w"yw wnr w t 6 Evening Post, referring to that letter, says: "Re publicans of high and low degree wore mum on the subject today. They had no retort nor defense to such a quietly administered rebuke. Some of them had in mind tne terms used . Mr. Roosevelt in his letter of acceptance when he used such phrases as "misrepresentation -is the one weapon of our opponents," and again, "The demand of our opponents shows either Ignorance of the facts or Insincerity,' anu others of the same tenor. This attitude of the president and some of the other prominent party leaders has grated on the sen sibilities of some decent republicans since Judge Parker has refused to descend to the same level and ..as. publicly warn the campaign mana0rs that the republicans must not be met on the low ground they have chosen to stand on. 'It shows just what sort of a high-class man Judge Paruer is,' was the sum of tne comment ueard today, wherever his letter was discussed." THE increasing number of deaths due to rail road accidents is attracting very general l.ulic attention. The Kansas City Star says: "No railroad corporation has ever abandoned a plan of operation wliich leads to homicide upon a mere request to be good. Fatal wrecks will not cease upon a plea Hue this: 'Please, Mr. Corpo ration, won't you let my wife and me ride on your railroad without mashing us to a pulp?' But they will stop for a declaration like this: 'Mr. Corporation, you will put your rallroau. in such a condition that my wife and I -can ride on it with out being killed or by the eternal we vill take it away from you.' And this course ought to be adopted if railroad companies do not bring to a speedy end. the present horrible slaughter of men women and children. If a railway company will, not provide strong and adequate rolling stocif, if it will not employ a sufficient force of capable employes and adopt every possible precaution against accidents its franchise ought to be for feited and it should be forbidden to do business in the state. There is neither public cense nor public morality in dilly-dallying with railroads wen human life is jeopardized. It is idle to say that the demand .for swift transportation Is at fault. Rapid travel can be made as safe as slow travel. o trouble does not lie with the desire of the public to "get there- quick," but -with the greed of railroad directors to 'get rich quick.'- No rollof will come until the people by law make that greed subordinate to the right of security and the preservation of life. THE "tip" has been officially recognized. The Washington correspondent for the New York bvoning Post says: "Wide comment has been occasioned by Secretary Morton's 'tipping order,' although in point of fact it had been prepared be fore he entered office and was then ready for is auance. Ho looked it over and thought the sums were as low as any officer traveling on government business could well get along with. It is not true that this is the first government recognition of the tip. For years the comptroller's office in the treas ury has passed 25 cents as a porter's tip, in con nection with each sleeping car voucher. A tew other tips, somewhat fixed in popular practice, have been allowed. The theory of the department In recognizing the tip is that when officers go on government business with their expenses paid it is not right for Uncle Sam to decline to reimburse them for exponses which are practically unavoid able. It is notable thqt the tip allowance abroad Is just double the amount granted for this country Secretary Morton thinks this represents about the difference in tho expense of the official traveler He recalls the story of an American who, as his ship was -about to sail away from a European port announced to the crowd of loafers on the dock that if there were any man in Europe to whom ho had not given a franc he wished such person to ston forward and get that amount." KING GEORGE of Saxony died October 15. Concerning this man, a writer in the New York Sm says: "George of Saxony was an om man when ho came to the throne, being 70 years old when he succeeded his brother, King Albert on Juno 20, 1902. A short time after his accession he nearly succumbed to pneumonia and never fully recovered. George was born at Pillnit- on Aug J, 1832. His wife was a Portuguese princess, the Infanta Mario Anne, by whom he had five children toe eldest being Frederick August, who succeeds Mm on tho throne. He Is 39 years old. Saxony's late ruler, perhaps above all things else a soldier was prominent in European military circles as the om'mander for thirty years of the' Twelfth Army The Commoner. 4 Corps, which was Saxony's division of the German Imperial army. His name was especially revered by the rank and file as tho result of his order that the common soldier should be treated with greater respect and leniency. He had no- hesita tion in criticising tho German military system and spent a good part of his time in attempting to bring about reforms in the service. As a soldier himself he many times showed conspicuous brav ery. During tho Austrian and French campaigns ho served with gallantry and often jsut himself in psoitions of the greatest danger." KING GEORGE took his place in tho Saxon upper house and for forty years was a lead er therein. The Sun writer adds: "He was a lite long student of history, deeply interested in music and thoroughly devoted .to art and painting. He was a noted pianist. Throughout his whole life hunting was Jils favorite outdoor recreation. Old and feeble as he was during his later years, he would have himself carried to tho preserve and shoot game as it was driven out past him. The health of King George rapidly declined when tho scandal of Princess Louise's elopement with Andro Giron, the Belgian tutor of her five boys, became known throughout tho world. The crown princess, who was the Archduchess Louise Antoinette of Austria, escaped with Giron from Salzburg in De cember, 1902. They fled to the Riviera. By the friendly advice of Emperor Francis Joseph of Aus tria, King George effected her divorce from tho crown prince. Giron andthe princess separated within a short time, he returning to his old haunts, she retiring to a sanitarium at Lindau, whereshe gave birth to a daughter, who was named 'Anno Monique Pie.' The princess went to London, but was allowed to return to her native place, b'ho received a new title on July 13, 1903, and is now known as Countess de Montignose. At the time of the scandal King George received much sym pathy, although In some quarters he was accused of treating his daughter-in-law with undue harsh ness, in view of the fact that the crown prince had not been altogether a faultless husband. The king, however, was always regarded as a genial man, who would rather be kind than not." THE present owner of the Jefferson Davis plan . tation In. Mississippi, according to a writer in the Augusta Chronicle, is Isaiah F. Montgom ery, a negro. Referring to this owner, the Chron icle says: "He was .a bright youth and. Joseph Davis, the brother of Jefferson Davis, owned him. Mr. Davis, attracted by the boy's sprlghtliness and good qualities, had him educated, and he was a famous pet on the plantation. He was always re spectful, grateful, and obedient as a bondsman. He was faithful to the persons and interests of the Davis family, during the war and after It. He was permitted to purchase the old plantation and nobody objected. He has the esteem of all Miss issippians, and is now worth about $300,000. He is a type of many good old-time negroes, and all white, people who know him wish him well. After the war, we are told, he tried to educate one of his sons, and even sent him to Europe to study ??i .? 2Jmd Decome a doctor, but tne project failed. The free son was not the equal to his once slave father. Isaiah Montgomery is respected in Mississippi, and deserves to be. He is a rare char acter, and the coming generation of his race might learn valuable lessons from his virtues, his pa tience, and good sense." MILTON'S statue is to be unveiled November ., ?U Referrm& to this arrangement, a writer In the Westminster Gazette says that many people will be surprised to learn that the body of the great poet was once on view at a charge of three pence a head within a few yards of the site chosen for this monument to his memory. The Gazette writer explains: "It was In 1790, after a little carousal, that two overseers and a carpenter en- SESnn ? CiTC 5 St GIles' Crlpplegate, where Milton lay burled, and, having discovered the leaden coffin which contained his .body, cut onen Its top with a mallet and chisel. 'When they dis turbed the shroud Neve says, when telihS the story of the ghoulish deed, 'the ribs fell g Mr ?0f?taI;, cnfessed that he pulled hard at the teeth, which resisted until some one hit them with a stone.' Fountain secured all the flne Sth the upper jaw and generously gave one to one L ?B "cmplI.ces- Altber the scoundrels 5m!? Tihon ten teei, and several handfuls of hair; and to crown the diabolical business the ff male gravedlgger afterwards exhibited thl' bod v to anyone willing to pay threepencelor the geS - - ".". VOLUME 4, NUMBER 41 FLOWERS are ndw rented in New York for all sorts of occasions, according to a writer in me Boston Transcript This writer says: "One bouquet may be made to do duty for several briae3 in the course of a day, and a funeral wreath may express various phases of grief at a number or funerals. A New ifork correspondent descriues the manner in which uio floral beauties are used over and over again: 'One wonders how sucn a perishable article as flowers can be rented, espe cially in a city where they are in such demand and at almost exorbitant figures, but the process is very simple. The lessor prepares his lirst bou quet from the freshest buds obtaintable, and by buds is meant the small rose that is several days from bursting. "Carefully, with the utmost care, each bud to gone over and the outer petals opened out, to give tiie exact appearance of a blown flower. When the bouquet has done service and been returned by the renter these outside pctais are removed and all the flowers placed in the ice box to await the next order. Time and again theso budsMo duty, until their usefulness has gone tor such purposes. The stems are wound with tine wife, and, with the adidtion of a iew pieces of smilax, the'Greek flower peddlers go forth to se.i them for a few pennies per blossom." SOME interesting facts concerning the size ot and the trallib through the Suez canal aro presented by the Newark (N. J.) Advertiser, it is said: "The Suez canal is 92 miles long, and cost $102,750,0001 3,450 ships, of 8,039,106 tons net, passed through the Suez canal in 1903, yielding 14,770,081 in dues, Nearly 95 per cent of the ves sels were enabled to steam at night through the canal owing to the general use of the electric light. As to the nationality of the vessels, the English were 2,394, German 29.4, French 184, Dutch 188, Austro-Hungarian 78, Italian 63, Norwegian 38, Turkish 33, Spanish 17, Russian 35, Eortuguese 2, Egyptian 1, Japanese 6, Guatemalan 1, United States warships and yachts 16." 0 THE thrift of Russell Sage has been put to shame, according to a San Francisco corre spondent This correspondent refers to the divorco proceedings of Mrs. Emilie Fritz against John R. Fritz, saying that this is the second time that this case has been in, the divorco courts. The story is told in this way: "Four months ago the unhappy wife asued the courts for a decree, but the differ ences of the pair were patched up and they left the courtroom arm in arm. But their happiness was short lived. Fritz persisted in his closeness in money matters, so his wife alleges, and as ho would not provide for her in a proper manner she decided to be free from him once and for all. Mrs. Fritz asserted that her husband forbade her to in vite relatives to the house to meals. In order that she might not steal a march on him when he was away from home, Mrs. Fritz claims her husband placed a mark: on theham, the sugar barrel and other articles of foodstuffs In the family larder, so tuat he could determine, on his return whether Mrs Fritz Tiad been feeding her relatives. Fritz was placed on the stand to tell of his money-maic-ing schemes. Reluctantly he showed to the court notes from different people which showed rates of interest varying from 2 to 7 per cent per month. He said that during their married life he had taken his wife to the theatre once or twice, but could not remember when. Several times in the last six or eight years he has expended car fare on his wife taking her to the park. Fritz is con testing the suit. He figures that it would be cheaper to keep his wife than to be forced to pay her alimony." Mr. Elihu Root is talking for the national re publican ticket, but he wouldn't offer himself as a vicarious sacrifice by accepting the republican nomination for governor of New York. Mr. Root does not purpose losing his reputation for far sightedness. , Impeachment at the Polls " The charter of Ios Angeles, Cal., provides that a city official may, under certain conditions bo impeached and discharged from office. One or the members of the city council having been ac cused of crookedness, his constituents put the machinery of the charter' into operation and at .an election and by a vote of more than two to one lmpeachedand recalled ihe offending official. It is a valuable, precedent. Every city ought to .have power .to discharge officials when they betray theirstrust and WherjB the term is long enough the same rule ought to apply to state and federal oi- -flcials. ," .' i . ' "-' ) f, I i i ! ' ''-.