The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 13, 1905, Page 15, Image 15

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JANUARY 13. 1905
The Commoner
g Books Received
Dorothy's Spy. By James Otis. Pub
lished by Thomas Y. Crowell & Co.,
426 and 428 West Broadway, New York.
Cloth GO cents net. Postage 10 cents.
Stories of the Good Green, Wood. By
Clarence Hawkes. Thoma3 Y. Crowell
& Co., 42G and 428 West Broadway, New
York. Price 60 cents. cloth. Postage
10 cents.
Little Metacomet. By Hezekiah But
terworth. Thomas Y. Crowell & Co.,
426 and 428 West Broadway, New York.
Cloth 60 cents net. Postage 10 cents.'
It All Came True. By Mary F. Leon
ard. Thomas Y. Crowell & . Co., 426
and 428 West Broadway, New York.
Cloth 60 cents net. Postage 10 cents.
Billy Whiskers. Jr. By Frances
Trego Montgomery. The Saalfield Pub
lishing Co., Akron Ohio. : Retail.
Price $1.00. '
Careers for -the' Coming Men. The
Saalfield Publishing Company., Akron,
Ohio. Retail. Price $1.50.
The History of Civilization. By Jul
ian Laughlin. Published by the Author
417 Pine street. S't. Louis. Mo. Price
Dames and Daughters, of the French
Court. By Geraldine Brooks. Thomas
Crowell & Co., 426 and 42S West Broad
way, New York. Price. $1,50 net. Post
age, 15 cents.
Poems. By Samuel M. Fifey. Ham
mond Printing Co. Roanoke, Va.
A Corner in Gold and Our Money
Laws. P. S. King & Son, Orchard
House, Westminster, London, Eng.
Little Dame Trot. By Mary Agnes
Byrne. Published by The Saalfield
Publishing Co., Akron, Ohio. Retail
price 60 cents.
Three Weeks in Europe. The Vaca
tion of a Busy Man. By John U. Hig
inbotham. Herbert Stone & Co., Chi
cago, 111.
The Science of the Spirit, Soul and
Body. A page from the occult side of
life. By Doctor Oliver, Philadelphia,
Pa. Press of George F. Lasher, Printer
and Binder, Philadelphia.
Appendicitis and other Diseases
About the Appendix. By Dr. Bayard
Holmes. 104 East 40th street. Chicago,
111. D. Appleton & Co., New York.
The Christian Gentlewoman and the
rnn Al,0olate- By Katherine E.
nanTp i TT J' F,yn & Com
pany. Price 50 cents.
Fn!nLaVf the Land- A nvel by
rlnn Housh' The Bobbs-Merrill
Company, Publishers, Indianapolis,
dri1)? nDd -redlt B Wilbur Al-
tinnl'. m"10r of "Farming Corpora-
Tnv Tie Grafton Press- New York.
Onp F0wer Three Messages with
Prir 7KaninY By Henry Van Dyke.
rice 75 cents net. Postage 8 cents.
Bm;;iwnWei1 & Co" m and 428 West
-uioadway, New York.
PurnoaRnZed,LTabor- Its Problems,
ami Sff and Ideals and thG Resent
m utu! American Wage Earn
the aI Thn Mitell. Published by
PhilaenMaU 00k an(1 Biw House,
rhiladelphia, pa prlco $1 5Q net
State 0f,TS'ocialism in the United
Wan Bl Morri3 Hi"QH. Funk &
fi p,C0Tny' Publishers, 30 La
net ce- New Yor:c- Price. n.Bo
atBth0Ciali81n; TIle- reiSn of the man
bridi "1?' J?y 01Iver R- Trow
New YorlModyT Publislg Company,
in i tw k d5 Nassau street; Chicago,
Dearborn street.
TSSr6gs-'gTfT j5ggAv .rax
k t
My! It's getting cold out here!"
lien's Lunq Balsam
W,ccf,fJ5i"tfir?-k P -P. racking E
LSliSLEX-Sinr nutans. j
Getting a Living. The problem of
wealth and poverty of profits, wages
and trade unionism. By George L.
Bolen, author of Plain Pacts as to the
Trusts and the Tariff. The Macmillan
Company, New York. Price ?2.00 net.
Political Parties and Party Problems
in the United State3. A sketch of
American party history and of the de
velopment and operations of party ma
chinery, together with a consideration
of certain party problems in their re
lations to political morality. By James
Albert Woodburn, professor of Ameri
can History and Politics Indiana Uni
versity. G. P. Putnam's Sons. New
York and London. Tne KmcKeruucKur
Press. Price $1.25.
The Lodge vs. The Church. (Pam
phlet). By Rev. E. F. Blanchard, author
of "The Workigman and the Church
and the Church the World Needs."
Published by E. F. Blanchard. Tall
man, N. Y. Price 10 cents.
History of the Constitution of Iowa.
By Benjamin F. Shambaugh, Ph. D.
Published by the Historical Department
of Iowa, Des Moines, Iowa.
Vittoria Emanuele, Prince of Pied
mont. A Romantic Play. By James
Murmell. Franklin Printing Company,
14-520 Ludlow street, Philadelphia, Pa.
The Wind Trust (Pamphlet). By
John Snyder. Introduction by Edward
Everett Sale. Ten cents. Jas. H. West
Co., Publishers, 79 Milk street, Boston,
Lafayette Ode and Later Lyrics. By
Frank Putnam. The National Maga
zine Press. 41 West First street. Bos
ton, Mass. Price $1.00. Address, East
Milton Mass.
The American Republic and Its Gov
ernment. An analysis of the govern
ment of the United States with a con
sideration of its fundamental princi
ples and of its relations to the states
Are You Interested In Agriculture?
Published at Chicago
Subscription Price $1.O0
The Prairie Farmer also issues a Hoaib Magazinis Monthly Supple
ment which is sent free to all subscribers to the Weekly.
By a special arrangement with the publishers wo are onabled to send
both THE COMMONER and PRAIRIE FARMER for the price of ONE.
Address THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb.
Published Weekly at
We Offtr
Both One Year for $1.25. Send SwOscrlptloM to
THE COMMONER, Llncola, Neb.
I '
and territories. By James Albert
Woodburn, professor of American H s
tory and Politics, Indiana University.
G. P. Putnam's Son-, New York ancl
PrlnA SI .25 " .. A
Jfc WV -yw g m p.
j "1,:
& - .-iA 1