The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 04, 1904, Page 10, Image 10

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    -wwy -fPSfnjp
-afmmmwv wiMwwjfiwwM
The Commoner.
Cigarette and
T rB1k k(?tLT4 2mvrw f I
"iit i -jwmt a iw"WM
Tobacco Habits
Cured Absoltuely Free by Sample
Package of Tobacco-Specific
Each or the undersigned for hlmaolf frooly and rol
untorlly cortlflca as follow: 0l
I hereby cortlfy that 1 was comnintnir
"Wofir one of. our
heavy flonootl'llnotl
coats this winter
and bo oomfortnblo
oven on tho coldest
tiny?. Wolinvoovor
00 tlllf oront kinds of
zero weather coats
at prices fur lower
than you enn buy
tho unnio qunllty for
at other stores J
Our hoary duck'PM1
coat, honvy flcocod
00 flraJp'! .
oo wmbih
yxvv a
Kvwr JHre f'fl
Imvn n flnrt Wnnl
75 Mackinaw. Otlior
Hl) 1U Ub 91. UU, fj.frx
Mid up to fj.OO.
vator B
n out
A heavy wolght,
Bhoop bolt lined
viator. 10oawator
nroof duok on out
nliln. ahnnn Rlcln
collar. Tho bargain of tho
Boason. Warm ns toast. .
m Bhoop Bkln llnod
OS dM K4"a duak coat, -with
WMM. Wombat fur collar
" and lntorllnod with
" Towor'B Oil Sllokor.
.Sloovos llnod with heavy blank
ot. ForSI.SO you can koop warm
evon on tho coldest days.
,0ar Pur Ulstor division is tho
largest In tho country. Boiling
dlrocb to tlio user. Vvrlto at
onco' for our Spoclal Gold
Woathor Catalogue You will
find Ifc nn InfcnrnnUnf rmd vnln.
ablo book. Wrlto to-day. Froo to any addrosB.
Montgomery Ward & Go
Michigan Ave ., Madison and Washington Sts. , Chicago
No moro doth war and rumors red,
Or politics, concern us.
The summer days have swiftly sped
The leaves have fallen cold and dead,
And we must start the furnace.
Wo sigh for dear departed days
Of summer with their breezes;
For we must hustle out and raise
At divers times and sundry ways
The coal when weather freezes.
Alas! Alack! That summer's sun.
Which lately liath receded
Was not, when time was first begun,
Warmed up and through the heavens
In winter when 'twas needed. ,
Rid Glovtr a Marvtlous Gurafivt.
It hna boon dificovered that com
mon red clover Is tho moat wonder
ful blood purifier known to tho
medical profession. It Ueops tho
bowole rolaxcd in a natural, harm
lesa way, cures constipation and
removes from tho system all poIboub
and Immunities that catiBO malignant blood
diseases. . ...
i Cancer, Ball rheum, rheumatism, blood poison,
facial cruptlouB and all blood diseases are qulck--y
cured In a natural, harmless way by this
Blinplo oilectlvo remedy.
Send your name and addrcsB to-day to D.
Keodham's Sons. 110A Lakeside Bldg., Chicago,
nnd receive absolutely freo booklet containing
full information.
Irifodllblo ."
"Did you every try your, fortune with
cards?" ' ' r r '
"Yes, and that's the way I lost
mine." -
"Do you believe in spirits?"
"0, yes; but I've learned not to put
any trust in them."
Dlsma.1 Ftxllvire
"Was your last magazine poem a
success, Rhymely?"
"Financially, yes; but otherwise,
"What do you mean?"-
"The pay was' satisfactory, but ev
erybody understood it."
Ganger Cured
C'ynccr, Tumor, Catarrh, listula, Ulcers, Etc
zem& and all Skin and Womb Diseases. Wrlo
for Illustrated Book. Rent free. Addro3s
OR, BYE. ZZ-JX. Kansas City. Mo.
Mythology Ovitdono
"Is DeRant making good as a stage
singer and musician?"
"Well, DeRant has old Orpheus out
done." "How's that?"
"Old Orpheus' music was so good that
the rocks and trees followed him. De
Rant's is so bad that the produce -market
follows him."
cliances. I got ?240 a month to stand
up and get shot at."
Just then a cloud of shrapnel came
singing along, and Dilworth jumped
down and hugged the earth. Dew, with
his nose shoved into the ground, ex
claimed: "Why ain't you standing up, gen
eral?" "They don't pay enough," was the
response. ,
A Dozen Dorv'ts
Don't meet trouble half way.
Don't waste bear shot on snowbirds.
Don't give advice to a starving man.
Feed him first.
Don't be a "eood fellow" at the ex
pense of your family.
Don't expect to be truly happy with
out making others happy.
Don't set your son an example' and
then punish him for following lit.
Don't try to fight the'devil with fire.
Take a weapon with which he is not
Don't expect people to proht by the
advice you give without following it
Don't forget that the most tedious
conversations are those in which "I" is
the text,
Don't worry over today's troubles
until tomorrow, and then it will not
be necessary.
Don't .make the mistake of thinking
that the -pleasure you buy is equal to
I the happiness you earn.
I Dnn'r. mn.lrfi thA ml stair a nf thlnlrlnn'
that a knowing look will always serve
the same purpose as real knowledge.
ncntly cured of tho tobacco habit by a freo Mania
package of Tabacoo-bpoclflo, more than a year ntro r
have positively disliked tobacco over slnco L took th
sample, havo not mod any in any form, and my health
has boon hotter than it wa3 bofore. 1 stato tbeso facts
freely and voluntarily, hoping othor victims nlllnromt
Chas. Uucoto, Richmond, Mo.
G. W. Edam, Box '200, Qlonwood, Wis.
Susan I. Moore, Santa .ltosa, Mo.
It. I offoo' 820 Frank St. , Chattanooga, Tonn.
W. II. Emerson, liolmont, Mo.
James liobortson, Lcrwin, 111.
James M. Ward, Southern Hotel, Chicago, 11L
Henry S. liobson, Groonsboro, Ala.
John W. Eoanady, Mlngus, Texas.
Gilbort Broom, Dallas, N. 0.
uarno tiics, Gonoa, na.
M. G. DoWltt, Tucker, Ind. Ter.
Hundreds of other pcoplo havo had tho sameox.
porlonco with samplo packages of Tobacco-Speclflc. It
is a harmless, practically tasteless rcmody which can
bo given In a drink or food and will positively euro any
patient without his knowledge. Taken by patient him.
self, tho remedy is Just as certain to cure. Tboltogen
Drug & chemical Co., 1319 If lfth' and ltaco bts., (Jin
clnnattl, 0., willsondyoua freo sample packaeo ot
Tobacco-Spcclflc In plain wrappor, If you send your
namo and address. Send at onco.
Ulraost evoryono uses nnd loves this aromatic born
but ovory ono docs not know that tho flnost and
most delicious coffee is now crown on American soil.
Our plantation covers ovor ono thousand acres on tho
isthmus of Tthauntopeo, Mexico, tho richest agrlcul
tural district en tho American continent, wo bandlo
osr owp product from the plantation to tho consumor
and assuro you of tho most carefully propnred prepar
ation on tho market Bond $1. for a threo pound sam
plo oan by oxpross propald nnd bo convinced. Addross
Charles A. Joslyn, Jr.
General Fnles Agent for tho Oaxaca (.offeo Culture Co.
851 So. Troy St. (Uoldon ltulo Park.) Chicago, 111
The $
Derby Oak
Ordor ono of those hoators nnd it you do not find
iota uurnor, a nottor Dnrgain tuan
can obtain anywhoro olso, son
it a first-class coal burnor, a bottor bargain than you
m iv
bnok at our oxponso. Madoof heavy
ppUBhoa stool, trimmou wun poi
ishod nlcklo, lnrgo tiro pot, ovory
part nlcoly fitted, and mado porfocC-
ly air tignc. n. oioan biovo
onstly oporntod, ton-inch
body, 30 inches high. For
wood (3.50, for coal $3.55, both
wood and coal $3.83. 125 other
RtyloB of Btovcs, ranges and
hontors, fully doscrlbod,
priced, and Ulustratodlnour
nowBtovocataloguo. Don't
buy n stovo of any kind un
til yon havo aeon ourprlces
nnd Btylos.tho finest line of
honoatlv mado stoves in
Amorlca. Iot us Bond you
our handsomo dO-pago Btovo
oatnloguo, oontninlng
frolcrht raton.lnrtro lllwatra.
tlona, detail doscrlptlons,
and much lntorostlng stovo
information, also manufao
turor's prleotr on tho flnost
BtovoB ovor offorod for Bale
Sond a noatal and ask for
' Hnnclnl 40 Pabs Rtovo Cata.
(oguo; yon cannot afford to buy until you have
oon it. Write at onco.
Montgomery Ward & Go.
Wehigan Aye,, aCadkonandWaikingtoaSts., Obieaj
The strong' man "knowing his weak
ness avoids j$eptetlQnf. -.the, weak man
priding himsej,v4ipig1n1. his "strength
seelts it to his sorrow.
It is hardly right to blame a boy for
taking to the streets when all the ef
forts of the parents , are confined to
making tho girl's room attractive.
A boy is not to be blamed for doubt
ing the worth of the advice against
smoking that is given by his father
between whiffs of a pipe.
Boys will be boys, but that is no
reason why they should not be gentlemen.
A boy in the house is worth twn on
the streets.
The boy who remembers his mother
is not nicely to get far away from God.
When a boy begins to comb his hair
and polish his shoes without being
driven to it it a sure sign that he
has met her. And only a foolish par
ent will try to plague him about it.
Bradn Leaks
The man with a mission never lack
for hearers.
The bravest men are those who are
afraid to do wrong.
If it is really worth saying it is not
always necessary to shout it.
Tho sermon that fails to hit you Is
one that does you little good.
If politics fs a dirty business it is
your duty to get into it with soap"and
Ever notice that the men who swear
the most are the men who think the
There is considerable difference be
tween praying for what you want and
praying for what you need.
The church -that starts to eat itself
out of debt usually winds up with a
bad case of moral dyspepsia.
Some men give a collar button to a
poor neighbor and expect credit for
giving a whole suit of .clothes.
There are some men who are quick
to believe that the world is against
them if everything does not go their
dropped in at the local barber's shop
and gave the razor to the proprietor,
a large fat negro.
"Have it v ready by 6 o'clock," tho
congressman directed. "I'll come by
for it".
He was there at the appointed time,
but the blade had not been sharpened.
"Sorry, boss," said the negro, "but
Ah jes cudn't git it Ixed in time."
"Well, well, that's bad," answered
Mr. Kitchen. "I've got to go to a par
ty tonight."
At this the barber suddenly went
into the back of the shop, and much
to the distinguished visitor's surprise,
brought out a blade '.ith six or seven
deep notches in It.
"Yer c'n use dis, boss," he said,
holding it' out.
"Why, what do you" mean? What can
I do with that razor?" '
"It's ail right, boss," said the ne
gro in an injured tone. "It's de ono
I always carries when I goes to a
Entitled to Moro
Old soldiers of the west, especially
those of Nebraska, remember General
Dilworth of Hastings. A braver sol
dier never lived, and a moro genial
gentleman never made happy an even
ing around a campfire. During one of
the skirmishes prior to the engage
ment on Lookout mountain General
Dilworth was standing UDon tlio
breastworks taking an observation,
with the bullets singing a chorus
around him. "Jake" Dew, a private in
tho ranks, stood up beside tho"general
who turned and said: -' " ' J
"Get down, Jake; they'll hit you."
' 'But what about you?" queried Dow
"You only get $13 a "month," said
Dilworth, "and mustn't take any
Leo's Faithful Soldier
General Fitzhugh Lee, in narrating
reminiscences of. the civil war, said
that just after the surrender at Ap
pomattox he was riding along a lane,
when he met a North Carolina soldier
trudging along on foot.
"Where are you going?" asked Gen
eral Lee.
"Back to join General Bob Lee," said
.the other. "I've been home on a fur
lough." -
"Throw away your gun and go back
home again. Lee's surrendered."
'.'Lee's surrendered?" repeated tho
amazed soldier.
"That's what I said."
"Then it must have been that darned
Fitz Lee. Bob Lee would never sur
render," and the soldier resumed his
Speaking about difficult jobs, did
Y Ter Javo t0 pa yur summer's
ice bill after you had fired up the fur
nace? .
A man can run deeper into debt in
a minute than he can back out of in
a year.
Satan waits at the church door for
those who attend divine service only
when they have something fashionable
to wear.
His Party azpr
li.J fllfr '
' I'l "ii k-.?BH" " If I
W w- ,,t
Mado of Gonnino ury u
Skin. Quilted Italian linine,
leather shields undoi -arms
larL'o.warm, serviceable com
--"-- l.nltllt IrtW II11VWI
SfimoDo't Skin Coat.,
at a
a-au Li ra ti .. r a m. i. . .
North" ".Carolina visited a, stranso towri'
no.long agp, relates thfiHNwi York-
Times, lie found our. rhnfr,lW- iw
was badly in need Of Sharpening." He J MishIgaiATe.,Kadinaiid Washington Sts.,0hlcas
lift oSUat .fata Ho-
Sf 1175.00. Tho finest lines to
sffifi. 'KesaS:
other Arm. Ask 'Til6endi
SitfKlJ!fl55i Wrn . "Son'!