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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1905)
,-w-Bnr " w" T The Commoner. MABCH 17. 1905 11 i -wiliiRy(R'j"jpwwifi!iW11 " vjwvj 1 T" wjwwjw wgwwg wfwwgwwfBwpi wjww vjwjv wprvv vjvejv 1 ! Not Plutocrats But Plutocracy f- TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTf The London Spectator has stirred the bile of our usually placid neighbor the Sun by carlessly remarking that the United States Senate "may be -said to be composed of plutocrats." The Sun gracefully admits, however, that the Spectator is "excusable for making so gross a misstatement; for it spoke on the authority of frequent assertions to the same effect made in reckless and mischievous American newspapers." The Spectator is clearly wrong in saying that the Senate is composed of plutocrats. Webster defines a pluto crat as "one whose wealth gives him power and influence." Comparatively few United States Senators have power and influence due to their wealth. In deed some of the richest members of ' the senate have the least influence, one of the conspicuous examples being Sen ator Clark, of Montana, whose annual income is represented by seven figures and whose power as a lawmaker is al most nothing. But if the Spectator had' said that the United States Senate is dominated by plutocracy, would it have been so far wrong? How many of the Senators are political agents of "vested interests," of corporations and of aggregations of Wealth? How many of them owe their places to the influence exerted upon State Legislatures by organized capi tal? How many of them are notor iously the agents of railroads or of protected industries? These men are not plutocrats, but is it a gross mis statement to call them servants of plutocracy? The Sun cannot have' forgotten how the agents of the .transcontinental rail roads in Congress held up the Isth mian Canal legislation for years, and surrendered only when Mr. Roosevelt's Panama coup d'etat made further re sistance impossible. It cannot have forgotten how the successor to the late Senator Quay was selected by the president of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company ,and how the Governor of Pennsylvania, in ratifying the com pany's choice, ignored a plain mandate of the State Constitution It cannot have forgotten how the Senatorial rep resentatives of certain great interests so mutilated the Wilson bill that Pres ident Cleveland refused to sign it. It cannot have forgotten how certain other aggregations of capital were all but successful in defeating the Cuban reciprocity treaty regardless of Presi dent McKinley's sacred pledges and President Roosevelt's earnest plea3. It cannot have forgotten the fact that a dozen reciprocity treaties negotiated by' Secretary Hay have been smothered by the representatives of protected in dustries in the United States Senate. It cannot have forgotten how the scan dalous system of weighing the United States mail has been perpetuated by railroad influences and how these in fluences have succeeded in tying the hands of the Interstate Commerce Commission. And these are but a few of the ex amples. The millionaire who goes to the Senate is usually there for pleasure, not for business. He buys a seat in that august body as he buys anything else that he thinks will give him dis tinction. 3 :e intrusts his real political affairs, as ho does his legal affairs, to more competent hands. Yet if the plu tocrats themselves are few in number, the agents of plutocracy in the Senate constitute a veritable government within a government. In an address delivered June 1 to tho graduating class of the Albany Law School David J. Brewer, Justice of the Supreme Court of tho United States, said: "No one can be blind to the fact that these mighty corporations are holding out in their lawmaking those interests rather than the welfare of the nation. Senators and Representatives have owed their places to corporate influ ence and that influence has been ex erted under an expectation, if not an understanding, that as lawmakers the corporate interests shall be subserved." Will the Sun pretend that Justice David J. Brewer is "a reckless and mischevious American newspaper?" Or does it believe that this eminent jurist has been mi3led by the "Senator Sor ghum" jokes in the "funny column" of a ribald press ? New York World. Cures To Fit the Filipinos For Self-Govern-ment. Men prominent as educators, church men, publicists and philanthropists in all sections of the country have or ganized the Filipino Progress associa tion, for the purpose of promoting the welfare of the nine million odd in the Philippine Islands. The ultimate purpose of the associa tion is to bring about a condition of affaira in the Philippines which will make possible legislation that will put the Filipinos on a par with the Cu bans concerning their relations with the United States in other words, to give them self-government. In the association, whose formation was announced yesterday, are Andrew Carnegie, Cardinal Gibbons, Jacob G. Schurman, President of Cornell Uni versity; Charles W. Eliot, president of Harvard; David Starr Jordan, presi dent of Leland Stanford university; Prof. Henry Van Dyke, Horace White and many others of equal prominence, who have given much thought and study to the Philippine problem. Those named are all leaders in the movement. "Dr. Schurman of Cornell nas ac cepted the presidency of the associa tion, and Mr. White is the treasurer. Dr. Schurman's personal knowledge of the needs of the Filipinos, gained while he was a United States commissioner in the islands, is expected to aid the work of the association materially. There are Many Imitations of Baker's Cocoa and Baker's Chocolate (jChJcV fl MB i Look (or tills Tradc-Maik Don't be misled by them I Our trade-mark is on every pacicage or genuine gooas. Under the decisions of several United States Courts, no other chocolate or cocoa than Walter Baker df Co.'s is en titled to be sold as "Baker's Cocoa" or "Baker's Chocolate f Our handsomely illustrated recipe book sent free. Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Established 1780 Dorchester, Massachusetts 45 Highest Awards in Europe and America In outlining its purposes one of the officers of the association declared them to be: "To procure and disseminate infor mation concerning the industrial, com mercial and political conditions in the Philippine islands; to promote legis lation favorable to the Filipinos and to promote the fulfilment of the hope ex pressed by President Roosevelt in his message that the Philippine islands 'shall stand in some such relation to the United States as Cuba now stands.' " While the labors mapped out for the association are counted upon to cover a long period of time, because of the magnitude of the task and its great importance both to the United States and the Philippines, there are a num ber of preliminary matters which aro to be attended to immediately. One of these concerns the opium traf fic in the islands. To coirect its evils the association has already petitioned congress, recommending as a model tho Japanese law regulating the use of th drug in Formosa. Every separate task undertaken by the association will be gone into thor oughly and exhaustively before any definite move Is made. One of its watchwords is to "make haste slowly," so that there shall be no steps to re trace in the upbuilding of the Fll iplno. Exchange. The Primary Pledge ' . I promise to attend all the primaries of my party to he held between now and the next demo- cratic national convention, unless unavoidably prevented, and to use my influence to secure a clear, J honest and straightforward declaration of the party's position on every question upon which the voters of the party desire to speak. " Signed , i Street . Postoffice ;..' -State, r ........... . r County Voting precinct or ward ; Fill out blanks and mail to Commoner Office, Lincoln, Neb. a 'i CfllleiijbiAQ . balsam COUGHS COLDS CROUP RV