pn H - - (-' "' - - MARCH 10, 1305 The Commoner. 7 ' " : : , The Inauguration of Theodore Roosevelt 5 Theodore Roosevelt took the oath of offlco March 4, before a vast gathering of people. The Associated Press report says: The attendant scene3 were not unusual. In augurations from the time the east front of tho capitol first became the setting for the ceremony have been much the same. Many of the central figures have officiated in like capacity on other oc casions when presidents have acceded to tho highest office in the gift of the American people. "Chief Justice Fuller, in administering the oath, repeated a solemn function he has performed four times today his last. Yet, with all this repe tition, nothing was jaded and everything appeared new. "The great crowd assembled for the crowning event of a day full of features can not be estimated even by comparison. It extended far beyond the reach of the voice and was so densely packed as to carry the stage out of the sight of many. -The capitol plaza, resourceful in accommodating tho thousands eager to view the ceremony, was com pietely filled. "Hours before the ceremony could be expected to take place the people sought the most advan tageous positions. -"Although the ceremony differed little from those that have preceded it, in the great sea of spectators probably there was a larger number of representative Americans than any inaugura tion has brought to Washington. The eastern, states were rivalled in point of attendance by rea son of President Roosevelt's great popularity in the middle and far west Delegations were pres ent from every one of the insular possessions. Many of them had never seen the capitol and, to a large number, the inauguration of a president was wholly strange. "The rendezvousing of the troops, committees and civic societies entertained the crowd through out the long wait incident to the schedule. "As rapidly as the troops arrived they took the position assigned them. The military escort strotohed far to the left and consisted of all branches of the service, horse, foot and artillery. To the right were grouped division after division of state troops and in different places of honor the other organizations took their stand to await the signal to move. "The stand was of symmetrical architectural proportions, on a different plan from those used ( in former years. For this occasion it had been built in the, form of a semi-circle inclining to a level platfprm on which was placed a pavilion for the presiderit'3 personal use. The ampitheater accommodated nearly 7,000 persons. "Jutting out from the main entrance the plat form, with its decorations of flags, bunting, palms and flowers,' was in brilliant contrast to the naked purity of the stately capitol, on which, by act of congress no decorative draping is permitted. "Some before the beginning of the inau gural tcerempny several thousand persons holding tickets entitling them to seats on the stand began to take th,eir places. By 12 o'clock the human garden, wh).ch had flourished in the senate and house galleries, was transplanted to the open air ampitheater "At about 1 o'clock the official party came through the mjiin door, Cheers were sent up from the enthusiastic multitude, and all eyes were directed that way and strained to get the first glimpse of the president. "The official entrance wa3 dramatic. All ex cept those "who were participating in the ceremony were seated. When the justices of the supreme court, with the exception of Chief Justice Ful4er, emerged from between the Corinthian pillars and marched down the sloping carpeted aisle to their station they were greeted with applause. Tho justices wore their robes and skull caps. Then came the members of the diplomatic corps in their gorgeous uniforms, and they evoked thun derous applause. Led by Count Cassini, the Rus sian ambassador and dean of the corps, and fol lowed by tho others in order of precedence, they took seats on the right of tho stand. Strolling in after them were members of tho cabinet, senators and representatives in congress. "Taking as a signal the arrival of Mrs. Roose velt and a party of friends and a moment later of Vice President Fairbanks and his escort, the ap plause subsided to await the coming or tne man of the hour. .Suddenly the crowd on tho stand began to cheer. This was taken up by those im mediately in front of tho platform. The military presented arms, the committees uncovered and soon the great sea of people was waving hat's and flags and shouting Itself hoarse. President Roosevelt came forth from between the massive pillars quietly and composedly. Ho was escorted by Chief Justice Fuller. "As the president passed down the aisle he bared his head and, with a characteristic sweep of his hat, bowed in acknowledgment of the salu tations from the stand and the ovation from the people. "At a sign from Chief Justice Fuller the clerk of the supreme court stepped forward, holding a Bible. A hush fell over the crowd. The president raised his right hand and the oath to support the laws and the constitution of the United States was taken. When this had been concluded there was prac tically no demonstration and the president began his inaugural address. A3 soon as he finished speaking he. re-entered the capitol and, as he dis appeared within the building, a 3ignal was flashed to the navy yard and the roar of twenty-one guns was begun In official salute to the president." Mr. Roosevelt's inaugural address was as fol lows: "My Fellow Citizens: No people on earth have more cause' to be thankful than ours, and this is said reverently, in no spirit of boastfulness in our own strength, but with gratitude to the Giver of Good, who has blessed us with the conditions which have enabled us to achieve so large a measure of well being and of happiness. "To us as a people It has been granted to lay the foundations of our national life in a new con tinent. We are the heirs of the ages, and yet we have had to pay few of the penalties which in old countries are exacted by the dead hand of a bygone civilization. We have not been obliged to fight for our existence against any alien race; and yet our life has called for the vigor and effort without which the manlier and hardier virtues wither away. Under such conditions it would be our own fault if we failed; and the success which we confidently believe the future will bring, should cause in us no feeling of vainglory, but rather a deep and abiding realization of all which life has offered us; a full acknowledgment of respon sibility which is ours; and a fixed determination to show that under a free government a mighty people can thrive best, alike as regards as the things of the body and the things of the soul. "Much has been given to us, and much will rightfully be expected from us. We have duties to others, and duties to ourselves; and we can shirk neither. We haye become a great nation, forced by the fact of its greatness into relations with tho other nations of the earth; and we must be have as beseems a people with such responsibilities. "Toward all other nations, large and small, our attitude must be one of cordial and sincere friend ship. We must 3how not only in our words, but in our deeds that wo are earnestly desirous of securing their good will by acting toward them in a spirit of just and generous recognition of all their rights. But justice and generosity in a na tion, as In an Individual, count most when shown, not by tho weak, but by tho strong. While ever careful to refrain from wronging othera wo must be less insistent that wo arc not wronged our selves. Wo' wish peace; but wo wish the pcaco of justice, the peace of righteousness. We wish It because we think it is right and not because we are afraid. No weak nation that acts manfully and justly should ever have cause to fear us, and no stronger power should ever be able to singlo us out us a subject for Insolent aggression. "Our relations with the other powers of the world are important; but still more Important aro our relations among ourselves. Such growth In wealth, In population and in power as this nation has seen during the century and a quarter or its national life Is inevitably accompanied by a like growth in the problems which aro ever before every nation that rises to greatness. Power In variably means both responsibility and danger. Our forefathers faced certain perils, which wo havo outgrown. We now face other perils the very existence of which It was impossible that they should for sco. Modern life is both complex and intense, and tho tremendous changes wrought by the extra ordinary industrial development of the last half century are felt In every fibre of our social and political being. Never before have men tried so vast and formi dable an experiment as that of administering tho affairs of a continent under the forms of a demo cratic republic. Tho conditions which have told for our mar velous material well being, which have developed to a very high degree our energy, self-reliance and individual Initiative have also brought tho caro and anxiety inseparable from the accumulation of great wealth In Industrial centers. Upon the suc cess of our experiment much depends; not only as regards our own welfare, but as rpgards tho welfare of mankind. If we fall the cause of free self-government throughout the world will Tock to its foundations; and therefore our respon sibility is heavy to ourselves, to tho world as it is today and to tho-generations yet unborn. There is no good reason why wo should fear the future, but there is every reason why we should face it seriously, neither hiding from ourselves the grav ity of the problems before us nor fearing to ap proach these problems with tho unbending, un flinching purpose to solve them aright. Yet, after all, though the problems are new, though the tasks set before us differ from the tasks set before our fathers, who founded and preserved this republic, the spirit in which these tasks must be undertaken and these problems faced, if our duty is to bo well done, remains essentially un changed. Wo know that self-government is diffi cult. We know that no people needs such high traits of character as that people which seeks to govern its affairs aright through the freely ex pressed will of the freemen who compose it. But we havo faith that we shall not prove false to the memories of the men of the mighty past. They did their work, they left us the splendid heritage wo now enjoy. We In our turn have an assured confidence that we shall be able to leave this her itage unwasted and enlarged to our children and our children's children. To do so we must show, not merely In great crises, but In the everyday affairs of life, the qualities of practical intelligence, of courage, of hardihood and endurance, and above all the power of devotion to a lofty ideal, which made great tho men who founded this republic in the days of Washington, which made great the men who preserved this republic in the days of Abraham Lincoln. Mr Garfield Makes His Report of the Beef Trust Investigation On March 3 President Roosevelt transmitted to congress the report of Mr. Garfield, who has been investigat ing tho beef. trust. The report is long and detailed, ,and a summary thereof follows: ' , r . The reppj.-Js to the effect that six packing conpapies Armour & Co., Swift & GoiEocris & Co.,. the. .National Packing Co., the Schwarzschild & Sulz berger Co., and the Cudahy Packing Co.-slaughtered in the year 1903 about 45 per cent of the total indicated slaughter in the United States; that the Average net profit in 1903 for three of the companies was 99 cents per , i. fw 1ia vear 1902, instead of being one of exorbitant - profits, was less profitable than usual; that during the month when prices of beef were the highest, some, at least, of the lead ing packers, were actually losing money on every head slaughtered. The changes in the margin between prices of cattle and beef are in themselves no indications whatever of the change in profits,- says the report. Prices ''arid1. conditions for the years 1902, 1903 and 1904 are reviewed, and the conclusions are stated that the six companies espec ially discussed are apparently not over-capitalized; that the percentage of profit on the gross volume of business is comparatively small, and that during the years 1902, 1903 and 1904 Swift & :' (Continued on page 13.)' - M 1 vji