The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, October 28, 1904, Page 15, Image 15

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OCTOBER 28, 1904
The Commoner.
Republican Symbols
"jliU I TMIWIIII ill
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iiuu 1 vimleu Indiana in 1UUU 1
saw everywhere pictures of a full din
nerpail. The republicans used it as a
symbol of the working man's pros
perity. I have now been in Indiana
lor four days and I have not seen a
pieiuro of a single full dinnerpail, yet.
What is the symbol this year? Sen
ator Beveridge says now that the coffee
pot is the test of prosperity an- as
serts that we use three times t.s much
coffee as we did under a democratic
: administration. It Is a long stop from
a full dinnerpall to a cofTee pot. Cof
fee is a great deal thinner than bread
and meat. Maybe the laboring man Is
using coffee as a stimulant so that he
will not feel the loss of bread so much.
I What will the republican symbol be in
1 ho Wooubbx.
Settin' here tonight, I'm thinkin'
Of a home I ust to know; x
Sort o'starts my heart a-sinkln',
That old scene of long ago.
In a kitchen I'm a-lookin',
In a farmhouse in a grove,
Past old mother there a-coouln',
Is the wood box 'hind the stove.
Recollect, don't you, mister? ' .
You can see it same as me;
'Member how yer hands 'ud blister,
Now and then? An' splinters, gee!
See the chips an' bark it's holdin'?
Not a single stick of wood;
Hear old mother at you scoldin',
Tellin you to fill it good?
Ust to seem that box, you 'member,
Hardly gave you time to play
Kep you mad clean from September
Till warm weather come in May;
Seemed as though 'twould kill you,
still it
Didn't, now I'll tell you true;
Fer the chance I'd gladly fill it;
Yes, you bet, ah you would, too.
Bide Dudley, in Kansas City Star.
palace he found all the chiefs assem
bled, with a native band, so he pro
ceeded with his escort of rugged Amer
4can regulars, to where' the chief -sat.
One of the first questions the native
asked was:
"Are you Christians?"
The suddenness of the attack might
have disconcerted the diplomatic cap
tain, but he was, equal to the occasion
and quickly answered:
"No, your highness, we are Bap
tists." ,
"It is well," was the reply.
They tnen proceeded to business.
With a Difference
When Captain Pershing, U. S. A., on
duty In the Philippines, was sent to
reconcile the native dato to our ways
of thinking, Jie was cautioned about
the chief's great aversion to Chris
tians, says Llppincott's Magazine. In
the eyes of the Filipinos there are
only two religions in the world Mo
hammedanism and Christianity, his
pr-onle representing the former and the
Catholicism of the Snaniards the lat
ter. On arriving, at the dato's bamboo
Frequent, or periodical headaches,' weaken
the brain, and very often extlnuula i the llR'it o
rcas-on. Dr. Miles' Antl-Pnln PUls will cure
headache quickly, by Boothlnij the Irritated
nerve- of the brain. They also prevent pain if
taken when flrat svmptoms of headache appear.
26 dosea, 25c Never Bold in.bullc. ,
Open to Temptation
) about the white ribbon which is the
sign of total abstinence, 'says the New
ork Tribune.
"There are some persons," said
Mrs. Burdette. "who don't wear the
white ribbon with sincerity. They wear
it, perhaps, about as hypocritically as
ifr was worn by an employe of a cer
tain brewery.
x "This employe, after years of dissi
pation, appeared one day at the brew
ery with the white ribbon on his
breast. Nothing was said to him, and
he wore the ribbon for some months.
Then one day the head of the firm,
happening to notice the man's badge,
approached him.
M 'Why, Frank,' he said, 'it Is strange
to see you, a brewer, wearing the
white ribbon.'
" 'It does look strange., sir,' the man
"'Well,' said the brewer, 'why do
you do it?'
'It is like this.' said the workman.
t wear the ribbon because it makes
men Hire to tempt me; and when I'm
tempted I succumb, sir.'"
done for many years, to "God Savo the
Queen" mow the King); and the Ger
mans sing It to the words "Hell Dlr im
Sieger Kranz" (meaning "Hall the
Wreath of Victory").
The tune has great qualities, and it
would be interesting to know exactly
where it originated. Everywhere.
A Tune of Three Nitfons
It is si fact -worth' noticing, that the
tune to which we generally sing "My
Countrv TiS-of.T.bee,", is also used by
two other nations Jn patriotic sones.
The English attach it, as they Iiave
Hoar's Earnest Protest
Perhaps Mr. Hoar's most earnest
protest against his party was on the
Philippine annexation. The old sena
tor was an eloquent speaker and made
many splendid speeches In the senate
But none of them exceeded that which
he made in the senate in May, 1902,
on the Philippine question. "I have
sometimes fancied," said Mr. Hoar In
that great effort, "that we might erect
here in the capital of the country a
column to American liberty which
alone might rival In height the beauti
ful and simple shaft which wo have
erecfed to the fame of the Father ot
His Country. I can fancy each gener
ation bringing its Inscription which
should recite its own contribution to
the great structure of which the col
umn should be but the symbol."
And then he pictures the Puritan,
"I brought the torch of freedom
across the sea. I cleared the forest.
I subdued the savage and the wild
beast I laid in Christian liberty and
law the foundations of empire."
And then the Colonial:
"I stood by the side of England on
many a hard-fought field. I helped
humble ine power of France. I saw the
lilies 0 down before the lion at Louis
burg and Quebec. I carried the cress
of St. Geortre Jn triumph in Martinique
and the Havana. I knew the stormy
pathwavs of the ocean."
And then the Revolutionary:
t nnnmintprpd the power of Fnc-
land. I declared and won the indepen-
rlf.nre of mv country. T nia"ea "ioj
declaration on the rternal Pr'ncinles
nf i?rI"p and ri"hteo"snpRs wbn all
manHnd have read and on wn"b nil
mankind will one day stand. I affirmed
1U08? Possibly a watur pltcnur to snow
that ho can not oven afford coffee, it
is as long n step from the full dinner
pail to the coffee pot as it is from tho
coffee pot to the water pitcher.
(Extract from Mr. Bryan's speech at
Columbus, Ind.)
the dignity of human nature and the
right of the people to govern them
selves." And then ho turns to tho generation
of today:
"And now what have wo to say 7
What have we to say? Are wo to Iiavo
a place In that honorable company?
Must we engrave upon that column
'Wo repealed tho Declaration of Inde
pendence? Ve changed the Monroo
doctrine from a doctrine of eternal
righteousness and justice, resting on
the consent of the governed, to a doc
trine of brutal solfishness, locking only
to our o,vn advantage? Wo crushed tho
only republic In Asia. We made war
upon the only Christian people in the
oust? No, Mr. President! Never,
never! Other and I etter councils will
ct prevail. The hours are long In the
life of a great people. Tho frrovocablo
step Is not yet taken. Lot us at least
have this to say: 'Wo, too, have kept
the faith of the Father. We took CuUil
by the iand. We delivered her from
her ace-long bondage. We welcomed
her to the family of nations. We set
mankind an example nevtr beheld be
fore of moderation and victory.
Wo returned benefit for inlury and pity
for cruelty. We made the name of
America loved in the oast as in the
west. We kept faith with the Philip
pine peonle. We kept faith with our
own historv. We kept our national
ronor unsullied. The flag wbieh we
reeeived without a rp,nt wp banded
dewn without a stain.' " Baltimore
Tho Inference.
Babbi Hlrsch. of Cblcaro, was riding
in a crowded street car and rose to sur
render his peat to a lndv. relates tho
wpw York Tribune. Before she cold
ta''e it a vonntr man plumnpd himself
t"to It The rabbi looked at him In
dJp"Qrpfi s'Tenee.
"What' the matter?" demandpd the
man. "What veh HarJn' a1, me for?
Yeh looV a f h'd lle to vet me."
"T am forbfMcn to eat "ou.' an
swered the rabbi. "I am a Jew."
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