V The Commoner. WILLIAM J. BRYAN, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. - Vol. 4, No. 51. Lincoln, Nebraska, January 6, 1905. "When the Slump Began" The New York World in an editorial, notable principally for its absurd reasoning and its false inferences, declares that the "slump" in the demo cratic vote began in 190G (the year when the demo- cratic party was rescued from Clevelandism). A review of the figures vhich the World Itself pub lishes answers its own argument. In 1880 the democratic vote increased 157,150; in 1884 it increased 408,972, in 1888 it increased 627,216; in 1892 it increased 18,685; in 1896 it in creased 946,007. Does that look as though "the slump" began in 1896? The "slump" really began in 1891, when tho men upon whom newspapers like the New York World bestows the title of "real democrats" wore in control. Every student of history knows that in the light of the results in 1894 tho democratic party showed marvelous recuperative powers in the campaign of 1896 and obtained a popular vote so large that very few shrewd politicians would have dared '-to predict such a result at the close of the polls fip. 1894. In 1892. the. democrats carried 22 states, and also received eiglit electoral votes out of nine from California; five out of fourteen from Michl gan; one out of throo from North Dakota; one out of twenty-three from Ohio. In that year the demo cratic candidate obtained a plurality over the re publican candidate of 380,810. In the fall of 1894 congressional elections took places and in most:of the states there were state elections. The democratic national administration was clearly the issue in that campaign. As a re sult only 11 states out of 45 were carried by tho democrats and out of the eleven only one, Cali fornia, was a northern state, the democratic ma jority there being something over 1,200. Missouri went republican in 1894. Kentucky, then repre sented in, the cabinet by John G. Carlisle, was car ried by the republicans by 1,047 on the congres sional vote and in that state the republicans elected five congressmen out of the eleven. Maryland went republican on tho congressional vote; Illinois went republican by a larger majority than it, did in 1900; Ohio went republican by a majority of 137,000, while the republicans carried Michigan by more than 100,000. The republicans carried Connecticut By 17,000. New Jersey, Mr. Cleveland's present home, went republican on the congressional vote by 48,000; New York, with David B. Hill as can didate for governor, went republican by 159,000; Pennsylvania gave a republican majority of 241, 000; Iowa a republican majority of 79,000. Massa chusetts, 65,000; Minnesota, 60,000; Wisconsin, '53, 000; Indiana, 44,000; Maine, 38,000. The sum of all the majorities cast for the democratic ticket in the eleven states carried by the democrats amounted to 300,744, while the ma jorities cast for the republican ticket in thirty-two slates amounted to 1,383,277. The net republican majority was, therefore, 1.082,533. Thi3 was 480, 679 larger than the popular majority obtained by the republican ticket in 1896. It was 252,743 larger than the popular majority obtained by the repub lican ticket in 1900. As a result of "the slump" of 1894 the congress elected in that year contained only 104 democrats, although the congress elected in 1892 contained 219 democrats. The congress elected in 1892- had 127 republicans, the congress elected in 1894 had 244 republicans. There were 24 states which in 1894 did not elect a single democratic representa tive to congress. In fact, outside of the southern states, there were, all told, only 18 democrats elected to congress (Missouri being counted with the northern states she elected 5 democratic mem bers out of 16) and of these one came from Califor nia, two from' Illinois, one from Massachusetts; five from Now York. Ave from Missouri, two from Ohio, and two from Pennsylvania. ,nn lf, hardly faIr t0 attribute "the tragical rout of 1904 to tho good report mado by tho demo cratic party in 1896. It is hardly fair to attribute the slump" to the party's action in 1890 when tho slump" really occurred in 1894 and at a tlnio when tho party was under the control of the same elements that dominated in 1904. JJJ HOPE literature for tho delights of moral philosophy, affd for twenty-nine years .s voice, more and mere distinct above the hum of business, the discord of poltics, and tho clash of arms, has been repeating to the uttermost parts of tho earth: "Thou shalt love the Lord, thy God, with all thy heart and thy neighbor as thyself." Hope stands next to love in the influence which it exerts. With it man'3, possible helpfulness defies fixed limitations; without it, his power for evil is. almost boundless. Victor Hugo has defined tho mob as "the human race In misery," and misery might be defined as hopeless suffering. Hope en ables us to bear our trials with patience. Might is but the beginning of the day to one who awaits the dawn and the day itself is dark to one to whom the sun Is hidden. We owe it to others as well as to ourselves to make the most of our opportunities, for "no one liveth unto himself." Our lives are so Interwoven with the lives about us that no one can fall with out hurting his comrades and np one can resist temptation without strengthening his fellows. Through hope we fix our eyes upon the ideal and then we endeavor to make our lives one long ascent toward the realization of that ideal. No conception of life is a worthy one that is not broad enough to include both the mortal and the immortal and no ideal is a noble one that does not lead to tho harmonious development of body, head and heart. The body can not be neg lected for it is the earthly tenement of the mind and the soul. It must Le strong to do its master's work The food, tho drink, the apparel, tho exer cise and tho recreation that fit the body for tho maximum of usefulness are desirable this is tho test . Any less is insufficient, any more would bo harmful. All habits of body or mind that con tribute to one's usefulness and all habits either heln or hinder are good habits; any habit which impedes one's progress is indefensible and should be abandoned. If to "a sound mind in a sound body' we add a sound heart we have a basis upon which to build the highest type of manhood and woman hood Every consideration of self, of family, of nation and of church impels us to dedicate each new year to greater endeavor and to larger ser vice. , v - ' - ' ' Whole JNumbtr 307 Democratic Plan Endorsed Hope presides over the year's birth and bids us bo of good cheer. "Old things are passed -away; behold all things are become new" Is a greeting which contains infinite encouragement. Tho page . is clean; wo can write what we will upon it. Memory whispers, Mako it a brighter page than the last one, and Hope answers, I will. Hope is the beginning of reform; and who has passed beyond its need? None so good that they may not improve; none so bad that they might not bo worso; none so young but that some false steps have already been taken; none so old but that the remnant of life is worth still further refining. Tolstoy Illustrates both the turning over of a new leaf and growth in righteousness. He was 48 years old when he exchanged the rewards of It will intorcat tho readers of Tho Commonor to know that Commissioner Garfield of tho bureau of corporations has endorsed tho democratic plan for dealing with tho trust quoatlon. Whether hla recommendation will bo adopted remains to It seen, but It certainly ought to havo the support of all tho democratic members of congress. Commissioner Garfield suggests that corpora tions engaged In Interstate commerco bo compelled to take out a federal license tho llconso to b granted upon terms that will compel tho corpora tions to do legitimate buHlncHs and prevent tho In juries which havo resulted from monopoly or at tempted monopoly. Tho slates nro to bo left to charter such corporations as thoy pleaso and to tax and control such corporations, but whon a corporation desires to engago In Interstate com merce It must submit to regulations necessary for tho protection of tho general public. This romedy for tho trusts Is entirely feasible and Is In keeping with tho democratic platform of 1900 tho plank being partially reiterated in tho platform of 1904. Tho plank of 1900 reads as follows: Wo pledge tho democratic party to an unceasing warfare in nation, stato and city against private mojiopoly In every form. Ex isting laws against trusts must bo enforced, and moro stringent ones must be enacted pro viding for publicity as to the affairs of corpo rations ongaged In interstate commerce, requir ing all corporations to show, before doing busi ness outside the stato of their origin, that they have not attempted, and are not attempting, to monopolize any branch of business or tho production of any articles of merchandise, and the Svholo constitutional power of congress over Interstate commerce, tho mails and all modes of Interstate communication shall bo exercised by tho enactment of comprehenslvo laws upon the subject of trusts. This plan has serveraf advantages. First, it Is easily enforced. By requiring a corporation to take out license In advance it saves the necessity of hunting up evidence to support a prosecution. By withholding the use of the malls, telegraph lines and railroads until license is secured, tho government has it in its power to completely pre vent an interstate monopoly. By reserving tho right to suspend or cancel a license the government i3 able to retain control of Interstate commerce cor porations in such an effective way as to entirely protect the public. Second, That plan does not Interfere with the right of the stato to charter such corporations as it thinks best and to control them according to its own Interests. The rights of the state and the rights of tho federal government are both pre served under this plan. , Third, This plan accomplishes the desired pur pose with the least injury. A legitimate corpora tion will find it no trouble to comply with the law, while it will find its greatest protection in tho passage of such a law. It might be wise to mak the law applicable to corporations having a certain capital or doing a certain amount of business. Or, better still, the law might bo based on the propor tion of business done rather than upon the actual amount, for a monopoly is only possible where a single corporation controls a large proportion of tho business In that line. If, for Instance, the law only applied to corporations controlling one-tenth of the product or sale of the article handled, all harmless corporations would bo relieved of an noyance. If the law provided that a license should be refused to all corporations controlling more than 50 per cent of the total product a complete monop oly would be prevented. The license board could be given discretion in regard to the licensing of - ., J0 lwwaawj al (')' i atAftL - w yi'ii ,.y&mt. ".Vj ifck .ia..x