I SEPTEMBER 23, 1904 The Commoner 15 Green Peas for Feline Gourmets It is generally supposed . that cats are carnivorous animals, yet from in vestigations recently undertaken by a French cat fancier it would appear that vegetarians are to ho found even among the felino tribe. Green peas, cooked, are among the vegetables most favored by these four footed gourmets, and asparagus is re garded as . an extraordinary dainty, even the white, hard stalks, usually rejected by the most fastidious "hu mans," being eagerly devoured. Hari cot beans and sorrel are not much thought of, nor spinach, but cooked chicory and lettuce arc more to their taste. Carrots aro generally appre ciated and are said to be beneficial to cat health, x'hey are also excessively fond of maize, either green or even the hard grains when cook.ed. Fruit apparently does not appeal to puss, apples, pears, peaches and apri cots failing to rouse her appetite. On the other hand, they show a decided taste for melons and bananas, while oome were found to be absolutely greedy over cocoanut in any form. There is evidently likely to be an opening in the future for a cat's vege table man to compete with the peri patetic cat's meat man of the present. London Daily Telegraph. BE SUCCESSFUL Why not be successful and amoneymakcr? Tho North American Minor keeps jou postod on legitimate mln lne Investment tnat mako satisfactory returns. Hail ed on application six months absolutely frco. , NORTH AMERICAN MINIUI, Dept., 12. 32 Broadway, N. Y. THE COST OF LIVING Joseph W. McDonald of .Pawtuckct, R. I., writes for tho New York World an interesting article on the cost of living. Mr. McDonald Bays: "I notice that tho republican papors aro trying to make a good deal out of Carroll D. Wright's reports on the cost of living. In Jooking over Mr. Wright's report for March I notice that he uses figures in such a way as to make it seem that the cost of liv ing has Increased but a trifle. "On page 2G0 are the prices of fifty three different articles of food, upon some of which prices have increased and on others prices have decreased. Striking an average, Mr. Wright finds that ths cost of food has increased but a trifle over 5 per cent. To show how figures can be made to teacb an untruth we will take the following articles from this table, with tho increase and decrease in price of each: Increase in price: Flour ; ;. 104 . 5 Butter -. ; 112.9 Codfish .- ; .118.6 Cheese 121. G Potatoes 126. 2 Beans 7 130.2 Milk . 127.5 Eggs 193.6 a great deal, although, many mon will think that tho decrease in tho prlco of matches is hardly a fair set-off against tho Increase in tho prlco of coal. Tho table on building material shows that tho cost of building a house has not Increased so much as wo might think. Tako two articles that enter into tho building of every house: Increased in price: Brick, 130.3. Decreased in price: Putty, 71.5. Average price, 100.9. I am afraid that a contractor, fig uring on what ho could build a brick house for, would hardly bo willing to set off the increasoln tho prico of bricks against tho decrease In tho price of putty. 37i k GOLD WATCH for$3.75 A prfct biutj. nicbtcri4tlik(oMpliUfinlih. vwudu nunusc cut, asua coia ptcitra. Eitgrnnl unatra uunetn imn jtweiea moumtnt, lira vina a act ana a&ioiuuij ruannuaa let SO 3TDE:3uDEtS Cot tkkont ud isd It to us with job naat.poit offlet and uprtH otfica addreitand ,w will Mad tt irttei mil a Ututlfat ehiln to jou by txnrtHfortiunlniUbiL. Ifai ttvttsta- Ud pay exprtu agant 13.76 and txprtuuhtr. tea aad Uuy am youn. MnUot ait naoUd LADY'S or flENT'fl. Catalonia aad Uitaf rwtuioo tettlmonlala fnt with tray witch. R.E. CHALMERS A. CO., a62.f 68 Dearborn W., OIIlOAUd. To California Isn't it something to travel all the way from Chicago and Kansas City, through to Los Angeles and San Francisco in the same' train, over thd same tracks and in charge of employes of the same com pany? You can do this only via tho Sonta Po arid you can reach Earth's greatest wonder THE GRAND CANYON Of Arizona only via tho Santa Fo. Isn't that something too? Full Information and descriptive literature from General Passengbr Office A. T. & S. P. Ry Topokn, Kas. or! Average price ....... 129.3 Decreased in price: Soda Crackers 90.5 Dried apples ..,.- 72.8 Prunes ' 67.8 Nutmegs . 67.1 Soda .......... .- 64.6 Rico '..n. ...":..... .....; 87.0 Corn starch ..- '. ..' 93.6 Average prico 78. 92 Average cost of food, 104.16. ' Calculated from an arbitrary stand ard. But the cost to the average family of any one of the articles that have increased in price is greater-than the cost of the whole eight articles that have decreased in price. Tako nutmegs. The average family doesn't use fifty cents' worth in a year, while its flour bill would be at least $25. Yet Mr. Wright sets off the de crease In the price of nutmegs against the increase in tho price of flour. Increased in price: Flour, 104.5. Decreased in price: Nutmegs, 67.1. Which shows a decrease of 14.2 per cent in cost of living and an average cost of 85.8 as far as these two ar ticles are concerned. Take two other articles, butter and vinegar: Increased in 'price: Butter, 112.9. Decreased in price: Vinegar, 88.0. Average cost, 100.4. By comparing these two articles the cost of living remains stationary by setting a- 12 per cent increase in the price of butter against a 12 per cent decrease In the price of vinegar, yet the butter bill of tho average family is fifty times as great as the vinegar bill. In Mr. Wright's table on fuel and lighting we find that the average price has risen to 139.8. This table includes a number of different kinds of coal, candles and petroleum, also coke and matches. Coke and matches show a decrease in price, while all the others show an increase: Increased in price: Anthracite coal, chestnut, 137.7. Decreased in price: Matches, 85.4. Average for both articles, 111.5. Which goes to show that the cost of fuel and lighting has not increased LIfo Story of a Tro Itemarlcablo recuperativo power fol lowing an injury was found after ex amination of the sequoias of tho Con verse basin. The facts are told In a letter from William Russell Dudley to Sonator Piatt. The effects of certain tremendous forest fires occurring centuries ago aro registered in the trunks of these trees, and tho record completely concealed by subsequent healthy growth. Among a number or similar cases tho -most instructive record of these ancient forest fires was observed In a tree of moderate size about 15 feet in diameter, five feet from tho ground. It was 270 feet in height and 2171 years old. This tree when felled had an enor mous surface burn on one side, 30 feet in height and occupying 18 feet of tho circumference of the tree; this was found to have been duo to a flro occur ring in A. D. 1197. Tho tree when cut in 1900 had al ready occupied Itself for 103 years in its efforts to repair this injury, its methods being tho ingrowing of the new tissue from each margin of the great black wound. "When tho tree was cut tho records of three other fires wero revealed. Tho history of the tree was as follows: 271 B. C. it began its existence. The first year of the Christian era it was about four feet In diameter above the base. 9 254 A. D. at 516 years of age, oc curred a burning on the trunk three feet wide. One hundred and five years were occupied in covering this wound with' new tissue. For 1196 years no further injuries were registered. 1441 A. D., at 1712 years of age, the tree was burned a second time in two long grooj, one and two feet wide, respectively. One hundred and thirty-nine years of growing followed, Including the time occupied by covering the wounds. 1580 .A D. at 1851 years of age, oc curred another fire, causing a burn on the trunk two feet wide, which took 56 years to cover with new tissue. Two hundred and seventeen years of growth followed this burn. 1797 A. D., when tho tree was 2068 years old, a tremendous fire attacked it, burning the great scar 18 feet wide. One hundred and three years, be tween 1797 and 1900, had enabled the tree to reduce the exposed area of the burn to about 14 feet In width. In each of the three older burns there was a thin cavity occupied by the charcoal of burned surface, but the wounds were finally fully covered and the new tissue was full, even, continu ous and showed no sign of distortion or of the old wound. San Francisco Argonaut. There are more than bandied reasons why folk bo try It like tho Empire Cream Separator better than any other, but tho reasons may all be summed upiutbU: The Em fir dti Itttrr work, giixtlett trovblt and tnahtt men mona fr the artntr. Onr books about tho Empire) Way of dulrylnr aro frea for' tho atkinr. Send for them. Empire Crea Stftnter C: BloenNeM, H. J. Chicle, III. MleataptUs, MIfl. FREE PAINT SAMPLE OFFER Cat this ad. out andnmll to us, ami wo will item you dice iy return ygKiuojm mall, postpaid, our Bl. Mew Paint CoTorSam olo Book. This frco book con. Ulna samples auowlnirtho ex et color of oronr shade of ready mlx el Houit. Barn, irapnue-creoaois, loor. Roof. Mln rat, Enamel ana lull Paint also evervthlncr In Dfilntt and painters' supplies, including oils, leads, varnli has, airycetars, stslns.brushes, sundries, etc. Thefrcebosk contains a bis fund ef Information on how to paint, now to select colors, kind of paint to use for different work, Just how much paint Js required to corcr a tclvou spaces saaken everything so plain thatanyone without previous experlcuco can do nlmont any Job of painting. Ch.ptr (iiion lor highest trade rec Wsathsr UUU proof Mineral, Barn, Roof and fence Paint. OKn per gallon for hlihsst grade ready mixed hows Uwu paint. Our seroco, our own special ready mixed paint for bouses, for wood, brick, etono or Iron sarf aes. for finest lnsldo finish or coarsest ouulde work, la sokl under our binding guarantee aa tho best paint made, will cover double the surfaco, last twice m lone, at one. halt tln cost of other paint, never cracks, peels or WIs fcers, guaranteed tor five years, and will look better at the end of five Tears than other paint will after one year. Testimonials from painters every wherw and color sam ples of Heroco In our free color sample book. If you want to paint your house, bsrn or ether buildings, don't fall togetthla PREE PAINT SAMPLE BOOK and SAVE ONE-MAtrON THE PAINT YOU NEED. Address, SEARS. ROEBUCK CO., S2i8& RUPTURE Oared by the Colllnrs Ryatcm. 6nd your cams and addrau to Cajit. W X Cblhnfi, Hem 111, 16H Pablle Square, WaUrtown, W Y and ha will lend Too PREH BYMAIUatflalofilwoiidtfoMratnintlIil cored him ami hai euttd Ihomandt of cllicn. Do not dalay, but write to-day. CtpX Colllnf badji remars. atii exptrune witn rupiaraana win jiauij nt.i i aeuut ana ina a ma trial, nnw . itboj Cancer Cured WITH SOOTHING, BALMY OILS Cancer, Tumor, Cntnrrh. Fistula, UlcerH, lie zemc. and nil Skin und Womb Discaces. Write for Illustrated Hook. Bent tree. Address DR, BYE. S?;Xh. Kansas City. Mo. FOR SALE Up to date Short Horn Bulls from 6 to 21 months old. H. JB. Quinton, ' Denmark, Iowa. FmJITBOOK Bhows In NATURAL COLO. nd accurately describes 216 varl-tlcs of frnit. Bend for our UvTnx'l distribution. We want more siteiaeD. Stark L'ro'. Lonhluu, IU. vBBBBBm FENCE! gjZSaj 7JOJNVf7 BtM Tight. Bold to the Farmer at fUUbMta FrWs. Fsllr rfunmU4. Cst&Iov trn. COIL flrXIXS 7EXCK ce. BOK 334 Wlnlmir,Isliin,w.juio PIUOCUO SWtiCOO made from half acre ll RaJLHu Easily grown in Garden or Farm uitiuunu KooUand ueeds for sale. Hcnd 4c for postage and get booklet A. Q. telling all about It HCD0WLL, UIMSEria QjiUDKU, JOI'LIN, Mo 1 fll ..u-.fliaAp Ajfasv m- - - " - rHLLas. o i .m Xj. , ! v- 2sJi '-JA.H