The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 03, 1905, Page 14, Image 14

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The Commoner
York (Neb.) Democrat: With the
protective tariff on the one hand and
the railroad tariff on the other the
people are between the upper and
nether stones.
O'Neill (Neb.) Independent: Presi
dent Roosevelt would like to destroy
the greenbacks and make all silver
dollars redeemable in gold and then
let the banks issue all the money.
Anna (Ills.) Democrat: The poor
little innocent mail carriers are being
severely dealt with by the government
for political activity. The big corpor
ations that run the government are
never touched.
Stanton (Neb.) Register: Eight
ycare ago it was revolutionary for
Bryan to talk of rigid control of cor
porations, but his critics seem to think
Roosevelt is quite right in demanding
tho same control.
Glasgow (Ky.) Times! In hi3 inaug
ural address, governor Ilanly, of In
diana, takes the grounds that passes
nro petty bribes and should not be ac
cepted by law makers. True, true.
And what of the statesmen that are
Influenced by them?
Lincoln (Nob.) Democrat: Any at
tempt to make the democratic party
stand for a modified form of republi
canism will always mean defeat. Tho
support of tho American people can
only be won by a stand for something
definite and tangible.
Aurora (Neb.) Register: Commis
sioner James A. Garfield of the Bureau
of Labor, has suggested on anti-trust
law almost exactly the same as outlined
by Bryan five years ago. Then re
publican papers hooted at the plan.
Will they now ridicule it?
ur Hastings (Neb.) Democrat: They do
say that every one of the 124 republi
can members of tho Nebiaska legisla
ture has free railroad transportation
in his pocket, good for 1905. Such be
ing mo case what need the people of
tho state expect with regard to reduced
freight rates and anti-pass legislation?
Plattsmouth (Neb.) Journal: The
f railroads have come back at President
Roosevelt with a proposition to create
a special court with complete and final
jurisdiction over cases affecting rates
and likely the railroads would insist
upon tho privilege of naming their own
judge. The railroads like to write
their own tickets.
Wichita (Kas.) Democrat: If there
were more newspapers and magazines
with fearless and courageous editors
and publishers whose regard for the
public welfare were stronger than a de
Biro for a big bank account, there
would be less of official scoundrelism
to expose and the laws would have
freer course and bo more respected.
Woodsfiold (0.) Spirit of Democracy
Tho Cincinnati Enquirer, some weeks
since, proclaimed that it would not fol
low any of tho present Democratic lead
ers, naming only Mr. Bryan. We have
howovor observed no marked change
in the politics of that paper since its
declaration of independence, in fact
its course for the last dozen years
would seem to have made any such
declaration superfluous.
Uenrt ulsenso never grows better of itself
- Unless something Is done to assist Its recovery
it wilt surely lead to death, through some
chronic disorder which it 1ms Induced orbv
Budden heart failure. Tho very best restorative
known Is Dr. Miles' Heart Cure, which strength,
ens tho heart muscles and nerves. If first bottle
Tails to benefit, money back.
Lincoln (Neb.) Democrat: Lot there
be no side stepping in tho future.
Either we stand for something or wo
don't. 'Platforms are good things to
stand upon if rightly constructed, liiit
tho man selected to stand upon it
must be of the right sort or tho peo
ple will refuse to give him support.
Men who contend for principles is the
sort needed.
Crete (Neb.) Democrat If Bacon
had asked Mann whether he rodo on
a pass or not, tho latter would not have
been so violent in his language when
they had Bacon before the congres
sional committee. A congressman who
rides on a pass i3 in a poor position to
criticise. He can't serve two masters.
Ho can't accept favors and fight the
giver and be a man.
Minneapolis (Kas.) Better Way:
Notwithstanding the fact that peace is
fully restored in the Philinnines snmn
American soliders lost their lives the
other day in an attempt to keep the
Moro3 good in the island of Jolo where
we pay the sultan and several of his
datos for letting our flag float over his
slaves and harems. Great old system
of benevolent assimilation!
Minneapolis (Kas.) Better Way: The
ship subsidy bill will occupy a good
part of the time of congress this win
ter. It is a scheme for the government
to give several millions to ship owners
as was formerly done with railroad
companies. When the Farmers' Alli
ance advocated loans on land it wa3
denounced as paternalism. The ship
subsidy a direct gift is "buisness."
Be a ship owner.
Newton (la.) Herald: Hamilton
represented everything that a repub
lic cannot be and everything that a
monarchy should be. He was a typi
cal aristocrat of the imperialistic
school. He believed In a government
of tho few, by the few and for the
few. He discredited tho nQnnin i,
ieving them to be incapable of know
ing what they needed or of having
sense enough to vote for it.
PierCQ Clt.V CMf nnmnn.. nr.
"--V xw(y o-ui.ixuji tit VY 13
were told with all seriousness by our
republican friends that their party
ought to win so that we might have
a clean state government. According
to the leading republican organ in
Western Missouri, tho i.onnWin i
Infi, r,,.4..l .A , t1""""" IBfelb-
buuuju out oy selling a United
States senatorship. it can not be de
nied that tho party must have been in
deadly earnest when it promised such
a strenuous dose of reform.
Osceola (Mo.) Democrat: Pluto
cracy! Millionaires and papuers! The
same system produces the same re
sults everywhere. The bishop of
London says that "90 per cent of the
school children are in a half-famished
condition all the time." Superinten
dent of schools of New York, Dr Max
well, says practically the same thing.
Yet tho socialist and tho republican
say our great danger is overdo auc
tion! Wo must build big navies, keep
standing armies to conquer and hold
foreign peoples so far as to have a
market for our surplus production.
Aurora (Neb.) Register: It is given
as a reason why the president chooses
the western paper trust instead 5
some of the eastern trusts as an exam
Pie of his trust busting that the Mini
nesota judges are more favorable
That has c sound like contemn? of
court but there may be aS !
of truth in it. Ano'the? tlin&t tfa"
the pres dent can come more nearly to
holding his own press in line for an at
5? Whatve?3??"06 than " &
ers. hatever Mo reasons our hopq
is that tho proceedings may bo as
strenuously pushed and produce as
rapid results as his attitude on Panama
Manson (la.) Democrat: If President
Roosevelt really means what he says
about tho railroads and tariff revision,
and if he had a decent and sensible
congress behind him, and if the sen
ate was not composed of millionaires
who aro nearly all in sympathy with
tho corporations, and if corporation
money was not the god to two-thirds.of
the law makers of tho country, and if
the republican party was not sold out,
body and soul, to graft and greed, it
might bo just possible that the people
would be granted some relief within
the next four years. But there's that
infernal and eternal "if" always in the
Columbia (Mo.) Herald: The demo
cratic party is in a critical condition at
present. It has been run over by pub
lic opinion so frequently and so rough
ly of late that it can stand but little
more treatment of that kind. The peo
ple are not in favor of a policy of neg
ation. Tho people are not in sympa
thy with a policy of conservatism. The
democratic party needs to take positive
position in favor of progress and to be
democratic in fact as well as in name.
It needs leadera like Bryan and Folk
and Douglas, who stand for something
who are on the side of the many
against the privileged few. With such
leaders, upon a platform with iron in
it, the democratic party will got well
and strong and win. Pursuing tho
Parker policy it is doomed to tho
contempt of the people and to their
overwhelming opposition at the noli
i Is tho party ready to die?
Yakima (Wash.) Democrat: In tho
"Jackson day" observances held un
der the auspices of democratic organ
izations, in various cities Jan. 8, it is
worthy of note that the trend of senti
ment within the party is now unmistak
ably towards radicalism as the future
policy of democracy. In .all the speeches
made this note was distinctly sounded
by the orators and seemed to find ready
acceptance on the part of their audi
ences. Tho concensus of opinion within
the party unmistakably demands a
policy that will henceforth absolutely
divorce the management of the party
organization from any partnership
with trust promoters or the benifi
ciaries of favored or protected inter
ests. The Wall " street contingent,
which seized the party reins at St.
Louis nominated Alton B. Parker and
rushed the party into the worst de
feat that it has ever known, may as
well take notice and govern themselves
accordingly. The hone3t masses of
democracy have nothing in common
with these men. Their place is in tho
republican party where in common
honesty they should have remained
after the memorahle campaign of 189G.
A NEW BOOK.... . .
.".'.. . wiLLIAM J. BRYAN
A collection of articles written by Mr. Bryan while in
Europe, Cuba and Mexico, together with a number of
recent speeches and lectures never before published in
book form.
O t. the High Seas.
Tariff Debate in England.
Ireland and Her Leaders.
Growth of Municipal Ownership
Thanksgiving Address (London
Prance and Her People.
Republic of Switzerland.
Three Little Kingdoms.
Germany and Socialism.
Russia and Her Uzar.
Rome, tho Catholic Capital.
Tolstoy, the Apostle of Love.
Notes on Europe.
Pearl of the Antilles.
Birth of thq Cuban Republic.
Mexico First Visit.
Our Sister RepublicMexico.
Value of an Ideal.
A Conquering Nation.-
Attractions of Farming.
Holland Society Address.
"I Have Kept the Faith'
(St. Louis Convention Speech.)
Naboth's Vineyard. '
British Rule in India.
Philo bherraan Bennett.'
Wonders of the West.
MP' B7D?dalPint?"a! !o TSln5 .f me1 and condltln abroad lend to the book
a special interest Tor those who contemplate a trip to foreign shores.
UNDER OTHER FUGS, Postage Prepaid Si i
ricn With TUB COMMONER One Y an $ J'??
CASII WITil ORDER, Draft, ,.d P. 0 Money ofden are safest
Address, TEE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb.
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