M"T?"',yqi"Dpipm i'uisMwfcs'yi((isjii "vpwijvwT' ""''npHi ' w f- FEBRUARY 17, 1905 The Commoner. hk 360 1 PROFIT IN FEEDING ONE TON TO YOUR OATTIjE OB' HOGS. am ffandrcd rounds will make Ton $18.00 net profit. "Inlernatl&Bsil Block Food" with tho World Famous Lino 3 KEEIIB for ONK CENT Is known every v hero. It ! prepared from high class powdored Roots, Herbs. Soodi and narks and purifies the blood, tone up and permanently strengthens tho cntlro system, Cores and Prevents Plseaso and Isa remarkable aid toDlgcs tlon and Assimilation so that each animal vrlllgaln more pounds from all grain eaten. We positively gaaranteothatono ton of "International Sleek Food' will make you $300.00 not profit, over Its cost. In extra growth and flulck Fattening of Cnttlo or Hogs In Winter, Spring, Bummer or fall and atthesamo time keep yonr stock Healthy and Extra Vigorous. Guaranteed to Fatten Your dtotk la SO Days loss ilmo and to savo grain. If 1 1 ever falls the nse will not cot you acent. "International 8toekVood"lssplendld for all kinds of Brooding Stock and Is universally acknowledged as tho leading high class medicated stock food of the world. It Is equally good for Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Hoirt, Colts, Calves, Lambs and Figs. Endorsed fay over Two Million Farmers and One Hun dred Thousand Dealer who always sell I ton a "fa'pot Cash Qaarantoo" to Refund Yonr Honey if It over falls for any recommended nse. Guaranteed to Eavo 8 Quarts of Oats Every Day for Each Work, Carriage or Driving Horso. The $150,000 Champion, Dan Tatch 130, eats 'International Stock Food" Every Day. DAN PATCH mailed FREE ' KVM you Namo This Paper and State tho Number of Stock You Own we will mall you FREE a Deautlful Colored Lithograph of our World Famous Champion Stallion Dan Patch I. -SO. It Is printed tn 0 Brilliant Colors and i s 21 by 28 Inches. Bee our Largo Adver tisements or Write Direct to Our Office. Wo.omploy an office force ot 235 with 125 typewriters and all correspondence Is answered promptly. Bdt7 aiso write usxor Any vetirea information.-! INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD CO., Alinneapoljs, Minn. Bryan and Others It took Secretary Morton six weeks to change from a democrat to a repub lican and get into, the cabinet. Can it be possible that Mr. Bryan has been studying the Morton system. Tho World. - We believe that Mi. Bryan would give the country far better service in tho president's cabinet than Mr. Paul Morton gives. And thi3 is not saying as much for Mr. Bryan as he deserves to have said for him. Wo are certain Mr. Bryan would be vastly more useful to the country in the cabinet than anyone or an of the fol lowing members of the United ..States senate. Aldrich, of Rhode Island. Dietrich, of Nebraska. Blkins, of West Virginia. t Spooner, of Wisconsin. . ' 4 Burton, of Kansas. Mitchell, of Oregon. , Allee, of Delaware. Gorman, of Maryland. Stone, of Missouri. Clark, of Montana. Depew, of New York. Piatt, of New York. Hansbrough, of North Dakota. ' And when we eay this, too, we do not say much for Mr. Bryan. New York Press. ' - ? t , i .' ' V . V LaFolfette The personnel of the United States senate will be distinctly and noticeably raised by the addition 3f Robert M. La Folletce, of Wisconsin. He is one of the few state politicians Who riges above party. He is a man first, a patriot second and last of all a republican. He is of the some mold as Folk, of Missouri. Charlptte (N. C.) News. Setting History Straight The charge has been brought against Tom PlatVof New York, that he rep resents the interests of his express company first in the senate and the people afterwards. This is manifestly a slander. Tom Piatt has never given anyone excuse or warrant for charging him with representing the people at I any time. Joplin Globe. In planning your California trip, see that your ticket reads via The Col orado Midland Railway. This means that you will . enjoy a day's ride through the heart of the Rockies, Ask ypur local agent about colonist rates, effective March 1 to May 15, or write C, H. Speers, G. P. A., Denver. Additional Washington News. Tho president has arranged for transfers In, tho diplomatic posts in European countries, and they will he ?win f0rACe .March 4 or shrtly thereafter. Ambassador McCormick now at Str Petersburg, will he trans ferred to Paris to succeed Ambassador Porter. George V. L. Meyer, ambassa dor to Italy, will replaco Mr. McCor mick at St. Petersburg. Henry White secretary of embassy at London, will be made ambassador to Rome. Henry L.,Wllson' at PreSGnt minister at Chile, will be made minister to Bel gium, succeeding Lawrence Townsend of Pennsylvania, who retires from the diplomatic service. The two senators and the two mem bers of the South Dakota delegation are working hard to secure the pas sage of a bill to amend tho homestead laws of their state. The bill has passed tho house and, although the senate committee disagreed to Its favorablo report a few days ago, it is believed that the committee will reconsider and report the bill soon, so that it can bo passed in the senate this month. The bill provides that after sixty days from the passage of the law settlers in what Is known as the Sioux reservation, South Dakota, bo v allowed to enter upon, 640 acres instead of 160 acres, as the law now permits. An Associated PreS3 dispatch, dated Washington, : cb. 10, says: "After maintaining its record for the rapid disposition of private pension bills, 433 being' passed in an hour and a half, the house today considered for a short while the bill providing a government for the Tanama canal zone. An early adjournment was taken to enable the republicans to confer on the statehood bill. The house passed a bill to pro vide for a land district in Wasatch and Uintah counties, Utah. The bill pro viding for the government of the Panama canal zone, which, among oth er things, abolishes the Panama canal commission, was then considered. In explaining the measure, Mr. Mann (111.) said that it was not intended as a reflection on the present commission or its methods, but that i.t was neces sary to separate the engineering prob lems from the administrative problems in constructing the canal. The bill, he said, left to the president authority to continue any of the present commis sioners as consulting engineers. Mr. Adamson (Ga.) called attention to what he termed- the innqyatlon of Chairman Hepburn in appointing a democratic chairman of the sub-committee Mr. Shackleford a thing un precedented in republican politics. He did not think the house now should, forestall any action by that sub-committee. "We will indorse the selection of the chairman of the sub-committee," said Mr. Mann, which caused Mr. Wil liams, minority leader, to comment that "this universal republican ap proval is getting too suspicious." The measure was still under consideration when the house adjourned until tomorrow." The house committee on ways and means has authorized a favorable re port on the Philippine, tariff bill. It is a complete revision of the duties col lected by the Philippine government on imports from all countries. An unsuccessful . prfc was made by Mr. Williams of Mississippi to provide ab solute free trade ti. articles which tho Philippines have heretofore purchased from the United States and also to reduce the duty on. rice. The investigation of the affairs of the Panama Railroad company will he assigned to a sub-committee of the house committee on interstate and foreign commerce. Hew Steel Roofing snasS &Mmeg Painted red on both sides 92,00 Per 100 Square Feet, itt.te.blnl.1l-,i?tn,Cft, c27lJ,nK tr Koonwr. Blcllnpr or Celllntc, for Flam, Blitds. Ifonsc, fltorr, U imd o?cUt XootTon C' 0rlb ctc c,,Cftn;r ond wll to" lonprcr than any other material, bhcctsl we fay me Freight XSJXi i rrV, .i c?2Pl Ind,an Torrltory, Oklahoma andToxaa. Write for prices for shipment II vm ZZJuit, , i - """""" "w -w i'vr wiuaru in our no. iu(rrauo, nat.semMiaruoncn. b.'.jo ror corrugatcu "V" crimped lor pressed stainllnu; seam. tilSfor brick sidlntr and beaded colllnir or nldliur. No axnct-lonn finMflMfV NnnH nti VAim inIh fn. l...Mn.li.t. i. s -: . V f " uvwl wm wunu wn juui uiuvi aui j i if wi i in ni.il niiiiiiTiivni.. v n iivii nnifi s7raine 8SATV. 'ni'ri B rJHETiFV,lFiV!E A.T AsUO 17 K No. & on IlulldlnK Material, Wire, I'Jpc, PlumblnB Material,! Furniture, Household Goods, ctc We Uuy at BhcrlftV and Itccclvri' Sale. CHICAGO HOUSE WRECKING CO., 35th A, Iron fits., Chicago. E3BSSS cmm$2i BH W I ) IwuftlPOt a. . vfffRsMjiHIHrsssfls1sV'fliiHsp " mQO PRISE EXPUiHED FOR $21.00 TO $23.00 TOP BUOQIES, similar ta enellluitrmteif, HAVE DEEM WIOKLY ADVERTISED, nlsa ROAD WACOHS al $34.00 to $38.00, HOW BUOOIES can Be ofTereel at thsa prices and why wo con toll baffglca and all other Tohlcleu at much loiter pHrca than any other Duuncti in onr ruun biu rrcbE. veiiicliE cata. LOOUES. Cut this ad. oat said rend to b and 70a Trill rocelro by retarn mail. Pr, Post paid, FOUR BIO VEHICLR CATALOGUES Bhowlns U10 most complete lino of overruling la UuckIcu, lUmd Woffons, Carta, Surroyn, rhaeuirat. CArrlogee, Llttht and Heavy Warjonj, Vehlclrs ot mt kjuud,uu uYcrjuuny in iiornca, veuituca una Saddlery, all shown In largo bondsomo Italf-tooa 111 iintraUonB. f till descrl pUons and all priced at prices maca tower uiauanroinrr nooso ean poseiniy wa.UA, IMTH THE t-UUII Mitt CATA LOGUES yen will receive the most astontohlntf Butt Oder ever heard of. a new ana astonUhlnxr orODOsltlon. How others can offer ttra bntrglesattZLOOtotSlOOandwhy wo can soil at mnch lower prices than all others will bo fully explained. Wo will ex plain why wo ship bo as to moke freight charges amount to next to nothing. Wo will explain why wo are the only makers or dcalera in tho world that can ship bungles tho day we receive your order. Our fte Trial Offer. 0r Pa After Received Terms, Our Binding Guarantee are all explained when we send you the FOUR FREE CATALOGUES. HAVE YOU ANY USE FOR A BUGGY? RS5-VW.. Dor's attention to this announcement Don't buy any kind of a bufftry until aftor you cut this ad. out and send to usj audtUie'onrBI&FreUUlojrnes,tbeostllUrsJotrr, the ?err UUit QCADQ EiftERHPIf 9s Pfl CHICAGO, prosluoBterjlhlaKexpUdaed, ali free for tho asWag. Write today. OLAttoj llULUSUUsV l)Usf IIX1MOIS. I From Factory to Farm "SSIS EH U la. Sleel Dean Plow. DraMe Shin '. thtt moaey can build, only ggBgS) te-F& .UU .. JKHsbbbMsbbbbbbbbbbV tBjffi TTft Of AAlrll wr vrv-jrrity -.t- 3r i-. jmr-rmn Si&i&iSSSisM W nsiiBJtjvssjnBjsjsjsBpjH0 12.1n.a7S lo-in.ft9.00 18-in. $12.03 Bulky Plow $25 QannPlowfSa iuuu otnor arti- oles. uijttsuios Free. Upoclal Oataloauoaof lingalos.nnrness. utoei junncea. Oantor Coal- tor with Plow,$LC0 oxtriL. shovel, $12JX). L hT'sWsbbssMi m&kWZL?5 d-Tooth Levar Uarroir $8.15 W.'1'ooth Lover a 12.4o ll.ln.lmp. ilntor $17.73 Ll8torf3I.es 8-ft. ItakoftlCOO Ronlnr Machine tD.OO Best Bowing Machine Ot. equal to any jtu machine 17J50 Steel TtangM with Uon. $19.70 Finn Ton Hnctrr 133X0 12-10 Dhjo Harrcm 17.08 Beet Walking Cultivator, 4 shovel and Essie jimprovea iiiainguiso cultivator, ojuiso, Host Walking Cultivator. A dawn. X1G.ZS. imnroved itidintt unitivator. 4 shovel siy.uu. 20jOO. OornPlantor, complete, W rods wiro, $27.70. Address HAPGOOD PLOW CO., Front St., ALTON, ILL. (Only plow factory in the United States selling direct to farmers at wholesale prices.) ' JB?"J ' tPsssssissssssssasMM.BBBBBBBl 'BsbkII I sSrsslS I g'lisTisTir" h I CURED MY RUPTURE I Will Show You How to Cure Yours FREE. I was helpless and bed-ridden for years from a double rnpla're. No truss could hold. Doctors said I would die If not operated onT I fooled them nil and cured myself by a simple discovery. I will Bend tbe cure free by mall if you write for It. It cured me and bss since cured thousands. It will cure you. Write today. Capt. W, A. Collipga Box 719, Watertown, N. Y. Sow Hardy Northern Grown Seeds JProduced on our Great Minnesota Seed Farms. We nre prrowora of new and Improved varieties of Seed drain. Seed Corn, Seed Potatoes and of Pure and Hardy strains of Vegetable ... Seeds. Our stock of high erode Timothy and Clover Seed, Turkes tan Alfalfa, Rape, etc. is the most complete. Clover Grass filatures for Permanent Pasture and leadows our specialty. Hardy Small Fruit Plants and ornamental shrubs. Reasonable Prices. Best railroad connections. Special Seed Rate to the Northwest. Largo y illustrated catalog Free. EncUsh or German. A book worth having:. Every farmer and market gardener should havo it. Write for it today. FARMER SEED CO.. 70 4th Street, Faribault, Minaeseta. ST. 1904 LOWS 930,000,000 WORLD'S FAIR, We Own All tbe Vast Quantity of Materlsl yscd In It's Construction and Equipment 100,000,000 FEET OF HIGH GRADE LUMBER FOR SALE SEND US YOUR LUMBER BILL FOR OUR ESTIMATE SAVE FROM 38 TO 40 PER CENT. Mta 8tsh, Doors, Roofing or all kinds, Pipe ot all kinds, 'Wire Temc IbzV Hardware, Machinery. Household Ooods and Furniture of every description, besides taeesaads t etksc Items. ASK FOR OUR CATALOGUE MO. 334 We fcerr.basad every Exposition of modem days. OWOAOO HOUSE WREOKHKX OO.v ExpmmHl Grosmdm, St. Lmulm, Mm. ' Zr