TWHWIWWWJ." The Commoner. VOLUME -5, NUMBER 8 k Always tho Dost Somo days may bo gloomy, some days must be sad, Hut everywhere, always, some hearts must ho glad; For true Is the saying, proclaimed by the seer "Each day Is the best day of some body's year." Each day finds a hero, each day helps a saint; Each day unto some one brings joy without taint; Though it may not be my turn, or yours, that is near, "Each day is the best day of some body's year." The calendar sparkles with days that have brought Somo prize that was wanted, some good that was sought, High deeds happen daily, wide truths grow more clear, Each day is the best day of some body's year. No sun over rises but brings joy be hind; No sorrow in fetters the whole world can bind; No matter our fretting no matter can fear: Each day is the best day of somebody's year. , Selected. Homo Cheats The first hint of springtime which tho city dwellers have is the impos sibility of getting their supplies, food, fuel, etc., delivered on time, as the sldo streets are practically impassi ble, and tho drivers have to carry their load by piecemeals on their own shoulders, to the customers living away from paved thoroughfares. Tho poor horses have to sweat and steam and struggle as far as it is possible for them to haul tho wagons, and are then left to take cold while their driv ers deliver tho goods on foot and in dulge In "saying things." Especially does It appeal to ones nympathy to watch the patient horses struggling through mud up to their Knees, with tho wagon wheels im- irritable driver whips and lashes them out ot all reason. Swear? I should think so! And tho pity of it is that neither tho swearing or the lashings do ono bit of good, for the poor ani mals simply can not get along. They would do just as much work for kind words. Tho first hint the housewife has of tho "breaking up" of winter is when the sun comes out some fine day and shows her how dirty her house really is, despite tho fact that sho has worn herself out trying to keop things im maculate. Tho awful fact that things must bo torn up and treated to a dose of renovation dawns on her in an over whelming flood of light, and the min ute she begins, the warm, delicious sunshine wooes her out to tho yard where sho finds her neighbor awaitlnc her and the first thing sho realizes is that it is dinner time, and the beds A NOTRE DAME LADY'S-APPIaT backache, pnlna In tl o kldnoya or 'oS BXS SS'SSHfssSSS . - W UtUUU not made, while sho has spent the golden hours drinking in the sunshine and deciding what gardening she is going to do! There will be more delicious morn ings, plenty of them,, and if she has thought to toss the bed clothes over the chairs and opened all the windows, there will bo nothing lost by her ab sorption of the sunshine and sweet air. If sho will do this often enough, she will laugh a little oftenor, and believe all the stronger in the good ness of the world about her, and the strongth tho air-bath brings her will enable her to do more work in less time, and in a thorough manner than by any other means. I want to pre scribe all possible of sweet air and sunshine, and do take the medicine! FloroJ Chats Every one who saw them, last fall, in the west end of the horticultural building at the exposition, will re call how very beautiful were the clad- iola blooms so lavishly displayed in that department. The bulbs are so cheap, and so easily grown, and, after ripening in the fall so easily cared for, that every garden should have a spot devoted to them. A few bulbs may be started early in the house, to be turned into the ground without dis turbing the roots as soon as it is warm weather, while others may be planted out doors at intervals until the middle of June or tho first of July, thus pro longing the bloom period until late in tho autumn. Eight to a dozen should be set in a close clump, about five inches deep, and a central support may thus serve for the whole of the flower stalks by a tasteful tying up with a crinkled wire or suitable strings. Tea roses should be planted a dozen of them, at least. Many of our best florists sell a dozen for one dollar, and the plants come to you by mail perfectly fresh and growing, and with a little intelligent care in planting out, will start into growth with very little, if any, wilting. And there are few things more beautiful than a tea sentials and non-essentials should be brought up, and a correct sense of values arrived at in order to deter mine what must not and What may be neglected. The things pertaining to bodily com fort and necessary thereto are far few er than most of us are willing to ad mit, and we are ant to nurchase sun- posed essentials at far too great a cost. Nothing is worth the loss of temper, and when one works until the over taxed nerves rebel or break down into fretfulness and nagging, it is paying too great a price nothing is worth such cost. If it were put to a vote, I am sure our families would unani mously declare that they would much rather spare much service which they have been taught to regard as essen tial to the bodily well-being, and in its stead have the companionship- and sympathy of a cheerful, good-natured, restful home-maker. The home should stand higher than the house, and, while it is well that the house be comfortably clean and the temporal affairs kept in smooth running order, the gude wife should give attention to the higher and better side, which ex pands the mind and refines the spirit. It has always been a source of comfort to me to remember that, while Martha called the dear Guest's attention to her "much serving," he did not chide Mary that she "chose that good part," which could not be taken away from her. Let us make friends with the best side of this life, while keeping faith with the grosser needs. bedded up to tho hubs and almost ,n 8S more ueautlIul tnan a tea dragable ' to oi Si w, while ho Set,bUSh ered wltt blooms. Many t...u..Ki 'i!..- i.,.. , .' """V.l"o of these are near v hnrilv. nmi fh - , , .v.vt ,jr may uo had in all colors and shapes. nccea- lQ QP.Id luusuns inn ctm.n..i i.r. purines the blood, ana brlchtona t in , -J . a Jok e nstlclty and'tono to X whole VSSi SWt'r H'ovo lutereit. you, for woof ..K";, " . cummers, uox 169. Kotrc Darno. Ind. If one has no cardan or f?rrmfi which can be devoted to flower 'grow ing, a window box will be a joy as long as it lasts or rather, as long as it ha3 care; and it takes but a few minutes each morning to water and stir the soil with a table fork. Vines may bo grown in these, and trained over tho windows, and thus, no mat ter how little of the earth you may control, you can still have beautiful things about you. It is fully time for a careful read ing of the catalogues, and for llstinc and sending out an order for these lit tie sisters of the sunshine. One can not be wholly unhappy, or lonesome if o.w ,,av uvuu u single, thrifty plant to which to bring her 'blue hours"' Too Big . Prlco A woman who can find no time to read to take a reasonable amount of out-door exercise, or to mingle in tho mental and spiritual life about her should pause long enough to take stock of herself and determine vhero she is at." m such a case, something must bo radically wrong, and a rJeSln must be undertaken, else the w fe am? mo her will find herself discarded by her family and friends fo p the ver v things she has set herself so religiousiv to do for them. The queelton o?1i- For PcporlnJ Whitewashed WeJIs For any cracks in the plastering, if the walls be sound about them, wet' up a little plaster of paris, and apply to the cracks with a limbor im?fo m,i. 'the plaster of paris sets quickly, and juu muoi wui-k iasi, Dut it wanted to set more slowly, wet it up with vine garthe stronger the vinegar the slow er it hardens. When the cracks are filled, rub off until smooth. If the plaster is unsound, it is better to pull off the loose portion and have it patched." If the whitewash "scales" th Va". remove all you can rub ?oi ?ke ?our Paste of Soa flour, -.. WI4J, iuiiujh ouc oi it, prepare your paper, and with a pasting brush wet the walls you wish to paper on and let it get dry; then, when you wsh to apply the paper, wet both Uie wall ?, lh with tho starch, and apply the paper. This is an inexnen- Sin Way'm?nd lt is claimetl to beP e? fecUve. The starch must be of good rubbea.over the flesh. While still warm' apply the cold cream, softly rubbiS it into the pores of skin, which havn been opened by the warm bath t1 this at night. ' Uo Any woman who lives in the coun try is to be envied by her less for tunate sisters of the city, for she may have what money .can scarcely buy-. pure air, clean, fresh, unadulterated rain water and pure sweet milk ami cream. These are. two of the most ef. fective aids to the keeping of a beau" tiful complexion, if intelligently used and these can rarely be had in the city. Milk is shamefully adulterated while the rainwater' is foul with the washings of the, dirty atmosphere of the dirty city. Every woman who wishes to be beau tiful should count herself lucky If part and parcel of the country where milch cows and farm, cisterns abound, for there is nothing equal, in the way of a beautifier, to clean rain water and pure cow's milk for the bath, or used internally. Women are to be commended for wishing to be as pleasing to the sight as possible. A woman who is habitu ally careless as to her personal appear ance is certainly not an attractive sight, and an untidy head of hair or unclean hands and face is certainly deplorable, no matter what the work a woman may be engaged in. "The mis hap of the moment," is excusable, but an habitual indifference to her looks is anything but a sign of good sense, to say the least. Do not be ashamed to try to keep your good looks, no mat ter what may be said of it. For tho LeLtindry "A Professional Laundress" says: Wash and dry your tablecloths and napkins and, instead of starching and sprinkling each piece, as it is ready to be ironed dip it into, boiling water, run through a wringer tightly set and iron quite dry. This will give a beau tiful gloss and just "body" enough to prevent limpness. Napkins should be ironed full size and loosely folded by hand no creases being ironed in. Ta ble cloths for ordinary may be folded once loosely and rolled on a large roller, the fold being ironed out when needed. For cleansing delicate colored fab rics, grate two medium sized potatoes into a bowl containing a;pint of clean Cold water; strain carefully through a For tho Toilette The time was when cold cream w used only in the event of chapped h or rough skin, nr tn ,. ,7:,p,pea lins sew hr -s dirt dT.JT'i0 r0.m all the - wuu rsrsrjSi. rt EASY CHANGE When Cofleo Is Doing: Harm. A lady writes from the land of cotton of the results of a four years' use of the food beverage hot Postum Coffee: "Ever since I can remember we had used coffee three times a day. It had a more or les3 injurious effect upon us all, and ' myself suffered almost death from :adigestion and nervousness causcu Vy it. I know it was that, be cause when I would leave it off for a few days I would feel better. But it was hard to give it up, even though I realized how harmful it was to me. "At last I found a perfectly easy way to make the change. Four years ago I abandoned the coffee habit and began to drink Postum, and I al30 influenced the rest of the family to do the same. Even the children are allowed to drink it freely as they do water. And it has done us all great good. I no long er suiter from indigestion, and my nerves are in admirable tone since I began to use Postum Coffee. We never use the old coffee any more. We appre ciate Postum as a delightful and healthful beverage, which not only in vigorates but supplies the best of nour ishment as well." Name; given by Pos tum Co., Battle Creek, OVIich. There's a reason. ' " Read the little bool'iThe Road to Wellville," in each pk&V 'WlTi ". l-Mt; .Jfrv.-