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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1904)
'IIWJUW twmmmii mwwwimiW$4 -i NOVEMBER 4, 1904' The Commoner. 13 'WIpjW'l What Sulphur Does For the. Human Body in Health and Disease Tho mention of sulphur will recall to many of us the early days when our mothers and grandmothers gave ut$ our daily dose of sulphur and molasses every spring and fall. It was the universal spring and- fall "blood purifier," tonic anil cure-all, and mind you, this old-fashioned remedy was not without merit. The idea was good, but tho remedy was crude and unpalatable, and a largo . auantity had to be taken to get any effect. Nowadays we get all tho beneficial effects of sulphur in a palatable, con centrated form so that a single grain Is far more effective than a table epoonful of the crude sulphur. In recent years, research and ex periment have proven that tho best sul phur for medicinal use is that obtained from Calcium (Calcium Sulphide) and sold in drug stores under the name of Stuart's Calcium "Wafers. They are Bmall chocolate coated pellets and contain the active medicinal principle of sulphur in a highly concentrated, ef fective form. Few people are aware of the value of this form of sulphur in restoring and maintaining bodily vigor and health; sulphur acts directly, on the liver, and excretory organs and puri fies and enriches the blood by tho prompt elimination of waste material. Our grandmothers knew this when they dosed us with sulphur and mo lasses every spring and fall, but the crudity and impurity of ordinary flow ers of sulphur were often worse than the disease, and can not compare with the modern concentrated preparations -of sulphur, of which Stuart's Calcium Wafers is undoubtedly the best and most widely used. They are the natural antidote for liver and kidney troubles and cure con stipation and purify the blood in a way nat often surprises patient and physician alike. Dr. R. M. Wilkins while experi menting with sulphur remedies soon found that the sulphur from Calcium was superior to any other form. He says: "For liver, kidney and blood troubles, especially when resulting from constipation or malaria, I have been surprised at tho results obtained from Stuart's Calcium Wafers. In pa tients suffering from boils and pim ples and even deep-seated carbuncles, I have repeatedly seen them dry up and disappear in four or five days, leaving the skin clear and smooth. Although Stuart's Calcium Wafers is a proprie tary article, and sold by druggists, and for that reason tabooed by many phy sicians, yet I know of nothing so safe and reliable for constipation, liver and kidney troubles and especially in all forms of skin disease as this remedy." At any rate people w.ho are tired ot pills, cathartics and so-called blood "purifiers," will find in Stuart's ual cium Wafers, a far safer, more pal atable and effective preparation. been discreditable to the great mili tary powers of the world and unfortu nate to the inhabitants of peaceful and defenseless countries. A marked illustration of th'Is Is the recent action of one of tho great powers that has burdened its people with the one billion two hundred and fifty million dollars of debt under which they are now groaning. It has crushed but of existence two repub lics in as many years, and tho very men who for selfish purposes instl- Stops Chills "PainkiW&Y (PERRY DAVIS') Cures Colds gated that cruel war are now schem ing to introduce cheap Chineso labor to replace tho honest toilers in tho mines of South Africa. Do the indus trious citizen laborers of this coun try wish their government to follow that example? When wo espoused tho cause of the one and a half millions of Cuban pa triots struggling against two hundred thousand of the best trained troops ot Spain wo assumed morally tho same sentiment and responsibility toward tho nine millions of people who had been struggling with equal success against less than fifteen tnouaanci troops in tho Philippine islands. To say that circumstances, either divino or human, made us responsible for the condition of these people is untenable, unless wo aro governed by tho same moral obligations and high sonso of justice that have marked our course with the people of Cuba. Tho theorv that wo must hold in absolute subjec tion for an indefinite terra of years tho millions of people on tho other side of tho globe until they aro pre pared for self-government appears to bo utterly unwarranted. What guar antee can wo givo that tho sentiment of our people twenty-five, fifty or one hundred years hence will bo as hu mane and just as that of our people today? "Wo tried tho exnerlmenfc of provisional and military governments in the South after the Civil war, and it was repudiated in tho thundering voice of tho people at tho polls, and was soon abandoned for the better and wiser course of granting justice and citizensnip to the people of tho conquered territory. How long has been tho schooling for the people ot the republics of the Westorn hemi sphere who threw off the yoke of op pression and then immediately adopt ed a system of constitutional govern ment? Not a day, not an hour, and their experience shows that all those countries which have suffered most un der despotic rulo appreciate best and cherish with tho strongest devotion tho advantages of liberal govern ment. It was recently proclaimed by tho highest official in tho Philippine isl ands that the people of that country should not contemplate free govern ment, and the principal reason given was that revolutions had constantly occurred in the South American re publics. This appears to come with bad grace, when the very man who uttered that statement had been en gaged in a revolution which had caused more blood letting and wasted more American lives than all the rev olutions in tho republics of South America in the last one hundred years. Should we adopt the same measures toward the people of tho Philippine islands that wo have found so success ful with the people of Cuba, their gratitude woiild be unbounded, ninety nine per cent of the American people would be satisfied with the result, and oun would be the glory of establish ing the first republic in the Orient, where now its hundreds of millions of people aro watching with intense anxiety the action of this great Amer ican republic. Our first responsibility is to do unto others as we would have others do unto us. The hundreds of millions of dollars that have been expended in the Philippine Islands, to say nothing of tho 'thousands of lives that have been lost, would have put water upon ev ery quarter section of our arid land available for that purpose, thus bene fiting tho home builders of our own country. It would have given us a magnificent system of good roads over our entire country, or have built two canals across the Isthmus. In fact, instead of .seeking to subjugate the people of far, distant countries, it would, in my judgment, be much wiser to endeavor to benefit our people at home. There is more material wealth within our own borders than is avail able for tho coplo of any othor coun try on earth. One-hair of it still re mains practically unoccupied. Tho western half of ho United Stntes is occupied touay by scarcely moro peo ple than aro crowded in tho Philip pine islands -an area less In extent than that Of Now York nnrl tlin Nnw England states or tho territory of Now Mexico. The territory to tho north and south of us, with our own, contains .uwiu uuuuvuiopea weaun anu natural resources than are to bo found In all I .(HI Mm & RttttA With rlf- .nil tfuntlBA colli-, batltrtas ml emttf Mont, Kyy nl In ifwi t4 frbialotal Mlw. tta Our . ..IM.aria..k. llMn ifitkcbito blow out," ftaapspat k mmwr. ixnix rorrrnor ac KtBsralor. forgd! iter! crank bttfthlnir. Minptaet engine ever PfxJacnU fwr ran, rtit Emsfsnty, fttam. KdJilMl Antrim m earth to Urt. CMT THIS ABOUT. n! It to as. we will mll Afi!A r.iu It. Ml... Wmm i -. . Iam CHICAGO OASOLINE ENfJlNE COMPANY. 7 Nort JsHsrssn Sfrssi, Chit , lilt. wi MnA Mitt laKifl 2- MB II I I I llll .r.flI3MMI THE PLATFORM TEXT BOOK Contains Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the U. 5., All National Platforms, of all political parties, yinco their formation, to and including those of lOOi, 188 page, la just what overy public speaker nhould have at hand for ready roforonco. Postpaid cents. Addross, THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nebr. I wSsWofk i i-. lt- i . t.yejj vvz je- m i rr yy jx scr vw ih-fenvw. f.,i .ri ifi .:. ic UStfit Gases 260 ; xrum j.wuii vof.u,w, juno traveling Dogs, 'm dlff,ront tylo from $1.15 up. Trunks of overy sUo and vT Stylo, all At onr famous wholos aIo prices. Our nrlces Aro an much lower than thoio you aro accustomed to uavlna that . yon will bo surprlicd whon yoa examlno tho Illustrated cat loguo wo wUh to send to any person intrest-d In anything lntnoiraTonngnno. ask xorBpoclal Trunk Catalogue Wo will tond It by return tnatl. 11 Montgomery Ward & Co- Michigan Ave.. Madison aad Wiuhlagtea 8U.. Cfe!eg j m I CURED MY RUPTURE I Will Show You How To Cure Yours FREE I wan helpless find bedridden lor yean from a double ruptnre. No trust could hold. Doctors wild I would die If not operated oa. I Tooled them nil and cured inysoll by a tlmplo discovery. I will send the euro free by mall 11 you write lor it. It cured mo and baa glnco cured thousands. 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