it ?l "Ai W. m mil 4 The Commoner. ISSUED WEEKLY. tw KntPml nt tho nostofflco nt Lincoln, Nebraska, as second- clnss mull mat tor. OneYcnr Six Month 50c In Clu bs ol 5 or more, per jeor 75c Three Months 5 SliiRleCpy 3c Sample Coplc Fire. Foreign I'o5tBgc 53c Extra. ciiitcrLHPTinisLS ran be sent direct to Tb Commoner. They can also 1)0 sent through newspapers which have adyer thcl a clubbing rate, or turoiiRh local agents, whero sub Bj;cnt8 'javo been appointed. All remittances should bo sent by poBtonico money order, express order, or by bunk draft on Hew York or Culcugo. Do not scud Individual checks, stamps or money. KUNIiVALS.-Thc date on yourwrappcr shows whenyour inscription will expire. Thus, Jan. 31, '05, means that pay ment has been received to and Including the Inst Issue of Jan uary, 11)05. Two weeks arc required after money has been re ceived before the date on wrapper can be changed. CIIANdH OIJ ADDRHSS. Subscribers requesting a chango of address must give OLD as woll as the NEW address. ADVERTISING rates iurulshcd upon application. AddrcBS oil communications to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nb. -I I I . I -II- .III! - ! MIHIII III i Missouri now lias but one senator and a re publican legislative majority. What seems to be mo3t needed in official cir cles Is a self-burning letter. Judgo. Sway no's chief defense seems to have been that he was a republican. Wanted A senate chosen by the people and responsible to tho will of the people. Mr. Neidringhaus is in doubt whether he con tributed too little or talked too mucn. Already there are signsthat tho canal manage ment needs some strenuous sanitation. The Panama spade is in danger of growing Vusty because of too prolonged swinging of the big stick. Tho inaugural ceremonies wcro quite in keep ing with tho imperialistic and military tendencies of tho age. The indications are that the Illinois legislature Is not going to tako any chances by allowing Mr. Comerford to return. Dr. Osier will have difficulty in persuading Kuropatkin that Nogi is useless because ho has passed the age of 10 years. Well, tho sonata has declared in the Swayne caso that its standard of official morality is not as high as the standard fixed by tho house. Arizona might retort that she prefers to wait until tho company is purified by the regeneration of Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Delaware. Mr. Rockefeller has a now sixty-horse power automobile. Being cognizant of his own product Mr. Rockefeller's machine is not run by gasolino power. A largo majority of Illinois' voters seem to bo of tho opinion that tho legislature expelled Mr Comerford just in time-to save a majority of the legislators. ' luc Tho big navy argument, carried to its logical inclusion, is that every man should carry a re- xfroso of compeiiins due resect Tho Japaneso aro preparing to move on rn Pass State legislators in this country could gi tho Japaneso some valuable pointers on capturin something bettor-annual passes. capturin0 If the president will focus public attention nn the amendment providing for rii lnT w. of United States'senaS ho may e Ire liifr? form and that will open the way to SiSinS Tho senators who daily act nnnn ,. jrhlch they themselves &ZiS? ,? terests very naturally felt thnr Tmi J c y In" done nothing improper in deciding S;Vayn(had Ills wife had an interest S a Case where The Commoner. Regulating rates, investigating the trusts, buy ing a railroad, establishing an oil refinery! Good ness, how democratic how populistic tho repub licans are! Perhaps administration dislike for Governor Vardamann is based on the fact that he Jfl abol ishing lynch law, thus depriving administration organs of their chief source of denunciation of tho southern democracy. Several California legislators have been ex pelled for accepting bribes. In view of what most legislatures fail to do for the people the expul sion is doubtless looked upon by the expelled mem bers as a sort of reward. "It is now reported," says the Chicago Record Herald, "that Mr. Bryan owns valuable oil lands." The report is as untrue as the Record-Herald's claim to be an independent newspaper, and Mr. Bryan owns no oil lands. It will be remembered that Banker Eckles and Lawyer Beck, who have been defending tho Standard Oil company in its controversy with Lawson, left tho democratic party in 1896 because of the party's repudiation of Wall street control. President Wilson is quoted as saying: "We can not abolish the trusts; we must moralize them." The danger seems to be that the trusts will immoralizo tho presidents of our big trust-fed' colleges before the moralizing process reaches the trusts. Mr. Armour is now threatening to go out of the private car business. Mr. Armour is not malt ing any threats about going out of the meat trust business, but he is going, just the same. If not now, then a little later when something besides injunctions are let loose at him. Several republican organs that rejoice over the alleged fact that the supreme court's beef trust decision cut3 the ground from under government by injunction, are the same organs that denounced as anarchistic the democratic demand for a cessa tion of government by injunction. The government has guaranteed the interest on $30,000,000 of bonds issued for railroad building purposes in the Philippine islands. In view of the wonderful possibilities which we have heard so much about, the exploiters show a strange re luctance to take their chances. Tho esteemed Boston Herald mourns because P. T. Barnum's autograph recently hrought more than that of Henry Clay. But the Herald should not repine. We opine that there are circum-stanccs-under which the autograph of J. Pierpont Morgan would be worth much more than that of William Shakespeare. Good for little Delaware! She has done nobly in again defeating Addicks. Her big neich bor, New York, has not done so well. Both Piatt and Dopew-one representing the express com panies and the other the railroads-are as mint woufdd0eCkS aUd far lGSS indePendent than ie The judgo who would accept the present of 1 horse from a man on trial before him on th charge of horse stealing, would be Impeached Yp! there are judges who carry railroad 1!' Yfl their pockets and sit as ludcM !!, pasles in a railroad giving one of he pas es if" WhTia violation of the law. accused of Tho president of tho Provident t ifa m . company in his annuii ,11 Llfo & Trust increased product ? of Jnff cmmens on the of "inflatioT" Th? Cfc l an erA more afraid of falllnirSr S seemrto be much Will they have 1 arned TilZ?tlmins pIece3 theory of money is correct and MM?6 quantativo means cheaper dollars? at moro money islatuT toth. leg- licenses pool selling Ho Rh f ? lathat gambling is not in unmhUnJ Th GvI1 gambling at aU. TOoTttoicUteS6?8 bUt In wrong tho government can not affor 1 to ??rally it, no matter what sharr rL HZ ?V to tolerate This is the ground on which th n fr ? 1IcensG teries and similar -immoral th?nPrIz0 flghts' lot" and tho reasoning is snd g are Prohibited VOLUME 5, NUMBER 8 The president insisted on appointing a ner to the position of collector of tho port of ChV leston, South Carolina, desE Door of the protest of the people vhn Hope Slams most patronize that office. Tho Shut president based his persistency on the ground that he would not "close the door of hope" to tho black man. But 'it is noted that he has appointed white men to the positions of collectors of the ports of the Black Republic. Why were these "doors of hope" in the Black Republic slammed in the face of the black man? The practice of appointing retired senators to some lucrative office is not in the best of taste especially when the retirement CoLi-intf For of a senator was a direct issue, TheRetirod as was the case with Senator Senators Quarles in Wisconsin. Senator Quarles was discredited and re tired by the voters of his state, and his appoint ment to the federal bench for the eastern district of Wisconsin is an uncalled-for slap at the voters of that state. Certainly if Senator Quarles was not wanted as a senator he was not wanted as a judge, both officers being servants of the people. Had he been dependent upon election for a seat on the bench in Wisconsin, daps the president imagine for a moment that he would have been willing to accept the issue and make the race? The growth of the gambling spirit is empha sized by the discovery that a New York stato preparatory school's students Growth of have been occupying handsome The Gambling Quarters for the purpose of Evll gambling, and that a student re cently won $85 in an afternoon with loaded dice. Not until the students discovered the cheat did they awaken to a realization of the evils of gambling, and the matter was called to tho attention of the faculty. An investigation is now in progress. The desire to get something for nothing is not the only reason for gambling. The excitement, the risk, and the element of dunce all combine to make it dangerous to so ciety and leads to moral degradation. A vast ma jority of defalcations may be traced to the gam bling table. Parents would do well to examine carefully into the environment of a school before sending their boys away from home to be educated. That somebody was responsible for the dis aster to the steamer General Slocum, whereby 1,000 lives were lost, is- beyond dis- Let tho pute. But responsibility has not R-esponsbility been fixed, and no one has been Be Fixed Punished. Public clamor has subsided, as it always does, and will not again be aroused to a similar height until a similar holocaust takes place. By the collapso of a gallery in a New York church ten lives were lost and more than one hundred people seriously injured. Somebody is responsible. New York has building inspection laws, but what of it? There are also steamboat inspection laws, but the General Slocum was destroyed just the same. Our grow ing disregard of the safety of life and limb should bo checked without further delay, hen men responsible for such disasters are held to strict account there will be fewer disasters in which human life pays the penalty of official carelessness. The Nebraska Democratic Editorial associa tion will meet at Lincoln on March 22, and an interesting and instructive pro Nebraska's gram has been prepared. This Democratic association has been in existenco Editors almost four .years, and its an ,. nual meetings are inspirations to the exponents of democracy who meet in consul tation. The interchange of views, tho discussion of ways and means to better present the principles of democracy, and tho help that comes from asso ciation, are valuable to its members. The demo cratic press of Nebraska, while not large numeri cally, stands in the forefront of the democratic press of the nation, and Nebraska's democratic editors have never been found wanting when champions of genuine democracy wer called for. At tho com ng session of tho association Mr. Louis f; ?$' editor of tUG Chicago Public, will deliver f83,,011 "Democratic Ideals in American journalism, an announcement that will bo pleas rnnitni . (lemcrats who may be able to visit tho rhttinn Tfy and atand the meetings of the asso of ivo U TUld bB wel1 if tno democratic editors Sat ILn at1e1oreanized an association similar to that perfected by their Nebraska comrades. XTmammta.