The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, October 28, 1904, Page 13, Image 13

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OCTOBER 28, 1904
The Commoner.
MWPHWHmwWr!WPJwy. w " mm i i,im t,WHlWpiwiti m !" "lywy
getting the very dregs of our people.'
"He aiso said: 'The situation -In the
Philippines today is so terrible that
it passes the comprehension of the
people at home. Agriculturally, the
country is for the time ruined. Land
is going out of cultivation, the popula
tion is ill-fed and in some places un
able to get work. The country is over
burdened with taxation, disease is
prevalent, the farm animals dead, the
towns in many places in ruins, whoio
districts in the hands of ladrones. the
price of products poor and unrenrm
erative; Public opinion has no i'r, o
expression, newspapers are bought up
or are browbeaten into silence, men of
influence who criticize the commis
sion are ostracised, the plays produced
in the theaters are censored, there is
not an organ of expression, of the
popular voice ,that is not controlled.
In private life men are. subject to
complete, far-reaching, thorough sys
tem of espionage. Detectives appear
in' the guise of sorvants and the oath
of a single one is enough to destroy a
nve'beetlsjTcMt 78 YEARS. WcIVaV CASH
Stuck rfenery, Lealslaaa. Mo.: HasUvlllc, K
Month nnd Expnra: no experience
nepdert: ponltlnn permanent; pi seller,
Pease lira. Co., Stat'n 59, ClncJnnatti, O.
HJ MiilWhUltryllabKi,
I I IVI curod Mt '"'"is without
VT I WI Pln. Book of particular
Voullo7,i.I..AtIaatn,Ctw, HO N.Pr) or at.
SV6.00000 mirde Irom lwlf ncre
EusIIy irrown In Giirden or Farm
R otHnnd (el8 mr sale. "Jend 4c
lor poatane and get booklet A. Q.tellinRall about
Seven Sizes
1 1 .1 I f U TM H.
IP'"WMe 5Ev
W.Smith Grubbcr co lacrosse wis
-if . UBtrtnnia TOt,
irETTTOIPS Hetre, CMgfa, Bts
ttaper and lndtftttlob luro
A veterinary ipecttlo lor wind,
iWrntf recommend. $1.00 per
on ucmicri iinii or kx. (
TkeNentun Itemed? Cv
Toledo, Vklo.
foisiness Chance &$
cmjbww vbimkiwv weCnn sell you a
business enterprise that will clear rom one hun
dred to three hundred dollars per tnontli. Good In
any town ol 600 imputation or over. 1 or particulars
addresadept. J. 1132bhelby Su Indianapolis, Ind.
A fine young herd of SHORTHORN
HEIFERS. Sired by Prince Imperial
2nd, 187069. A pure Cruickshanks bull and
a sweepstakes winner wherever shown
Also young bulls, low down thick moated
fellows. H. B. QUINTON,
Denmark, Iowa.
Ganger Cured
Cuneer, Tumor, Catarrh. Fist.ula, Ulcere, Ktc
rem a and all Skin aud Womb Diseases. Wrle
for llluatmted Hook. Fent ree. Address
DR. BYE. Xh.y Kansas City. Mo,
Subscription Bargains
All the Bent Publication t Saying
mt Nearly Onm-Uult.
The Prairie Furmer fl.00, Vlek's Ma azlne 50c
Poultry S ccesa Wo, Green's Fruit Grower 60u
Alt em yr for $1.35.
The Prairie Farmer 1.00. Amerlran Boy 51.00,
Poultry Tribune 60c, Vlek'a Magazine 60c
AII our yar fur $1.06,
The Prairie Farmer 31.00, Housekeeper COc.Vick's
Magazine 6t c, Ponltry Tribune 50c.
nAU oh yar for $1 CO.
AU orders tor these combinations should bo
wnt direct to The Prairie Farmer. Baad-McNally
Bwg., 180 Adam S., Chicago.
man's reputation, property, liberty, or
oven lire itself
"I ask of tho republican party
whether if tho administration of the
United states should bo continued in
its hands, it proposes to undertake to
apply any remedy. Will it enact for
tho Philippines proper statues reg
ulating their affairs with some view
to their interest? Will it give their
perishing shipping relief? Will it give
them tariff regulations under which
they can exist?
"Wo hold tho Philippine islands.
Have we taken proper steps to fulfill
tho obligations therein assumed? Are
the Philippine islands today a sell
supporting community? Are not their
efforts toward acquiring such position
embarrassed at every turn by the
legislation we have forced upon them?
Had we left them to their own de
vices they might have dealt with for
eign nations. Had wo brought thom
within the United States of America
they might have dealt with us. To
day they can do neither.
"Where are the Philippine markets?
Where the development of their
natural resources? Why snould not
those islands, asserted by all and con
ceded by all to have groat, natural
resources, be self-supporting? I warn
me republican party that it is not an
unheard-of proposition that an op
pressed I use the term advisedly an
oppressed people should be restive.
"The true questions which have con
cerned our relations with the Philip
pine islands from the moment of our
taking them and which remain today
utterly untouched for any good to the
islands themselves, and the questions
which will regulate their future in
other words, the real basis on which
tho Philippine islands Interest us po
liticallyare: The Philippine tariff,
Philippine taxation and encourage
ment to their shipping interests. Thtse
matters regulated to the advantage of
tnese islands, Philippine independence
will appear on the immediate horizon.
Continue as we are doing to oppress
these people and one of the most vexed
questions that this nation has over
been called upon to deal -vlth will
confront us Interminably.
"But aside from the duty we owe
the Philippines in preparation for the
enjoyment of the blessed privileges
we possess we should guard carefully
against the danger to ourselves of an
imperialistic policy. History tea-hes
that from republicanism to Imperial
ism the movement Is gradual and un
percelved of the people. Its ominous
progress when discovered leaves open
but two courses, submission or resort
to violence.
"That our people may never be com
pelled to choose between these fearful
alternatives should be our prayer. But
we should work as well as pray.
"And our work should be to guard
the foundation on which our govern
ment rests. Its basis Is that of de
clared ideas ideas that are stronger
than battleships and armies Ideas
which for more than a oenturv hnve
stimulated our deve'opment and which
have given promise that our "world
mission' shall be not to seize the ter
ritory of distant pcodIps aid rule them
with a scepter or Iron, but to estab
lish truth, honor, justice and peace
among the nations.
"We must choose whether within
our borders the basis of povornment
shall continue to be this idealism or
a materialism which Is the s'irer Pp
ourcr of dissolution, for no nation can
endure upon a bas?s of materlal'fm.
however splendid. Prudence requires
that choice be made in time. The time
is now."
tison, president of tho Union Central
Lite insurance company, and the ilrst
member of tho class to bo elected to
congress; Benator Paracr, three tlinca
nominated for governor of Ohio and
twice elected; Senator Fairhanns, now
the candidate for vlco nrcsidcnt:
Jcorgo Atkinson, formerly governor of
West Virginia; Bishop Hoss of tho
.vietnouist Episcopal church, b'outu;
it. M. Nevln, representative from cho
Jnyton district in Ohio, and D. K.
Watson, twice attornoy goneral of
Ohio, ouco representative from tho Co
iiimbus district and now on tho com
mission for the revision of tho lawn
of tho United States. Fourteen otner
members havo been upon tho bench in
Ohio and other states. Washington
ihi niM
War In Winter Tlmo
Many great battles havo been fought
in the snow, Eylau and Hohenliiiden
being ramlliar examples. Austerlttz
was fought In intensely cold weather
and the Rubs in losses were Increased
by Napoleon turninu tho flro of his ar
tillery on tho frozen lakes ovo" which
the Russians sought to retreat. In our
civil war, Fort DonclBon was captured
in February, Fredoricksburg was
fought In December, Stone River on
ueccmber 31, 18G2, January 2, 1803, and
Thomas defeated and ruined Hood's
army at Nashville on tho 15th and 10th
of December, 1804. Ilcnco it will be
seen that history does not warrant us
in believing that the war ir the east
will pass Into an unofficial truce when
the snow begins to drift. Exchange.
ffi !JPC
mk fiW
A Great DUcnvrryf
wllh vcri inblc remf dtc
entirely bornilcM: re
move all yuiplonifl of
dropsy in H to 20 liny; 'CO
toGtHlnya cthots n per
niHiiciit cure. Trial treat
ment lurniliid ree to
every Miflircr; nothing
fairer. 1-or clmim r. tes
timonials, etc., apply to
y Dr. II. H.Grctn'rSoni
Box XX, Atlanta, Gn.
" " 1K2SRSE
Lightning Knife Sharpener
FOR 3 Ker tblnir for the kitchen. Krery woroaa
2rmuf tieedi one. Blmrpen Lnlven onlek u
tfc,n-f-. awlnlc. Uahinlnit Knife UUrpnrto.,
STAMPS (not Inc.) Oi3itf Otfden Ave., Culcago
Contains Declaration of ludepondenca, Constitution of the U. 5., All
National Platforms, of all political parties, since their formation, to and
including those of 1001, 188 pages. Is just what every public speaker should
havo at hand for ready roferonco. Postpaid 25 cents. Address,
THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nebr.
Better Investigate
tho merits and advantages offered by the various
railway lines before purchasing tickets. Tho
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R.
has electric-lighted trains, solid vestibuled,
steam heated, equipped with every modern
safety device, heavy steel first-dags road-bed,
and many other advantages. Write to
F. A. NASH, Genera! Western Agent, 1524 Farnam Street,
A Famous Class
The class of '70 In Ohio Wesleyan
university Is niite noted In that Instl
iiMnn it included John Hamilton,
J who was governor of Illinois; Mr. Pat-J
'Hatfah2H 4V.-
imTi WirrfrBihfll and cast range
My.f'Ji 7J..J-" LL. !J -- '"''Jli-JMI Ej
MgHMBIMf iM-ajtT "ay
MMHpyjl i I Ti W
$V HIS ft this large
TflfOP handseme
ateel range
rlnu rre raerrolr. Willi
Uzc. Wch. roomy, wmlnir elojt and
reeT0tlutaho',,, n cutt "
ervolr It porcelain oo inoe,
523 oncutsWe. IIeay catt top whn
ovecs, tiza to luJt oJL
rtu. t. Wtf Is tnxde of cols
relied ctcd. too and all cast
lags of best p7 tree. Cratof
liatul ob
hrrlrrt mnA ir. tiielTeS OS
closets basd and ornament oa resrveirt
wnj UW. V. .ww tg " ' r- .
naUne tho rasga aa onuaicse w vuty w.
OR fW.tlils
just as illustrated. Batm
hud or SOU coai or wowi.
Has drawn center grate.,
corrnnted Bre pot,, com
rolled sheet steeJ nody.
fann cast lane, lime cast
feed do or. ash pltdoraod
ash pan, awjnj; top. screw
dcaO-tccaUtor. Volisued
ttrn. nickel top rlnj, came
rl . foot rails, etc.
MVe bavo beado?
ctmrea of every kind.'
I lot wast, ajr ucnts. tn
kind that retails tar fSMT,
foraOe. Dasbttniers
at 'A tho retpiiay pete
nakinjr tno raaeo aa orsuuaeRe
H to be pwfca ( cosstevctlos d
- tim aul as l
vriM4 WeuUlsUpyou
aaaterial and -werratektp
jzl c
aH A
Wr n
Jt If
aaaaaVa As
a. H
fe rW&XL"?J?l
Slow CalC for l4tm4 ItllawlHtsi
kSwiMl mm
ritbbetieoUconstectioaTiaawersraweis ,...J
reach yotttajjerfcetcoBdltluyoa caa VJJ1'Z2?:5 l'LJJZZ'JZt
lava, ifvouoo sue naaitia mb mupmni "v?r,55"V." " j
ZmiwHw er board of J enual to mmm ttetntatt U dobh swfwtosw
itoMOtagMeesK. ... - - 1
bm&uv Catalog. ftaf4MartarsMfeaW
trisTal 'n-'w-w--jp
cSraitto sa wjiin ?zrjjTJzrj;
ftllT TH S "AD" OUT SkViTiW-