wfl f,WPWftfltpwtv'r Mm- NOVEMBER 1S,1S04 The Commoner. 0 Full Dollar's Worth Free I will gladly give any sick one a frdl dollar's worth or my remedy to test. ' I aakiio deposit no promise. Tbero Is nothing to pay, cither now or later. The dollar bottle Is free I wantnorcfercnccnosacurlty. The poor hftvo the samo opportunity as the rich. The very sick, the slightly 111, invalids 01 years, and men and women whoso only trouble is an oc casional "dull day'" to ono and all I say "Merely wrlto and ask." I will send you an order on your druggist, lie will givo you free, tlio full dollar package. My oflcrla as broad as humanity itsolf. For sickness knows no distinction in its ravages. And the restless patient on a downy couch is no more, welcomo than the wasting Kuflerer who lrets through the lagging hours In a dismal hovel. 1 want EVKItYone, EVEKYwhcrc to tost my remedy. There is no mystery no miracle. I can explain my treatment hcltmrittil1 NnlnM1 fou "fr cold frcMCS trand why neat melts Ice. Nor do I claim a discovery For evorv iioinii tit ffini' lUtementA,in5ani l,I,llS 8 '"S.S noTen thnLii. S,i5?nenTeiiln8fed,on.l.rin medicine Is as old as t nlrnfflVn? llmilJf R,!D,,)d t,,c trutln an.l combined tno ingredients into a romedy that s nraotloallv corutn Thn paragraphs below will show you the reSoii wliy ..uilny ycurs of Pal,cnt xpcrlmcnt will avail you nothing if lnuar0 ?tttC,Cont ra?P"- vor .acts and reason aim even belief will not cure. Only the remedy can do that. In eighty thousand communllics-ln more than a million homcs-Dr. Snoop's Restorative Is known. There are tliow nil around you-your friends and neighbors, pcrhupi-whoM suller ingithas relieved. Thcro h not a physician anywhere who dares tell you I em wronglu the new medical prlnclploi which I apply. And for Blx solid years my remedy has stood the sever est tcit a rncdlolno was ever mil'to-I have laid "If It fall JU Jrcc.' and It hai never tailed whero thcro was a poMlble chance for it tosuccoed. Jlutthls mountain of evidence Is of no avail to thojie who hut their eyes and doso away In doabt. For doubt Is harder toovcrcomo than dlicaic. I cannot cure those who laaktho laitii to try. i.2 mii u V FW18. thl? ofl5Br l "et h evidence. I lay aside Ujo fact that mine is the lanrcnt medical practlcoln tho worid. and come to you as a stranger. I ak 70U to bcllevo not one word that I say till you have proven It or yourself. I offer to jrtro you outrlilit a lull dollar's worth ol Vr. Snoop's Restorative. Ho ono else has over tried o hanl to remove every posilblo exdusc for doubt. It Is the litmou my unbound ed confldenoc can raggest. Its open and frank and fair. It If the supreme test of my limitless belief. Inside Nerves! Only one out of every 98 has perfect health. Of the 97 sick ones, aomo aro bcd-rlddcn, some are half sick, and some aro only dull and list less. But most of the sickness comes irom a common cause. The nerves are weak. Not the nerves you ordinarily think about not the nerves that govern your movements and your thoughts. B .t tho nerves that, unguldcd and unknown, night and" day, keep your heart in motion con trol your dfgostive npparatus regulato your liver operate your kidneys. Theso are tho nerves that wear out and break down. It docs no good to treat tho allintr organ tho irregular heart tho disordered liver tho re bellious Btomach the deranged kidnoys. They arc not to blame. But go back to the nerves that control them. There yon will ilnd tho Beat of the trouble. There is nothing new about this nothing any physician would dispute. But it remained for Dr. Shoop to apply this knowledge to put it to practical use. Dr. Snoop's Restorative is the TCEUlt Ol a minrtpr mntlirv nf nndnnvnp nlnrio- this very line. It does not doso the organ or nerve tho inside nqrve tho power nerve and builds it np. and strengthens it and makes it well. For Stomach Troubles Tho stomach is controlled hy abdicate nerve called., tno sqlaj plexus. Prize fighters know that a blow over tho stomach a solar plexus blow means a sure kri6ck-out. For this nervo Is ten times as sensitive as tho pupil ol your eye. let the solar .plexus is only ono of the centers ol the great inside norve-lho power nervo. It is ono ot tho master nerves. The stomach is its slave. Practically all stomach trouble is nervo trouble inside nervo trouble solar plexus trouble. Dr. Shoop's Rcstoratlvo strengthens the Inside nerves stren.thcns the solar plexus and tho stomach trouble disappears. A Bond of Sympathy The inside nerve system is plainly tho most important system in tho human body. Our life rests tm the action ol the vital organs. While they work we live. Wbentheystopwcdlc. While they pcrlorm their duties properly we aro well. When they perform their duties poorly wo aro ill. And tho vital organs, each and everyone, depend upon tho Inside nerve system, for ft not only regulates them it operates and controls them. The work of the inside nervo Is not only tho most Important it is tho most laborious. For our other nerves are exerted only at will. We think and talk and exercise only as we (eel in clined, and when we are tired wo rest. But the stomach, the heart, tho livor, tho kidneys, must constantly and continuously day and night fresh or tired, perform their necessary duties. We have no way of knowing even that they are tired or at fault save the weakening of the or gans they supply. But this strong bond of sympathy has a useful Eurpose. For it shows us clearly that all aro ranches of ono great system that if wo make the system strong we strengthen every branch. This is why so many ailments can be cured by ono lonn of treatment. For almost all sickness Ib nerve sickness inside nervo sickness and other kinds of sickness, such as purely organic derangements are frequently duo to lack of proper inside nerve treatment. For Kidney Troubles Tho Sidneys aro the blood Alters. They are operated solely by tho inBldo nerves. The branch which operates them and regulates them Is called tho renal plexui. When tho renal plexus is weak or Irregular tho kidney's become clogged with tho poisons they should throw off. No kidney treatment can clean them out or cure them and one slngo leads into another until after a while tho kidneys themselves begin to break down and dissolve. Thcro is only one way to reach kidney trouble that la through tho inside ncrvcB that control them, which Dr. Shoop's Rcstoratlvo alone strengthens and restores. Many At ments-One Cure ! I have called theso th" inside nerves for sim plicity's sake. Their usual namo is tho "syropa. thetlo" nerves. Physicians call them by this namo becauso they are so closely allied became each is In such clone sympathy with the others. The result Is that when one branch la allowed to become impaired, tho others weaken. That Is why one kind ol sickness leads Into another. That Is why cases become "complicated." For this delicate nerve Is tho most Beusltivo part of the human system. Does this not explain to you some of the un certainties ol medicine is it not-a good reason to your mind why other kinds of treatment may have tailed. Don't you see that THIS is NEW in medicine? That this is NOT the mere patchwork ot a stim ulantthe mere soothing or a narcotic? Don't you seo that it goes right to tho root of tho trouble and eradicates the cause? Rut I do not aHk you to tako a single state ment ol mine I donotaskyou to bcllevo a word I say until you have tried my medicine in your own home at my expense absolutely. Could 1 offer you a full dollar's worth frco if thf ro were any misrepresentation? Could I let you go to your druggist whom you know and pick out any bottlo ho has on Iiir shelves of my medicine were it not UNIFORMLY helpful? Could I AV FORI) to do this II I were not reasonably SURE that my mcdlclno will help you? For Heart Trouble Yonr heart beats more than ten thousand times a day. And every heart beat is an Impulso of tho insldo nerve branch called tho cardiac plexus. The heart is a muscle, but It is the nervo that makes tho muscle d(. the work. An irregular or weak heart is, almost In every In stance, the dlrec result ot a weak or Irregular nerve Inside nerve. To euro heart trouble re store the nerve to normal. Dr. Shoop's Restor ative will restore tho cardiac plexus, just as it restores tho solar plexus and the renal plexus. For all are equal parts of tho inhidc nervo sys temthe power nerves the master nerve. Simply Write Me Tho first frco bottle may hn enough to effect a euro but I do not promise that. Nor do 1 fear a loss of possible profit II it does. For such a lest will surely convince Ihe cured ono beyond doubt or dispute or disbelief, that uvcry word I say Is true. Tho offer Is open to everyone, everywhere. But you must write MK fur tho Ireo dollar bottlo order. All druggists do not grant the test. I will then direct you to one that docs. Ho will pass it down to you Irotn his stock as freely as though your dollar laid before him Write for the order today. Tno oflcr may not remain open. I will scud you the book you ask for be side. It Is tree. It will help you to understand your case, What more can 1 doto couvlncerov oi my Interest of my slucerily7 For a fro order for Hook 1 on Dysrwpila. a full dollar bottlo Book 'on tho Heart, you must addrcis I)r. Book .1 on I ho Kidneys. Shoop, Box C5io, Ka- Book A for Women, cine, Wis. State Book 6 lor ilen. which book you want. Book 0 on Rheumatism Mild cases are often cored with ono or twe bottles. For sale at forty thousand drug stored ForWomanlyTroubles Almost all of the troubles that arc peculiar to woman are csuscd by weaknets ol the Inside nerves. Thcro is no need to doctor and doso as ailing organ when it depends alone for its sup ply of energy on tho insldo ncr es, inside weakness. It not attended to will feprcad. The common name for the inside nerves is tho "Sympathetic Nerves." Each center is in clow sympathy with the other, and when one be comes deranged, general weakness and de rangement frequently ensue. Dr. shoop's Rc storatlvo gently tones up the InMdc nervoi and removes the cause of weakness permanently and forever. Dr. Shoop's Restorative For economy's sake, Jceep a "bottle of Dr. Shoop's Restorative always on the pantry shelf. When off days come a few doses will increase your appetite -relieve your dullness-set you right. Neglected, these dull, listless spells may develop into serious illness. A close in time is the truest economy butter, and a little "Water, Jf not moist enough. Stuff and sew the edges to gether, brine the hind and forefeet forward, and close to the body; put a piece of wood or something In the mouth to fceep it Opeq. Put half a cupful of hot. water with a teaspoon ful of salt and tablespoonful of butter in a dripping pan, put the pig in, and baste often, dust lightly with flour, and bake in a moderate oven for two and a half to three hours. When about done, rub the outside with a cloth dipped in melted butter. When done, remove to a large platter, take out the stitches, remove the stick from its mouth, and put in. its place a small apple or lemon. Garnish the platter with celery or parsley. Brown gravy should be served .with it. Mashed sweet and Jrish potatoes and turnips may be served with the roast. Apple tand Pumpkin Butter Boil cider down one-half, in an agate or porcelain vessel; then add the ap ples as you pare. -and quarter them, bojling them slowly "all' the while. When your kettle will hold no more, cook slowly for two hours, stirring often with a wooden paddle; then stir in a heaping teaspoonful of mixed spices to every quart of the butter, and boil until quite thick. Some like tne butter sweet, and light brown sugar may be used. The spices generally used are cloves, cinnamon and alspice, ground. Should be kept in small earth en jars. Pare and scrape the pieces of pump kin, cut into small pieces, put into a kettle with but Jittle water and cook slowly for four hours longer, if neces sary to boil all water away. See that the pumpkin is thoroughly mashed and quite dry and thick; then, to each quart of pumpkin, add a scant cup of light brown sugar, and season with ginger or cinnamon, as you like. Cook one hou. longer, stirring all the time. Keep in "itone jars, well covered. Query Box ' L. J. R. I am sorry I can not aid ybu.-; -"- l ' S-r .'."' ., '- H. 'K.' Your qudfy 'answered' by mail by an authority on the subject. Mrs. T. J. To make your ceiling appear higher, use a paper of a pro nounced perpendicular design; also; omit the picture rail. A Subscriber. Sprinkle alr-slacfce'd lime through tho potatoes; this will usually arrest decay. Tobacco leaves or paints being stored near, them will not cause rot Prances. To suit the lampwick to the tubing, draw a few threads from it, lengthwise. This will reduce the buik, and the wick will pass in with out trouble. Mrs. A. M. -Preserve your orange peel by cutting away the thin yellow part carefully, and boiling the peel until tender; then boil in a thick syv rup until clear; cool, and roll in granu lated sugar and dry. Ruthie G. The question Is one that only a reputable physician can answer. Sorry I missed, you at the convention. You forgot to give me your postoffice address. Mrs. J. &'.-uitea.f'few.of our best authorities on cullrfary ' matters en dorse the article mentioned as. a sub stitute for lard; many persons uso suet and beef-drippings with satisfac tion. Personally, I do not know its meritii. Fannie J. The profession of stenog rapher and typewriter is very much, over-crowdetl and poorly paid. .If you are well educated, and know how to use your education, the mere learning to manipulate the keys will be but small matter. The wage is measured by the skill and ability you display. Marlon. It Is only within the last few years that the Intellectual quali fications of the sexes could be com pared, as, until recently, the higher branches of learning were not open to women. Since their admission to the colleges and universitiss, women have attained to high honors In all branches and.their Intellectual abilities are meet ing recognition. , Jlen's Lung Balsam. rJy.trcaJc up idwp,rWa I, rtrjjsMytwrwj l,Mi .,' t vrfii t&flLu u'jk.jA.' v-v g1'