The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 09, 1904, Page 16, Image 17

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The Commoner.
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Have Been Spent to Give Liquozone
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Free to the Sick
We have bought a 60c bottle of Liquozone and given it free to each
of 1,800,000 sick ones. And we have spent over $1,000,000, in one
year to announce and fulfill this offer. May we buy you a bottle to show-
you the wonderful product which warrants an offer like that?
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Before we bought the rights to Liquo
zone, we tested it for two years,
through phyciclans and hospitals, in
this country and others. We proved it
In all kinds of germ diseases in thou
sands of the most d'flicult cases obtain
able. And we cured with it nearly
every disease which was considered in
curable. Wo knew then that the product was
of vital wo 'th to humanity. We knew
that everywhere there was sickness
which Liquozone alone could cure, and
suffering which nothing but Liquozone
could stop. We knew that thousands
died daily whom Liquozone could save.
But what was the best way to quick
ly let the sick ones know It? Kow could
we get this help to them at onc3?
How could we best .convince them that
Liquozone did what medicine never
could do?
We decided to buy 'he first bottle
and give it free to every sick one wo
learned of. We would let the product
Itself prove its power. So we pub
lished this- cer again and again, in
nearly every newspaper in America.
" The result is that millions use Liquo
zone now. Your own neighbors, wher
ever you ere, can tell you about it.
And half the people one meets, in
any part of America, know some one
whom Liquozone has cured.
Whct Liquozone Is.'
Liquozone is not a medicine. It is
not made by compounding acids or
drugs, nor is there any alcohol in it.
Its virtues are derived solely from gas
largely oxyge- gas by a process re-
. quiring immense apparatus and 14
J days' time. Each cubic inch of Liquo
zone Requires the use of 1,250 cubic
inches of gas.
Liquozone is the result of a process,
which, for more than 20 years, Jas
been the constant subject of scientific
and chemical research. The main re
sult is to get intcMiqUld, and thus Ipto
the blood, a powerful, yet harmless,
germicide. Another result is to ".re
ate a vitalizing tonic with which no
other known product can compare.
Kills Inside Germs
The great value of Liquozone lies In
the fact that it does what oxygen does.
Pxygen is the vital part of air, the very
source of vitality. The most essential
element of life. It is the blood food,
the nerve food, the scavenger of the
blood. It is oxygen that turns the blue
blood to red in the lungs; that elimi
nates the waste tissue and builds up
the new. Too little oxygen always
causes lack of vitality. An excess of tt
gives strength to every function of Na
ture. Oxygen is also a germicide. The
reason is that germs are vegetables;
and an excess of oxygen the very life
of an animal is deadly to vegetal
the most difficult cases obtainable. Wo
saw it cure hundreds of sick ones with
whom everything else had failed. And
we saw many a patient brought back
from the verge of the grave by it.
We proved to the satisfaction of the
beat physicians that in germ troubles
Liquozone did what nothing else could
accomplish. We proved It to be of
more value to sick humanity than all
the drugs in the world combined. Theii
we staked our fortunes and our repu
tations on it.
Every member of this company 'ises
Liquozone acts like oxygen. But it Liquozone daily in his family to pre-
does more than oxygen, because it is vent sickness, and millions of others
stable. It carries its virtues into the are learning to do likewise. Liquozone
blood to go wherever the blood goes, j is now employed by hospitals evory
It is a remarkable tonic the best thing where, and. by the physicians of nearly
call for a germicide.
Liquozone alone cn destroy the
cause o these troubles. It goes wher
ever the blood 'gOr-s. No germ can
escape it,and we have found no disease
germ which can "resist it. Dise'ses
which have resisted medicine for yeara
yield at onco to Liquozone, anu M cuts
diseases which medicine never euros.
In any stage of any disease In this
list, the results are so certair that '.ve
will gladly send to anv patient who
asks it an absolute guaranty.
Hay Fever Influenza
Kidney Dlsonses
in the world for you. Yet it is a ger
micide so certain that we publish on
every bottle an offer of $1,000 for a dis
ease germ that it can not kill.
The discoverer of Liquozone has
solved the great problem of killing
germs in the body without killing the
tissues, too. And there is no other
way. Any drug that kills germs is a
poison, and It can not be taken inter
nally. Liquozone is the only way that
any man knows to end the cause of
any germ disease.
Nine Nations
Now use Liquozone. The product is
more widely employed than any medi
cine -ever was; more widely prescribed
by the better physic' "ns. And no one
can doubt that t is doing more for
sick humanity than all the drugs in
use' combined.
We Paid $100,000
For the American rights to Liquozone,
and the British Liquid Ozone Cp. paid
the same sum for the rights in Great
Britain. That is the highest price ever
paid for similar rights on any scientific
We tell you this fact because it best
Indicates the value of Liquozone.
Claims are easily made, but men of
our class don't pay a price like that
save for a product of very great worth
t6 humanity.
Before making this purchase, we
tested Liquozone for twp years through
physicians and hospitals in this coun
try and others. We 'tried it in all
J kinds of germ diseases, in thousands of
every nation.
Germ Diseases
These are the known germ diseases;
all due to germ3, or the poisons which
germs create. These are tho diseases
to which medicine toes not apply, for
drugs can not kill inside germs.
All that medicine can do for these
troubles is to act as a tonic, aiding Na
ture to overcome the gorms. But those
results are indirect and uncertain. They
depend on the patients condition.
When drugs were prescribed for these
troubles, nobody knew of germs. Now
every good physician knows that thev
Abscesp Antomla
Blood Poison
BrL-ht's lMFease
Bowel Trouble
CouphB Colds
Consumption ...
Colic Croup
Constipation '
Dyaintary Biaotrhcoa
Dandruff Dropsy
Eczema Erysipelas
Fevers Gall Stones
Goitre Gout
Liver Troubles
Many Heart Troubles
Pleurisy Quinsy
Scrofula f-yphilis
Skin Diseases
Stomach Troublos
Throat Troubles
Tumors U i cera
Women's Discuses
All diseases that be?in with fever all inflatn.
mation all catarrh all contagious discnscs-nll
tho results ol impute or poisoned blood.
In neryous debility Liquozone nets ns a vital
lzer, accompnsmnK wnat no urugs can uu,
One Fvill-Size Bottle Free.
If you i :ed Liquozone, and have
never tried it, we ask you to send us
the coupon below. We will then -end
you an order on a lc-1 druggist for.
a 60c bottle, and will pay tho druggist
ourselves for it.
Wo have already done this with 1.-
800,000 people, and it has cost us over
one million dollars to announce and
fulfill' the offer. Don't you realize that
a product must have wonderful merit
when wo spend $1,000,000 just to let
the sick try it?
That is our only method of makine
Liquozone known. We publish no tes
timonials; we tell you of none it has
cured; we use no physician's endorse
ment. We prefer to ask yqu to try it,
at our expense. Then judge for your
self what it does.
It you have already used Liquozone,
this offer, of course, doos not apply to
you. But if you have - not used it it
you don't know its results please aend
us this coupon today. Do that in jus
tice to yourself. Tho acceptance if
this offer places you under no obliga
tions; and It will Introduce to you
a product better than anything else in
the world for you.
Liquozone costs 60c and $1.
for this offer may not appear again. FiUoat
the blanks and mail it to tho Liquid Ozone
Co , 468-4G4 Wabash Ave., Chicago.
My diaeaso is........
I have never, tried Liquozone, but if you
Will supply me a 50o bottle lroo 1 will tako u
W201 ,.. ;
Giro full address writo plainly.
Any physician i or hospital notyej i ujlnff Llquo
me giadfy supplied for a test.