""miiit' ,,., fTt -p ?-vT?.-- ft, w-wwif sj y tmV vy ,T.,rj(i"wnfl. p, 'rri-?r-.-.i i'!7'vr"w"-'SWf''WJW!WW,ifl"' y,''7T''!a'H1lpWWM'Wk? f'"rir- ft- B(.J. 14 The Commoner. -' QS , Columbus (Nob.) Telegram: The democratic party never dies. It will Tiso from the ashes of defeat as the strong man rises from refreshing sleep, and It will rise to rulo, to brighten and to bless tho national lifo of a free re public, which has wandered far from the teachings of tho fathers who found ed it. Eureka '(111.) Democrat-Journal: A gold democrat is to have charge of the Inauguration next spring. If it had not been mentioned nobody would have been tho wiser, for a gold democrat and a republican in tho peculiar light of Washington look just alike and quite as acceptable to the Wall street crowd which is governing us. Batavla (0.) Sun: At any rate it Should convince all that any further attempt to make the democracy stand for a modified form of republicanism will only result in further humiliation without compensation in the form of ofllce. Tho way to have a chance to win with tho American people is to stand for something. Euroka (111.) Democrat-Journal: It is all over now and we should take time to think about it What do you think? If Parker had been elected, do you .think the Kaiser and other European monarchs would have telegraphed their congratulations? Not a bit of it. Par ker did not stand for their ideas of imperial conquest and military rules. Jackson (0.) Herald: No, my pessi- mistic friend, the republican majority in tho next house will not be tho larg r .vest the party ever had. The republican - .majority will bo liG over all, but it - was 133 over all in 1894, and the dem ocratic party did not immediately and forthwith turn up its toes to tho dai Bles. In fact, some think it still lives. Bridgeport (Conn.) Star: Temporari ly they may flock to the republican Bide of the fence to .show their anger at an attempt to marshal them under tho leadership of men who mistake plutocracy for democracv. huh thmr still hold fast to the eternal principles of genuine, undying, wide-awake and not-to-be-dosed into a "long rest," Jeffersonian-Bryan democracy! Tarkio (Mo.) Independent: The dem ocratic party can not win an election by attempting to. steal tho support of the trusts from the republicans. .They lose the support of the people and the trusts both. The . democratic party is the hope of the common people o.this .country for popular liberty. It must stand for tho people, and against the trusts and monopolies. When it doe. ' so all along the lino it will win. , Lexington (Ky.) Gazette: Tho nniv hope possible that democracy can have of winning success i3 by being honest and deserving to succeed; and tho only way that it can be honest is by being nggressive. For it must at tack tho present unjust enactments that have long burdened the great mass oi mankind, and it must appeal to this great concourse for tho only redress t that can possibly come. Chanute (Kan.) Blade: Senator De $ew i3 forming a new party to take the place of democracy. Tho senator may dispense with this useless trouble. The democratic party has survived oven .Worse defeats than that in the recent election, and will have no trouble in --Surviving this one. It is the only polit ical organization that ever has or can do so. It will bo doing business in the future at tho proper time. Springfield (Mo.) Express: There has been a great deal in some of the pa pers about the 30,000 or moro Missouri democrats who stayed at home and did not vote at tho last election. As the doubtless did not feel that there was sufficient real democracy in tho deal to justify the act, it does not appear that they deserve any special censure. And this view, too, seems to be pretty well confirmed by tho returns. Champaign (111.) Democrat: It took just one day for a republican congress to get rid of Congressman Roberts, a democratic Mormon. A republican senate has been investigating Sena tor Smoot, a republican Mormon, for over a year,, and now we are assured that tho investigation can hardly be completed in another year. In the meantime Smoot is a full-fledged sena tor while Roberts was not oven per mitted to be sworn in. Wausau (Wis.). Pilot: When the dem ocratic party becomes unquestionably democratic, it will 3tand a chance of electing a president. One republican party is enougii. Two republican par ties is more than the average American voter can stand. Therefore, when tho democratic party attempted this year to imitate republicanism, the demo cratic voters rose up in disgust and gave the genuine republican party a popular majority of two million. Enfield (111.) Express: If tho demo cratic party ever expects to be given the 'reins of government it must stand for something. It must stand on a platform of its own rather than one borrowed from its friend the enemy. It must stand sponsor for the rights of tho common people. Wall street is already provided for. The democratic party of today must not turn its back on the teachings of yesterday, and' last but not least it must know that noble defeat is preferable to ignoble victory. Warsaw (Mo.) Enterprise: President Roosevelt; in his speech at the dedi cation of tho statue of Frederick the Great at Washington, spoke of tho present German emperor as laboring for the good of his people. This same emperor, who is held up for the admir ation of the American people, in a speech to his soldiers told them that if they were ordered by their com mander "to shoot their parents they should not hesitate to do so." But for tho vast regular army of Germany, the German people would likely soon put an end to the despot that our presi dent so highly esteems. Tipton (Ind.) Times: The democrats do not need a new party. The old democratic party of Jefferson Is good enough forall purposes. Let the rain bow chasers have their say. but after all the people will line up for just government arid will have to turn to the old party which has always cham pioned the rights of the common peo ple. Let there be no dodging of the Issues in tho future, but let our plat form of principles speak out on all public questions. Let the men who aro to lead tho democratic forces be fearless, representative men, who will contend for principle and cater to no conservative classes. descriptions of public events and of foreign places he has visited servo to attract the attention of milllops of his countrymen. It is no exaggeration to say that Mr. Bryan is one of the most intensely magnetic men this country has over produced. About one year ago Mr. Bryan made a tour of Europe, visit ing Count Tolstoy, Pope Pius X, Sec retary Joseph Chamberlain and other noted personages of the leading contin ental cities. While in London on Thanksgiving Day ho was tendered a dinner by tho American society of Lon don and his speech was pronounced one of the most eloquent ever heard in the English capital. Fresh from the press of tho Woodruff-Collins Printing company of Lin coln comes "Under Other Flags," by Mr. Bryan. Tho book is well printed and contains Mr. Bryan's famous Thanksgiving Day speech of 1903; his descriptions of his visits to Tolstoy and Pope Pius; of his meetings with Presi dent Loubet of France, Secretary Chamberlain, Hon. Michael Davitt and other famous members o'f parliament; of his trip through Westminster Abbey and other historical places in London and of his hurried trip3 through St. Petersburg, Moscow jmd Paris. Fully as fascinating with his pen as ho is on the rostrum is Mr. Bryan. His personality stares you in the face on every page of "Under Other Flags." His lecture on "The Value of An Ideal" fills several pages of this most inter- VOLUME 4, NUMBER Bl esting volume and should be 77 every young man and woman tm by valuable contribution to ' n !! a of really good lectures Sia ar ft from time to time. Mr. Bryan's sn on "Imperialism" is another S addition to the book. asXso h ""a dress on farming. His descr pt ions his tours through Cuba and MSa graphic and hold the attention o ffi reader to the end. Mr. Bryan take! you through France, Russia, ireand England and Switzerland and give y0n a pen picture of the places ho vis. ited. All of his travel descriptions are very entertaining and especially fas cinating is the story of his trip to Rome, the see of Catholicity. His in terview with the pope is one of tho memorable events in the life of tho Nebraska statesman. His visit to tho "grand old man of Russia," Count Tol stoy, i3 referred to at length, and Mr Bryan's somewhat extended stay at the home of the Russian philosopher furnished him with plenty of material for a chapter that will be read with keen interest by all. "Under Other Flags" is a valuahlo contribution to the literature of tho day. It is not a political volume in any sense of the term. It is filled with plenty of good mental food gathered in all parts of the world and millions of Americans, will doubtless derive considerable pleasure by reading a work that is sure to be of enduriiY? value. Buffalo Times. UNDER OTHER FLAG a new :book,... ....BY. ... ll'...wiLLIAM J. BRYAN ,;... . A collection of articles written "by Mr. Bryan while in Europe, Cuba and Mexico, together with a number of recent speeches and lectures never before published in book form. CONTENTS fl flflMXwur Mafoom Oarw kpp Boated OoubIib and Oolda, Oroap and all BronoWnT Troubles. 1.00, GOo. and 25o. por bottle. Mr. Bryan's Nw Book One of the most interesting person alities in public life today is Hon. Wil liam Jennings Bryan, the great com moner of. Lincoln, Neb. His move ments, his public speeches, lectures and On the High Seas. Tariff Debate in England. Ireland and Her Leaders. Growth of Municipal Ownership. Thanksgiving Address (London i England). Franco and Her People. Republic of Switzerland. Three Little Kingdoms. Germany and Socialism. Russia and Her Czar. Rome, the Catholic Capital. Tolstoy, the Apostle of Love. Notes on Europe. Pearl of the 'Antilles. Birth of the Cuban Republic MexicoFirst Visit. Our Sister Republic Mexico. Value of an Ideal. A Conquering Nation. , Attractions of Farming. Holland Society Address. Imperialism. "I Have Kept the Faith." (St. Louis Convention Speech.) Naboth's Vineyard. British Rule in India. Philo Sherman Bennett. "Wonders of the West. , Mr. Bryan's personal Impressions of men and conditions abroad lend to the book special Interest for tho who contemplate a trip t foreign shores. NEATLY BOUND IN CLOTH 400 PAGE OCTAVO UNDER OTHER FLAGS, Postagi Prepaid, $1.35 , With THE COMMONER Oie Year, $i-75 CASH WITH 0BDER, Drifts aid P. 0. Moiiy Orders are safest AGENTS WANTED"... Address, THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. . . ,,' , - imaBM ."