OCTOBER IS, 1104 The Commoner. Condensed N An Associated Press dispatch dated St. Louis Oct. 17, says: With eighteen entries, representing America, England and Japan, the Qrst kite-Ilyiug contests of the kind ever held began today in the aeronautic concourse, the Stadium and other clean places at the world's fair. Among the contest ants, many of whom have world-wide reputation were Dr. Alexander Graham Boll, inventor of iho telephone bearing that name; William B. Eddlo inventor of the Eddie kite, and 'Captain Baden Powell, -of England. ews of the Week The Infanta Maria Delas Mercedes, princes or the Asturias, sister of king Alfonso, of Spain, and the former queen of that country, died October lGth. Mis Dora Meek, aged 18, died at her home In Ceiitralia, III., on October 16. Tho young lady slept nearly six months in the winter of 19ul. About six weeks ago, after an attack of measles! she again fell asleep and remained so until she died. An Associated Press dispatch, dated Paris, Oct. 18, says: Parliament reassemblod in extra ordinary session. A lively Incident occurred in the corridors between M, Pugillesi-Conti (repub lican) and M. Ceiestin Rose, a late Bonapartist candidate. Tho latter hissed M. Pugiliesi-Uonti, who responded with blows from his umbrella. The parties were eventually separated. While Arthur Haaren, of Sioux City, la., aged 9 years, was putting up a trap in the attic of his home, he became entangled in tho rope and was strangled to death. President Ezcarra, of Parraguay, has resignod his position and General Escobar has been ap pointed acting president. Members of the diplo matic corps are still trying to effect a pacific set tlement of the differences between tho govern ment and the revolutionists, An.. Associated5, Press cablegram, 'dated London, Oct. 19, .says: A Vienna dispatch o the London Standard this morning gives a rumor current in that city to the effect that a Cunard steamer from Flume, with 2,000 immigrants on bord, has s ink off the Spanish coast. A fierce storm was rasing at the time. The Standard has no conhrmation of tue report, but gives it for what it is wortn. President Roosevelt has removed from office Robert S. Rodie, supervising Inspector of tho sleamboat inspection service of the Sixth district of Now Yoric. This action was the result of the disclosures made in the report of the national com mission which Investigated the General Slocum disaster. While E. O. Eggen and his sons were burning an old straw stack a few days ago on their farm at Sioux Falls, S. D., they found package contain ing 1,500 pennies. The pennies were identified as part of the meney stolen from tho First National bank of Toronto which was robbed a year ago It is supposed the robbers took rfiiuze in the straw stack and left the money when they resumed their journey. . Miss Miriam Grant, granddaughter of the late President TJ. S'. Grant, was married to Lieutenant Ulysses S. Macey of the warship Franklin. Oc tober 17. The immense bronze statue of ifirederlclc the Great, presented to the United States govern ment by the emperor of Germany, arrived in Wash ington October 17. It is, covered with heavy can vas which will not be removed until the statue is unveiled on November 19. A treaty of peace was signed between Chili and Bolivia October 17. Popstamat, a notorlpus Bulgarian agitator, "Was murdered at Salonlca, European Turkey, Tues day while walking along the principal street. The murderer escaped. Owing to the- many misunderstandings which kave arisen bqtwee,n the United States and. Pan ama, President Roosevelt has instructed Secretary of War. aft to make an early visit to Panama to see if he-can make an adjustment of the difficulties. A startliuir nronositinn wno n,itrnt,i i... Hatch of Quincy, ill., at the national prison con gress. Dr. Hatch auvocated homicide or tho right to let a diseased person take his own lifo when ho is found to bo Incurable. Ho uaid ho also would have tho state dispose or tho pormanontly lnsano and incurable by putting such persons to an easy death.. Dr. Ransom of New York, who was pres ent, declared that reforms wero started to savo lives and not to destroy them and supported hia argument by saying: "I do not believe-wo had bettor tako into our hands tho functions of tho A-mighty." In a gale which prevailed over Southern Flor ida ! riday, Saturday and Sunday tho wind attained a velocity ol seventy-live miles an hour. Consider able damage was done to ships and several llve3 were lost alone tho coast. John Tyler, American vice consul general at Teheran, Persia, has cauled the stats department that tno shah has telegraphed the crown prince of Tabriz to arrest Immediately the murderers of Dr. Laborl, the American missionary who was killed many months ago by fanatical Persians. The contract for the construction of the gov ernment building for the Lewis and Clark cen tennial exposition at Portland, Ore., has been awarded to J. E. Bennett of Portland for $225,582. When tho registration of voters closed at Bos ton tho total number of names on tho list was 114,175, the largest number of registered voters in tho history of the city. An Associated Press dispatch dated Syracuse. N Y., Oct. 18, says: "An audience that crowded the Bastable theater to tho doors sat through tho performance tonight unconscious of the fact half the city fire department was fighting what prom ised to be a stubborn blaze two floors above. So perfect were the precautions taken by the theater management, the police and fire officials, that al though the streets outside were jammed with ex cited people not one of tho big audience knew anything was wrong until water began to drip fiom the ceilings. Then the audience was told that a pipe had burst and no trouble was experienceu, The monument erected In honor of tho late Major General Frank Whcaton,' by the state of Rhode Island, was unveiled with appropriate cere monies at the Arlington cemetery, Washington, D. C. Representatives of Mississippi planters are employing whole families of Mexicans for work in that state. There is a general movement in Mis sissippi, it Is said, to get rid of tho negro laborer as far as possible. At a meeting of the Carnegie hero fund com mission at Pittsburg, Pa., it was decided that no awards of medals or benefits will be made by tho Carnegie hero fund commission before tho next meeting of the commission, which has been fixed for January 18, 1905. Two little children In tho children's homo at Shelbysvllle. III., wero burned to death In their bed. Fortunately the twenty-nine other little ones in the home escaped. An Associated Press dispatdh, dated Des Moines. la.. Oct 20, savs: "Claiming that he was branded with a red-hot iron in initiation Into a secret society. Roland Hunnewell of Boone has began a suit against that order for $5,000. Tho suit is brought against members of the Peterson ledge, where he emered. Senator A. B. Hobart of Cherokee, is his attorney." Timothv J. Tee, an engineer, has been sen tenced to four years Imprisonment and hard la bor in the salt mines of Mexico. I ee was ad judged to be guilty of responsibility for the wreck ins of a train In which wreck ho received serious injuries himself. Conntv Attorney James P. Enellsh of Douglas countv. Nebraska, bas given It as his opinion that the official ballot of that county must be a sinele column affair. This makes the ballot a trifle over six feet in length. . An Associated Press dispatch, dated Washing ton: D. C. Oct 20. savs: "Oantain Henry M. Seeley of Boston today was annotated Inspector of hulls and Theodore T. Mersereau Inspector of w bollora In tho steamboat Inspection service at Now York. Theso appointment nro one of tho re cults of tho conclusions of tho Slocum disaster commission, the appointees taking tho placca of Jarncs A. Dumont, Inspoctor of hulls, and Tliornaa II. Barrett, Inspector of boilers, whoao removal from tho service for laxity and neglect. In perform ing their duties, had been directed by President Roosevelt." Reports from Montgomery, Ala., nny that the town of Gordon, on tho Atlantic coast railroad haa bcon almost totally destroyed by fire. A drart of tho Invitation to tho powore to name delegates to tho now peace conference to bo held at Tho Hague, has bcon submitted to tho cabinet by Secretary Hay. "Trafalgar Day." a national holiday In Eng land and tho English colonies, was celebrated Oc touer 21, and tho flagship of Admiral Nelson, tho hero of tho battlo of Trafalgar Bay, was decorated with flags nud laurel. "tho Amorlcan Navy; May Its Glory Nover Grow Less," wore tho words In which King Edward toasted his naval guests at tho luncheon at Buck ingham palace Thursday. On a scale of two, signifying good, and three, medium, tho Prussian crop report for tho middle of Octobor shows tho condition of winter wheat to bo 2.U and of wintor rye 2.7. A resolution disapproving of reciprocity with Canada was adopted by tho Vermont houso of rep resentatives without opposition. Tho city of St. Louis was shakon by a slight earthquako October 21. Tho disturbance was re corded on tho seismograph In tho -eather bureau oxhibit of the Philippine government at tho world's fair. Tho American marines, who havo bcon at tho Isthmus of Panama for tho past year, havo boon ordered to remain there pending a settlement of tho difficulties" that havo arisen. An Associated Press dispatch, dated Washing ton ,D. C, Oct. 20, says: "In May, 1902, Presi dent Roosevelt appointed tho national Martinique and West Indies rellof committee to collect and disburse funds for tho relief of sufferers by. the Mount Peleo disaster. Tho committee has com pleted its work, has made a final report to tho president and has asked to bo discharged. It raised $157,592." The North German Gazette of Berlin prints an explicit denial of the statement contained in a dispatch from Pekln to. the London Times that Germany was intriguing against China's acceptance of tho Anglo-Tibetan treaty. Edward L. Bartlett, solicitor of New Mexico einco. 1889 and once adjutant general of the ter ritory, Is dead at Santa Fe of pneumonia. He wan born in Maine and went to Santa Fe in 1881. An unconfirmed report, dated St. Thomas, D. W. I., Oct 21, says that the United States has seized the custom house at Puerto Plata. Refer ring to the affair the Associated Press says: "Tho .orted seizuro by the United 8tates of the cus ,,. in house at Puerto Plata presumably arises from tho already accomplished or contemplated occu pation of that port by an American, designated by the commission wj.ich awarded to the Santo Do mingo Improvement company $4,500,000 damages against Santo Domingo. That award was auto matically self-cecuting and provided that If San to Domingo failed to pay the award tho agent named by the commission was :o take charge of four of io customs ports of the Islands and apply 60 per cent of tne revenues to the pavment of the claims. The affair Is not one in which the United States government. Is interested." The Japanese and Russian armies are In trenched a short distance from each other south, of the Shakhe river, preparatory to resuming the struggle when the rains and mud will permit. Th-9 Russians have been doing nearly all 'ho offensive work for the past week. It is reported that the Russian soldiers have been effecially disguising themselves as Chinese lately, and a Japanese pro test has been submitted to Spenner Eddy, secre tary of the embassy at SL Petersburg. i I i