i -.. K-wf im y Wm. .nnii wpMwi'M'ir' tj jjininuijiiiggRyf 1tpMWS"' . 16 The Commoner. VOLUME NUMBER 49 t . - i ' . s ' i,,,.i ' 3"V f?-". . . ., Divided Victory Nineteen states from which the offi cial returns have been received gave Roosevelt 4.736,113 votes arid barker 2.749,007. Theso states in 1900 gave Mc&inley 4,358,226 and Bryan 3,626, 9G6. Roosevelt's gain over McKinloy in these states is 377,887. Parker's loss as measured by Bryan's 'vote in 1900 is 877,959. In other words, the republicans mado a normal gain, While the Domocrats sustained unpar alleled 1OS303, which accounts tor Mr. Roosevelt's unprecedented plurality. . The official returns are coming in slowly, but it is already evident that tho total vote was less than that cast in 1896 or in 1900. The Evening Post estimates Roosevelt's total vote at 7,702,180 and Parker's at 5,119,704. McKinloy's vote in 1900 was 7, 207,923 arid Bryan's 6,258,133. The estimates of the 1904 vote may be slightly augmented by the full" official returns, but they indicate an increaso of approximately 500,000 in the 'Republican vote as compared with 1900 and a falling off of 1,256;000 in the Democratic vote. Tho total vote in 1900 was little more than 25,000 in excess of" the record-breaking vote of 1896. Against a total, vote of 13,400,00. It may be many thousand less. A con- CLUB LIST., Any one of tho following will bcacnt with THE COMMONER, both one year, lor tho club price. Periodicals may bo sent to dlflorcnt addresses 1 acuircd. Your frlendf may wish to Join with you in sending for a combination. All subscrip tions aro lor ono year, and it new( begin with tho current number unless otherwise directed. Pr?cnt subscribers need not wait until thoir sub Bcrlptions expire. Renewals received now will bo entered for a full year from expiration date. Subscriptions for Literary Digest and Public Opinion must bo new. HcnewalB for these two riot accepted. 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Club Price 11.20 2,25 1.00 1.85 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.85 1.00 1.03 1.10 1.10 1.00 1.33 1.00 1.00 1.00 CJub .Price fl.85 1.85 l.OO 1.25 '8.00 2.00 1.85 1.60 1.85 1.85 1.85' 1.85 Club Fxice IL8B 135 li60 1.45. .2.85 1,65 1.85 1.45 Club .Price 13.2 4.00 2.24 1.85 He has led the animal to water, but! servative estimate indicates that 2,500, 000 electors failed to vote at alla number that is about equal to Mr. Roosevelt's popular plurality. On the basis of the vote actually cast, Mr. Roosevelt could have allowed Judge Parker all tho Debs vote, all the Watson vote, all the Swallow vote and all the scattering vote, and still won by a popular plurality double that 6f,McKinley in 1900. Only twq- states carried by Mc Kinley show a de'creasp.fl "Rnnnhnnnn vote this year Maine and Maryland- ana tne decrease in Maine is onlv Riv Only seven states show a cain for Parker over the Bryan vote in 1900 Massachusetts, Rhode Island, DpIp- ware, West "Virginia. South Carniinn Georgia and Mississlnnl. ' Tn thn nfiim. states Parker's "loss ranged from 258 in New Jersey .to 185.000 in Tiiin'nia The meaning of these figures is very plain. Tho Republican stay-at-home vote was largely offset by the votes of Democrats .who preferred a radical Re publican to a conservative Democrat, wuuo uuuureus 01 tnousands of others did not vote at all. Judge Parker's tojal vote is less than Cleveland's in 1888. and only 200,000 in excess of Cleveland's vote in 1884, although 3,000,000 moro votes were cast in this' election thnn in ftmf 1600 .;. 3,306,000 more, than in that of 1884; jiiyen m mo disaster of. 1871 Greeley polled more votes than Sovmmir. fin in 1868. . yet Judge Parker ran nearly j.,4uy,uuu HBmna jryan in 1900. In! 1892Harison was dAfnnfAii W fiA stayrat-home reDublifinnn. m having fallen from 5,440,216 in 1888 lu o,j.o,iu m iayjj. The disaffection aga.inst Parker was ther disaffection against Harrison multiplied y , five That, 4s the whole story-. 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