OCTOBER 21, 1304 The Commoner. I! Loiter of Thomo.8 E. Watson (Continued from page 7.) choes, rivets, tacks, screws, pJpe. fluwl and wire. They doubled the tax on molasses, and put an addition of forty five million dollars to the price which the people were paying for sugar un der the "culminating atrocity or class legislation," tho McKInley act. Ihey pitied the laoorer ana pronmcu to ue , his friend, and they let the Pullman I Palace Car company have the use of tho army to compel the submiosiun of laborers to a' cut in wages. They prem ised to abolish child labor, and in those states of the south. where the demo cratic party is most absolute, child slavery is most immovably planted. They promised tho people a graduated income tax, which should compel the millionaires and tho gigantic coipora tions to contribute something to the support of the government upon which they fatten; but-now they have given up the contest." Tho income tax no longer appears in their platform. The millionaires and corporations support ing Parker are not tho kind of demo crats to clamor for a graduated in come tax. How any party which has for recent years stood for so many different things and broken so many contracts can now expect,to be trusted, is a puz zle in politics. The manner in which tho platform of 1904 was evolved, the manner in which Parker's nomination was brought about, ought to intensify the distrust which the bad record Of the party, justly creates. Every line of the platform seems to be in. a tremble, lest it should displease the beneficiaries of class-legislation. Every tone of its quaking voice seems to say to the cor porations. "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." With the anxious fear of Snug the Joiner in "Midsummer Night's Dream," the apparent lion kindly dissipates the fear of his audi ence by .assuring them in advance that its roar Is only for stage purposes. If that platform had been meant to please the people, how easy it would have been to write it But it was meant to delude the people and to please the corporations; hence its wonderful con tortions in verbiage, its agonized ef forts to. use much language and say nothing. This much must be admitted, however, the candidate fits the plat form as though, a political taixor had measured him for it. Parker can probably use more words and say less that you are certain of than any man in America. The people's party is Jeffnisonlan to the core. It has never emasculated its creed to curry favor. It has pre ferred to win, its way into minds and hearts by earnest advocacy of fixed principles. Its chief reliance lias been on political education. It assails the evils of class-legislation, and for every abuse oilers a remedy. It does not blindly seek to tear down. It seeks to reform, to repair, to renovate, to re store. "We would, if we could, go back to the system of our forefathers. The class-legislation which is the bane of our government, at this time, obtained the upper hand in our republic twice before, and was twice driven out. Jef ferson did it once; then Jackson de mocracy in Jackson's day paid oC the national debt, overthrew the national bank, revoked many of the privileges of favored classes, and put the 'reins of power back into the hands ot the People. The protective principle was struck down; and the Walker tariff in augurated an era of great prosperity. Charles Dickens, who visited this country previous to the civil war, wrote back to his home that a flam ing sword in the air would not excite more amazement than a beggar in the streets of Boston; and he expressed his astonishment at the general piosperity of the people. That was when genuine democracy The Greatest of all Catalogues 6 La iiitffi7atri22?.-,)r mfP SLHl t0 80nd hY Prca choaply. 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Weight, about fcO pounds. $1.00 filbs. Mlxod ltlo and rlaatos Itoas Coffee, 2Iont value M 1 Cataloguo and Baron Goldo CO ftQ No.73,deluxooditlon,&ocharge sfCtJJ 2 $168 Montgomery Ward (8b Co. Michigan Ave. Madison and Washington Sts. Chicago Tbe Leading Catalogue House in the World was ruling the land and insp.ring ita legislation. This prosperous conaitlon continued, in the main, until our civil war. That deplorable conflict was hardly less terrible in loss of life than in the legislation to which it gave provocation and opportunity. Natioual banks gained foothold once moie; a mountain of bonds arose; monstrous tariffs, framed with the view of enrich ing favored industries, were imposed; corporations seized upon the public lands; the money power .began that se ries of "forays upon the government and upon tho producing classes4 which has transferred almost the whole of the wealth of the country to those who never bravely fought for the govern ment in time of war, nor honestly served it in time of peace. . The grand arin'es of Industry win the ycarlv vic tory over nature by toil, producing the wealth which the captains of industry appropriate to themselves by subtle chicanery. The vastly greatei part of the wealth of this country is enjoyed by men who never produced a dollar m their lives. No War Upon Private Property The people's party makes no war upon private ownership, upon honest wealth, or legitimate profits. It simply combats the legislation which builds up one man at the expense of an other, which gives special privileges to ono class at the expense of another, which discriminates against a citizen or a class of citizens in favor ot oth ers. In short, the people's party de clares its hostility to privilege, and de mands legislation whose motto shull be 'Equal and exact justice to nil, with out favors to any." Such rascality as those of the copper trust, or the steel combine should either be made impossible, or th6 ad ministration of law so invlgoraied that the criminals who steal millions shall wear the ball and chain side oy side with the thief who stole a pig; We believe in the monpy of the con stitution. We do not bend in super stitious reverence to silver and gold. We believe that any currency which the government declares to be legal tender, will be "sound money" as long as the government Is "sounJ." We have less fear that the government will ever Issue too many paper dollars than we have that It will issue too many bonds. A government must govern; and the creation of money is a part of the sovereign power. The govern ment must decide how many soldiers shall come to the flag; must decide how many battleships shall hold "the ocean lists against the world in mail." it is no more likely to make a mistake by issuing too much money than it is to make a worse mistake by calling too many bread-winners into the mili tary service. "Rag baby!" cries the editor; "Rag baby!" cries the fossil in the academy. Yet that same editor, and that sanio acadomic fossil, Is quick to approve when the government makes a bond out of rags, and allows the baukei to issue rag notes on the rag bonds. What children we are, after all! Smc men go around in mental swaddling clothes all the days of their blessed lives. The people's party favora the pub lic ownership of public utilities. In nearly every civilized country tho gov ernment owns the railways, the tele graphs and tho telephones. The last two should be a part of our postofllco system,, to which should be added the parcel post, to free our people from the extortionate charges of the express companies. The people's party has always ear nestly advocated the graduated income tax. This would not only throwf the support of the government upon the rich, where it should be, but wouid, Jn a great measure, prevent the accumu lation of huge, unnecessary 'and dan gerous fortunes. We favor the e.ght hour law, and the abolition of child labor in factories, where the unhealthy moral and physical conditions are air most certain to destroy the child. Wo (Continued on page 12:) KVU ON and tb4 IltietiHi&tlun's gima. ' 41 j.'h.miJ