fr'fkmf ''-11l if 4 10 Commoner. yOLUMH 4, NUMBER 4 irfr"Vy - V 1 W w . DE LAVAL Cream Separators Save $3 to"$5 Per Cow Jlvery Yetfr of Use Over the Beat of "Imitating Cream Separators and last from two to ten times as long. Send for catalogue and name ef nearest local agent. THE DE LAVAL SEPARATOR CO. dWW?f. Randolph & Canal Sti. I 74 CHICAGO Corilandt Street NEW YORK Your New Stove Dnn'tluiva.lnva Af tiMAt ltnHt vml Tiavnt lllfiAn amp nAm AR-rutvn Cfrvv. fatalncniA a flnm KaAIt mltfi Invff. In4i tlliietrflHnnw fAtfittntrl r.. liable descriptions of tho lowest prtcoa oblaln able anywhere forioneatly built stoves, range ana noaiers. i Our Windsor and Lakeside stoves are the Eroducta pf oyx. own factories and represent the est types of stove construction. also addrm nf onv nnlchbor who vnu think will UkstoTecelve our money saving: stove prop osltlon. They will welcome the attractive cat alogue we Intend to send them. Our stove catalogue Is entirety free. Merely send a pps- tai.uidweatneri8coming;betterwriteatonce. Montaomerv Ward Co Michigan Ave., Madison and Washington Sts. Chicago hfrOOfrfr04"fr44 The Little Sorcvp Book It's a ragged old book, all tattered and torn. Its badly soiled leaves by small, grimy hands worn; .The back has a crack. And of gilt there's a lack; "jL'he corners are bent and tho binding forlorn. ."'"' But never a book made by bookmak er's art ' ' ' So precious by half to tho fond moth er's heart No gold you could hold. Nor jewels untold, Could bribe her from that little scrap book to part A picture cut out of an old magazine; A badly gummed bit of a great moun tain scene. " " . And hero doth appear- A winter scene drear. Stuck in by a hand that was sadly un clean. But tlie) pictures appear to her lovely and fair. The workmanship neat and beyond all compare, To eyes that are "wise " ' ' To the work that there 'lies As a sample of baby's art instinct so rare. o . I -no picture more l; s . The print of a finger sweet Shows out on tho page mamma's fonii; eyes to greet. ' A tear, I declare. In tho grimy page there! 'Twos only that lacking to make it complete. So lay it away In a safe, .secure nook; 'Twill bring back old days of the past when wo look With tears through the years Of our hopes and our fears ---. At the darling babe's tattered grimy scrap book. ' A said. Mrs. Nuwed, "but Jack watf- a member of the band, of the Young Men's Athletic Club, the Mooses, tho Ravens and the Bisons, and I was a member of the Pie Swelta Pie, the pung Woman's Club and the Musical Society, and, and and well, tho wed ding wasn't as quiet as we expected," Three Trusts Three great trusts in Gotham Watered thier stockd'Immense. If our trust-buster'ed been stronger .They be there no longer. Old Kin Coal Old King Coal Was a sordid old soul, A sordid old soul was he.' He hoisted the price Not once, twice, but thrice, And tittered in ghoulish glee. expands arid bursts ovorv starch coll. makes & finn. "white, bubbling dounrh. ami brings out every nutrltlvo valuo of the flour. Do you want nevor-falllng good broad? Ubo Yeast Foam; it's Old Mother Hubbard Old Mother Hubbard Went to the cupboard To get her poor dog some "meat. But when she got there The cupboard was bare, For the beeftrust had cleaned it complete. and J., NEBRASKA DAY I AT TJtln Hnv Till t a 1 Little Boy J Blue, come toot on your norn, The trusts have now gobbled up all ,. t , -. Black Sheep . Ba, ba! Jqlack sheep; any wool? O, yes,Skind sir; three bags full. Two for the wool trust, one for the tax, But not a single ounce, .sir, for, .your' children's backs. i I WORLD'S FAIR! i i i i i i i October 2tfth hns been selected as NE B11A8KA DAY. Tho WABASH 1b tho lino nlt'Nobrnakans will uso as it lands all pasBen'gere at World's Fnlr Station main cntranco World's Fair grounds, thUR sav ing extra car faro, tlmo and annoyance. A VERY low rato has been made from ALL stations. For Nebraska Day Badge, World's Fair Guide and all information call at Wabash City office 1601 Farnam St., or address HARRY X, MOORXg, O. A. P. D. Wall. It. B., OMAHA, NEB. P. 8. All Agents can sell you through and route you via WABASH. and 8 ! i i ! i I QfWour corn. They've- gobbled-, your wheat they've gotibled your sheeD. And they'll gobble you, too, if you lie there asleep, When will you awake? In the sweet by and by? .." ( Then, Little Boy Blue, you'll be' hung high and dry. FOR SALE A. fine young herd of SHORTHORN HEIFERS. Sired by Priace Imperial 2od,1870G9. A. pure Cruickshanks bull and a sweepataV winner wherever shown Also young bjills, low down thick raeated ieilows. . H. B. QUINTON. Dknmakk, Iowa. , Sprait and Wife Jack Spratt could find no fat, His wife could find no lean; Because the trust in meat, you see, .appeared upon the scene. So Jack Spratt lived on hope, His wife lived, too, en air. Because the meat truBt day by day Had; done them up for fair. The Crooked Nan There Was a crooked man who "worked a crooked scheme. He sprung a crooked trust while his crooked eyes did gleam. He "bought some crooked laws from a lot of crooked men, " And made a crooked fortune, but he escaped the pen. STUMP PULLERS Seven Sizes t. MPAYTWEFTrarT' WfAUJG tvrorF DePT28W.SMm?CBUlHER C(F JAOTOSSE WIS m, It Wa? Not "And was your wedding a "quiet one, dear?" queried the distant friehd'after the bride had returned from 'CHeVe'iP ding journey. ' .,. "We intended that it should be," Br &.I n Leeks The loud prayers are not always the first heard. Vast numbers of men mistake par-, tisanshfbr;' patriotism "$Ci Men achieve big things"' by patiently attending to tho little details. Patient endeavor sooner of later finds .something that tha lazy loiterer calls '.'good luck." Some people shed advice like a cot tonwood, tree sheds lint and with about the same results, Speak, .softly and carry an olive branch, and you will go far in a day and leave -friends along the way. Trying to reason with a purblind partisan is about as profitable as try ing to eat bean soup with a fork. The workman who does no more than ho is paid to do, soon finds him self unable-to get anything to do that is paid for. Think once before you speak; think twice before you act; think thrice be fore yon write it, and think four times before you mail it The foolish man figures on doing yesterday's work tomorrow. The wise man USUallV had tnrtmr'a fool- .n started before yesterday closed. A man never realizes how foolish he was until ho accidentally comes across a love letter he wrote to his wife before they were .married. And the woman usually wonders why the husband is not as wise as the lover was. Yeast Foot yoast moans badly. , raised, badly-baked, dangorous bread. Yoast Foam means tho best and most etrongthonlng bread in tho world. . The secret is in the yeast For sale by all grocora at 6o a package enough for 40 loaves. v4How to Make Broad" rcc. NORTHWESTERN YEAST CO., Chicago. week, which was without rain, ono barrel of 'dust was obtained. In tho same "week' the automatic sweepers in tbfe: hotel gathered two and one-lialf barrels 6t , dust The air drawn into th,a Si. &egis passes through screens of ' fine meSbj cheesecloth. From these screens tho8 Taarrel of tlust was gath ered. This' shows that" "fresh air" in a; city' s not aTways as !fresh as it lis'when it is 'caugnt'ih'tiie country. Minneapolis Journal. - -1 Whflfl Cltxr At, lo i;-J--. . Tb&blg Hotel StrRegls,' New. York ,7 , w,i& ALO mr. xTom out side air pumped into the hotel in one Convinced At Last "Do you aw believe in the aw theory 6f evolution. Miss Wise that we all-7-aw sprung from apes, don't you knoW?" JThe beautiful gir,l hesitated. "I never used to," she replied finally. New York Post. RHEUMAT I S CURED Without Medicine. Kew Remedy JnooTred TThleh AborbS Acid Impurities Through the Large Foot Pore". ADOLLAR PAIR FREE ' On ApprovalWrite To-day. Don't take medicine for Rheumatism, but send your name to the makers of Magic Foot Draf.ts, the great Michigan discovery which is curing every kind of Rheumatism without medicine chronic or acut) Muscular, Sciatic, Lumbago, Gout, etc., no matter in what part of the body. You'll get the Drafts by return mall. If you are satisfied with the relief they give, send us one dollar. If not, send nothing. y .ffWM YouUecidc. lvjaK- possess the re markablo qual ity of ab sorbinor from hn hinnd th imnnritlGa which cause Rheumatism, curing where every th ng else has failed. They are even curing ases o? 30 and 40 ygars' standing, -'-ey! will cure you. Send your name tpdaV.ta Magic Fopt,Daft Co., XW-, .Qkifor-Bldg., Jaclcson,, Mich. Our plbdid ; new booK- ,pn- .Rheumatism comeslree with thb Drafts. Send ! no money-ronfy your name. Write today. SfBsi VI .1 i -.