorous. Ooaranteed to Fatten Your Stack In 30 Dnys less tlmoan&tosavo grain. If it ever falls the uie will not costyonacent.uInler national Block Food"ssplendld (or all kinds of Uroedlng Stock and Is universally acknowledged as the leading high class medicated stock food of tho world. Ills equally good for Horses, Cstllo, Sheep, Hoes, Colts, Calves, Lambs and Figs. Endorsed by over Two Million Farmsrsnnd Ono Hun dred Thomand Dealers who always sslllton a "Spot Cash Qasrantoo" to Refund Yonr Money If It over fails for any recommended uio. Guaranteed to Savo 3 Quarts or Oats Evory Day for Each Work, Carriage or Driving Horio. The $150,000 Champion, Dan Tatch 1:50, eats "International Block Food" Every Say. DAN PATCH matted FREE VI f you Namo This Faper and State tho Number of Slock You Own wo will mail you FIIEE a Dcautlful Colored Lithograph of our World Famous Champion Stallion Dan Patch 1 -SB. It Is printed In 0 Brilliant Colors and 1 s 2 1 by 28 Inches. Boo our Largo Adver tisements or Write Direct to Our Office. Wo employ anofllce forco of 235 with 125 typewriters and all correspondence Is answered tirorantlv. PF"Also Write Usfor Any Desired Informatlon.& INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD CO., Minneapolis, Minn. CREAM SEPARATOR C REE ' Zrak This is a eenuine m mm Sav offer made to introduce the Peoples Cream Separator in every neigh borhood. It is the best and simplest in the -world. We ask that you show it to your neichbors who have cows. Send your name and the name of the nearest freight office. Address PEOPLES SUPPLY CO. TJODt. 177. KANSAS OITY. MO. 0,000 Sure Hatch Incubators Jammmmmm E 'Em mm. IIHEiip -Wnrklne- i&ilafaetorllv nleht and day, Tfo "race suicide" In the poultry world whllo Sure Hutches are busy. Hatch every fertile egg. Load Decauseor exclusive paloniou ieav nres. fiw,uw, &-year guarantee. I'rlee or izo-egg machine, zrelgut prepaid east of. r tho itock v Mountains 4 CO days trial. Catalog free. Address ex CtU Clay Center, Neb. lloxltitU . Indianapolis, lad. K . I .llil III ' t r7twft I ii F " i "'111 wHmTH $10 Cancer Cured WITH SOOTHING, BALMY OILS Cancer, Tumor, Catarrh. FiBtula, Ulcers, Ec zema and all Skin and Womb Diseases. Writo for Illustrated Book. Bent free. Address DR. BYE. S&i5 Kansas City. Mo. Ih f TOADIES' BOOK OF 420 QUILT BLOCK Pillow and Pin Cushion Designs, worth 25c, also complete patterns for milking this pretty Butterfly Block, worth 10c. All mailed for 12c to lntroduco our quilt, perforated pattorns and circulars. ART CO., Dopt. 133, ST. LOUIS, MO 5 - mVkuJk f '. Nro KW CJH3HRK f P5S SssSi355J' OAIN ACRES y clearing that stumpy piece if land THE HXUCULK3 ituran Puller nulls any stump. 3!tve tlm lHr !nA mfinwr. K. MW MU.W. UHWB M.WM. cataioff free. Herculis Mfe.Co.. Dent. 10 . Centanrlllo.la. HAVE YOU' GOT A DOLLAR 5 Si! dpP,rIfe" f.or 2 ! Othor Hardy Troea Z8 Budded Peach Trees far 81 nnrl vino vmriin a BO Concord Grape Vlnoa for 91 due bill food for 25c and catnlojr free. Write for it We pay freight on 110.00 orders. rAIRBURY NURSERIES, Box G, Falrbury, Neb. CUT THIS OUT If you want 100 different samples of magazines and nowspapors and send with 10c. for 1 year's subscription toTho Welcome Guest, tho ' best original magazlno published, which you will recolvo for 12 long months and 100 sumplos as prom- lsod. Address Tho Wolcomo Quest, Portland Mo. I nnd Wlilalrey IlnbKs cured at homo without pain. Book of particulars ri BOnt FltKK. II. BL. WooUojr,fliuiM Atlauia.Cu., 103 N.Fry or St. CURE STOMACH & BOWEL TROUBLES or no pay. Bond for proof and symptom blank and pay when cured, You havo nothing to risk. Send today. Dr. Gamble, 629 llaclnoSt. Chicago. FKIBBTFII L TREES MW"' Million? of Fruit and Forest Trees. Oration. Straw. borrles. Prlceo right. Freight prepaid. Catalog free. : BAOE COUNTY NURSERIES. BOX 710, BEATRICE, NEBRASKA THE BEEF TRUST REPORT A whitewashed beef trust is no hot ter than the old varicolored critter" Council Bluffs Nonpareil. Mr. Garfield seemed to forget that tho people have a Bteak in the meat controversy. Minneapolis Journal. Some of the packers havo been run ning at a loss, says Commissioner Gar field. Let's take up a collection. Kan sas City World. Now the supreme court will have to apologize to the beef trust for sustain ing the injunction of Judge Grosscup. Philadelphia Record. The beef trust made only about 22 per cent on their private car invest ment. The private car business seems to be also a private snap. Birming ham News. Accordingto Commissioner Garfield's observation the beef trust wears no horns, and the "disposition of carcase" may be described as "mild and centle Sioux City Journal. Commissioner Garfield feels that he can not consistently class the beef trust with the bad ones. Perhaps the oil trust, which he is now Investigating, may be found to be a good one, too. Buffalo Times. A medical journal has discovered the fact that the beef trust works under unsanitary conditions. However, It seems to be strong enough to sit up and take notice every day. Kansas City World. Commissioner of Corporations Gar field shook with suppressed sobs when he learned from the lips of the man agers of the beef trust how they had been abused by tire people. Cedar Rapids Gazette. If.it is really a fact that the net profits of the beef trust last year were less than 2 per cent on the captal in vested, there is a mighty .sum of money between the producers' narrow receipts and the consumers' extravagant out lay that is entirely unaccounted for. Who has the money? Lincoln Journal. Garfield's report on the beef trust leaves that combination in restraint of trade wearing a halo The beef trust's record is perhaps like the drummer's expense account; there are probably things therein which are not visible to the naked eye. Houston Post. Commissioner Garfield has exploded the popular belief that the packing business, conducted strictly as such, is immensely profitable. It is necessary to engage in other occupations than merely dressing beef to "make both ends meet." Chicago Journal. The beef trust, of course, will not al low the whitewash of Commissioner Garfield to be wasted. They may use it in their sausages or, perhaps, In their canned tongue, for which it would an excellent coating. Anyhow, they'll use it and use it advantageous ly. For nothing is lost by the beef trust, you know, but the squeal. Jop lin Globe. Isn't there a tremendous leak In the packing house business somewhere? The beef trust has been accused succes sively of beating down live stock prices, boosting prices or the dressed article and of underpaying labor. Yet, according to Commissioner Garfield's report, it is making a profit of only 99 cents a head on cattle. Who is get ting the rest of it? Chicago Daily Re view. Commissioner Garfield found that some of the private car linea paid profits at the rate of from 14 to 17 per cent. This is hardly to be be lieved. If that was the condition of the business the owners of the lines would sell twice as much stock as has been issued, and pocket the selling price ' of the stock rather than the profits. Garfield would have us be lieve that some of these trust promot ers do not know how to play cards. Cedar Rapids "Gazette. $50,000,000 WORLD'S FAIR, "itf?1 W Own All tho Vast Quantity of Material Ussil In It's Construction and Kqnlpmeut SALE 100,000,000 FEET OF HIGH GRADE LUMBER FOR SEND US YOUR LUMBER BILL FOR OUR ESTIMATE SAVE PROM SO TO 40 PER CENT. Also Bash, Doors, ItooOtiff of all kinds, IMp ol all kinds, Wl a Fine ins, Hardware, Machinery. Household floods and Furniture oi every description, besides thousands 'A other Items. ASK FOR OUR CATALOQUC NO. S3 4 Wo purchased every Exposition of modern days. CHICAGO HOUSE WRECKING CO., Exposition Grounds, St, LtMfls, Mo. Paint with WEIR'S BAVARIAN WHITE LEAD THE MOST DURABLE LEAD MADE and Save Usual Cost of Painting Booklet mailed free, telling how and why you nuke this savlnc, tot the names and addresses of flvo bouse owners. Dm T WEIR WHITE LEAD GO, ST, LOUIS, MO, rzzm 1Ue W42&im7?ttgz?mtfjm CURED MY RUPTURE I Will Show You How to Curo Yours FREE. I was helpless and bd-rlddcn for yenrs from a double rupturo. No truss could hold. Doctors said I would die If not operated on. I fooled them nil and cured myself by a sltnplo discovery. I will sond tho curo free by mall If you wrlto for It. It cured mo and has slnco cured thousands. It will cure you. Wrlto today. Capt W. A. Colling s Box 719, Wntortown, N. Y. oSviarGUARANTEED WATCHfor'3 A booa-Bd off by AotrWi'i pMtMt mill erisr ttb Loom, Ih eld (UMIhl nI reltaLlo B. E. Cbslmsrs a Co. Tb sdltorof tbli tr will liU ya tbst vt art tboroefbly rlUMi. CENTS OR LAPSES SIZE The best, handsomest and most perfect genuine American It karat cold pitted watch erer offered for sale at any pries. Double hunllnc cats, rich solid sold pattern of en craving, assorted deilcns. Fitted with Uie very best seven jeweled American movement on the market, stem wind and stem set. accurate to the second and absolutely guar antesd to keep perfect time for 2 U YEARS Beautiful 60 Inch lorgnette chain free with Ladles' size watch and handsome double broatted veit chain and charm free with Gent's site watch. I'osU tlvely the greatest bargain on the face of the Earth, SEEING IS BELIEVING. IXHu tons with your name, post office address, express ' oiuco address and name o: your express company, and vre will sond the watch and chain complete to youreipreiiofllce for examination. You examine them at your express office and If as rspressnted psy exprsss agent our bargain sale price 13.75 and ex press charess and ther are yours. He sure to men tion in your letter when ordering whether yon want a Ladles' Watch or a Gentleman's Wateb.we have It In both sizes, and order to- i-y."r:S:S'.i'"n"'"i"r.'; B.E.CKALMERS & GO. 356 DearbornSt. CHICAGO, ILL. $"Ji5 stftSPsfe jmmmMfr A. "SB rsWtl4?l75 wmmT&y f,MMlmmWW. EsKssMsV'HC'llrfSK Z&XHKmto&21m 4HsMBBsHBIBHBQyA OO PRICE EXPLAINED ma ms Amm a also ROAD WAOOM8 al FUH $21. UU U Zd-UU $14,00 to S17.00- TOP BUGGIES, similar to one Illustrated, sur r es HAVE DEEM WIDELY ADVtmiSUU, S3tt-.ULI 0 33H.UU. how nUCCIES can be offered at these nrTcca and why we can sell buKidca anil all other vehicles nt much lower prices than any othei houBOlasdl fully explained In our TOUR UIO TREE VEHICLE CATA- LUWUtD, UUl SHIS (Ui. uuv Uliu rcuu vj uo niiu you will recolvo by return mall. Free. Post paid, FOUR BIO VEHICLE CATALOGUES ehowing tho most complete line of orerythlnK ia IJUfrfricB, Iload "Weons, Carts, 8urrcyB, I'linctona. Carriages, Ugh and Heavy "Wagons, Vehicles ol all kinds, also everything In JIarncra, Baddies and Saddlery, all shown In large handsomo half-tons lllustratlons.f ull doacriptlons and all priced at prices much lower than Any other house can possibly make WITH THE FOUR FREE CATA- I A PI ICC you will receive the most astonishing LllUULsJ Bum Offer ever heare! of, a new and astonishing proporltlon. How others can offer top will no luuy crpiaineu. wa win ox- .... A.i.u.M..J-1.MMA..naAtt.fmi1n1itAwAi.tw.Mffi.nllllnthlrawlll IK1 I maker? or deolersPln the -world that can ship bugfrlos the day we rerive your order. Our rree Trial Offer. Our Pay ..TT- ii T.,mi. nr Rindin Guarantee are all exslalned when we son you the FOUR FREE CATALOOuea. Vssssi- unil iutf TlsC CD A BIIOOV 1 "you have, don't tall t cut this ad. out today ana man isui. HAVE YOU AHY USE FOB A SSUUUI 1 U Joucan'tuse. Top Bmyatany price, call your nelKh. R" attt"n to tblsan" unwrnent. Don't buy any kind of a buggy until after -ym i cat i Ma ad. out and 1 send to u. SSSi SEABS, ROEBUCK & C0.f ?l7Phao.S: sjLbbbWP Lr-MSmmmmmmr ".MSsssssassseeSsesexessjrlyyyk s3BBwi"rl,iy'TrW"llf HT1 T--mimbssPT tsFXsasasasasasssV -a3sasasasasWaC " WtQlkmmrMmWmWKmkmmw"??"-' tSssasffl JF X& -fc-asassssaws"1 -, . "JJfmmummmltllmUmumumummmumummmum-- . ,. 'MMJlfly XlsllBllBllBBBBa. MLBHHbSI" ssssZZ5a1W Fire, H -WmBSmmmmWmWmWmWLW Water ant. NML n iiiiiiiiitiiiiiliiBBEiBffl New Steel Roofing and Siding Fainted red on both tildes 92.00 Per 100 Square Feet. Most dnrable and economical covering; for Roofing, Siding or Celling, for Barns, Sheds, Houses. Stores, I Churches, Poultry Houses, Cribs, etc. Cheaper and will lost longer than any other material. Sheets I six ana eigne ieet iong. --- . m m m We Pay the Freight to all oolnta East of Colorado, except Indian Territory, Oklahoma and Texas. Write for prices for shipment J to such points. This roofing at 2.00 per square Is our No. 10 grado, flat, aeml-hardenea. z.io rpr corrugaicu i "Vcrlmrjodor nrcssed standlnir seam. 2.25 for brick sldlntr and beaded celling or siding. No experience necessary. Send ua your order for Immedlato shipment, wo liavo otho grades. WHITE FOIt FREE CATALOGUE Wo. C- on Building Material, wire, ripe, numuiuB juovi, Farhlturo, Household Goods, etc We Ituy at BaerlaV and Receivers' oales. CHICAGO HOUSE -WRECKING CO.. 35th & Iron sts.. cnicago. - 1 n, i-(r ,rftH(w.