9 v- " fJT?1 War i . j The Commoner. " VOLUME 4, NUMBER yj BEST, IN THE WORLD fmf WWhm ris&siHj BBB n & MaTOKO HIE DE LAVAL SEPARATOR (0 7A CORTLANDT ST NCW YORK. ( RANDOLPH & CANAL ST CHICAGO. DEATH TO HEAVES jKyi? jlrn Br IK'Vf 1 iV. y B KKWTOr'S HTff Csfc, Bto Usptr aad lndlgtillon Car. A Tuterlnarr ineclflo for wind. T.thrsat and atomach trouble & Stmna rtcommind: 1.00 jr can, ueaieri. jiauor r.. ! ThoNevrton licmcdyO, Toledo, Ohio. DETECTIVES BhrewA men wanted In Yry community, to aet under Iniiruo. tlonri preloui etporlenee not nreirjr. Bend tor free boolc f parlloulari. Orannan'a Deteetlre Bureau, Cincinnati, Ohio. TJOVft I CAN MAKE MONEY SKIRLING The Commoner No capital required to start. We furnish TEN copies FREE. Send today for our proposition. The Commoner NKTVS DEPT. "J IilNCOIN, NJEBR. (To ""c1 California Isn't it something to travel all the way from Chicago and Kansas City, through to Los Angeles and San Francisco in the Bame train, over the samo tracks and in charge of employes of the same com pany? You can do thi3 only via the Santa Fe and you can roach Earth's greatest wondor THE GRAND CANYON Of Arizona only via the Santa Fe, Isn't that something too? Full information and descriptive literature from t YaKNKBAIi JTASSKNGBlt UNPIOg A. T. & S. F. Ity;, Topeka, Kas. ls of loglslativo cozenage and political bad faith, unless the pcoplo taivo the matter In their own hands at the bal lot box and command a reduction of duties in return for reciprocal conces sions. In some quarters it has beon as sumed that in tho discussion of the Pitllirmlnn nllPHflnn In mV reSDOUbe. the phrase "self-government" was intended to mean somecuiug less uiun mueyuii dence. It was not- Intended that it should be understood to mean, nor do I think as used it does mean less Uian independence. However, to eliminate all posibility for conjecture, 1 now slato that I am in hearty accord "with thaL plank in our platform that favors makinc the nromise to them now that we shall take such action as soon as they are reasonably prepared lor it. If iuuependence, such as tho Uubans enjoy, can not bo prudently granted to the Filipinos at this time, the promise flint It shall come tho moment thev are capable of receiving ifc will tend to stimulate rather than hindct their development. And thl3 should be done, not only in justice to the Fili pinos, but to preserve our own rights; for a free peoplo can not witnhold freedom from another people and them selves remain free. The toleiation of tyranny over others will soon breed contempt for freedom and self-govern ment, and weaken our power of resist ance to insidious usurpation of our constitutional rights. The pledge of the platform to secure to our citizens, without distinction of race or creed, whether native born or naturalized, at home and abroad, the equal protection of the laws and the enjoyment of all the rights and privi leges open to them under the covenants of our treaties, as their just due, snould be made good to them. In the accom plishment of that result it is essential that a passport issued by the govern ment of the United States to an Amer ican citizen shall be accepted the world over as proof of citizenship. The statute relating lo civil service is the outcome of the efforts of thought ful, unselfish and public spirited citi zens. Operation under it ha3 frequently been of such a character as to offend against the spirit of the statute, but the results achieved, even under a par tial enforcement of the law. have been such as to both deserve and command the utterance of the democratic party that it stands committed -to the prin ciple of civil service reform and de mands its just and impartial enforce ment. A vast expanse of country In the west, portions of which are to be found in each of the sixteen states and ter ritories, mentioned in the law is di dectly affected by the national statute the outcome of intelligent and per sistent efforts of leading citizens, pro viding for the reclamation of the arid lands for the benefit of home seekers. During the years of the development of the measure which finally received the vote of every member of the upper house Of COncresS. it Gnnrmnrr.rort .,. , , ' . w.v JJ lwbiuuu, uasea to a laTgo extent upon the view that the aim of its promoters was to secure the benefits of irrigation to private owners at government ex pense. The aim of tho statu t'n in v. ever to enable this vast territory io re claim its arid lands withnur rn;n upon the taxpayers of the country at large to pay for it. Whether the purposes-of -the bill will be fully accom nlished must denend in w,o , ures npon the ability, sobriety of judg- ", ' "iUCiJ" ana nonesty of tho ff ' the interIor dement having this great work in charge. xu xou, tae main canals and dltcnes lHSn affected aggregated more uxmu ouuu mues ana the work of re clamation is but In its io.w, mi. total cost of construction of the'neces sary head-gates, dams, main canals, hundreds of millions that may eventu ally be Invested in tho territory cov ered by tho statute. The magnitude - . . i.t. ... l (-V- aiwir lYirtllCI oi tue conception, turn iuo expense its carrying out involves, make us realize tue ovoiwuciuhub iuiuii, anco of a broad, capable and honest administration of the work authorized l. Vi afnrnrn If nffpfir. IS to bo HlVOn to that part of tho plan that relieves tho country at large irom uiuuiuiu liability. An isthmian canal has long been the hope of our statesmen, and the avowed aim of the two great parties, as their platforms in the past show. Tho Pan ama route having been selected, the building of the canal should bs pressed to completion with all reasonable ex pedition. The-methods by which the executive acquired the Panama canal route and rights are a source of regret to many. To tneni, me statement tnat tuercoy a great public work was assured to the nrnfit. of our neonle is not a sufficient answer to the charge of violation of national good faith. They appreciate that the principles and healthy convic tions which in their working out have matte us free and great, stand fi;inly against the argument or suggestion that we shall be blind to the nature of the means employed to promote our welfare. They hold that adherence to principle, whether it works for our good or ill, will have a more beneficent influence on our future destiny than all our material upbuildings, and tnat we should ever remember that tho idea of doing a wrong to a smaller, weaker nation that we, or even all mankind may nave a resultant eood is roDue- nant to the principles upon which our government was founded. Under the laws of the United States the duty is imposed on the executive to proceed with due diligence in the work of constructing the canal. That duty should be promptly performed. our commerce in American bottoms amounts to but 8 per cent of our total exports and imports. For seventy years prior to I860, when the repuolican party came into power, our merchant marine carried an average of 75 per cent of our foreign commerce. Now we carry but a contemptibly small frac tion of our exports and imports. American shipping in the foreign trade was greater by over 100,000 tons in 1810 nearly 100 years ago- -than it was last year. In tho face of the con tinuous decline in the record of Ameri can shipping during the last fcrty three years, the promise of the repub lican party to restore it is without en couragement. The record of the demo cratic party gives assurance that the task can be more wisely entrusted to it. It is an arduous task to undo the ef fect of forty years of decadence, and requires the study and investigation, of those best fitted by experience to find the remedy which surely does not lie in tho granting of subsidies, wrung from the pockets of all the taxpayers. Recent, disclosures, coupled with the rapid augmentation of government ex penditures, show a need of an investi gation of every department of the government. The democrats in Pro gress demanded it. The republican majority refused the demand. 'The peo ple Can determine by their vote in No vember whether they wish an honest and thorough investigation. A demo cratic congress and executive will as sure it W6 are justly proud of the officers and men of our army and navy. Both however, have suffered from the per sistent Injection of. personal and politi cal influence. Promotions and appoint- .,., uBen irequently based on favoritism Instead of merit. Trial and courtmartials have been set aside under circumstances Indicating politi cal Interference. Thnn .i . i,.. -i 1 1 . "' "u uuiur S" "PKABK Mfg. CO., Btat'n wrSXtffflffS. attl, o SSiM'Sn-AHi III-II I llfl cured at liom'n "TV" UwfaMtnaiV.A.Ja..Ai:i."tMItF'B. . m: mm cm jtacjke. 11 in TAllat,C.,l03N.rr,orSt: m pms dt I wt-70 YEARS. Yfc r.AV r7i; WANT' MORE 8ALK8MEN I'AYwikW. Worth Reading NORTH AMERICAN MINER. An up-to-dAto mining paper, fully Illustrated", oeto tor Itaue Elyea account of tho famous lllue Bird Minw yhtk are just cntortaic tho dividend list, pa.lnc m per contper annum, with a posslblo 48. Mailed til months iroo on application. ea tut NORTH AMERICAN MINER, Dpt. 13. 3 Broadway, Jfw York SE ---if--, aaww""o $2.00 WEPAYFREI6HT EAST of COLORADO jsxeept UKiauonm, inaian Territory and Texas. Strictly now, porfoct stcol BheoU, or cei ling you can ubo j painted two Bides. Flat, IS; corrugated or Vcrlmpcd, tilOpcr square. Write for free catalogue No. D, m M nhttrUl from 8hrUb' and IWwImm' BiIo. OitlOAGO HOUSE WRECKING 00, West 8Eth & Iroa Sta., Oklcaxo. ThoJohastowa Democrat Johns tews, Pa. WARRKN WORTH DAILY, BD. It stands for Democratic Democracy The Domocrat is a radical advocate of Jefferson ian principles as applied in tho philosophy of Henry Qoorgo. Dally $3. Weakly $i. FOR SALE Up to date Short Horn Bulls from 6 to 21 months old. Hi B. Quinton, Denmark, Iowa. Subscribers' Advertising Department A little thought will convince that this department of The Commoner of fers superior advantages to those who desire to secure publicity. Only Com moner subscribers are allowed to use it, and only responsible articles aro allowed to be advertised. Confident in the advertising management will explain In large measure why ad vertising in Tho Commoner Is profit able. Tho manager is in receipt of many letters from advertisers who have used this department with profit. The rate is the lowest made In tnia publication 6 cents per word per in sertion, payable in advance. Address all orders to The Commoner, Lincoln, Nebraska. BEST WATERPJIOOP, ROOF, BARN AND Fence Point on earth for ROc pcrpftllon. Write for references. American Roofing Co. go 67 N. 15th St., Phllaflelphia, Pa. YOU COULD SELL OLD LINE LIFE IhFUR ance If you knew'horf. Wo teach the art reo of chnrge and pay you lor your time. DesirnD o contract awaiting upccial and general ngenw for the states of Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska and Kansas. Address L, care of Commoner. pOMMONER SUBSCRIBERS CONTHMPLAT-- lne coming east to buy land, in Maryland will do well to write me lor location anu i.w Keep address, G. M. MULLEN xqwbqh. Md TIARMB FOR SALE IN MORGAN CO., M SOURT, at a bargain. Well ImPed and good land, plenty of water and fruit. Uoara and rigs free. Write for particulars to Richard Whelan, Enid, mo. PRINTED "ENVELOPES, TTLRIIKADS, J- Billheads, Statement, f 1.00 for 500. Send A stamp for samples. Hamilton Printer, AsUlana Ohio, 1 ditches, reso.rvnlra a-nA . i .f tlona was at tTf ,''",.' 1V.B ?:. aD"P3 sttouia be corrected. 'U93.U00.000 WU.CU W&2?J aOVERNfcENT IRRIGATION.-I HAVE A limited acerage ot paienieu muu """" Gpvernwent Reservoir now building near w well. It must beldat onco In email twclflana low priceatoboua-fldesctUeM. Irrigation under perpetual aupervlsion of Nntlonol GoTcromenfc Addreaa. A. L. McQAfFBy, Roswell, New Mexico. T IFE AND SPEECHES OF W. J. JAjjJ L lustrated octavo, cloth bond, publlajw ISO by II. H. Woodward Co., Baltimore, a u itvd number of copiea, while they Mg" per copy, peatage prepaid. G. H. Walters, Viae 8t, Liflcola Neb i i"ii W "'. , l.l v