The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 04, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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The Commoner.
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IX Jfc. .1 -.Wln- &V j. 1
fVfeljtiifJtilK "Tf!Ls.g
Conducted $
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At Holtiht 'O the Yo&r
Now turns the year In his scarlet bed;
Now creeps the frost to the crimson
Now smokes the fires of the Wander
High in the woodland and low by
the sea.
Now is the time fothq. dearest
dream, -''
To press the hill-tops With- nearing
Now enter tho heroes of Arcadie
With creaking wains 'on tho narrow
Now lifts tho heart to the fearless
Now sings the' blood to the surer
Now wakes tho soul from its summer
To climb to God in an afternoon.
Low in the valley the leaves are still
Sodden gold in the stubble sear;
Over tho woods the flags unfurl
Flaring tho pride of the turning
Low in the valley Doubt lies dead
A shadow aslant the purple field
Over the hill the quest is sped,
And Youth goes up with a crimson
Woman's Home Companion.
Homo Cheats
Many kind words of commendatiou
have reached me through the malls,
and I would gladly answer the writ
ers with thanks for the encourage
ment, which is surely appreciated,
but as this is impossible, I must
thank you for all through the me
dium of the Home columns. I am
anxious to please you, and to serve
you, and the Home columns should
be nothing if not helpful, in more
avenues of service than one. Others
have sont with their kind words sug
gestions which I shall gladly make
use of, and still others ask for in
formation which will be forthcoming
in season. Some bave sent in excel
lent recipes, but entirely unsuited for
30 Days Trial
aa m av "whhmm - ....
YinusoTi'mno. Qttoersat
$165.00, $198,00 ana $225.00,
umroval lor a7) tlftvaf trial. v
IVfmlvhfc VinfTi .wavo l va ...,..- ..'!
-- 11 nvw iui uui uiunbrHLu nHuiminn.
ltAnlln il-.Ii: -"- --,
Shlnncul on &
9ay freight bo
Anntatl !
X Jor"'iiuoWrV"i'4 uwwmuon, large pnow.
until yoa kftYfc seen our- fttWnJ.
u - i"r in-T-
Montgomery Ward & Go,
w.niKiAYB.iaui50flan waswngww Sw.,ChlcaflK
this time of year, and as no names
were sent with them, I shall have to
keep them until .the time comes
around again, and at the proper sea
son give them to our readers, thank
ins the unknown senders.
I must again ask our. friends to
send, with any communication they
may offer, their real names and ad
dresses, for in-many cases a personal
letter may be required. Please do
not forget it, friends. I should like
the address of Mrs. B. S. Williams, of
St. Louis, Mo Will she -please send
it? Also of Effle S., of Salisbury,
" For iho Hands
It via wiser to prevent th,e hands
from being chapped than to heal
them after the mischief is done. Ev
ery housekeeper should have at hand
a little bag filled with powdered
starch, which she should dust- on her
hands as often as they, are wet, es
pecially if not going to wet them
again immediately, as housekeepers
sometimes have to do. A bottle con
taining one part of mire ErlvnoriTiF nnr?
three parts rosewater should be kept
on the wash stand and applied to the
hands as soon as iney are washed
and dried, by every member of the
family, and especially at niehL Mon
who work in the field will find great
help from rubbing vinegar into the
hands immediately after washing, as
this acid, will kill the- alkali in the
soap. Vinegar is very healing, and if
combined with corn .meal, will tfeep
the hands' in good shape and prevent
ho Home Go.rdon
While looking over the Florist's cat
alogue and p.'anning for your bulbs and
perennial flowering plants, do not lose
Sight of the other side of the subject
the garden for tho kitchen. Pre
pare a nice bed and sow lettuce seeds,
and do it now. The plants will come
up thick next spring, as soon as the
frost is but of the ground, and by the
time the ground" is ready for trans
planting jou will have abundance of
nice lettuce plants and plenty of ear
ly salad.
Don't forget to set the rhubarb roots
and if you already have a row of
plants, see if they need separating and
resetting. Put plenty of old, thor
oughly rotten manure in the trench
es, and don't forgot t6 put a gener
ous Covering Of litterv maniiAra- Qr.
the soil whore you have put the di
vided roots.
Another good thing to have in tho
family is a sage bed. It may be set
this fall, and then you will be sure
of it, for if you wait until the hurry
of springtime you will neglect it.
Garden herbs are very handy things
to have, and may as well be had as
Do not forget to plant a few goose
berry plants of the improved kinds
and whether you live in the city or
country, try to have av "fruit garden "
If it only consists of one or two
plants of a kind. Wherever a weed
will grow, one can grow something
useful, but before it grows, it must
bo given a chance to do so. The home
should have plenty of fruits, vegeta
bles and- flowers, but every one of
these calls for some work.'
Guttering Vp h Fragments
mh0,?bmingLOf the C001 das bngs
with1-it -heartier appetites :'and calls
for stronger foods, and it requires
great care on the part of tho house
wife to suit the quantity of food cook
ed to the appetite to be catered to.
Despite tho utmost care, however,
there will often be "left-overs," and
the constant cry of the economical
cook is for suggestions and recipes
relating to the best ways of using up
these small amounts which one does
not like to hrow away, but which are
yet too small in amount to use sat
isfactorily by themselves.
In order to most economically use
up all the little odds and ends of the
pantry and the larder, tere are sev
eral mechanical devices which every
woman should have. The cost of each
Is but small, and they may be added
to the kitchen conveniences as one
may have the means to spare, but they
should certainly be added, even at
sacrifice in some other way. ' Saving
in the kitchen may not mean dollars
ai . cents actually In hand, bu it may
mean, and generally does, a saving in
health and strength to the woman
who does the work. Doctors' bills are
dearer than kitchen equipments, and
of far less value to the family, whilo
even the family must suffer if the
food is not nourishing and palatable.
In this hurley-burley age, . a quick
ly prepared breakfast is almost a ne
cessity, and in order to get. the meal
up in short order, nothing is more
helpful than the little meat choppers
by whfch the meats and vegetables
are so prepared as to be readily avail
able for the. "hurry order" of the
average members of the family. Odds
and enas of the "last night's supper
or yesterday's f dinner may be made
into delicious croquettes, souffles,
hashes or sandwiches by being run
through tho little chopper singly or
in judicious mixtures. These little
choppers may be had of any large de
partment store in the city, if it can
not be furnished by your own mer
chant, and it will pay for itself many
times over in a short while. The
usual price or the family size is $1.25.
Meats, vegetables and fruits are read
ily minced, finer or coarser, as one
may wish.
Coffee is much better ground at
home, even though bought ready
browned, as ground coffee readily
parts with its strength and flavor. In
addition to the coffee grinder one
should have another mill for spices, as
spices should never be ground in the
mlu used for coffee. Cherry stoners,
raisin or grape-seeders, apple parers
and corers, fruit and jelly presses,
slaw cutters, graters, vegetable mash
ers, egg-separators, potato peelers,
can-openers, are but a few of these
necessities which so greatly facilitate
the work of tho housewife.
On Trial
tm 1 fmisrf ft -'Pit
The Oakland $8. 25, tho Amazon
19.85. 30.85. S1.7K nj 00 Ac PA.
ems.b. S t wgh-sridi m
n.1.7 jvia vnu uuu nny "
vrliGre. Don't buy a mnchluo until v t.
soon onr catalosrao and SSS.iH?.,??,, i ?H ve
0 3
K."Vi: Wndffl? iWr SSWZSZ
whoro near onr nrlco. Lot ub "end you our ny
llluBtrntod catnloRno. You will b0 BnrnSX
tho pHcob wo rnako on ronlly hich-erodo w
estly made machinos. AbIc for Sowlnn .m'i ?n
Oataloguo. Wo wJU send it by wturn "SUli W0
Montgomery Wart & Co,
Michigan Ave., Madison and Washlncton Sts Chicago
For lamb or mutton, a little acid,
such as chopped pickle or olive, or a
little capers, should be added to toe
sauce in which they are heated. Veal,
chicken or turkey are uusually reheat
ed in white sauce, while lamb, mut
ton, beef and game should be served
m brown sauce. Game should be re
heated in a brown sauce, to which
currant or other acid jellies, and la
some cases spices and condiments havo
been added.
Turkey carcass and any dressing
that may be left from dinner 'nay bo
stewed for several hours, the water
strained and returned to the kettle,
and to this may be added any scraps
of the meat, chopped very finely, to
gether with .cold cooked rice and a
few stalks of celery, allowed to boil
half an hour, a tablesponful of butter
and a cupful of cream -added, season
ed and serve ? as an excellent soup.
Scraps of beef, veal, mutton, turuey
or chicken are all used for croquettes,
while nearly all meats may be used in
making salads. All kinds of vege
tables may bo judiciously mixed and
made into appetizing salads, with tho
proper kinds of sauces, or they may
be taken singly.
Suggestions For Loft-Ovors
Odds and ends of fish, boiled, baked
or Tried, lend themselves readily to
"made-over" dishes. Ordinarily an
acid sauce is most acceptable, as the
juices of fishes are alkaline, especially
the oily fishes, such as salmon, sar-
fiihGS' iblUe ?sll' etc White-fleshed
fish and most of the shell fishes may
bo acceptably served with cream
sauces. w
In preparing left-overs of meats
flsh, flesh or fowl-do not recook.
Merely towarming is all that is nee
essary. The sauces should be made
first, and the meats added, heating
qnly so mtiw as to thoroughly heat
5S,Vel8?.?- " Is better to use a
warinb0Her' Ta reheat y boiling
water in the outer kettle,
Sqoicos For Moats and Fishes
For sauces of whatever kind or
amount, the proportions are a table
spoonful of butter and a tablespoon
ful of flour to every cup of liquid.
For a white sauce tho butter is men
ed and the flour blended with it with
out browning; for a brown sauce the
butter is melted and browned, and the
flour added and browned before tho
liquid Is added. The flour should be
put in all at once and stirred w.tji
a spoon unth without lumps and weu
blended, and when the butter and
flour Is ready for the liquid it should
be put in at once not by degrees.
Stir until thoroughly blended, but ao-
not allow to boil more man y ";
Boiling "curdles" the sauce. WWWi
or cream sauces, or served with lisn
fowl, veal croquettes, sweetbreads,
vegetables and eggs; brown sauce is
served with dark-colored meats, game,
ham, cutlets, etc. These two sauces
are the basis of nearly all Kinds or
sauces, which are made by adding au
ferent flavors, catsups, jellies, pow
ders, pickles, spices or vegetables.
brfekacho, pains in tho kidneys or nenrBiu
pains, to write to her for a omatteatmem
which! has repeatedly cured all p these torturca.
Bho (cola it her duty to send it to ol .S""S
FREE. Ydu cure yourself at borne Rsthousann"
wlllteatify-no change of climate (being uecw
eary. This slmolo dfscovery bapUlie 1 uric aw
from the blood, loosens tho stiflencd a ow
purlilns the blood, and brightens the 1 ejcsi h tf
ing olaaiiclty and tone to the holo sjstem
the above intereaU you. for proof address
M, Bummers, Box ICO, tfotre Damo, ma.
f .
.j' .
! !