The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 30, 1904, Page 10, Image 10

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The Commoner.
The Victims of Grood
Wo hear tho children crying as the
wheels grind out their lives
(For greed is sapping lifeblood every
day.) Wo see tho teardrops falling from the
eyes of widowed wives
s (For greed has taken husband's life
Tho lives of human beings feed tho
grim, remorseless maw
It crunches bones of children, oats
their childish flesh blood-raw;
At tho souls of human bolngs doth it
over tear and gnaw
(For greed cares nothing if the
. "profits" pay.)
There's dearth of childish laughter
where tho "breakers" crush and
(For greed demands tho blood of
little ones.)
'And childish feet aro dragging on the i'm not.
busy factory floor other day."
(For greed cares naught If "protr
onward runs.)
Tho stunted little bodies feed tho fires
of human greed;
Tholr blood is lubricating factory
wheels that rush with speed,
But "profit" novor worries and to life
blood gives no heed
(For "sentiment" is something that
it shuns.)
Tho playgrounds all are empty, but
the sweatshop holds the crowd ,
(For greed cares naught for happy
childhood's days.)
And childish hearts are breaking, child
ish backs are bent and bowed
.. (But greed cares naught just so tho
traffic pays.)
The hopeless future holdeth naught
hut misery and woe;
Adown thoir hungry faces fast and
faster teardrops flow,
But greed is dragging downward and
tho chifdish lives must go
(For greed thinks only dividends to
What have you to say for yourself?"
"Ahs got 'er moughty good de
fense, youah honah' said the tremb
ling prisoner.
"Defense? It's a notorious fact that
you have no visible means of support."
"Yes I has, youah honah. Here's de
proof dat I'so got 'or moughty good
moans o' suppo't."
Thrusting a hand into hia ragged
coat tho prisoner produced a photo
graph of his wife busily engaged in
doing the judge's family washing.
"I see by this morning's paper that
a German scientist has recently dis
covered 800 new stars."
"That's nothing. I can beat that
record a mile."
"I didn't know you, were an astron-omor."
I called a fellow a liar the
Tho Rost Cure
"What your, husband needs, madam,
is rest," said the physician after care
fully examining the ailing liead o tho
' "All right, doctor," said tho wife.
"I've been getting up at 6 o'clock to
get his breakfast by 7, o'clock so he
can got down to tho office by 8:30,
and having his supper ready promptly
at 6:30 so ho w,ould have plenty of
time to read tha evening paper be
fore bedtime while I washed the dishes,
darned, the stockings, mended tho chil
dren's clothes, chopped the hash for
breakfast and got tho children to bed;
but I guess I can find time to make it
easier for him so the poor man can
rest from his arduous labors."
The use of slang is
The thing that is tho cheapest 'in tho
mart is human lifo
(For greed knows neither human
heart nor soul.)
No matter bo it children, be it hus
band, bo it wife
(For greed has only "profit" fdr its
Endless is the great procession count
less thousands yearly slain
On the Modern Moloch's altar that was
built for selfish gain,
And greed shuts its ears, nor listens,
to thoir moaning, sad retrain
(For greed Is glad If "profltb" in
ward roll.)
The little -ones are calling sh'ail their
caning bo in vain?
(But greed still claims them tor a
Shall childish blood forever greaso the
wheels of selfish gain?
(But greed domands their bodies
without price.)
Tho littlo ones are calling, and they
iux xueir ncue nanus
Imploring at the altar where the Mod
ern Moloch stands
1 Shall they die? Or shall we shatter
from their limbs the s&lflah
(For greed still seeks their hodles
to entice.)
', , . ' Industrial
"Look, here, you lazy loafer!" ex
claimed, "the police judge. "The last
time you were before me for vagrancy.
X told you I'd give you ninety days.
to be repre
hended, besides, it often leads to trou
blesome consequences, as a young state
university student of Lincoln recently
The father of the young man in ques
tion Is one of .those staid, old-fashioned
gentlemen who aro as precise in
their language as thoy are In their
business dealings. The son came to
Lincoln to attend the university, hav
ing a generous sum of expense money
in his pockets. .He matriculated,
bought his text books, rented .a room
and supplied himself with sweaters,
caps, class pin, etc., etc., with youth
ful disregard of expense. The result
was that tho end of the first month
found him practically penniless, with
two months more of tho quarter star
ing mm in tne face before another
quarterly allowance was due. After
cogitating a while he sat down and
wrote his father, explaining that ex
penses were unusually high an'd wind
ing, up witn tnis statement:
I find that I must have more stamps.
I think two hundred would do. I wish
you would send by next mail."
iff2riiP l0U1days later a bulky
letter addressed in the familiar hand-
vruuus uj. ma iatner was delivered at
the young man's door.
1 he pater is prompt and generous
as usual, bless him," murmured the
jruuuB umn as no opened the letter.
He must have a lot of good advice to
give, judging by the size of the letter."
Drawing the contents from the en
velope the young man found two
sheets of Uncle Sam's, familiar -rod 2
cont stamps and n short note saying:
Dear Son. I send vou thn Brnrrma
las requested. I am afmin vn n
spending so much time on your cor
respondence that you are compelled to
shirk some of your studies."
Bnxin JLooJcs
Hard won long enjoyed.
Grace goes as greed grows.
Vocal charity covers no sins. .
A long face is no sign' of a meek
Tho penurious man is not always
Tasks tackled with a smile are soon
est finished.
Lookup & Uplift is a firm that novor
goes bankrupt.
Tlie modern furnaco has eliminated
a lot of romance.
Every hypocrit is a counterfeit of
some good Christian.
Optimism does not mean having no
thought of the future.
Very few people know how to ac
cept a favor gracefully.
Man is always in a bad way when
he has everything his own way.
Tho truo measure of the length of
life is the amount of good accomplished
in it.
There are men with bad characters
wTho have managed to acquire good
Some men can say more "with a
handshake than other men can say in
an hour's speech.
The true Christian gives until it
hurts, and then keeps on giving until
it quits hurting.
The schools of vice are seldom re
cruited from the homes where the
hoys are treated as companions.
Somehow or other we are always
ready to rely on the man who is a
favorite with children and dogs.
The. man who gets nothing hut
money out of life goes into the next
world with nothing to recommend him.
The man who "speaks softly and car
ries a big stick" may go far iu a day,
but he leaves very few friends along
the way.
What a great campaigner a man
would make if he could only impress,
men with the idea that his handshake
is as sincere as the wag of a dog's tail.
Every time we buy a ton of coal
we realize how hard it is to keep warm
in winter, but wo get some consola
tion in the thought that the men who
rob the consumer will not experience
that sort of trouble some time.
for any dairy or ton cfc!1?
F' ."longest, most conwLuS'
casiost Cleaned, crcateat ?
ami least liable K'W'j
er?$ADI era SSffi&iT
7.r.tor Uc, Jw
year written binding iuir.r
TEST3. conceded by "plrU 'J..
tjalry authorities everywhere US
declared by thonundi for uVcn M
la every way superior to SSy otlS
separator made. Guaranteed ,S
tho 2 per cent to 30 percentcrtwS
that you now Ioo in the skimmS
milled tho old Btylo otiuSSS
from tho nun nJ t,..M.. ..."""'S
the.aweet skimmed milk for your calveai botci i ii tll
cream, all the aweetmllkj makoa more and better hnf.
With thl separator you will get M0.00 to m 00 wr &
more from every eow, you will got more Incorao from
seven cows than yea aro now gottlng from ten and i .n
with one-half the'labor. Our 43.TS Sep.Tator is nM
by every farmer; whether you milk two cowi or ten! Yon
will save the cost of the separator in a few month.
A BOY CAN HANDLE IT. So simple that anyone c.B
operate it. no experience Is necossaryj if you have neVtr
seen a separator, no matter, any i&.yoar old boy c&nhan.
die and. run It, the Ideal machine for boy. girl, woman or
man to run, none of the complicated, hard to handle carta
found In other machines. Comblnos all the good nualltlei
otfXX &th-SE VSliVif-F0 wUh tho dofects of none!
TO ANY ADDRESS en 30 days' trial, to convince Vou
Out this ad out and send to us and wo will send yon, Tret
by return mall, postpaid, our Tree Separator Catatonia
with large illustrations (pictures), of all our separator.
parte, etc., full description, special InMdo prices. w
will send you Our 30 Day' Tree Trial Offer. Wo will ex
plain our Guarantee, our Quality Challenge We will ex.
plain why our machine Is the best. You will gtX our latest
and most marvelouely liberal Cream Separator Oiler, aa
off er and prices no ver before known. Don' t buy a separa
tor of, any make, at any price, on timo, on installment or
for cash until you cut this ad out and send to us and get
all we will send you by return mall, POSTPAID, FREE,
It you own two or moro cows, write us at onco. Address,
A Great Dlscoveryl
Yflth vogetablo remedies
cntlroly harmless; remove
all symptoms of dropsy la
8 to 20 days: 30 to CO d;s
effects a pormancnt cure.
Trial treatment furnished
f roo to every sudorer j noth
ing fairer. 1'or circular
toatlmonlalB, etc., apply to
Dr. H. H. Green's Som
Box XX, Atlanta, Ga,
nss&'snnwb- .Gmmi
mm warn
Ganger Cured
Cancer? Tumw, CatarrH?' Fistula, Ulcers. Eo
zema and all Skin and Womb Diseases. Writo
for Illustrated Book. Sent free. Address
DR. BYE. SSiJSy. Kansas City-Mo,
Seven Sizes
r ,iJiW3ay
w --
mfs. J3e2a?9? -w
If You Want a FENCE
That Is mado from tho boat High Carbon Steel Wire.
That Is HeaTlly Gnbanlitd to prevent rustorcorroslon.
That la COILED to provide for contraction and oxpansion,
That Is Strong Knoagh to furn tho most vicious anlmw,
That is Wotea Cloiely to turn obickons and small pigs.
That staples to tho posts as you would nail a boaru,
That easily adjusts Itself to all unevon surfaces,
That Is woven in such a manner that compels every wire
xuau jyuwi u, . u "r" iwT.i ctiitlon.
Jfr"AJSV.niirtSil6u and re-
turn it it dlspleasos you In any particular, m
'Xixac you can ereccana uo mr Hir. "-'-'---,. Tmoney.
isfaotorv return at our exponsq and Ret your ft
Write for Kroo Catalog glylne full lnrormawo,-
A little over a yenr ago Mr. Will M. Maupin, of Tho Commoner staff, wroto
a poem entitled "A Picture of My Mother When a Girl.0 The words camo
to the notice of Mr. Will O'Shea, a taianted musician of Lincoln, and he
composed a melody that is wonderfully in harmony With the beautiful
sentiment of the poem. The song, words and music, has been printed in
shoot music form, on superb calendered paper, with beautifully illuminated
title page, and is now offered for sale. This beautiful song has been
warmly welcomed whorover sung, and is ause to 'become one of the great
song hits of the docado. Following is the refrain:
A Picture old and faded, taken, In ihelong ago.
t ii 7Hl? of a m&l& """ uHir aourl.
i. live tho old-tlmo days whcli uppn U faca.1 gaze
mi,,, . . A picture of ray mother when a glH. A
with the publisher for a lartfo number of copiesa m enabled to offer
it for a limited time, at half-price-25 cents per tibp. Postpaid. Sena,
"uuPh or B"vor. Addroas, Jessie Brink, lai6 G St., Lincoln, nd.
7i . l'-""