The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 04, 1904, Page 12, Image 12

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The Commoner.
VOLUME i, miMBBn n
270Tool Set
111 Kb 1
18 warranted tools of boat quality-Just tho
lot to koop around tho farm or houso. Tiio above
cut bIiowb our 18-ploco Star sot at S3 70, complctoj
9 ploco sot, $7.30: 30-pioco sot, $9.70? 41-pIoco sot,
10.70t CO ploco sot, ffil0.7fl, and up to our Oarpen.
tors' 9J-ploco sot at $39.25. If you want Tools ofany
Kind write ps for our wholesale prloo list, wo have
tho largosfc stock ot hardwaro in tho world for Balq
direct to tho usor. Tools forovory trado.onglnoors'
tmppllos, building matorlal and bulldlne hardwaro.
Wrlto at onco for our 634-paco Mechanics1 Catalogue
-a book qnotlnglowoitwholosaloprlces on standard,
guaranteed goods. Oataloguo f roo to any address.
Montgomery Ward &. Co. 1S
Michigan Ave.. Madison and Washington St9., Chicago.
flirt n UAMTCn Men and women In each
HtLr WAllltUstnto to travel, distribute
gikbi BainpleB, adverllso and carry on our bus.
inesa. Falary 818 per week. 88 per day for ox.
penacs. Kuiilman Co., Dopt. LA Atlas Block, Chicago,
shows in NATURAL COLO nd
,V I wrvP' c
mmVmmP nuniirntMu' rlfvinHhfKi OAR wail item nf
mM' fruit. Send for our terras ' f distribution.
ml? Wo want more aalamM. Stark Bro'a, LoBislaas, It,
tfcHuntirV ft Tranrjtrs' Guldt Vns.T
TlL 800 pgM,ololh bound,lihutrailnRall Pur Afliaaals.
TitoJ.. All about trapping, Trappers' HccreU, alt kinds of
jtraps.decoji.etc. rrlc,?l.SO. Tolildcanctfurshlp- noBojiwwinriiiiiun. rncausiirss.
AMDKUBCII BROS., OepU GO Minneapolis, MU-
Kj 1
t.ttirlif 4tin.mif.lil Tn.lllnttAM 1.41 .
ersed by otllelals Uallrooda and. W.U.Tol. Co. Positions to.
cuicu. jiuiro cost, luiuou iieieRrnpuy ana typewriting)
Jonrd and room, fl mos. course, $89. Can bo reduced,
Homo Instruction also clvcn. GaUlozua U free
DODUK'S HibTlTUXK OF 11SLKUUAVUT, Valparaiso, lad.
k flno young herd of SHORTHORN
HEIFERS. Sired by Prince Imperial
2Dd,1870G9. A pure Oruickshanka bull and
a sweepstakes winner whoreror shown
Also young bulls, low down thick meatod
fellows. H. B. QUINTON,
Denmark, Iowa.
General Miles on Judge Parker
TPInlnv ATirlnWHftn. ft Civil "WAT VGt-1
eran, recently wrot& to General Nel
son A. Miles a letter-m wmen uenerni.
Miles was congratulated because of nil
stand In favor of Judge Parker's elc
tlon. Replying to Mi4. Anderson, Gen
eral Miles wrote as follows;
Cold Spring, Putnam Co., N. Y.
Oct'. 10, 1904.
Col. Finloy Anderson,
Now York City,
My Dear Colonel:
Your letter recalls other days,, when
two millions of our comrades were
engagod in a great war, and more than
half a million of the flower of Amer
ican manhood wont to untimely graves.
I realize that our comrades of that
momentious period, our comrades of
'the "war of civilization" on our "West
ern frontier and those of the recent
Spanish war, will ever cherish an in
tense interest in the welfare and hon
or of the republic. I also realize that
all our fellow citizens are about to
exercise the rights and privileges of
the elective franchise, many o them
for the last time, and many of their
sons and grandsons for the first
Whether they be In the public service
or in civil life, the ad' is a sacred
duty more Important and potential
than any other act of political respon
sibility. It is a duty too serious to
be influenced and controlled by par
tisan sympathy, lust for office, selfish
ambition, control of power or even
personal and private interests. Tho
perpetuity and welfare of democratic
institutions is superior to any other
interest, for they Involve the very lib
erties and blessings which our fathers
established and we had the privilege
of preserving.
Your letter is similar to many com
munications that I have received from
comrades n all parts of the country,
in replying thereto I feel that In ex
pressing my opinion of the present
condition of national affairs to the
hundreds of thousands of men who
have given the best years of their
lives to the service of the republic, 1
am addressing a body of supremely
earnest and conscientious patriots, and
therefore I prefer to speak thus open
ly through them to all our fellow citi
zens in every section of the Union.
JjJver since our government was es
tablished hv tho fnthprn If Vino Vio
iCA'NSETXYOTm'nTTSTNrrcfls mainr.n.lnfd hv omlnanf ofnfnnninn u
or Heal Estato no matter rnP rmrrlntn u-nA iftvoi ifi!. S ' T
whore located. Proportioa roic Patriots ana loyal citizens through
and hn.lnniia nf fill Irlml. aMA I fill TM rl t rtr.1 4- rt n . il XL -. . i
quickly for cash In all of tho
Unltod states. I on't wait.
s rlto today, describing what
you have to soil andglve cash
prlco on same.
Topoka Kansas
413-1 -Kansas Ave.
all the vicissitudes of the past century,
it sprang into existence from the tur
moils of war and chaos and Imme
diately became the grandest world
power on the globe, in -the sense of
its moral strength, simplicity or de
sirjn and purity of purpose. Our Con
stitution was formed with the full ap
preciation of the practical truth or
the principle of the minimum of power
and the maximum nf idmi-fw nnnnini.
Sir,stoal goods of .tho rlBht quality. Wo ent With Order and safetv to nnplAtv
nou uuijr niu vory uuau Krmirti, me Only t- , , " w .,,
kind you can afford to buy if you oxpoct a phrase, which expresses the true end
satisfactory rosnlts. 18 nf oil in , j. v"u
mi . A AOAMna UJ. LA.1. i ta v i ciivhi in uiirt
-. OV , WA4UUWl
Lowest Prices
mm $
I dt 9
B iSEtv I
r acin nn . .
95 ranco of prlcos on
Violins, 27 dlfforont
styles to soieot from.
Each instrument ab
solutely dopondablo,
and olforod to you at
onr wonderfully low
wiioiosaio pricos.
v a ft ii a
Kffc eb n u 1 n o
guitar, la
nthnY- Tnnlrnn
at prices lowor than can
bo found anywhoro olso
for instruments of
tiio same quality,
is our
nrloo to
you for a
rvnnnl nn
Qlqnwood mando
lin, an instrument
that soils for $1.00
to fO.OO olsowhoro.
Wtf bundle ovory
thing in musical
floods and will glad
y send our inter
ostlng eataloguo to
any person who can
poaslblyuso nmusi-
wy kind. Ask for Musical Instrument Catalogue.
Montgomery Ward & Co.,
Mlchlcan Ave,, Madison and Washington Sts., Ohlcaeo,
On March 20. 1790. Hoimf iTWafoi
the sole admiral of France and presi
dent of tue French Society of Cincin
nati, wrote to General Washington
tnen president ,of, tho United States',
and in the course of his letter said:
ino name of Caesar among the Ro
mans was considered as the first of
all noble titles and the emperors of
Germany decorate themselves with it
to this day; Caesar enslaved his coun
tryyou have liberated yours."
It was the avowed intention and
prayer of Washington and tho found
ers of the Constitution to establish a
government that could bo so admin
istered with such integrity and wis
dom that in time our neonln wnnin
have the glory of recommending it to
the peoples of the earth who were
then strangers to it. Their intention
was not to force this system of gov
ernment upon the neonles nf nth.
I countries, but rather bya splendid ex
ample f6 influence other nations to
adopt ' similar form of liberal gor
eminent This design has been emi
nently Successful in promoting- the
greatest blessings that any people- have
over enjoyed and- the development of
the sparsely populated colonies of the
Atlantic coast into tho mightiest re
public of eighty millions of freemen.
And not only this, but sixteen other
countries, south of the Rio Grande,
have thrown off the yoke of foreign
oppression and adopted constitutions
copied after ours, and now their iifty
millions of people are in the enjoy
ment of privileges similar to our own.
We have now reached the parting
of the ways, and the question whether
we shall continue that glorious career
which our fathers Inaugurated and
our comrades, living and dead, pre
served, or whether we shall take that
other course which has been fatal to
other republics in the world's history,
must bo determined by the sovereign
act of our people on the 8th of next
November. Our fathers. In establish
ing the government, with consumate
wisdom created three great co-ordinate
branches the legislative executive and
judicial. Tho history of our country
shows that for more than one hun
dred years political parties have ex
isted; and now to assume that there
Is but one party, composed of ap
proximately one-half of tho voters,
that Is fit or qualified to administer
the executive branch of the govern
ment, and that even in that party
there is but one man qualified to hold
the highest position, is utterly un
warranted, and, in fact, a serious re
flection upon the intelligence and pa
triotism of the American citizen.
I assume that members of one par
ty are just as conscientious, sincere
and honest as those of the other, and
have just as much right to their opin
ions and will perform their political
duties with as much integrity. If we
have reacheu the condition in which
there is but one party of class that
can be trusted with the duties of the
executive department and only one in
dividual to exercise the powers of the
highest position, then we have reach
ed a condition of aristocracy and im
perialism that is only found or tol
erated in despotic countries.
Long-continued control of anv
government, whether municipal, state
or national, tends to corruption, arro
gance, conceit, selfishness and despot
ism; and it is only by the lawful ac
tion of the Citizens in changing the of
ficials, examining the books, investi
gating the wants of tho people and
providing for their welfare, that a
wise and good administration df- pub
lic affairs can exist, or has a right to
exist, in a republican government it
has been by this method that great
evils in the national government, as
well as in the state and municipal
Kuvernments nave oeen eradicated, and
should there be a change in the com
ing election by which the executive
and the house of representatives
should be entrusted to other citizens
there will undoubtedly be a careful
examination of official transactions
and of the true state of the people's
interests, a bettor administration of
public affairs, and in many respects
an Improvement in the business con
duct of the government.
The humane, benevolent and gen
erous purpose with which our people
without regard to political opinions or
affiliations, unanimously espoused the
cause of those struggling Cuban pa
triots for independence, will ever be
one of the glories of our history yet
unfortunately, that very act allured
our people for a time to a reckless ex
penditure of public money' and an ex
travagant idea of te'rr'itorial expan
sion, regardless ' of the rights of 'the
people Of other countries; 'SMcli'la
purpose was purely 'urfdomocra'tic and
un-American. It Is not unusual that
human measures are perverted to ani
fish, purposes and carried beyond th9
limiU of wis discretion. That senti
meiit of unlimited expansion and the
colonization of subjugated people la
aa dangerous to a republic as it haa
WtJ ' 71
though not tho oldest, is tho
. most popular separator in tho
I world to-day.
Why? Simply becauso it is do
ing better work and giving great
cr satisfaction than any other
can. That's why so many f arm
era have discarded nil others.
It will fay you to tret the best.
Send for our freo books on tho
"Empire Way ol dairying.
There's good sense in them.
Empire Cream Separator Co.
Bloemlcld, N. J.
Cklee, U1. JUaHeapolLi.Mlaa.
B BH o opy
rm an our larco COO naeo cntaloi
H ' m, .. k. . T
in ms tool Kit. Tiio largest
Evory mo
c h nnio
h a v o a
o catalogue
rotnll hardwaro stock In tbo
world as vonr command.
Everything for Rll trados at wholesale prices.
Wo carry both tho medium and tho very best
grades. Ask for 600 pago Mechanics Cata
loguo. Froo to any addross. 19
Montgomery Ward & Go.
MIchleanAve.t Madison and Washington stSiChicaso
Seven Sizes yd
: i- H
& rBET
Subscribers' Advertising Department
A little thought will convince that
this department of The Commoner of
fers superior advantages to these who
desire to secure publicity. Only Com
moner subscribers are allowed to uso
it, and only responsible articles are
allowed to be advertised. Confidence
in the advertising management will
explain in large measure why ad
vertising in The Commoner is profit
able. The manager is jn receipt of
many letters from advertisers who
have used this department with profit c
The rate is the .lowest made in this
publication 6 cents per word per in
sertion, payable in advance. Address
all orders to -The Commoner, Lincoin,
leaky tin, felt, canvass or shingle roofs,
brick walls, barns or fences; GO cents per pnlion,
or 5 gnllona. for S2.00. Co'ors, red, brown, bine
or yellow. Wrlto for booklet and references,
American Roofing Co., C05 North 15th St., Phila
delphia, Pa.
digestion, rheumatism. T. E. MOOR-, Lex
ington, Ky.
tpns, all Plymouth Rocks, all Wynndo ttcs.aii
Leghprnfl. MinorcnH.Pit Games, and nl 1 o her
brcedHfor pale. Trices reasonable. Cockerel,
Trios nnd Pens of 6 or more. Mt. Blanco roui
try farw, Carpenter Ohio.
Ete. 50 cents. Bond 2 cent stamp for samples.
Hamilton Phitkuy, Ashland, Ohio.
"tcrestin llmo burning business. Addresi
-fc m v lf. l-.t.i .ln Vrtwlr Prt I'll.
U, x, neiier, vyriuwviuu, iu uwi -
Vator'lnVdbTnTood condition. ftofXffiu
ago prepaid. VheKjthese arc . epjd the ' dook gj
bolititrdl prlntT G. TT. Walters, 2215 Vine m.,
lJiBUUiUi nvmv
--'-'- - - . ' J-
, Mt
' ti ; -irJi'sv U 9.