The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 18, 1904, Page 15, Image 15

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N6VBMBBR 18, 1&04
The Commoner.
What Sulphur Does
For the Human Body in Health and
The mention of sulphur, will recall
to many of us the early days when our
mothers and grandmothers gave us
our daily dose of sulphur and molasses
nvprv snrlnc and fall.
It was the universal spring and fall
'blood puriiier," tonic and cure-all, and
mind you. this old-fashioned remedy
was not without merit.
The idea was good, but the remedy
was crude and unpalatable, and a
large auantity had to be taken to get
any effect.
Nowadays we get all the beneficial
effects of sulphur in a palatable, con
centrated form so that a single grain
is far more effective than a table
spoonful of the crude sulphur.
In recent years, research and ex
periment have proven that the best sul
phur for medicinal use is that obtained
from Calcium (Calcium Sulphide) and
sold in drug stores under the name of
Stuart's Calcium "Wafers. They arc
small chocolate coated pellets and
contain the active medicinal principle
of sulpnur in a highly concentrated, ef
fective form.
Few people are aware of the value
of this form of sulphur in restoring
and maintaining bodily vigor and
health; sulphur acts directly on the
liver, and excretory organs and puri
fies and enriches the blood by the
prompt elimination of waste material.
Our grandmother knew this when
they dosed us with sulphur and mo
lasses every spring and fall, but the
crudity and impurity of ordinary flow
ers of sulphur were often worse than
the disease, and can not compare with
the modern concentrated preparations
of sulphur, of which Stuart's Calcium
Wafers is undoubtedly the best and
most widely used.
They are the natural antidote for
liver and kidney troubles and cure con
stipation and purify the blood in a
way ..nat often surprises patient and
physician alike.
Dr. R. M. Wllkins while experi
menting with sulphur remedies soon
found that the sulphur from Calcium
was superior to any other form. He
says: "For liver, kidney and blood
troubles, especially when resulting
from constipation or malaria, I have
been surprised at the results obtained
from Stuart's Calcium Wafers. In pa
tients suffering from boils and pim
ples and even deep-seated carbuncles, I
have repeatedly seen them dry up and
disappear in four or five days, leaving
the skin clear and smooth. Although
Stuart's Calcium Wafers is a proprie
tary article, and sold by druggists, and
fcr that reason tabooed by many phy
sicians, yet I know of nothing so safe
and reliable for constipation, liver and
kidney troubles and especially in all
forms of skin disease as this remedy."
At any rate people who are tired ot
pills, cathartics and so-called blood
"purifiers," will find in Stuart's cal
cium Wafers, a far safer, more pal
atable and effective preparation.
place, centrally locatedana I know of
no place more suitable than St. Louis
for the establishment, in marble and
granite, of just such a city; a substan
tial expression of the artistic and ar
chitectural genius of the age. In this
marble city, the greatest artists could
meet and the lesser "artists study;
"writers and poets could come together
and forget the commercialized aspect
of literature, in communion' with the
spirit of the masters; great and small
musicians could gather, for a festival
of sound, in which ragtime would play
no part. The idealists and dreamers,
those impractical people whose mis
sion it is to keep us in touch with
things of value higher, tnan can be
reckoned in coin, could hero meet and
unfold their plans.
We should havo at least one placo
in America, "a holy of holies," set apart
for intellectual and spiritual pursuits,
as well as for tho display of products,
and it should bo maintained by tho
government. We havo spent vast
sums on forest reserves, and this is
as It should bo; wo must Jfeep from
vadalism our beautiful natural narks:
but let us respect tho work of man
as well as that of mother nature, and
establish for him a city which shall
be the highest expression of his genius.
Between Friends
The pursuit of politics Is a pleasure
in Orange, JJ. J. One night last week
E. S. Stokes, tho republican guberna
torial candidate delivered an address
in the Orange music hall. A large
white sign on the front of tho building
Three or four nights afterward tho
democratic leader in Orange met the
republican iiader and remarked: "By
the way, old man. Charlie Black is
going to speak in music hall tomor
row night. Will you let us have that
sign you had for Stokes meeting?"
"Sure; send around and get it," was
the reply. Thus it came about that
the big white sign did double duty.
Does it speak well for our affairs when
opposing politicians are so friendly?
A cheerful observance of the polite
amenities is characteristic of politi
cians generally, but rarely does it go
to the extreme observed in tho case of
the New Jersey friends. Although pub
lic opinion doesn't require that op
posing politicians go armed to the
teeth and prepared to kill at sight, it
does demand a show of opposition, and
stops short of permitting friends to
do away with the constitution, for in
stance. About the average politician there
seems to be a good deal more of the
professional advocate than he can af
ford to acknowledge to the public, and
after a strenuous is no uncom
mon thing for two of them to lock
arms and repair to a tavorn, figura
tively and literally. Just how sincere
are the politicians, after all? St. Louis
Capital and Labor
Sitting in the Waldorf cafe, we were
discussing some deep problems of the
day, trying to photograph them, as it
were, on the brain. The Question of
capital and labor came up.
"Can you tell me. Colonel, what is
the difference between capital and la
bor?" was asked of a retired officer of
tho engineer corps, U. S. A.
"I flatter myself that I can, sir," said
the Colonel. "Some time before my
old and very dear friend, William H.
Vanderbftt, died, he was run down by
an unruly team at Fleetwood park. His
injuries did not amount to a scratch,
sir, but they caused a panic in Wall
street, and the newspapers published
from two to four columns about it.
At the same Instant a brick mason
fell from the top of a wall he was
building and broke his neck. One
twentieth of a column answered for
him. That. sir. is tho difference be
tween capital and labor. Exchange.
Gib me a Po'tali-Ht'usa"
Two colored barbers, one an old man
and the other a younger one, had the
shop. The younger one had taken off
his apron and started toward the door.
"You's gwlnc tor got a dr!nk7" asked
the older.
"Dat's what Tso gwlno tor do." an
swered tho younger man.
"Go an' get yo drink," said the
other. ' "I used tor do tho samo t'Ing
when I was young. When I was fus
ma'rlcd dun whx a gin mill ncx' tor
do shop whah I worked, an In it I
spent fifty and scbenty cents a day
outen da dollar an n half I earned.
Well, ono mo'nln I went Intor de
butchah an' looked tor see what money
I had left.
"What do you want?" askod tho
" 'Gib rnc ton cents wuf oh libbor,'
wuz tho remark. It wuz all I could pay
fo Now you go and git yo' drink.
You'll eat libber, but de man what sells
you de stuff will hau nis po'tahhousc
steak. Do man behind, do bah eats
po'tahhousc, do man in front eats lib
ber. I ain't touched do stuff fo thirty
years, an I'm eatln' po'tahhousc mah
self." This homely philosophy of the old
negro applies to many , of our acquaint
ances. Metal Worker.
A Numerical Mistake
"Private" John Allen tells us of an
old time politician of Mississippi who
was making a personal canvass of his
territory, says the Woman's Homo
"Ono day,' relates Mr. Allen, "the
statesman was doing tlie southern por
tion of the state. Suddenly he struck
a community that appeared fairly
a-swarm with children. Never had
ho seen so many little ones in so small
a place. Clustered about one doorway
wero somo fourteen tots of various
ages. In their midst stood an ex
tremely good looking young woman.
" 'Madam,' said the politician, with
a gallant how, 'you must permit me
to kiss these charming little ones.'
"Tho woman merely smiled.
"After ho had affectionately saluted
each of them, he asked, with a gonial
smile: 'All yours?'
"The young woman blushed.
; "Tne statesman, with another bow,
then said: '1 trust, madam, that I
may further trespass upon your good
nature by asking that you will be so
good as to inform your husband that
Col. , candidate for congress from
this district, called upon him thfs aft
ernoon.' " 'Pardon me,' gasped the woman,
'but I have no husband! '
"'But thes3 children, madam!' ox
claimed tho astonished statesman.
You are not a widow?'
'"Oh, no, sir!' was the reply: 'This
is an orphan asylum"
OO fMtKMbelfettEKlt,
The Ghicaa
a complete ensine in every d
tall. Mounted on wood bas e :
self-contained easily
moved; always ready for
work; can bo ran any
where by any one. Will
pump more water than
ten torn ft tone tenth the
cost. In one haur it wilt
grind 15 bushel of feed.
taw one to two cords of
wood, or rut 2 to 4 tons of
fnli!r rfnntlinp wrnrb (n mo
portion at a coal of one jfsllonof Jeaolint for
each bora power per day.
Mft HilfCT to blow out ns cylinder Is rnado
BW UAdnCId n one solid piece. No leak
aso of water Into cylinder, or loan of compression
therefore we set tho mot power front tho least
fuel. Cylinder Is water jacketed, both tides and
top. Our anap apaik (niter is tho surest made;
is simple nnd positive. Ihe generator insures
perfect misturo of air and eonolluc. A very Impor
tant point. Positively by far the easiest endue to
atari, tinder all conditions.
HRiHIf SIIAKT niado of forccl ctecl tar
OnAllt iinnr! nod, trued ond polished.
Phosphor bronxe'bushlnea. Cantings aro made of
tho beet No. 1 pie iron, livery engine is fitted with
water and cnsolino tank, batteries connected all
rendy to run. Each cnu'ine is thoroughly tested and
cuarouteed almolutely perfect, and to develop full
rated horso power. 1 ho simplest cuclnn ever made.
Result of fifteen yearn experience. Few parts;
hi ih efficiency; jfreatcat economy; Iswt
Eric. Wo also mnkn 3, 4, 6. 8 and 10 II. P. cnclnes.
VT THIS AD OUT and send It to us and we will
mail you catalog free. It showo largo cuts, full de
scriptions, many photographs, of tho engine at
actual wot k. Thta book will eivo you moro infor
mation on casoiino engines than wan over printed
beloro. Wo havo ruvolutioniccd tho Caroline en
gine business, tho catalog tells you what wo have
loarnoil in 15 years. Do net bay & power of any
kind until you send for the catalog and learn all
About the best engine on earth nnd onr liheralterms,
I7N. Jul f at'san St Ck4t, H4.
A AnuttM iMtiwmt atiiX ll aH4
Ul I'liuo l, ruiy ftnuM u tp rrnut
Uw,t1'l nMMteft MH4MM FHUa Watrt
wtmu4Vin. AiMtgll4 Kolr uM ZiaM
Miiaoad Klmr. (par Ml li uSrj WUOut f a
UUlMM4.krffaUluUlrrW))Unni 4 (Jlilt
MU)(U fat MltUf 30 MWM f
Mr bwtiMMlf lrr tlO A.
BjtvMntt MS 1I m4
TrvS trm
wrw MlnN MS w trill mi
' taa Jrrtlfy ywtftl.
m4 ua IS, m4 tH ft
HU -assaw-
Ik fc aa4 U r4r. al tUU.
Cancer Cures
Cancer, Tumor, Catarrh. Fistula, Ulccrn. he
zernt and nil Skin and Womb Diseases. Write
for llluatrutcd Hook Fentlrec, Address
DB. BYE. gjS Kansas Clly.He,
I was neipivss ana ueu-naoru ror years iroro a
double rupture. No truss could hold, nectars nld
Lttou (1 die If not opt'ratrd upon. J fooled them all
and cured myself by & simple dlcovery. 1 will send
the cure free by mail If you write for It. It cured
mo and has since cured thousands. It will cure
you. VI rile today.
Capt.W A.Colllng,Bez 301 Watcrtovn.N.Y.
t&uibtthoroothlr. loitltallon eiUbllibot l7t. K.
4erM by mcfrJj Kllrovlg aa4 W,U.TUC. r!lln m
carol. Kntlr eait lalUo UJrfk s4 fyirlUa(,
trdanli0b, 0 aa.eHrset SJM9. Cm fce rt&nA
Hoid lijiirnr tloa alMrlren. CtUlo(u u fit.
twvuvB imii itit or nimtuvHtt TJjxat, ut. '
Contains DcUrt!on of Indpadncef Constitution of th U. S., AH
National Platform, of all political parties, alnca their formation, to and
including thoea of 1904, 188 page, li just what tvtry public speaker should
hare at hand for read rforonc. Postpaid 25 cent. Address,
THE COMMONER, LlacoJa, Nafcr.
If You Want a FENCE
That Is made from thobes$HIfc CsrbaaStrcl Jflrt.
That Is HfaHy OilrsaJ) to prevent rust or corrosion.
TbatlsCulLKbto provide for contraction nnd expansion,
Tb&tlsBirtag Kaaugb to turn tlie most vicious anlraai,
That la Wait a Ctowly to turn cnlckens and small pigs,
Thatstaulea to the pofttnaayou would nail a board,
That eullxadJneUltMirto all uneren surf aces.
That Is woven in oucn a loanner that compel every wire
to bear its portion of strain.
TnatyoncanliayPlrtri from t be firm that makes It. vUh
M Frrlf a ftvyaM to your nearest rauroao aiauoa,
turn it It displeases yon in any particular,
TbaVyoa can erect and La Ut Ikuiy Dtji, and ii nnsat
iitmetorr return at true en veaiB and tret, tout money.
Writeforlfroe Catalog rfvlntffuJl Information, AOdrtts,
.,1-.? ,-' e ,
aySW..rt,i. M;ri