The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 10, 1905, Image 1

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The Commoner
Vol. 5, No. 8.
Lincoln, Nebraska, March io, 1905.
Whol Number 316
Theodore Roosevelt
No Age Limit
Chicago's Progressive Democracy
That Baden Report
Time Limit Marriages
Rightly Called A Steal
Inauguration of Theodore Roosevelt
Mr. Garfield's Report
The Wjiek at Washington
No Age Limit
Dr. William Osier, the Johns Hopkins profes
sor who has accepted a call to Oxford University,
declared in his farewell address that a man above
forty is practically' useless, and that a man- over
sixty i3 so absolutely worthless that a humane
dose of chloroform ought to be administered to
him. That statement aroused a storm of protest
and helped to reconcile the country to the learned
doctor's departure. Of course, the theory is ab
surd from any standpoint, but it is especially
significant as showing the standpoint from which
this eminent physician views the subject. In
measuring a man he employs only physical and
mental standards, ignoring entirely man's moral
force and development, which ought to increase
with the years. Even from physical and mental
standpoints the- doctor is grossly in error,, for
much physical work is done by men above forty
and excellent mental work is done by men above
sixty. But why pass over the spiritual life of a
man? Does science look no farther than to muscle
and brain? The heart of man demands recogni
tion, and it is young at forty, strong at- sixty and
often does its best work after three score years
and ten have passed over the head of its possessor.
Nestor complained that the gods do not be
stow the wisdom of years until they have with
drawn the vigor of youth. Dr. Osier's theory
places a higher estimate upon vigor than upon
wisdom, forgetting that the former may be worse
than wasted if not directed by the latter. And he
would deprive the young of the inspiration that
comes from communion with those who, growing
riper in experience and broader in sympathy, prove
anew that "the path of the just is like the shining
light that shineth more and more unto the perfect
day." This old world would lose an incalculable
amount of love and benevolence and helpful service
if Dr. Osier's brutal suggestions were put into
practice. But no fear. We shall have more rever
ence for age and a deeper appreciation of its con
tribution to. society the more we consider the mat
ter. The doctor has become so absorbed in anat
omy that he is oblivious to the soul and to the
influences tliat act upon it , '
Bringing the Old Ship Into a Safe Harbor
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No president ever had larger opportunities or
more reason for serving the people and moving
in a determined way to protect public interests
than Theodore Roosevelt. Mr. Roosevelt has
now entered upon what is practically his second
term and he has announced that he will not be
a candidate for re-election in 1908. Because of
this announcement, Mr. Roosevelt is in a posi
tion to act independently and ho has recently
shown some disposition to protect the people
from the encroachments of special interests. In
these good efforts he has had the commendation
of men of all political parties. He has reason to
to proud of the vote he received and the confidence
which the people displayed at the ballot box pro
vides all the more reason why ho should discharge
his duty in a fearless way. The Commoner has
had occasion to commend Mr. Roosevelt in sev
eral particulars and now that he has been inau
gurated to serve during the term for which he
was elected, it expresses the sincere hope that
it may have many .opportunities for giving its
approval of his efforts. Men of all political par
ties are striving for the same end -good govern
ment. The rank and file of parties may differ
as to the methods to be employed in obtaining
that end. Some of them may for a time be de
ceived and kept in ignorance concerning the real
purpose of their leaders, but sooner or later men
moving with a common purpose will mass them
selves against a common enemy and sooner or
later popular government, in the best sense of
the term, will be restored. Then men who have
thriven and grown fat through special interests
will be required to remove the shackles they
have placed upon the limbs of the people.
The Commoner hopes that Mr. Roosevelt will
be inspired to exert every effort to bring about
"the greatest good to the greatest number." That
his official conduct may be controlled by a lofty
patriotism and that his administration may reflect
credit upon its head and bring relief and pros
perity to the people is the wish of all good citi
zens. Whatever mistakes the representatives of
government make, all the people must share the
penalty. Whatever good results flow from the
official conduct of those representatives, all the
people share the blessings. And so men of all
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