The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, October 21, 1904, Image 1

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Vol. -4t N0.V40.
Lincoln, Nebraska, October 21, 1904.
Whole Number 196
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' Every man is responsible for tils Influence, bo
, '
It small or great Every democrat who votes for
Parker votes to defeat Roosevelt. Every democrat
who does not vote for Parker contributes toward
the election of Roosevelt On every question upon
which Judge Parker's position is open to criticism,
President Roosevelt's position Is worse; where
they differ, as they do on many important ques
tions, Parker Is right and Roosevelt is wrong.
Roosevelt favors a high tariff; Parker favors
tariff reform. Roosevelt favors a standing army of
60,000 at tho minimum; Parker favors a reduction
of the army.
Roosevelt has brought the race issue into na
tional politics; Parker would remove the race issue
from politics.
Roosevelt stands for a colonial policy; Parker
favors independence for the Filipinos and would
make the promise now.
Watson's Letter of Acceptance
On another page will be found the letter of
acceptance of Hon. Thomas E. Watson, the popu
list candidate for the presidency. Mr. "Watson
has discussed with great ability tho issues as he
sees them. He has called attention to the en
croachments of organized wealth and vividly pic
tured the economic evils which must be remedied.
He has, however, neglected to give to militarism,
imperialism and the race issue the emphasis which
they deserve. He thinks that tho democratic -party
jean not bo relied upon for relief and that Mr,
Bryan ought to join the populist party, or, at
least,' oppose Judge Parker. Mr. Bryan gave this
Bubject careful consideration before he took a
position anil believes that he can better aid econ.
omlc reform by supporting Judge Parker than ho
could by helping t.Q elect. Mr. Roosevelt whether
he gave the assistance directly by voting for tho
republican nominee or indirectly by voting for
the populist nominee. Four years more of Roose
velt means four years more of a large army and
an Increasing nayy; it means four years more of
imperialism with danger of foreign complications
and such domestic imitations as we are having in
Colorado; it means four years more race issue ac
centuated and intensified; it means four years
more of war spirit in the white house which may
at any time Involve the nation in unnecessary
conflict with other nations. Mr. Bryan can not
help his country or those with whom he has been
associated by assuming responsibility for four
years more of Rooseveltism. "Whenever Judge
Parker Is open to criticism President Roosevelt is
worse. While Judge Parker's election does not
promise all that Mr. Bryan would desire, it does
promise several things of value.- ' ,. -
It promises a reduction of the army. This will
reduce taxation and remove from the laboring
class the. menace of the present policy.
Judge Parker's election promises relief, from"
the race Issue and this will permit the demo
crats of the south to turn their thoughts again
to economic questions. It will also rid the country
of imperialism and insure a return to tho sacred
doctrine of self-government, and it will notify thp
world that the nation has returned to its -former
ideal and will seek to influence other nations by
example rather than by force.
With these things accomplished the way will
bo open for the discussion of economic questions.
Thoso who desire reform must consider not only
the reforms but also tho best means of reaching
them. Mr. Watson, looking at the .subject from
his standpoint, thinks that the defeat of Judge
Parker will accelerate reform even If Jt results in
Mr. Roosevelt's election. Mr. Bryan believes that.
Judge Parker's election would hasten reforms by
removing issues that now block the way. In 1894
Mr. Bryan advocated the endorsement of the popu
list candidate for governor in Nebraska because
any other course would have given indirect aid to
the republicans. He now supports the democratic
candidate, though differing from him on some ques
tions, and by. so doing hopes ti as3is,t .'n defeating
the republican candidate who stands for the rulo
of money under a reign of force.
Now that It has been formally announced that
In tho ovent of Mr. Roosovolt's election, John Hay
will continue as secretary of state, it Is interesting
to read in tho Chicago Inter Ocean, a republican
paper, the following editorial:
Secretary Hay's address heforo tho Inter
national peace congress at Boston on Monday
meant that Mr. Hay had another, great project
for meddling In other nations' business. Ap
parently he now proposes to have the United
States lead a movoment to interfere in tho
Orient, ostensibly for peace.
The war in the Orient is absolutely none
of our business as a nation. Whatever may
bo our feelings and sympathies as individuals,
as long as our own national Interests are not
impaired, wo ought to stand aside and give no
sign, whether the Japanese drive tho Russians
. out of Asia or the Russians drive the Japanese
into the Pacific ocean.
To endeavor to convince Mr. Hay of this
fact Is probably useless. By nature and edu
cation he has been disqualified to grasp it.
However, Mr. Roosevelt must understand tho
perilousness of Mr. Hay's program. Ho must
see that sooner or later Mr. Play's attempt to
play the part of special providence all around
the earth will cause his administration to be
regarded with alarm at home and the country
' to be viewed abroad as a professional busy
body, of about the caliber of Franco under Na
poleon III, and with about tho same desire for
Before we are slapped In the face under
circumstances that compel us to fight or crawl,
can't we learn to mind our own business?
Does the Inter Ocean really imagine that if Mr.
Hay has a great project for meddling In other
nations' affairs and intends to have tho United
States lead a movement to interfere In the Orient,
Mr Roosevelt -would discourage his efforts?
' Mr. Roosevelt Is very fond of war; wo have
his word for that. Tho disposition to meddle with
the affairs of other nations ascribed to Mr. Hay
by tho Inter Ocean editor is distinctly tho Roose
velt disposition. If the editor- of the inter Ocean
hopes to impress Mr. Hay with the Idea that wo
should "mind our own business" he will find It
"necessary to select as an instructor some one
other1 than the present occupant of the white house.
"Bares Crime In Mines" is the staring headline
the Chicago Record-Herald puts over its tele
graphed, story of tho alleged confession of Robert
-Romaine, who said he exploded the powder at
Independence station and killed fourteen men.
. Has the Record-Herald given similar prominence
i to the Veal facts about Romalne?,. .
Roosevelt took Into the white house a spirit
of war; judgo Parker would substitute fof it a
spirit of peace.
Four years more of Roosevelt would make
economic and industrial reform more difficult;
Judgo Parker's election would clear tho way for
economic issues. Let no democrat, by voting
against Parker or by refusing to vote, take Upon
himsolf responsibility for four ycjirs more of
Rooseveltism. ,
The Virus of War
It Is announced that tho "national board for
tho promotion of riflo practice" will meet at the
war department Saturday, Octobor 22. Wo are
told ''this board is composed of twenty-ono mem
bers, including five raembora from tho regular
army and navy establishment, eight trustees of the
National Rlfio association and olght members from
tho country at large. It was authorized by con
gress in order that tho army and navy, tho mllltla
and civilians Interested In rifle practice might be
drawn into closer communication and that ways
and means might bo devised by which tho inter
est of tho general public in rlil6 practice might be
stimulated." '
Congress appropriated funds for tho purchase
of a national trophy to be shot for annually under
regulations proparcd by tho board. A statement
issued under authority of the board says that at
. the coming meeting steps will be' taken for the
preparation of a bill to be submitted to congress
early in December providing for the catrylng out
of tho plans of tho board. We are told that these
plans are "very comprehensive" and "begin with
tho .education of boys in military schools and
provide for tho encouragement of rifle practice
for both civilians and members of the militia on
a large and liberal scale."
Tho authorized statement says: "The board
recommends the establishment of shooting gal
leries and field ranges; tho distribution of arms
and ammunition; supervision and Instruction; in
ducement for practice, such as trophies, badges,
etc.; and, the publication and distribution of lit
erature bearing on this subject. As an Initial
step In this direction the board recommends an
annual appropratlon of one million dollars for five
years to be expended in the purchase of equip
ment of ranges under the direction of the secre
tary of war."
Tho statement quotes Assistant Secretary of
War Oliver as saying; "It Is all important that
the soldier should know how to shoot and to hit
what he shoots at," also "a high degree of skill
in rifle and revolver shooting and the confidence
which a knowledge of this skill brings will make
a timid man brave and a bravo man more cour
ageous." This Is Rooseveltism plain and simple.
Mr. Roosevelt once said that a soldier should
not only be willing but anxious to fight; and here
wo have a board appealing to congress for an ap-r
proprlation of ?1,000,000 each year for the purpose
of impressing upon the youth of tho land the idea
that the important thing for the citizen to leant
is to shoot and shoot well.
Does It not occur to the thoughtful citizen that
In this matter of war and tho training of our youth
for war wo are "spinning a web infernally flno?M
Would it not be better to train our boys la
the arte of peace?
It Is not the ability to discharge firearms with
'unerring aim that makes a timid man brave or a
brave man more courageous. ' The knowledge that
his cause is just, the consciousness that he h&f
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