The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 17, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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    , f'V
'FEBRUARY 17, 1S05
The Commoner.
rial Free
Cures All Uric Acid Diseases--
Kldney, Bladder,
Free Treatment Prove the Cure; Free II-
luatrnted Book Tells all About it
Hond For Them Both Today.
To Readers of the Commoner. II you or any
one you know ofJs suffering irom adiscnee of
thekldncyH, the bladder or nnyformolrbcuma
tlBm, you aro urgontly luvitcd to send naraennd
lid dress to get a frco trial treatment of a won
derful non-alcoholic discovery by the celebrated
Kidney Disease
Bladder Trouble
Aro yon la the crip of a Uric Add Disease! This
will cure you i prove It free.
French-Amcrlcnn specialist, Dr. Edwin Tur
nock, by which you can cure yourself of any
Uric Acid disease in a short time ln,your home
and save the necessity of an operation and the
expense of doctors and druggiBts. Send for it
if you have Bright'a disease, diabetes, dropsy,
gravel, weak .back, stone in the bladder, en
larged prostate, ircqucntdesiro to urinate pains
in tbo back, legs, sides and over the kidneys,
swelling In the feet and ankles, retention of
urlno, wetting the bed, or such rheumatic effect
ious as chronic, mUscuiaror inflammatory rheu
matism, sciatica, rheumatic neuralgia, lumbago,
gout, etc. It will promptly remove every trace
of uric acid poison and its complications, stqp
nil aches, pains and Bwellings, strengthen the
kidneys and the bladder bo that they will becomo
normal again, and so revitalize and build up tho
entire constitution as to make you feel as heal thy
and strong as in your prime.
it did this for legions ot others, among them
such well-known persons as Mrs. Martha Coker,
Tyler, Tex; G. Q. Rector, Marshall, N. 0.;Mrs.
Mack Devcan, Noank, Conn.; Archibald Ritchie,
Mt. Forest, Ont., Can., Mrs. C. H. Bweetland,
Webster City, Iowa; Ph. J. Brown, Kellspell,
Mont., and ft will surely do It for you. Write
to the Turnock Medical Co., 2180 Bush Temple,
Chicago, 111., and since ovcry free treatment is
accompanied byaCS-pagoillustratedtook going
fully Into all the details, dt behooves you to send
your name and addrdss promptly for these frco
oflcrjngs. Do so today sure, for you cannot
justly say you are incurable until you have tried
this really remarkable treatment, and as neither
money nor e.ven stamps are ask for, ydu should
certainlymake a free test of it at once. --
equal parts of alcohol, castor oil and
bay rum, shake well and perfume with
bergamot oil. Apply with finger tips
to the scalp and brush the hair well.
Annie F. A stimulant for the hair;
said to be very powerful yet harmless,
is oil of mace. Pour a little into a
dish and, with a soft toothbrush, work
well into the scalp.
S. C To whiten the piano keys, try
this: Rub with fine sand paper, and
then polish with finely powdered pum
ice stone. Or, make a paste of gin
and whiting, or lemon juice and whit
ing, and rub each key with it on a
piece of soft, old silk and polish with
a dry, soft cloth, taking care not to
let any of, the stun; get down between
the keys.
Young Student. (1.) Vaseline is
"good for the scalp," and will induce a
growth of hair. (2.) See article "For
the Hair" in another column. (3.1
Cocoa butter is a good fattener for the
face and neck. (4.) Curling the hair
with hot tongs Js injurious. (5.) Ask
your druggist. (6.) Hominy is a laxa
tive food. (7.) Correspondence schools
are expensive experiments, and not al-
WHVH RnHcfrf,, ' tr ... .
----- "-aiiui.uijr. xou win learn as
much, and with less expense, to take
shoolT6 draW,DS ln y publi'
Yoi!g, Mother.To remove tho
crust' from the baby's head, oil tho
scalp every day with any pure oil or
even with fresh, Unaalted butter, and
and in an hour or so, wash it well with
a suds of pure soap and warm water
drying well, and when dry rubbinc
in a very little of the oil.
Josie B. For the fading hair, try
this: Put half a cupful of sulphur in
a wide-mouthed bottle with three cup
fuls of soft water; shake well, and
let stand three days, shaking every
day. Let settle and strain, and apply
the water to tho scalp twice a day with
a bit of soft cloth.
Gas Plpos "Froozlnd
A note of warning is sounded to
those using gas as an illuminant, and
we aro strictly cautioned against turn
ing down the gas in bedrooms and
leaving it burning "low" aU night. Es
pecially is this a dangerous practice In
winter, although the danger exists at
all times. Gas does not freeze; neither
do gas pipes. What may freeze is the
vapor of water carried by all gases in
larger or smaller percentages, This
watery vapor is condensed as frost in
side of a cold pipe, and may build up
enough to close it. A very few de
grees of heat will reconvert it into wa
ter, and then a pipe which may have
been temporarily ciosed is onen aealn.
-and permits the ga3 to flew through.
mis nappens frequently in dwellings,
and explains why a gas light turned
"low" may go out, and the gas is sub
sequently found flowing through the
burner. -Exchange.
Mita, WiNBi,owfl Soothino Syiiup ior children
"WJjintr should always! bo used for chlldron while
SlJ?,n9T w1 Bttons tho gums, allays all pain, euros
wnu chollo and Is the best remedy for d,Iarrbce.
Twonty.flve cents a bottlo.
A Good Brosxd Reclpo .
The following bread reclne in rrtiI:
us, with the assurance that it "does
away with over-night bread-raising."
"Pare twelve medium-sized potatoes
and cook until thoroughly done; mash
them, with the water in which they
were boiled, through a colander Into a
two gallon jar. Take one cup each of
white sugar and, salt and one pint of
flour; wet into a smooth paste and
pour on three quarts of foiling water
and cook until clear as boiled starch;
then pass througn the colander into
tho jar; then fill the jar with clear
water within a half finger's length of
tho top; when lukewarm, stir in four
yeast cakes which have been dissolved
in warm water; ccver the jar and set
in a warm place :p rise. When a thick
white scum forms on ton it is lieht.
and should be kept in a cool, dark
"For four three-pint basin loaves,
use three pints of yeast; no other wet
ting is used. Stir up in a batter with
the flour; in an hour it is light enough
to mold into a hard loaf; knead until
perfectly smooth, return to your bread
pan and cover with a small pan to pre
vent a crust forming; when light han
dle only enough to shape into loaves.
When the loaves are so light that the
dent made by pressing a finger on the
dough immediately regains lt3 place,
it is ready to bake. In summer, the
bread may be sponged when getting
breakfast, and it can be baked for din
ner. In cold weather, the flour should'
be warmed when made up,, and kept in
a warm place to rise." ,
tho skin attendant upon liver troubles,
it is oven claimed that daily applica
tions of tho oil on corns and bunions
for a month or so will curn-fiinm Tim
oil should bo pure and fresh, and can
ue ouiainea or the druggist. It cer
tainly will do no harm to try it, as
the oil is cheap, and nerfeetlv Rnfn in
Uses for Olive OH
It is claimed that occasional doses
of olive oil is remedial in bladder or
kidney trouble. It is also recom
mended for rheumatism, and nothing
is said to remove the recent deposits
about the joints of rheumatic suffer
ers as" promptly as pure, ripe olive oil,
given in tablespoonful doses four times
a day. For torpid liver, it is recom
mended in teaspuonful doses on getting
up in the morning and the last thing
before retiring at night, which .will
remove tho objectionable yellowness of
It is claimed that the blouse is going
OUt Of StylO and tho tlirht-flHImr lirwllnn
Is coming in. Thi3 means that woman's
ngure must be all it is cracked up to
be there being nc kindly and sym
pathetic blouse to hide its defects. Hero
is a way to improve the figure: Take a
lighted candle and hold it in front of
tho lips; draw in a deep breath and
exhale quickly, blowing out tho candle
at once. Next, do stunts with your
breath. Draw in a deep breath and ex
hale so gently and so slowly that the
lighted candlo flame does not even
flicker. Do this repeated!; during the
day, and whenever you think of it, in
hale a deep breath and exhale it slow
ly, holding your shouldcis well back
and your head well up. Exchange.
For tho Hair
So many write to me for cures for
dandruff, and other treatment for the
hair, that I will give you an article,
written by an authority on toilet mat
ters, and when you have tried It I
wish you would write me the result,
that I may or may not recommend it to
others. It is highly recommended, but
personally, I know nothing of It. Here
Is tho article; the author is a New
York specialist:
"The following, which I have found
almost a certain cure for dandruff
and itching scalp, 13 a poisonous com
pound, but kills tho microbe that
causes, tho dandruff: Have the druggist
put ten grains of corrosive sublimate
in five ounces of distilled witchhazel;
apply twice a day to the scalp only,
with a small piece of old linen or ab
sorbent cotton. ;f the lotion get3 on
the fingers it may- make them sore; a
correspondent wrote me it did hers;
in order to prevent this either use a
larger bit of cloth or cotton or mniro
a tiny mop of the end of a small stick
or something" of-the sort. -Use a week
vn tnis way, then only once a day;
then only four times a week then twlnn
a week, and finally leave off the lotion
altogether when the dandruff is gone.
While applying, shampoo the head at
least once a fortnight with the volk of
an egg beaten into a pint of rainwater;
rinse well, and dry; use no soap, as the
egg makes a lather of its own. As this
lotion has no effect on the color of tho
hair, it may be used by blonde and bru
nette. After the dandruff is crone, a
good tonic should be applied, and here
one must exercise judgment. If the
hair is very oily, the best tonic is a
half cup, small, of table salt, and 40
grains of quinine in a quart of bay rum,
applied, twice a day to the scalp with
a good rubbing in, U3ing the balls' of
the. fingers. If tho hair is too dry, add
an ounce of castor oil to tho above, and
use the same way. If the hair falls
very badly, breaks, looks lifeless, and
the scalp 13 feverish, leave out the salt
and add an ounce of the tincture of
cantharides to the quart of bay rum
and the ounce of castor oil, leaving out
the quinine also. Some times' where
the hair is very moist from nersnira-
tion a little cologne water rubbed in,
helnsto correct this tryiner condition.
It should also be understood that this
excess of perspiration In itself shows a
weakness of the whole system, and the
hair is an excellent indicator of such
weakness. Globo Democrat.
Without the Knife or Pain
. in Patient's Own Home
A Useful Barf
Take1 a length of heavy silk very
wide ribbon will do, and a yard i3
needed; fold it once and gather' the
side from the bottom to within four
inches of the top; this makes a pouched
bag, shirred on either side. Wind two
CATARACTS, and all other eye dis
eases winch causo
blindness, aro
caused by poor cir
culation of blood
in the eye, tho re
sult, usually, of
evo strain. Komo
time in the near, or maybe remote past.
Tho eye has been overtaxed in some
way at some time.
Did you ever consider the intricate
mechanism of this delicate organ, with
it3 numerous muscles, nerves and small
arteries and veins?
If so, you must realize how easily its
usefulness may becomo impaired.
You will also realize tho folly of
attempting to restore its usefulness by
applying a Knue to any
of the delicate intricate
parts. Think of the pain,
suffering, blindness and
even death that has been
caused by the use of tho
knife on the eye.
I discovered several
years ago a method of
restoring the natural cir
culation of blood to the
eyes which is so simple
that a child can apply it.
By this simple, mild
and harmless treatment
I have restored sight to
thousands in all parts of
the world.
When this frnrifmnnf ic nnnliVrl it Im.
mediately removes all strain on tho
nerves and muscles of the eye, equaliz
ing the circulation, thereby assisting
nature in restoring the eye to its normal
Glasses are eye crutches. You have
to wear them because your eyes are
After a course of my treatment you
can discard your glasses (eye crutches)
just like one can discard other crutches "
after recovering from a broken limb. t
Acting along the same lines, my
treatment cures Optic Nerve Paralysis,
Granulated Lids, and all other eye
By its use the eyes are strengthened,
brightened and beautified.
My book about eyes, sent free, tells
all about it, and contains pictures of
and letters from hundreds who have
been cured.
Some of thefce people may be well
known to you. What they have to .say
will interest you.
A postal card will get the-book, and I
will give you my free advice if you will
write me a short description of your
Write now while you think about it.
Address Dr. Oren Oneal, Suite 121
52 Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111.
1 l '
small embroidery hoops with narrow
ribbon to match the color in the bag
and sew the ends t i the bag over them,
half around on either side; handles
are thus formed to carry the bag by,
and 'the hoops serve to hold It open
when needed.
Build up your nervous system, remove the"
poison from the blood, and restore perfect
blood circulation with Dr. 31iles' Nervlno, and?
you will find the cause removed, ypur rheuma
tism gone, and your entire nervous system vig
orous and healthy. Sold with & guarantee that
first bottle will benefit, or your money uaclr.
$! 4?
l& -