TKr:,''.MJl)JipBpWiyp ii: i' J. ' ' t- i m- ft The Commoner. yOLUMH 5, N.UMBER t 0WW Week et Washington 4 imf0f? Important disclosures have- been made by tho state department as to tho results of a tour of investigation niado by Dr. Thomas Norton, Ameri can consul at liarput, Turkey. The report says that 5,000 Armenians have beon killed by tho Kurds and other elements o tho Moslem population. Tho department of the interior has mado public the contents of a report from tho commissioner of education at Porto Rico, which shows that there are school accommodations for only one-ilfth of tho children. An Associated Press dispatch dated Washington, D. C.Jan. 21, says: "The petition of Edward H. Harriman and Winslow S. Pierce, tho Oregon Short Lino railroad company and tho Equit nblo Trust company, for a writ of certiorari to tho circuit court of ap peals for the third circuit in their proceeding against tho Northern Se curities company, was presented to tho supremo court of the United States today by Attorney W. D. Guthrie of Now York. If tho petition is granted tho effect will bo to cause a review of the ontiro paso by tho supremo court. White House authorities have issued tho following statement regarding tho nomination of tho wife of tho former governor of Mississippi to bo post- mastor at Iuka, Miss: "Mrs. Mary G. Stone, whoso nomination as postmas ter at Iuka, Miss., ha3 been sent to the senate, is tho widow of tho lato J. M. Stono, ono of tho most popular chief executives Mississippi over had. He sorved as governor for twelve years, a longer term than that of any other occupant of tho office. Ho personally confronted mobs wherever they ap peared In hl3 state and was firm in upholding tho majesty of tho law. As governor ho offered a reward of $1,000 for the apprehension of the miscreants who fired into a postal car and pub licly stated that while he was gover nor United States postal cars should not bo mado tho targotJ of assassins. Ho was a brave soldier and officer, carrying to bis grnvo tho soars from wounds' he received in battle. He was a gold democrat and refused to accept a seat in tho United States senato bocauso tho tender had cou pled with it tho condition that he should obey tho will of tho legisla ture on the money Issue. Mrs. Stono Is a worthy woman and will fill cred itably' tho position to which sho has boon appointed." touch on tho main question," said A. O. liird, vice president of a number of railroads composing the Gould sys tem, at a hearing today beioro the house committee on interstate and lor elgn commerce on the question of giv ing tho Interstate commerce commis sion greater powers. Among the roads represented by Mr. Bird are the Wa bash, Iron Mountain, Missouri Pacific and Texas Pacific. Unreasonable rates per se, ho said, have disappeared. The trend of aitairs, remarked Mr. Bird, is of a revolutionary character, but he explained that ho used tho term in opposition to the word evolution. All that has been proposed i3 in apposi tion to what has been done, he con tinued, and ho added that the mis take was mado in dealing with the railroad question of assuming that tho railroads are controlled by ono mind." Representative Bacon has intro duced a resolution which quotes from newspaper dispatches that the United States has established a receivership for the republic of Santo Domingo and asks that the president be respect fully requested, if in his judgment not incompatible with public interest, to inform tho senate whether any agree ment ha3 been made between the United States and the republic of S'an to Domingo, and if so, tho nature of the terms of the said agreement, and particularly whether any agreement has been mado whereby this govern ment undertakes to guarantee the in tegrity of the government of the re public of Santo Domingo, and whether under said agreement this government assumes any responsibility or obliga tion to tho republic of Santo Domingo, or to any other government on behalf of Santo Domingo." uuo lazuli iiittCti IU ivuobitt." xjytU4-tir uiwuu put uio question 10 Uio iiuuno aua iur. uuuers wua cue only vote re corueu. fa'eemg mat ma motion Wiu luat, mr. uaer rose in nis seat auu suuiung his nnger at tne reijuuiicau aiue ojl tne huuse said: "Tnau is uie interest you people navo in nuinan ity and in an unuerione 3aid mac U it nan ueen a h-iug or an emperor who nan ueen snot uuwii tne nouse lnime uiateiy would have aujourned. Ihe nouse had hardly resumed us compos ure ueiore incense excitement was oc casioned by liepresencative Pearre oi Maryland being sincwen with nervous convulsions. Dr. Hunter, tho Ken cucKy member, atteuued the striciten Mr. Pearre, tho speaker meanwhile announcing that a ten-minute recess would be taken. Tho president has sent to tho sen ato the nomination of Charles Rich ardson of Massachusetts to tho oirice of secretary of embassy, at Rio Do Janerio, Brazil. The monthly report of tho collec tions of internal revenue shows that tho total receipts for the month of December were $20,745,019. This is an increase of $163,228 over the receipts of the month of December 1903; but tho receipts of the last six month3 show a decrease of $039,(541 compared with the corresponding period of 1903. A resolution was introduced in the senate by Mr. Spooner, appropriating $7,000 to pay the necessary expenses of the inaugural ceremonies. The res olution was passed. At 2 o'clock Jan. 24, the 3enate or-, ganized as a court of impeachment on the case- of Judge , Swayne. Chief Justice Fuller, in his official gown, was escorted to the presiding officer's desk and swore in the senators. Pro cess wa3 issued for Judge Swayne and the court then adjourned until Jan. 27 at 1 o'clock. Representative Baker of New York has introduced another resolution re questing tho president to bring suit against Paul Morton, the secretary of the navy, and J C. Stubbs, for en tering into a contract in restraint of trade. ' Tho state department Is attending to tho details of tho agreement af fecting tho administration of finances of San Domingo. A commission will bo named to consider the subject of reform in Dominican affairs. An effort will bo made to purify the present system, and to regulate expenditures and receipts. Tho total debt of San uomingo, foreign and domestic, is inucGU at auouc $35,M0,000. An Associated Press dispatch dated Washington, D. C, Jan. 32, says' "Nono of the impending measures iiiTlKjHraEEvWHIHnrRSns The senate has confirmed the nom inations of Henry E. Cutting, as re ceiver and Albert Wheelon, register of tho land office at Pierre, S. D. About 135 members of the house of representatives attended a caucus and by a unanimous vote a resolution was adopted to support the Davey bill, ex tending authority to the interstate commerce commission to fix railroad rates. The resolution is as follows "Resolved, That we hereby express our aproval of the provisions of house roll No. 1778G" (the Davey bill.) The Davey bill was agreed on by tho min ority, members of tho committee on Interstate and foreign commerce It Is very short, providing only that when tho commission shall find, after due hearing, a rate to bo unreasonable it shall name a reasonable rate in its place; that this rate shall go into effect after twenty days notice and shall remain in effect until set aside by a competent court of review, and that tho case may be tried in any court taking jurisdiction upon the facts and testimony adduced before tho commis sion. ma Two sensational occurrences marked the session of the house on Jan 23 Representative Baker of New York moved that an adjournment bo taken put of respect for tho Russian people hVroreiat0Hf '""V0 inK orror at tho wanton massacre that It has como to our knowledge' that It is reported that while President Roosevelt 'cordially approves of the senate's disposition to reduce appro priations, he feels that the naval esti mates ought not to be reduced so low as to. interfere with the carrying into effect of the government's naval pro gram. The present estimate is $103,-000,000. An Associated Press dispatch dated Washington, Jan. 24, says: "At a hearing before the house committee on way3 and means, Secretary Palmer of the American Beet Sugar association opposed the pending bill reducing the duty on sugar and tobacco from the Philippine islands. Mr. Palmer said that just prior to tho tariff agitation regarding Cuban sugar in 1901, eighty six new sugar factories had been pro jected in this country. Not one of these was built. Since that time Eu rope had curtailed her sugar crop under the terms of the Brussels agree ment and the price had gone up to tho point where American capital was on the point of again enlarging the In- M1StS A? f ,B conntry- Now to open the Philippine market in competition with the American beet sugar industry would again discourage this move ment. In replying to a question by Mr. Curtis, whose bill was under con sideration. Mr. Palmer said that the total sugar product of the Philippines S"5 tons annually, and if the United States took it all there would still have to be imported 1,500,000 tons to supply tho demand. nrifbUl aPPrPrIating $5,000 for the erection of a monument to tho mem- Yf ?aln ?' V' 0rMl Com manded Admiral Dewnv's flagship, Olympla at the battle of Manila bav has been introduced in the senate. His widow aged GO years, is working as a clerk in one of tho executive depart ments at Washington. Her only son Captain Grldlev, met death by accident on board tho Missouri, recently Seorfttnrv TTmro nn- j.- . ?ed J1n- 1S wUh r(ar to thowyg: Jat on of neutrality on the part of the Chinese government, fc as follows- apprehension exists on the part of some of the powers, that in the even tual negotiations for peace between Russia and Japan, claim may be made for the concession of Chinese territory to neutral powers. Tho president would bo loath to share thiB apprehen sion, believing that the introduction of extraneous interests would seriously embarrass and postpone the settlement of tho issues involved in tho present contest in the far east, thus making more remote the attainment of that peace which i3 so earnestly to be de sired. For its part the United States has: Repeatedly made its position well known and has been gratified at the cordial welcome accorded to its efforts to m strengthen and perpetuate the broad policy of maintaining the integ rity of China and the 'open door' in the Orient, "whereby equality of com mercial opportunity and access shall be enjoyed by all nations. Holding the3e views the United States dis claims any thought of reserved terri torial rights or control in the Chinese empire, and it is deemed fitting to make this purpose frankly known and to remove all apprehension on this score so far as concerns the policy of this nation, which maintains so con siderable a share of the pacific com merce of China, and which holds such important possessions in the Western Pacific, almost at the gateway of China. You will bring this matter to the notice of the government to which you are accredited and ycu "will invite the expression of views thereon. John Hay." Subscribers1 Advertising Department A little thought will convince .nat this department of The Cor moner of fers superior advantages to these who desire to secure publicity. Only Com moner subscribers are allowed to use it. and only responsible articles are allowed to be advertised. Confidence in the advertising management will explain in largo measure why ad vertising in The Commoner is profit able. The manager is in receipt of many letters from advertisers who have used this department with profit. The rate is the lowest made in this publication 6 cents per word per in sertion, payable in advance. Address all orders to The Commoner, Lincoln, Nebraska. A MERIOAN CITIZENS, MEN OR WOMEN'. nro entitled to 1G0 acres each (no more) of finest timber In tho world. Timber is Oregon pine. For sale by United States Government for 82.50 per acre. Ench claim contains two to four million feet of lumber. Write for circular. Gcorgo E. Dickson, 2140 Sherman Avenue, Ev anston, Illinois. T OWN AND WILL SELL ALL OR PART OF x Patent No. 676695. It is aPractlcal Swim miner Device and will prove a Life Saver when on hand in cases of Ships or Steamboato being wrecked. L. C. Whltcomb, Spring Ranch, Clay Co., Nobroska. 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Dept 80, Dallas, Texas F A,VrE 500 AORES OF VALLEY LANbT "w " "oung, uatesviuo, Ark., uoxvus YU COULD SELL OLD LINK LIFE INSUR once If you know how. Wo teach tho art free 01 charge and pay you for your tirao. Dcslrablo ?nt.r'lete nwoHinfr special and general ogout; Kan ffif 8n'I,"LBu Nebraska and ....u.vm m, nniV ui v,uminuner INFALLIBLE TEST OF FERTILE EGGS BB- tt JwhV inK,DInjction8 85C M. T. Lane, Mfc Healthy, Ohio, Box 93. 5fS!KWBKJ JMtmMhr 'ftUjmwii ill J-) 4 tojutji