13 FEBRUARY 3 1905 The Commoner. $2 Cream " - Separator t rZwT'l L, flBfll v fffplBft FOR $25.00 we ell the celehrateoT DUNDEE CREAM SEPARATOR, capacity, WO pounds per hour 350 pounds ca- acuy per uour ior zj.oq; 90 pounds capacity pernour for $34,00, Guaranteed the equal of Separator that RE TAIL EVERYWHERE at frem 9TB.OO t 9IZ8.00. OUR OFFER. RS:Slt Q s 1 fr00HHrMf "t"""ft''frfrfr-M $' Virginia seems likely to have VIRGINIA'S TEMPTATION spirited contest over a proposed sec tion in her now constitution restrict ing the appropriation for the educa tion of the negroes. Tho plan sue- KW'tffffiBJSlS . stranee to say it has re- by return mall, free. Btandlng and agreement lfyoa uo not una oy comparison, teat and use that It will skim closer, bklm colder milk, ekim easier, run lighter and skim one-half moro mlUc than Any other Cream Sena rator made, you can return the Separator to ua at our exponas and wo will Imme diately return any money you may havepald for freight chargea or otherwise. Cut this ad. out ntonco and moll to us. and you will rccelvo iuu, our LMicai ap&biAi. UJ 1UVU1U I.1UI1, 11 LU irun.lKilU Will mmn t .. i ..rtawi.. CREAM SEPARATOR CATALOGUE. You will act our big offer and our frco trial propoBltlon and you will ro colvo tho MOST ASTONISHINGLY LIBERAL CREAM SEPARATOR OFFER EVER HEARD OF. Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., CHICAGO. DIRECT TO YOU $ 30 RAtiPftigin?7l At Tattory Prices, We are not jobbers or aseem blora of othor people's goods wo build vobloloB in our own factory. By baying direct irom us you get laciory prices with no middlemen's profit, yon net OTory thing that is latest, best and moat durable. Our large free catalogue tel Is all about our no money with order olan. f relent offer, 2 years guaranty and how we' ship anywhere ON 30 DAYS FREE TRIAL. We make HO styles of vohioles from 988.50 npand 100 styles of harness from 94.40 up. Don't buy a vehicle or harness until you have heard from on. Write today for Free Money Saving Catalogue . U. S. BUGGY &. CART CO., b buy, Cincinnati, u. CREAM SEPARATOR CD EC cra IMila tt n fiiliTlf Bl BBi ! offer made to introduce the Peoples Cream Separator in every neigh borhood. It is the best and simplest in tu world. We ask that you Bhow it to your neighbors who have cows- Send your name ana iuc uuiuc the nearest freight office. Address PEOPLES SUPPLY CO. DODt. 177. KANSAS CITY. WO. III wll. y.HSa Gr&i. '&esOircL07vi taueht thoroughly. Initltntlon eitabllshed 1874. En ei. by r - 'i ' .... i i i rsi ftodraanci room, u mot. course, ou. . vn uo reuuecu. oncd bT olltolala Railroads and w. U. Tel. Co. roiiuona io. i cured. Eutlro cost, tuMou (tciegrapu; and typewriting), Duma In. Irilctlnn lfl fflvp'n. P&talotUO U free. DOUGH'S 1KBTITUTK OK TKLKUILU'UT, VslparaUo, lad. $80 A MONTH SALARY to Introduce our Guaranteed I' And all expenses to mcH with rle anltir Mil Ktnrlr I1 Jtcmcdlca. Sondforcontraetiwomeanbnslnesaandiur. tUBhostroioronco. u.u.uiuijsun., aou. ojrunnH.1 u VIRGINIA FARMS Best on earth for tho money. Frco Catalogue R. A. CHA.PFIN & CO,, Incorp., Richmond Va. Mostly Boys" The newspaper humorists and poets feare responsible for much that goes a tlong ways toward making life brighter for the majority of folk, and they de serve all and more recognition than , they get: Among the best of the west ern artists in this line, and one' of khe best in the country, is Bide Dud- ley of the Kansas City Star. Mr. Dud ley sings of tho quaint and homely things of life, and his verses recall tdays that are bright spots in the ave rage man and woman's life. Under Ethe title of "Sketches; Mostly Boys," Mr. Dudley has recently issued a bhandsome book containing boys poems ithat give ample evidence of the fact that the writer was once a hearty, wholesome, mischievous boy and masn't entirely recovered yet. The Iboolr. is handsomely illustrated with drawings by H. Wood, aad the letter press by the Hudson-Kimberly Co., is axcellent. Tho man who reads 'Sketches" will have the pleasure of living again several happy hours of lildhood. coived. considerable support, is to pro vide that tho appropriation for negro schools shall bo in proportion to the taxes paid by tho colored people. Tho Richrond Times denounces tho scheme in tho following language: "The state will cruelly have neg lected its duty if it glvekto tho white children the means of primary educa tion, and withhold it from the children that are black. Nor do we believe that the people of Virginia are willing that this cruel thing bo done." Senator Daniels, in a letter recently published, says: "Primary education ought to be free to all. With the three R's open to everybody they have the keys that un lock the book of knowledge, and it is their own fault or peculiar misfortune if they do not then work out their own salvation. You will observe that I speak of primary education. I do so because I think much of education has been wasted, and there is ample room for improvement and reform without disturbing tho foundations of educa tion and denying to any one primary opportunities. Our own people are liberal by nature and history, and there was'never a time when they could better afford to be liberal by interest Every southern state and every border 3tate has had a constitutional conven tion, anu some of them two constitu tional conventions since Virginia's last. one, in 1867. All of these states have had racial questions to deal with, and some of them - ere stirred to the high est pitch of indignation by the atroc ities of carpetbag government. Yet in no one of them ha3 any such radical move as the partition of school funds by severe racial lines ever found favor. This is a most significant fact. It shows the concurrent opinion of all common wealths similarly situated to ours that no such step is advisable. We would isolate ourselves by taking it and chill tho temper of reform." The question raised is one of very serious importance of far greater im portance than the educational qualifi cation which has been adopted in some of the states. An educational quanti fication, however objectionable it may seem at the time, is only a temporary barrier, for with a proper school sys tem the franchise is soon within the reach of all; but to disfranchise the negro by an educational qualification and then deny uim the means of get ting an education, Is a much more se rious matter. While it may seem a hardship for the. white people to bear so large a share as they co of the expenses of in struction for colored children, they find some recompense in the fact that they own a large share 'of the taxable property. In no state- of the union is there an attempt to make each family or class pay for its own education. In every community the expense of pub lic schools is paid by general taxation. Very often large taxpayers have few children or none at all, but they are. compelled to contribute to the support of schools because every citizen of a community is interested in the educa tion of all the members of the com munity. Life and property are more secure and existence more tolerable in proportion as the people are developed in mind and character. If tho people of Virginia are short sighted enough to yield to tho tempta tion and abandon their efforts to edu cate tho black pcoplo among them, they will pay a terriblo penalty in being compelled to live among pcoplo bru talized by ignorance. Tho amount of money saved would bo a small return for tho peril which thoy would bring upon themselves and their children. Jefferson, whoso dust makes sacred the soil of Monticollo, was a firm believer in a common school system which would place tho advantages of educa tion within the reach of every child. Surely Virginia, the homo of Jefferson, will not bo tho first state to enter upon a restrictive policy which would con demn a portion or tho people to en forced illiteracy From The Common er of May 10, 1901. Could Have His Place Representative John Lamb of Rich mond stopped in jtho house document room -yesterday, where he was re minded of a story ho heard on his last trip, says tho Washington Post. It related to a negro church, whose pa3tor preaches long sermons. "The sermon on tho particular Sun day in question," said Capt Lamb, "was with reference to tho prophets. Tho preacher had gone through a long list, and finally camo to tho minor prophets. " 'There was Malachi,' said he. 'What place shall wo give Malachi?' "An Irreverent colored worshipper, restless under tho long winded sermon, at thi3 roso up. "Give Malachi my place, Brother Jones said he, 'I am tired, and going home.' WfH Tmtmh Ymti tm Chicken Business WITHOUT CHARQK nd Kunrftntce you ikicccm K you on MODEL incubators and Brooifor Bead for Decr!ptlra CftUlogu. That's what utora say about the (treat PRAIRIE STATE Inoubators and BrooUors Our Illustrated catalog toll why thoy aro beat. It' free. Write l'rnfrle Rtnte Incubator Co., It ox -tr7, Homer City, I'm. Don't oven think ot buyinK an Incubator and brooder without first ncndlng for our catalogue It tolls of nlno now INCUBATOR AHD BROODER IMPROVEMENTS which no other machines posscna. Thoy aro full explained by words rind pictures in mis xrco cataiOK. Bona ror it today. DEO. II. LEE CO., OMAHA, NEBRASKA 1 JefaSEf iMr !2K. I I y ffi n. j 1 THIS IS IT Incubator lobnson's OLD TRUSTY One of the thousands thkt went out Utt ' vtar It! tint vear. Runs lttelr. 40 v7arr-iruM itjn.sntunui: woolclree. K;yvi?ii,??iti?lL,?t?y??i'wf?a. Addressing House of Commons It is well not to try to speak too soon. Randolph Churchill only opened his mouth once during hi3 first session, and that was to ask a question. John Morley sat watching and listening for months before he ventured to catch tho speaker's eye, and his first per formance was by no means successful. We all know the story of Disraeli's early collapse, and a more tragic epi sode is thus related by Lord North's son, Frederick: "I once attempted to speak in Parliament I brought out two or three sentences, when a mist seemed to rise before my eyes. I then lost my recollection, and could see nothing but the Speaker's wig, which swelled and swelled till it covered the whole house. I then sat back In my seat and never tried to speak again, and immediately applied for the Chll tern Hundreds, feeling convinced that Parliament was not my vocation." Phvsioloeists have never tried to explain why people who aro loquacious, and even garrulous, as long a3 they maintain tho sweet security of a seat, halt and stutter and perhaps break down hopelessly when they attempt to speak on their legs. Every one of us must some time or other have suffered from one of these sudden lapses of memory. Lord Roseberry not long ago camo to a dead halt in tho middle of a speech; Lowe's hopeless collapse Jn the House of Commons is still pain fully remembered, and poor Black Rod on his first apearahce clean forgot tho message from the Lords. Not even Campbell-Bannerman's promptings re stored his memory, and tho Speaker was obliged to say that he understood that a meL-age was being brought to ask the attendance of the lower house in tho lords. And even Jupiter has nodded. Mr. Gladstone himself once lost his cue and stopped abruptly, when Disraeli bent forward and said, "Tho right honorable gentlemen's last word was so-and-50.' "Longman's Magazine. EOD QAI C Pore bre(1 Barred Plymouth run OMLC Rock chicken. Mono better, Address, Cottage Poultry Yards, Route 5. Boone, Iowu. MAKE MONEY pullln? stumps, crubs.ctc, , , and cleaxlnir land for your. ' M tel and others. HercaJaa Warap Palltr I tkt Utt. Carlos FREE. HirculHMfr.C.,pt. 10 CMtmltfl.lt. TCQLsiaP lT7rrRf LuidA 5!PK5r "-J-JiBRnm ,r? j-- .'"iwxro3; ftp. Vooti mt mm od fVIilaZcey nbf I llJl cured Ht homo without - IWI paln.Uookof particulars Woolly,iil..B., Atlanta, Ok., 1u3 M.Fryor St. DEATH TO HEAVES aVi 1 1 '""""" larTH rgiaiKaaw jF HEWTOH'8 Hre, Cotgl, VU ttnptr sad ladlgcitloa Car. A veUrluary ipcciOo for wind, thrn.t ftnd MtotumJth. trotlhfo fZMruna rtctmmtndt. (1.00 psr The New ton ItemcdjrCe Toledo, OUt. Cancer Cured WITH SOOTHING, BALMY OILS Cancer, Tumor, Catarrh. Fistula, Ulcers, fee. zenm and all Skin and Womb Diseases. Writ 9 for Illustrated Book. Bent free. Address DR. BYE. gX.r Kansas City. Mo. EPILEPSY OR FITS CURED FOR LIFE No free treatment, ready-matfe mixture or patent medicine hunabuf. Each case treat ed under a POSITIVE OUARANTEEor NO PAY' UNLESS CURED. HundrediwIllteatlfy.Wrltefor proof of cures "and large lltuatrated Book TREE. ' GERMAN-AMERICAN INSTITUTE J02 WALNUT ST., KANSAS CITY. MO. Rid Clovir a Marvtlous Gurativt. It has been discovered that com mon red clover Is tho most wonder-' ful blood purifier known to tho medical profession. It keeps the bowels relaxed in a natural, harm less way, cures constipation and removes from tho system all poisons and Impurities that causa malignant blood diseases. Cancer, salt-rheum, rheumatism, blood polsou, facial eruptions and all blood diseases are quick ly cured In a natural, harmless way by thla simple effective remedy. Send your namo and address to-day to Ia Need ham's Sons, 119A Lakeside Bldjr., Chicago, and receive absolutely Irea booklet containing) full Information. 1 rim Ux.l ... - ; , . . 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