'im"wv,-r.rTr Timtii.tT rwwuwum mrm i mh" DECEMBER 1C 1301 The Commoner. 3 ii r riirMrm Vnii i y lit" ft j I 11 11-11 ,X fe" -WC 1 : . K.J KTl ..l-Wk.W.iT':-.' -7. k. I m, JT . ' -' y A TT7f -W Vi - ' eUZLZ&ZSS& .: 7w .- '-- ... -ITilMi '" ' ' s. "'- H (k jf Vl!l2iJjvi 1 r i ii i i ii s5fcp TUB Hearst bill which seeks to extend the trary, appears to bo sufficient to support a finding charge of fraud can .o made 1 . ia not too lato powers of the interstate commerce commis- that the Kearney rate, in and of itself, wa and for the wron to bo remedied, n jg jUat now attracting considerable attention. is, reasonable. But in view of what has been said, -vo-c- The history of a case recently decided by Judge it will not be necessary to re- ew the evidence nrmj explanation of higher railroad mle glvon Morrow in the United States circuit court of Call- upon that question and determine that fact. Nor J uy the offlclalg of Lisa murondi, according fomia is used by Mr. Hearst's newspapers to illus- will it be necessary to consider the objection that to the Chicago Tribune, 1b that malarial and wao rnto the value of the Hearst bill. This case was the order of the commission seeks to fix and aro increasing and that It cota mora tn furnish roncerned with the freight rate on sugar from establish rates. A legislative power the commis- the sorvlca. Tho Tribune add: "It la wild In San Francisco to Kearney, Neb. The original pc- sion does not posses under tho act." adldtlon that frolght ratea are a moa dtllfoiilt tltlon was filed with the interstate commerce com- v thing to dotermlne; and that 'thero la no fixed rule ,ioatn n iROn nnd this was amended in 1894. Tho L .. ,, , , P , ,,, ,rt lUn m.n or o... :t sclenco that can h- appllod to them and Bhs Tl istzxzz reviewed by the circuitcourt. December, 1903. Commenting upon this report. Ztm&lntSwSmZmm - a writer in tho Boston Herald says: 1 Lough rot iQ uatQ Umt td0 ,g nrapUcaUy n0 ,ntom. COMMENTING upon this decision, Mr. Hearst's as high as the death rate in July, 1902, it is co - fQr maUIng rato8. nevnapers say: "These delays are not dae slderably higher than the death rate in July of . y to the cou?ts or the commission, but to the in- 1900, 1901 or 1903 ftjJ v T IS contended by tho same authority that rate genuity of corporation lawyers In finding excuses ance would nJJl3mv I mus lmvo somo r(ilat,on t0 tho cnultal "loc,c for postponement. Under the present law the health department cem hie gave an e tin a ted I op i refTmde(1 dobt of tho roadi that tho dlvldondH corporations have everything to gain and nothing ulation which was y o feV n 19W Com- on stock and tho Interest on tho bonds enter Into to ose by delay. If the Hearst bill becomes law covered by the 0nA0h their computation of what the rates should ho In this advantage will be taken from tho corporations pared with the figures for A ?yl fairness to the railroads. Tho Tribune then and every delay will prove expensive to them. It is allowance need be made. No t once C om f1, polntH out: "If, then, freight -tea : re bound w o;o of the most important objects contemplated 1903 to July, 1903 lncl usive dli l e death rate n nfluoncofl b th(J cnl)UafttIon of ,ho road3 by the Hearst hill to expedite decisions in cases Manila reach 40 per thousand while not once n Umt caD,u,j5at,on whlch dooa dealing with railroad rates." the first seven i months , o : 1904 v as it 'aw. nQt Mont actual monoy added to Ul0 road In sccs. As Is usual' the doa,t ate iU ;"y.wf rn nr a tho way of equlpmont will eventually bo reflected - - high among young children, no less thau 400 of a y whose Justice may well ho (mentioned TN THIS particular" case Judge Morrow set aside Qf m deaths ,jelng f cl ildlvn less than 1 n tho Subll-. In 1000 tho Chicago and Alton rall- 1 the ru.4ng of the interstate commerce commis- old Qf the adlllts the largest "umheroC p0ul,nny WM Icaied hy tho chlcnKo and Alton sicn In tho matter of a rate charged by the South- dcaths in July were cau8f d by diarrhoea and on- comnanv. Note tho difference between em Pacific and Union PSciflc railroads for 'carrying teritis and tuberculosis of the lungs, in each class ran v. ,rajlroa(1, nn(, raMway and ,Jonr in mnd sugar from San Francisco to Kearney, Neb. ine nie figures being the same, 81. hat they are two 8eimrat0 corporatlona. Tho railroads charged 77 cents per 100 poimds ol sugai v railway company leases the railroad company. Tho in carload lots shipped from San Francisco to recently lssucd by the United States Chicago and Alton railroad comnnny on Doc. 81, Kearney, whereas the rate on such shipments to a L s?rvL showa the value of the 1898, stood as follow.: or, Omaha, a much greater distance, was 50 cents pel eoiS,ai"f tifG united States for the ten Main track operated, mlleB ... -.0i 100 poinds. The decision does not specifically pass mineral products of the Uniteu biaies u i i mi i u i . 22.830,000 on the contention that the rate to Kearney is ac- calendar -yea torn n ySr ftffi t of bonds 8 060.860 tuaily unreasonable, as it is held that tho decision report the Boston Herald says in t llabimeB 8W0O SSSSKSS Total llabllitl,. iSS 'i&t.ss SSEfaciSa jffi;:;r- the rate is not relatively unreasonable. fa Id, e owtnj own . Pmnsylvania Main track operated, miles S6MS f rlytS, They give Preferred stock paid In 11 J WW TN DELIVERING his decision Judge Morrow said: he auanti y mined in 1903 as 06,013,454 long tons. Common stock paid in 22000000 I "unless the greater charge for the shorter 0euyntJspyeaiang, that is almost 0.600,000 tons Funded deb 2200 haul is in and of itself unreasonable and the lesser tlian liad ever before been mined in a cJ- Sundry Habllltlos ,US86V" rate charged for the longer haul is voluntary, the pmiar Vear. The value, however, increased far .,,, " rtfii7Bfl07 prohlbiUorofSio third Section of the interstate ry than did the tonnaro The next high- Total llablUUM . ?G6,176,O07 commerce law does not apply. It is t-uo that in est VGar to 1903 was 1901. The figures for 1903 - T i t n,plhlino n. S rourt it is contended that the rate to Kearney X0,fa gain of 10 per cent in the tons mined -nymiNG 1809- according to the Tr Ibiine . Uio is unreasonai?e per so, and In support of this con- ahesra0Inls a 0lf 35 per cent in the value o J uondB oTtheleaw and Alton raUrood tontion it is urced in argument that the unreason- "" nrollllct This may be taken as added proof of company were Increased $40,000,000. J w 1 ri mine a ffiTKra V-? Sefit rrora th0 "'" the rnS1ZA beyond to Lincoln' a competitive point plus the CaBSle u chadwlck cure. 1 riie case then lands Mmm local rate of 27 fients per 100 pounds from Lincoln THBnarja attracting Cap ita. zc on n iJ ...... 105.000.000 haek.to Kearnef; that the Kearney rate embraces 1 o Mrs. OI adwlck seems to TnatanSS' of liiiiid capitalisation charges for two hauls aggregating 300 miles not ww wwe Napoleon of finance in petti- mfcht i)0 Kiven but they are unnecessary. The in fact made. The attention of the court is also 5aQbe?2paborrowcd money from financiers right "Ln'ffhP Alton is sufnolent to ;,rove why freight called to a statement of the average eutbound Jhl$nuLert of e Citizens' Na- ' JJ ton hn " of doywnward. rate per ton per mile mainlined Jf Jnion and eft. 1 1 n has confessP(1 f, t he an d n was pract'cnHy the same In Pacific Railroad company on p0.f?! JhS his associates endorsed for-Mrs. Chadwlck one note l" in e(lJ,prnent as in 1898. But, it was for a number of years, from which it appears that his sCIdJeH d anothcr for ?,000. This bank ?l",ffi,7ed for three limes as much. The rates the local rate of 27 cents per 100 pounds from Lin- for J ,250,1 a BecTwith, says that Mis. Chadw.ck XTfflatTiQd a fair income on stocks coin to Kearney is in excess of such average rate .9 JJ T aggregating ?l,i25,000, all bearing "!fLdHln the former year would not have been But after it has been determined that Omaha is exhibited otes aggrefc surcty Mf nd t c the latter year. A curious an active competitive point and the rate , to ttat &e name of Andi SnddencS to this case is that the year in which point has been reduced by competition, his argu- fecitn, pre hier have ueen arrested by tho cknltali'ation of the Alton was so heavily fo ment does not supply the place of a finding jby the toge thei vith to cas denle8 XwisthS same year in wbi". freight raten commission upon evidence before it that the rate the teJ ,0" notc8 for Mrs. Chadwlck and creasc 0 Jvance. Railway managers and owners of 77 cents per 100 pounds from San Francisco to fer signed any n nted with the always contend that they must be allowed a Kearney is in and of itself unreasonable." !?L; fair rate of Interest on -their investment The woman ox stocVg ana bonds will be pointed to a? he in- TUDGE MORROW said that he had examined the ttvpti addressed to Major J. G. Pang- vestment. Fictitious increase of. stocks and I bends freight rates on sugar from New York, New TN A XBOTBR addrM Exhibitors' asso- will result in unfair increase in riles For this drleans and otS eastern points and arrived at the 1 HnV?esmenf Thomas H Carter of the Na- reason the interstate comn-erw """g conclusion thatrcompetition of rates from the At- ciation, Pmdd n uomDmmisgIoilf declares 'hat be given greater powers to restrain thli inevitable lantic seaboard is determined hy water competi- tional World si air wrupUon in connection tendency toward unfahrrate. tlon, and therefore the railroads must meet those aZQe of certain premiums have been PVGra?1SSm8 of Kentucky are rates, whether the shipments come from the A - jtth taUo5Bl commission. Mr. Carter says piWJ E rg JrerSutSS 2 reader lantic or Pacific. He concluded: "While there ts J b ut 2500 awards an( of this J suirei 'Birom ""-? ,w , v Bomo aSfSsHSSs ISssj-SrS S3fiS5arwyj order. The evidence before the court, on the con- tlces. President 41 i si tmmmitA'MiUi'