The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 04, 1904, Page 11, Image 11
NOVEMBER 4, 1W4 The Commoner. 11 Why-Democrats of I8)6 and 1900 Should Support Parker (Continued from page 6.) mental eyila and to the promotion or the welfare of the -whole people. They have no sympathy with a policy that Is likely to Involve this nation in the intrigued of the monarchies and em pires of the old world, and Judge Par ker appeals to them much more strong ly than does one of President Roose velt's views and temperament. If there were no other reason for voting for Judge Parker they could find sufficient reason in the fact that he is the very opposito of President Roosevelt in this respect, and, therefore, better fitted to give expression to the hopes and as pirations of our people. It is not strange that the president, with his disposition to rely upon force rather than upon reason in the settle ment of questions, should be restivo under the constitutional restraints which are Imposed upon the chief exec utive. The enjoyment which ho finds in the exercise of power naturally leads him to carry his authority to the ex treme limit, and there is already a sus picion abroad that he Is looking for ward to a third term on the theory that the unexpired term of President Mc Kinley should not bo construed as a first term for him. His failure to fol low the example set by Judge Parker and announce his determination not to be a candidate again in case of election strengthens the suspicion. While under President McKinley the regular army was Increased and the minimum fixed at 60,000, with author ity in the president to raise it at any time to 100,000. President Roosevelt strongly commends this increase and ridicules the- objections made to it. In 1896 the regular army numbered about 25,000 men, and no party platform sug gested that the number was insufficient. After the treaty of peace between this country and Spain had been agreed upon, and before hostilities broke out at Manila, President McKinley recom mended the increase in the army and a republican congress embodied the recommendation in a law. We are now spending upon the army and the navy more than thirty times as much as we spend upon the department of agricul ture, and the republican leaders do not intend at least they do not prom-ise-rany decrease in military and naval SSSM& MARK You never tire of bread mode wuu Yeast oum. ntastca fresh and good at every meal. It's wholesome and nourishing the truo of Life health and good digestion. Yeast Foam is mado of tho -finest malt, hops, corn and other healthful ingredients. It never grows stale, and may b kopt on hand all the time. The secret is in the yeast. Yeast Foam Is fold by all gro cers at Co a package enough for 40 loaves. "How to Make Bread" free. NORTHWESTERN YEAST C0.? - CHICAGO. J expenditures. But two reasons havo ueen given for tho Increaso in tho army one is its uso in labor troubles, and the other is to be found in tho imperial policy upon which the country has un barned since tho republicans came into power. The fact that tho forts, in stead of being built upon tho frontier, a3 formerly, aro being built near tho largo cities 1b proof positivo that the increase is intended for domestic rath er than for foreign purposes. Democrats who believe in arbitra tion as a means of settling diuicultles between labor and capital; democrats who favor the eight-hour day and de sire tho abolition of government by in junctionthese believe that tho army was large enough eight years ago, and prefer to employ tho department of justice rather than tho war depart ment in the adjustment of disputes be tween corporations and their employes. As Judge Parker stands for a reduction of tho army these democrats have an additional reason for supporting him in preference to President Roosevelt. The Philippine question has not yet been settled, and it presents one of the most important, if not tho most im portant, issue between tho parties. Wo are now administering a colonial policy in the Philippine islands directly at variance with our principles of gov ernment and contrary tv the wishes of the Filipinos. President Roosevelt, without daring to defend or even to state the principles upon which our government acts in the Philippines, contends that wo must remain there without defining our purpose and with out pledge to the Filipinos. He jum bles duty and destiny and dollars to gether as if he were not sure which would furnish the best pretext for maintaining a carpet-bag government In the Islands. Judge Parker indorses tho demo cratic platform on this subject and de clares himself not only In favor of Philippine independence but in favor of an immediate promise of indepen dence. Wo can not hold the Filipinos as subject Without danger to our form of government; we can not make them citizens without endangering our civi lization and taking upen ourselves the solution of a race question greater, If possible, than tho race question With which we aro now wrestling. If Judge Parker does nothing more than terminate imperialism and rid the country of the virus of monarchy contained in colonialism he will jus tify the support of all who supported me in 1896 and in 1900. Walpole said during the revolution that England could not maintain her position in that war without asserting principles which, if carried out, would destroy English liberty as well as American liberty? and so, today, republicans can not defend the administration's policy in the Philippines without asserting prrn6ip!6s41 which, if carried out, will destroy American liberty as well as Philippine liberty. Imperialism furnishes a pretext for a larger army than our country needs, and it furnishes anexcuse for a larger navy than our country requires. Im perialism weakens the arguments which we have advanced in support of the Monroe doctrine, adds largely to the risk of complications with the land-grahbing nations of Europe, and lessen our strensth in time of war. Those whb recognize the gravity and Importance of the economic problems which press for solution recognize in imperialism an almost insurmountable obstacle to their consideration. Judge Parker's election would remove this obstacle, and that in itself would be of inestimable value to the people. If I were a cartoonist I should rep resent the present situation by a pic ture. I should represent Judge Parker as a woodman with coat off and an axe laid against a tree marked "Imperial ism." Near by, but beyond this, I should draw -four' other trees, the first marked "Militarism," the second "The Spirit of War," the third" "The Race r Wholesale Prices on 125,000 Different Articles Montpomory Ward & Oo'a CntnonoNo. 3 tho bluest nnd boat catalog" pub lished. Tint only cataloguo comploto In yvorv dotnll. Quotes JUmott Price on 125,000 articles yon cat and vroor and uo Everything: You Eat, Woar or TJ over 125,000 dilTcront article, f ally deacribod, doarly illustrated, and plainly pricod in our famous Catalogues and Buyers' Onido No. 73 Fill out tho coupon below nnd let un Bond yon, all clinrgos Mild, ono of theno valuable catalogue, tho only complete ono published anywhere, tho only ono Unit quote everything you im hnl.lo to want, tho only ono quoting only rellnblo and honestly rnadogoodH, tho only ono with Jowpriccnoll tlirourh. 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Itemember our catalogue Ih tho only comploto ono no Bonding for special cataloirucB : everything you can pOMlbly want b Included In tho big book. 7o havo been In business In Chicago for nlmost S3 years, nnd now conduct tho largest business of Its kind In tho world. Our dully shipments nro enormous, nnd aro only oxeccded I n tills country by several of tho larger Jobbing houses. Wo owo our auccefw to our policy of fcrnn.t.lnfp nil miafnninro honestly, and giving them I USE THIS COUPON" goods of real menu Wo have always avoided cheap trashy goods becauso wo consider It dishonest to soil anything worthless. Over two million custo mers buy regularly from as becauso thoy know wo supply honest, uependnblo goods, treat everybody fairly and muko prices that avorago far lower than thoso of any other ilrm. If you havo never triod us wo respectfully solicit a trial. Tho wav to begin is to fill out this coupon and send to us at onco. Wlion you havo our Catalogue No. 78 in your possession you will find buying of us both pleasant and profitable. Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago Michigan Avenue, Madison and Washington Streets Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago: aontlemen I enclof,o 15 cnnts,and will onlcyou to eend your Cntaloguo and Buyers' Ouldo No. 73, as advcrtLied In .,,.... to tho following address, all charges paid : D Name. rosToryiCE, B. F. D. Itount. Btatj:. :Tho Largest, Oldest and Moot Favorably Known Institution of It Kind In the World : Issue," the fourth "Violation of tho Coustitutlon." At one side -I should draw a picture of a sturdy farmer with his hands upon the plow, and this far mer would represent the democratic party. The title of the picture would be "Clearing the Ground for Future Harvests." The picture would repre sent the purpose of this campaign. Eight j'ears ago the democfatic party began a contest for economic Industrial and political reforms; eight years of republican rule have raised up new and unexpected issues that must he removed before the party can proceed with itff work. Judge Parker and Mr. Davis are our leaders in this cam paign for the removal of these new issues. Those who, like myself, desire to continue the fight on economic ques tion can join heartily in the support of candidates who, by helping to dispose of the intervening questions, will has ten the day of reform. Written by Mr. Bryan for the Saturday Evening Post, and reproduced by courtesy of that publication. Saw One Tipped Over Andrew Carnegie has a fund of stories about his canny countrymen, and he delights to tell them to a con genial company now and then. This dSSmu kam'vnmt is ono ne brought home with him after his last trip abroad: "Of course we will call the hero Sandy," said Mr. Carnegie; "thero couldn't" bo a Scotch story without a Sandy. "Well, S'andy was asked by BQmo friends to step up to the bar and have a drink. He poured out for him self a liberal dose of the national bev erage and then, placing his hands around the glass, drained it to the last drop before the others had even a chance to pour out their drinks. " 'Why, Sandy,' said the fellow who had invited him, 'you didn't need to be in such a rush. What was your hurry?' " 'Ach, mon,' said Sandy, still smack ing his lips, 'I saw wan o' them things tipped o'er once.' " New York Times. Bandmen Don't buy In atramonta of nny Ixlnd un til you havo soon our prices. $Hs5 U W.b Conner uB7 )yaH&aE3H3&z&. HV T Excellent Windsor xnodol. B Windsor tiSA. Pro. esslonal Solo La JJevro Cornet, twelve models, Kflnaino Conrtols Instruments. Our illustrated Musical instrument Catalogue contains everything known in music. Evorythlne from grand pianos to violin strings. Writ at onco for catalotfua and study onr wholesale prices. Bandmen particularly should havo our catalogue. A postal will brinr it. Montgomery Ward 8l Co. Xfcbit&a Aye. , Z&uliioa kad WubiactOB &.& I A :. Q I) f tBA,,c "', -Jl ar.vmvfjattuji f. ' ...H-ja" tt