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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1904)
Vl vyi, irsmrt1! cv hi-wwt TrwOiiT.n 5-: 'I 16 The Commoner. VOLtJMB 4. NUMBER lLB-mmmmmBmrnimmam 'a YOUR FAMILY DOCTOR may toll you that 'your cnao is incurable, that medical hciodco is unablo to holp you, that all you can expect is tempor ary or Blight RELIEF. Well, lo"t HIM think ao, Ho is certainly entitled to HIS OPINION. You noed not think so unless YOU WISH TO. Many people whose tostimony appears in the books, pamph lets and literature of the THEO. NOEL COMPANY were told that their cases Were hopoloss, helpless, impossible, in curable, past all recovery, yot-READ THEIR TES TIMONY. Many wore told that they had but a few short yoars-some but months-to live, yet READ THErR TES T I M O N Y. There are more things in II KAVEN und KAIITII than are dretiined of In the Doctor's phil osophy, nnd vltac Orels one oi them. if! tt ! VI IF YOU Need it and do not send for it, it is actually a sin and a shame. It is 2P55FP T0 Y0U FIEELY, unreservedly, genuinely; YOU HATE BUT TO ASK for it. There are no strings tied to the offer, no questions to answer, no documonts to sign, no references or past history to give. Getting it is simple as A B C. You just SAY THAT YOU WANT IT, that you need it, that you will use it, AND IT IS SENT TO YOU. It must bo good or it ?SU.c n,sonfc out in this way. YOU KNOW IT HUST BE GOOD'; that IT IS GOOD. You have seen it advertised too often, seen it endorsed too mJvt,m,03' heard ifc hiffh,y spoken of too frequently, not to know that it IS GOOD, that it is SliNT OUT FREELY as it is advertised, that it does what o?laAvSd 4?.r JV Now if you need il' WHY DN'T YOU SEND FOR IT lUUAY? With this knowledge before you. how can you delay, wait or cmS a , What 18 your excuso? Y0U ARE TO BE THE JUDQE! It is a SIN AND A SHAME if you need it and don't send for it. Do it to-day. Road our Special Offer. We Will Send to All S5?M0r,m r.enef3 of Th0 Commoner, a full-.iz.d $1.00 pckz ol Vltro-Ore by mall. rpnpfnt diV???2nit ,or on mnth'3 treatment, to be paid lor within ono mouth's time after ai ?&lnc,ci,m ca? trathmlly Bay that Itauao Los done him or her moro good than Sinn SOTfW1 d03C3 ot. qu,u'k3 oc Sod doctors or, patent medicines ho or she bos ever So0 Xl18 ovi0r 9 caroiully, and understand that we ask our pay only when it hos f.iv5ynotiK,,?dnotA?Hre If.nK0t "o money la wanted! W. tak.all th .rl.k you ?Z?f SotK.,9a9 "it does not benefit you, yon pay us nothing. Wo givo you thlrtv SS8l5f.mHe t0 !Iy the Poinc, thirty days to see results beforo you need to pay us one cent Yf&Sfv&a0""'00 8cethe re9Ults- Y " toPby.uth?uCdeS We Are Willing to Take All the Risk CUBED OF . RHEUMATISM BY A TWO MONTH'S TREATMENT AT THE AGEOF80 About two ycarB avro I had an attack of Rheu matism in my Bhouldcr, which caused me con siderable pain in my neck, nnd my arms were badly Bvvollen even to the ends of ray flnuon. The pain rcafescd to my other ahouldor and I suff cred ao terrJbly 1 could hardly turn over in my bed and could not put on my clotbes wlthoutgreat dlfll culty. was troubled in this way ior some time, until I saw tho Vitae-Ore advertisement, "You Aro to Bo tho Jud ger" It attracted my attention and I xead it and read ttyc testimonials of people who had used Vitae-Ore, and 1 cumo to the con elusion that it exactly suited my case and decid ed to try a flaokujje. Be.oro I had used the on tiro packag I fdlf much improved, and as I wanted to mako a perfect cute entirely sure I Bint lor and used another package, Vitae Ore .cured me, for which Jl am very thunkiul. I will do all I can to mako it known and advertise it, This photograph "was taken on my eightieth an niversary. 0. P. bUELL, r Menominee, Mich. WHAT VnVE-ORE IS ii JJ!S?i?Hlii8iiilintllra.lthr?,J!amJinUnB' rock-like subnanco -mlneral-ORE-mlned from thoirrnnnrt twenty jenllTOTMllVlH0nS0ieUb0rh00(1 ?f flonc? Powertnl.but now extinct mln7ral spffi J ?STred tali vjdun .t n?l?i-atflon Vy 0XP8Ure t? "" alf. when It slacks down like llmo and u then of medlcl. mmmmwmmm lthWButlsni, Brl2hf.Di5.aae. pioa PeUBaj, Htart Treabl., Dro'p.y, Catarrh and announcBinent, wo want no i-no-a money whom Vltao-Ore cannot bonoflt vn ."l l2 an8w "ta t an anything bo moro ralr? tt hat sonMblo persoa no taattor how onindLrt nVl to bo tho JdKel slro a cure and hi wllllna to pay for It, woalS I QMlUtB to try Viu ()ro oa thi. ihhi8b(Umajr bo' wtl0 de- AS A BEACON LIGHT VITE-ORE points tho way for storm tossed sufferers to a h&von of Health and Comfort If you have been drifting in a sea of sickness and disonse, towardg tho rocks and shoals of Chronic Invalid ism, port your helm ere it bo too lute, tako heed of tho message of hopo and safetj which it flashes to you; STOP DRIFT ING about in a helpless, undecided man ner, first on one course and then anotkor, but begin tho proper treatment immedi ately ana reacn the goal you aro seeking by tho route so MANY HAVE TRAV ELBD WITH SUCCESS. Every person who has used Vitae - Ore is willing to act as a Pilot for you, each knows tho way from hav inir followed it At tend their advice, FOLLOW THE LIGHT and be cured with Natures Hemedy as they hove been. CURED OF INDIGESTION BACKACHE AND HEART FLUTTERING I hayo received a great and lasting benefit from using Vitae-Ore. Before I had taken it lor a lull mbnthit'had done me more good than anythirig else. I had used during my long spell of sickness, and I had used other treatments for a long time, It .has relieved me of Rheumatism, Chronic Indigestion, Baokacho and Heart Flut tering; Nothing I cat now .disagrees with me and my weight has Increased considerably. When. I began using Vitae-Ore I was much emaciated and weighed only about 110 or 115 pounds and I now weigh about 150. I feel as though I was a UvJng advertisement of tho pow er of this remedy. Many of my lricnds hare used Vltae-O're and they aU Join me in praising it., Mas. Lula G. Walters, La Grange, N. 0. OT A PENNY UNLESS RrMrnrrn Thl offer will challenge the attention and conaldrin h - ... -rilC8J whouffer.pnlns.HLand.H.o.L which XtJ'naMm "' ev vl8 peo wh. de.lre. bettor-" ony your pWoaal Invention, d t our .xp.nsl. rlLlut f ZZ m. L?!Z7" T0" ?"" " W " '' yur Pclra' but "8k . . . "" " "y "uaioj to n forDcksee. ADDRESS THEO. NOEL CO B. C. Dot. CAGO Vitae -Or Bldg .fw i ii