tfmSmmmSmnfmmWi 8 f The Commoner. VOLUME 4. NUMBER ti imiw I K It R I. IS. ft tip A. Home Dross-Making Noarly ovory one, now-a-days, uses paper patterns in cutting out gar ments, but not every one has perfect success with them. To put the various parts together properly is an art, and requires some little idea of the business of dressmaking, or other s'ewing. The difference botween the tastefully dressed woman and the woman who always looks like a dowdy is not the difference in material, but depends upon the cutting, iitting and p.utting togother of the various parts. One who has tried dressmaking has learned that, while some of tftem un - dorstand their business, others can not be trusted with the scissors, and sowing machine, not to mention the paper pattern. Even paper patterns must bo handled with intelligence. A pattern must bo followed closely; it is supposed that their makers know their business, and have their reputa tion to sustain. But sometimes the pat terns seem "possessed," and simply will not work. But the fault is rarely in the pattern; It Is usually a mis adjustment to the cloth or to the iigure to be fitted. The perfectly proportioned woman is seldom found in, the dressmaker's hands; a figure whose main measurements correspond with a 36-inch bust may have a nar rower back or a longer or shorter arm than the pattern. A slim figure may be shorter, a stout figure tailor than the average, while a hollow chest or large hips "may cause measure ments to vary. But with ordinary care and a little intelligent thought, with a correct selection of the pat tern, it can be adjusted to the figure. In measuring for a pattern, the tape line should bo placed over the fullest portion of the body. In meas uring for a skirt, let the starting point he upon the hip, six Inches be low the waist. The waist may be small In proportion to tae hips, and it Is easier to take in the seams at the waist line than to widen the skirt where the hips are fullest. If, in stead of the waist being small, it is large in comparison, the hip measure, starting six inches, below the waist Is still the best, for in such cases the seams should be cut larger near the top, so they can be let out to the size required. Do not interfere with the outline of the skirt pattern. Many women have a habit of whacking it off ruthlessly at the top or the bot tom, and then blaming the pattern maker for her spoiled garment. If the skirt pattern is too short, meas ure exactly as many Inches as the pattern is lacking and insert a piece of that width just above the knee and the hang or slope of neither the top nor bottom will be altered; the correct flare will be retained, and the top will adjust itself about the hips. If the pattern, is too short for the figure, ascertain the exact length re quired, then fold a tuck straight across the pattern a little above the knee line. The tuck should be just deep enough to take up the overplus in length, and It should bo plnnod securely in position. This lengthening or shortening pro cess should be repeated on each sep- BETTER THAN SPANKING. Enanklner does cnliies. If It did that would do it. lor una, Mra. M. Ind., will send mother. She If your children blame the child. not cure children of urine dtm- fhV r'" "S. ST. ...w.u i.uiiowiuiiuuat cause Summers, Box 169, Notre Damo rVT """ nuHiinent xo nny Lyuin.lh!?t Don? -v vuv,,-,Dr,5 ncuirmeipit. arate gore at the same distance from the top of the pattern, and If the projecting piece formed by the tuck is turned in on the outer or bias side of p.nnh trnm bhn RlHrf will Vionrr nnn. fectly, its length will be correct, and "' xiviiao uicoaujuivui win, uy inu tun ing the notches and other markings, according to directions on tho pattern, ' ntLiu uuuuuiujr iu fctJLLUlfcJ out a satisfactory garment, if care is taken in putting the seams together with out "puckering." Selected". Sauor Krtwit Select only solid, perfect heads. Cut the cabbage early in the morning and let lie in cold water half an hour be fore sneing. Have the barrel or keg vvell scalded, clean and well aired, rut a layer of one pint of salt in the bottom of the barrel, then a layer of finely sliced cabbage about six inches deep some say a bushel of sliced cabbage and pound the cabbage down tightly; then another layer of salt, alternating cabbage and salt un til the barrel or keg is full, adding a tnen a wooden cover, and put a lieavy uiciia wuuuou cover, ana pus a heavy rea i,. to remove the stains of weight on the cover. The cabbage will Paint from the hands and face, wet the iu,iv ilo own urine ana it snoniri tin auuts witn turnent no hofn WOahtn kept weighted down so tho brine will and rub with a soft- cloth; if tar or cover it, else it will snoil. wmi for. machine gtrjisa m. v .!. cover it, else it will spoil. While fer mentation is progressing, the cloth r"Tit 4-Tin 4-- !,-. .1-1 i. - mouia"u" ia progressing, me cloth IU ruoomg it well in, and then over tho top should be washed clean was with warm soap and water usinc. every day to romove the scum that a handful of corn mni wit nA c,7 - ' -- w vu.u uuum mai gather, doing this .until it begins to clear well. When fermentation ceases. Tirtlfsil Ttrll'l 1 i i .rxxu vm ue m aDout two weeks in summer and four in wfnmr tm in,.f will be fit to eat. Be sure to covGr and weight every time any is taken out. bing quickly with a soft cloth dip ped in vinegar and water, going woii into the corners, If they cannot be removed from the stove. Busy Bee. A mixed lot of hardy bulbs will do very well for your out doors bloom, but the indoors, large uulbs of the Roman hyacinth will give uetter satisfaction, though they will cost more. Bashful. The defect is more ap parent to you than to any one else. Try massaging the lobe of the ear to make them smaller. Bed hair is con sidered beautiful by many people, and is far from objectionable if given goqd care. Worried. Get one ounce of glycerine and mree ounces of rose water, and DUt in a bottlfi. At: nie-hf wnah fha hands well with warm water, and some good white soap, then dry carefully, mu juui into tue paim a lew arops of the mixture, and rub all over the hands and wrists until it dries in. If tho skin is badly chapped, use com mon corn meal with the soap, and ouuui uie nanas ana wrists well with and put to cook in a moderately h oven, basting often with the mJX ialted water in the pan unUl tt For a sauce, add to the water left - , u muiuaijuomui or Worces ter sauce, one of good tomato catsup and the juice of a lemon; beat a heS ing teaspoonful of flour in a little coi.i Tvater, and thicken the gravy m th pan by letting it boil up once, Z serve hot. ' u !. i v r " ""UA" iuou luym ui auit, ana pounamg each " ueiore wasning it off; always rinse layer of cabbage down tightly as it in clean warm water before using the is put in. Cover with a clean cloth, glycerine. Don't use Rnnnt.P.1 n.n tnen a wooden cover, and n n Tinw Fred T,. Tn romr f ' Fred L. To remove the stains of machine crease, ruh fhn 'annta no-h lard, rubbing it well in, and then WooT, -rrfl!-. . i a handful of corn meal with tho soap and. scour well. When dry, apply the glycerine mixture, as above. A boy uua ua mucn ngnt to look nice as nis sister, and should try to do so. Requested Recipes Pumpkin Custard. Pare and cut up suincient raw pumpkin to make two quarts of blocks; put them into a steamer with one cup of water and half teaspoonful of salt. Steam until perfectly tender; there should not be a particle of water when the pumpkin is done. Press through a sieve add two tablespoqnfuls of butter, and stand in an ice chest or where it will keep cold, until morning. Then add to the pumpkin one nint. nf rinh min, eggs beaten with one cup of powdered yjx ijuiveiiseuj sugar, teaspoonful of x',.UwxGU wuuuiuuu, una tne grated rind and juice of one lemon. Turn this mixture into small custard cups and bake In a moderate oven for one hour Serve cold with a teaspoonful of whipped cream on each custard, dusted thickly with powdered sugar Panned Oysters.-Place small squares of a pan; place on each one as many oysters as can be laid on without crowding; season with pepper and salt and a bit of butter and cook CT,ed iVhe oven unt Plump and curied at the edges. Serve very hot White Sauces.-One cup of milk one tablespoonful each of butter and 'flour and half teaspoonful of salt Heat ihl ffljJL toP' aoVble heated Tk and iix thorcughV Add -M uuiv wiun tne water boilinc imm well thickened, stirring often to keep it smooth. This sauce is used fo? cream toast, creamed vegetables and escalloped dishes. fatoies, ana Baked FIsh.-Have your fish cleaned nicely, sa t and fill with bread crumbs and lay In a nnn riro,io- iit. r.. and drop bits of sweet butter all .oyer Quory Box A. M. Visiting cards, vary but. lit tle in size or shape from season to season. . Anna. Mrs.' Garfield Is the only pri vate person' who has the right to a free use of the postal service. Mrs. S. J. Your garments' should be hung out to air and freshen every time they are used, and this will free them from any odor of perspiration. Querist. The Mississippi building on the exposition grounds at St. Louis is a copy of Beauvoir, the home of Jefferson Davis on tho Gulf coast, and its construction cost $1,500. Frank M. The area covered by the St. Louis exposition is 1,240 acres The great Corliss engine that furnished tho power for the Centennial exnositinn faffCo' Sep0oXwPeOfl0n- " L. C. M. The subject is not that may be discussed openly in a family Tali t!i05h its Portance Is not to be denied. You will find it thor oughly treated in the popular med ical works to be had of your physician or from the public library. Jf&luan HniiRfvwIfo nv... - .. use a little coa oVth b: ric.c r flouf ScTS ,t?gethor the : pulverized, and lime: wn3 in w vS,0".,"?1. .a a little of the water and polish with common whit ing. Some kinds of acid will brighten it quicker, but this method is better Laura C.To restore the color of tho black lace which has become rusty wash in a solution of strong vinegar and water, rinse in coffee, and iron while damp with a piece of am flan nel laid over it. Hattie. You hrin j.t, glass windows in your stove by rub- ft- intni'8 f SWeet buttor alloW tuvo uy run t, Into the pan pour a little water, Hardy Bulbs It is to be hoped that you have sent in your order, ere this, lor your uulbs for either indoors or outdoors planting; -for it- is quite time they Were in tho soil. It is not yet too late, however-, and you should t n have at-least a few, both for the sprin garden and for the house. Thera is nothing, surer to bloom, and surely nothing sweeter than these little chil dren of the spring sunshine. Bulbs should be put into the grouna as soon as received. The florist sends them out wrapped in paper, and the wrap pings should not be removed, espe cially from UlifiR nnrl Rimh hulhu ,,mi one is ready to pot or plant them, u uiey part quiciuy witn the moisture when exposed to the air. The scales of lily bulbs often become soft and flabby when left in the light, as they nave parted with what is the life- blood of the plant. If it is not possible to plant your bulbs as soon as received, put them in the collar, or some other cool, moist place, and attend to tho matter as soon as possible. It is best to have your bed or soil prepared before the bulbs reach you, so that there shall be no delay. The best soil for bulbs is a sandy loam; if your soil is rather heavy, lighten it with sharp sand and turfy matter, ad ding a quantity of old, well rotted manure, may be found about an bid barn or cowshed. Do not make the bed where the water will stand on it during the winter. If, the situation is low, dig the ground up at least a foot deep, and fill in six inches deep with old crockery, tin cans, old shoes, or any such refuse, and then add your soil, rounding the bed up a ..ttle, and planting your bulbs properly. Any florist's fall catalogue, which can bo had for the asking, will tell you at what depths to plant the different ands of bulbs, and the treatment to give them. Unless you have studied these catalogues, you have : o idea of the amount of information as to plant liffi nnrl miftnrA rHrAnHnna. conora! in- structions as to hardiness, habits of growth, etc., one can get from this source. Put a loop of twine through the back o the panphlet and keep it hanging on a nail where you can rfinnh ff wlillo "rnaHnfr" rhirlns? the day. Of one thing, however, I must warn you there is no failure In the catalogue garden, however many there may be in your own. Chinese Stxcrod Lily In answer to several correspondents, will .say, the Chinese sacred lily is a hardv narcissus of the polyanthus Icind. The bulb should be put in water, not soil, though it will grow in sou. A dish, or other suitable receptacle, holding about two quarts of water is a good sized for one bulb, ana in iu bottom of this should be placed a tea cupful of sand, on which the bulb is to be set. Around the- bulb and on top of it should be piled any pretty pebbles, bits of rock, or even pieces of pretty broken crockery, and the dish then filled with water and set in tho sunshine. Growth will begin imme diately, both- root and foliage, and m a few weeks the flower spike will ap pear. The' pebbles are used to keep the roots from pushing the bulb out of the water. As the water evaporates, more should bo added of a tepid tem perature. Should the water incline to get sour, or '!slimy,V do not pour off and refllllt but .pour fresh, tepio I J! n 4" ( II 1 J i -l a T ,