The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 04, 1904, Page 14, Image 14

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The Coftimoner
t i
J-v ' rv-rvS3rjFi-ftJ m
let this Machine do your
Washing Free.
Tlioro are Motor S-pjlnuB beneath tho tub. '
Theso sprtisB do nearly all the hard work when
enco you start thorn going. And this washlntr machlno
works no oasy at ablcyclo wheel docs.
'J hero nro slats on the Instdo i ottora or tho tun.
'lhcso slats act as paddles, to swing tho water In
tho saran direction you rovolvo tho tub.
"iou throw tho soiled clothes into' tho tub first.
Then you throw enough water oyer tho clothoa to lloat
Next you put tho hoavy woodon cover on top of tho
clothrs to anchor thorn, and to pros? thnm down.
his covor has slats on Its lowor sldo to grip tho
clothes and hold them from turning around when tho
tub turns.
Now wo aro ready for quick and easy washing.
Vou grasp tho upright haudlo on tho sldo of tho
tub nud, with It, you rovolvo tho tub ono-thlrd way
round, till It strikes n motor spring.
' ... '"2'8 uotor spring throws tho tub back till It strikes
tho othor motor 8rlng, which In turn throws It back
on tho first motor-spring.
'Iho machlno must hnvo a llttlo help from you. at
every swing, Uit tho motor springs, and tho uall.boar
lngs, do practically all tho hard work.
You can sit In a rocking chair and do all that tho
washor requlros olou. A child can run It easily full
of clothes.
When you rovolvo tho tub Uo ointhes dont movo
Hut tho wator movea llko a ini.i raco through tho
ulothoa. '
'lup paddles on tho tub bottom drive tho soanr
water TJIIMjUQU nnd through tho clothes at every
swing of the tub. Hack and forth, in and out of SvSry
fold, and throuch evory mesh in tho cloth, tho hot
soapy wator runs llko a torrent This la how it carries
away all tho dirt from tho clothes, In from sit to ten
mlnutoB by tho clock.
. . '.l drty,68 tho dirt out through tho meshoa of tho
fabrics WITHOUT ANY HU DlN(3,Jwlthout nJ
WKAlt and TKAlt from tho washboard. '
' - .J1 . ' wn8h tno nun3t nco fn' flo without broaklnir
a thread, or a button, and It will wash a heavy; dirty
carpot with equal ease and rapidity, t Htben to twcnti
garments, or ilvo largo bed-shoets, can bou allied at
onotlmo with this "WOO" Washor. "eu al
A child can do this In six totwolvo minutes bettor
than any ablo washer-woman could do tho samo clothes
ln'f fciiiis tho tlmo. with throo times tho wear and tea?
from tho washboard. u iear
This is what wo SAY, now how do wo PltOVE It?
a f.,n ne,!VLyo,u,our ,,1V00H Wa8hor f of charge, on
a full month's trial, and wo evon pay the frolghtout
of our own pockets.
no 8Muff deP8,t ,8 a8kC(1, n notC8, no coutract
V You may H2 tD0 waehor fourwecks at our expenso
tvnuflndlt wont wish as many clothos In FOUR
l?n,rWS"W byh.and lKIGHThSuwyou
.,'"t!,lt torn a month's actual use, you aro con
vlncod it BaveB MALI-tho tlmo In washing, does tho
work better, and does it twlco as easily as it could be
ano by hand, you kcop tho machlno.
Then you mall ub 60 cents a wook till it is paid for.
Hcmcmbor that 50 cents Is part of what tho ma
hlno saves yo every week on jour own, or on a
washer-woman's labor. Wo Intend that tho 1000"
Washer shall pay for ltaolf and thus cost you nothing.
You don't risk a cent from first to last, and you
don't buy It until you havu had a full month's trial-
could wo airord to pay freight on thousands or
Lh18??,Jn.ilcb,ne3 ?y.ry month, if wo did not positively
KNOW thoy would do all wo claim for them? an you
allord to Lo without a machlno that wilt do your wasTT
lng in HALF 1 iik '1 1ME, with half the wear and tear
of the washboard, when you cau havo that machlno
for a month's free trial and tot It pay Foil i"S "
lhls oiror may bo withdrawn at any tlmo it ovorcrowdB
our factory, " "
HrltouBTODAT, whllo thooltor is still open, and
while you think of it The postage stamp Is all 5SS
risk. Wrlto mo personally on this oiror, viz:, it. f.
Llebor. Genera ft.anagor of "lOOj" Washer Company
293 Henry tt, Hlnghamton, Now York. u"'a'"7.
tho rest of tho world. Tho countries
of North and South America are still
occupied by only onOjhundred and fifty
millions of people, whereas tho re
mainder and 'less valuable portion of
the earth ite occupieditby a thousand
millions of' tho human trace.' Hence it
ia ui gicui importance that we should
iuvB u wen nennnrt natnio?av.,)
wv. wWkU,waucu oya-
tem of reciprocity with all the coun
tries of North and S'outh America, and
thereby encourage the most 'friendly
political ana commercial relations.
Our duty is at home, to protect,
nourish, comfort and bless our own
FJrst, to maintain untEnished tho
fundamental principles of democrat
ic government. '
Second, the wise, judicious ancj econ
omic administration of our natibnal
affairs for the benefit of our people
and the honor of tho nation, and not
for the perpetuation in power of any
political party.
Third, efficiency and Integrity should
be tho qualifications of appointment
and promotion in tho public service.
Fourth, the Federal government
should bo absolutely divorced from od
ligations to or contamination with
trusts of any character.
Fifth, tho three co-ordinate branch
es of the government should be ex
orcised With fthKnllltft (mbnn'nilonnn n
any usurpation or influence over each
Sixth, the law controlling illegal
combinations should be enforced, and
if necessary, additional legislation
phould Do enacted 'for the benefit of
the people.
Seventh, there should be harmony,
confidence and mutual interest pro
moted between capital and labor.
Eighth, constitutional guarantees
should be sacredly preserved.
Ninth, the system of Improving our
waterways that has been -found so
beneficial should ho mnHrmort who
it is required by the necessities of the
liberty and independence is usually
wrought by violence, by heroic deeds
and great sacrifices. Tho change
from democracy to despotism is slow,
subtle, Insidious and fatal. Hence it
behooves every patriotic citizen to
guard with the utmost caro any ap
Draki's Mmilffi winn
Thla wonderful tonic medicine ttn
atcly help you and absolutely cu?e v011,nie(1U
reader of this paper who desire tn Z?l .i1? vcr
uiarkable Palmetto mcdlcino a tM.W8 re'
offered a trial bottle of Drako pXBte ,3
free. Ono tablestoonfni nnvf?.?,110 Wine
absolutely cures Indigestion ., i vesJind
stinatioti. Catarrh nff.Z."11. Con.
suara witn tne utmost caro any ap- absolutely cures Indigestion, piatuionnl nand
proach of the re-establishment of tyr- stipation. Catarrh of tho Mucous "Membrnr
nnhv l' , Congestion of Liver or Kidneys nnd Tn?in.anes'
anny t on of Bladder, to RtM ,.:? s'nIn,lanma.
Citizens must ho hHnrl irtflonrl If flmv
havo not observed within the present
decade marked indications of the ap- to centralization and imperial-
ilon "oi laddorT fc f stay cuTcr'KS
fultonin fnr Min aWfiVoS."' "is a bonder-
JndvBr Prm0tCS iuKBiJ
ism. Tho flag that we carrier! fhmnrt, ' Lsnl!???dt.?y9ry reader of th
the Storms of battle and wliinh xVn aaa letter or nostal okrri T tn , nii .tli.r(f5s 3
displayed so conspicuously ovor no- ?,?HPrtuildJ?0hica I". A trial bou
public, and not for tho n.m Z t."11" ."I" a ceremony is about to
pendinir the niihHn 7r7?Zl T "0t"acc Washington which cer-
e15J.ndiaLcians; and It S
w. oa,uo t llu mleresc tnat Has been those iusnirea liv ... ott...
manifested in the waterways could do in this count?y y ther coremony
!S!S .;Ie?"3y. rr.'. tora to the Formerly a statue f nn.ra rT,
iic'rourirwouMroermK loiTJ
value to the farmers and business in- hV n,,7?ffT,I?rt1hrn and destroyed
,mCia uuriug uie Kevolution
ary war and since that time no sta0
monarch has been
value to the farmers and business in
mrescs oi mis country.
Jr.h'.nf , Jen8J,0 laws sh,ould De of an imperial
uuineu out in sri rlt nn wall i
form, and a just service pension law
regularly authorized.
Eleventh, the transformation of our
arid lands by a system of irrigation
which we have advocated many years
and iaa been inaugurated in response
to tho demand of the people will be
of inestimable value to the home
builders of tho country, and should
be encouraged.
Twelfth, the measure to promote a
great avenue of commerco across the
isthmus should be conducted - with
the highest regard and sense of honor
not only on our own part, but with
regard to tho interests of others.
The comrarlps wim -.i,,.
ivir fS ?S an5 fFeely gaVG Lnelr
lives m that great army of more than
two millions of patriots," fought for
the preservation of democratic insti
tutions. Even those who fought
"falnlBtUB f0USht for a principle as
nelm GVed' in the rIght of the states
to withdraw from one federation and
to form another confederation. Thev
did not fight for an imperial power
but fought for a republic '
JS? dang6r 0f ImPialism was
awakened some years ago in the
dS, 0f, men' many of m promi-
t Acuuma uuu founders of tho Re
publican party. At first this Idea was
scoffed at and ridiculed. Yet the tend!
oncy toward centralization, the exalt
ation pf tho executive branch of the
government to the prejudice of the
other two, has caused a feeling of con
cern not only in the minds of a few
individuals, but in tho great mass of
honest patriotic people to the extent
tuat it now Is on of the chief ele
ments of discussion by the Democrat
ic party, and Is a matter of deep con
cern In the minds and hearts of many
in the Republican party. -
Tho change from servitude and op
pression on the part of a people to
litical clubs, does not mean the same
tu mo minions oi people living In our
dependent colonies as it means to us,
and as it meant to our fathers. "The
flag which we received without a rent
we shall hand down without a stain."
Shall the policy of according the right
of citizenship to the people of one
part of the United Stales and deny
ing it to tho people of another part
of our territory be continued?
Answer tne question on the 8th of
next November.
- In reference to tho indications of
the imperialistic spirit that seems to
bo spreading over our land, I will call
attention to a single incident a cere
mony that is about to take place in
the capital of our country. It has been
our glory uhat for more than a hun
dred years that capital symbolizes
democracy, and thorn wo m nn .
mosphere of freedom and independence
unlike that found in the capitals of
monarchial coimfrioc. vnt ,,.- .
formed that a ceremony is about to
tie will bo sent prepaid.
selected, ind who also fought for a
principle and a republic, and not for
imperialism, aro not to stand in ihat
group at tho national capital.
From the imposing monument
which adorns the capital the spirit of
Washington will look down upon that
imperial dedication. The Goddess of
Liberty, standing high in midair over
the capitol, may well veil her face at
such a scene. The spirit of Ameri
can heroism and fortitude can view
wiu on tno SOU of the TTnirorl
states. ir government is expending
Sfi6? thre hundred and four hun
dred thousand dollars in building a
offlcerf o7 tlfe 7ash,Ington where tho
omcers of the American army are to
JS?"1,?18 raPOMlbilities and duties
of soldiers of tho republic. We are in!
formed that the first statue that of
Frederick the Great, is to bo dedicated
during tho present month, and it has
been publicly and repeatedly a!
nounced that this la to be one of fo ar
the others being Alexander the Great'
Caesar and Napoleon - all monarchs
all imperialists, and two of them over
threw republics to gam their power
S , American soldiers to Snd?
stand that these are the only men wh
are to be classed as the . reaTeat ni
diers, and are they to be lSSp'd m
emulate tneir lives? m that Tol we
find no American or others who fouJX
ior our liberties. Washington atS
ben, Lafayette, Jackson, Taylor ItoS"
Grant, Sherman, Meade Si''
Hancock. MnPi,n eaS' .Tflonias,
Robert E. Lee anTstonewanrcksonr
who were tho equals in miilSS 2?'
nlus and in character to any oTtee"
Select your Winf e&
Overcoat from
Samples of Cloth
Buy from tho InVcost .anil most favorably
known Iiouso in tho world.
29 good sized samplos of cloth, neatly nrranccd fnr
your BOlaction In onr PmnRnmnln TlnnV1V!nf rnnflv
mado BUita nt $i.50 up to $16.50. Write to-day for
Frde Sample Book W2. xouenn easily aolcct Just whnti
you want. With tho sample book wo also sond
ordor blanks, instructions, and advlco for ordorlnc,
moasurincr, and romlttlnu; tapo lino moasuro and
Bolf-moasuremont blankB. Do not ordor without
first sondlng for onr snraplo book W2, containing
29 ploeos of tho best fabrics and handsomest pat
terns. Ask for book W2. Proo to any addroes.
Michigan Ave. , Madison and Washington S ts. , Chicago
Worth Reading
It shows you tho road to success.
It prevents you from maklnp bad Investments.
It leads you to good Investments.
It's tho stopplntr.Btono to a successful life.
It's mailed ou request six months frco.
Bept. 13 32 Hrondway New York.
111 the leading mlnirjE ne-wspaper of tho West;
w Issued weekly; all tho lutest news Iroin
Goldfleld and Tonopah, the marvelous new min
in'.' district ol Nevada. A limited number of
subscribers will bo received at this price in ordor
to Introduce It in tho East. 6EA11CU L1GU1 ,
Denver, Colo
OlUOrun S25,000.00" mndo Irom holr ncro
hlllrnh Easily grown in Garden or I'orm
UIIIUUIVU Kootsnnd seeds lor sttlc. Semi lc
ior postage and got booklet A. Q. telling all about
it. Mcdowell, Gikskno Gahdkn, Joplin, mo
and Yl'IiUfcey Hnblt
a 1 . ii'lMinllt
8174 fcnu&Km
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Bl 'Hill juw GUttim
!' WlrfflEr
w w iHfi
; llrmiwl BS-wsssrffi"?
e VooUe7,Mii.,AtlHuta,Clu., 11)3 N.Pry or ht.
iKIfaiRvfl'c FsikSa-vm Ririf!
?vrV w1, """"'to "oarostona most correct styles in wuiuuu w'-"
Vp "J1"13 the wostoxciuslvo selections for fall and winter that our buyers
could find in Now York and other eastern centers. Every garment absolute
ly correct m stylo and of tho very latest fashion. Don't buy your wimn
wraps until you havo seen our styles and studied
our wholesale prices. Wo have an enormous
oiiiuq: m juukcib, sKirtd, rura, wkisis, suns,
ulsters, etc., and If you havo never triod us,
you will bo surprised at the low prices wo make
on honestly mado garments of the latest
styio, tho kind that very ipaytlpular iwoman
Thturm'f tolrn K..I. . J. J. x -.. UA
s?m? iUstrated Fashion Catalopuo, ' Wo wlU
Baiy send It to any address. W?lta at bnce.; r-'
" lMiXJ JJ'Lls W jBr-
Jur Muffs
fvx Jackets, 12.60
$ 3.05 np
7.45 ,f
I.C8 "
.40 "
X.08 "
.65 "
1.95 "
M.Uinn.;w WNr.,? A GoJ
. bK v n V J IB k L 1 m BL B r
SPs Mlchlcran Ave.. Madiann t and Waahlncrton Sts., Chicago