The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 09, 1904, Page 7, Image 8
ijif u.i uj ' vimv t" wi wmm A7WpT y ' , SBPTEMBERj'VlWte. The Gommontfr. 7 Coadens &:& ;Ne . VJ 0 l Mrs. Anna Walker, widow of the late Congress man Robert. J. C. Walker of Willlamsport, Pa., is the sole devisee in her father's will, bequeathing to her his estate of $50,000,000. ShVis now one of the richest women in the world, but she will manage the great chemical company which has been left her by this -will. The American school for boys at Erzeroun, .Turkey, has been destroyed by fire, supposedly through' accident. The American school for girls at the same place was burned last January by incendiaries. w s o f the We e k It is reported at Asuncion, Capo of Paraguay, that President Ezrura Is willing to resign, but that so far-,ho has been dissuaded from so doing by the Generals Caballora and Oscobbbada who, actuated by personal reasons, have brought pres sure to boar on the executive. No fuVther nows as -to the -progress or the revolution has boon re David B. Hill ha& signified his intention to retire from politics on January first next. Re ferring to Mr. Hill's announcement, the Associated press says: "Having been engaged in active poli tics since his youth and having served as city attorney, alderman and mayor of Elmira, member of the legislature, lieutenant governor, governor for seven years and United States senator for six years, he feels that he has been sufficiently hon ored by his party and that he has rendered political service during a period of years sufficient to en title him to be relieved of further active political effort. He desires to devote more time to his personal affairs and professional duties than ho has in the past." ' Blinded by the dust from a machine in front of him, Barney Oldfleld, the' famous automobile racer, lost control of his motor, and crashed into a fence, killing" twp men, badly injuring, himself, and completely demolishing his car. An Associated Press dispatch under date of Seattle, Wash., Aug. 28, says: "Amid the cheering of 300 men and Women, the shrieking of whistles and the playing of the national anthem, the final splicing of the Seattfe-S'i'tka government cable was made today in the "hartjor ten miles out of Seattle. ,Ten minutes later Mayor Ballinger of S'eattle cut flie rope holding the' joined ends of the wires aboard the United States' cableship Burns! de and with a splash the corripleCed wire' connecting the United 'States4 'ntt1 &sK&' fell; to the : bpt'toin jot PugetjSondandfthES work of monthij on the "part of ther,sVnal''cbrps''6r the United States 'army vas completed." ' ' George-J. Gould has-juSt purchased an English bulldog, for which he paid $5,000.' An 'Associated Press dispatch from Cripple Creek, Colo;, dates' Aug. 29, says: "A. G. Leeduc, a returned deportee'; ''Who was taken from the custody of vtwo deputy -sheriffs by a body of armed men, was escorted by them to the Canon City road, where he was released with a warning "to remain away from this district." An Associated Press report dated Valparaiso, Chili, Aug. 28, says:. "August Moller, jr., 'American vice consul here is dead' An Associated Press report under date of London, Aug. 29; says:'' "The death is announced of Vice Admiral W & Rolland, retired. ' He was born in 1817. 'Admiral Rolland received a gold medal from the United States government ' for saving part: of the crew of the United States brig S'omers, upset off the Island of Sacrificios, on the west 'coast of Mexico." The Liverpool chamber of "commerce has sent a communication to Foreign Minister Lansdowne, requesting him to represent to the government of the United States the. desirability of reconsider ation of its decision of last July restricting the American consular district of Liverpool by'the exclusion from it of a large number of manufactur ing towns, which decision has caused great incon venience to consignees - John T. Davis; .only son of the democratic nominoe for vice president, Henry G, Davis, is-a patlenfin the Davis Memorial hospital at 'Elkihs, W. Va. He was brought from New York suffer ing with typhoid fever with which he was' at tacked while' at the-rhbirie of his4 ihotherMn-la'w; Mrs. Arniistead, in Seagate, -one weeic ago. : Reorganization of tiro street railway service'of Chicago wn foreshadowed yesterday in the oper ations on- the stock exchange; and the report from New York thqt a $3G,000;000 syndicate had been formed for the purchase of stock controllirigUhe Chieaga City Railway cdtapany by interests ?con-. nected with- the Untehi'Traction company-. .': The Mllltalr Wochenblatt of Germany .esti mates the nominal strength of the Russian Man churlan army at 205,000 men without any deduc tions for killed, sick or wounded. A supplemental report of the special master in the sale by common pleas court of the United Salt company properties filed at Cleveland, O., showed John D. Rockefeller to bo the highest bid dec and the probable purchaser of the concern. General M. S. Hascal died at his homo, in Oak Park, Chicago. Ho graduated from West Point in tho class with General Phil Sheridan and took part in many battles during the civil war. By direction of President Roosevelt, Julius H. Weiss has been appointed receiver of tho land of fice at Del Norte, Colo., vice. Percy Hobart, re moved on account of physical disabilities. Commander James H. Perry of the bureau' of steam engineering will retire for age with the rank of captain. Ho is now ill With typhoid fever. Laio Yang, now the center of operations In the Russo-Japanese war, has been the sceno of a ter rible battle, with terrible loss to both sides. Ttijs fortress is about 150 miles north of Port Arthur. The fighting lint? is seven miles long; the Japanese forces numbering about 240,000 men, while the Russians number about 170,000. There are from 600 to 1,000 guns engaged on each side. A report dated on the afternoon of September 1, says that the Russians have begun to retreat, although it, is admitted that this is really a decisive jpolnt, com manding the Trans-Siberian railroad. are strainin.g every. nerjye realizing ,tha; Ifeij ,JPJ. unes of' war for a whole. ear are in th'e.scaje, aii'd, heith'er.'sido' is in 'the mqbd. ,pr "the position to spare men In the effort to achieve a final victory. A new phase of the strike situation presented itself on August 31, when President Donnelly or dered out the employes of the independent pack ers, and President Gompers of the National Fed eration of Labor has been appealed tP ,to help settle the difficulties. The new order of President Donnelly affected 3,000 men. Princess Louise of Saxe-Coburg, it now ap pears, escaped alone from her hotel at '2 o'clock Tuesday morning. Sho was joined under the trees in the hotel garden by two women and a man. They entered a two-horse carriage, which was waiting outside and were driven away In the di rection of Munich. A man named W. Gra'tz, who was stopping at the hotel, has not appeared since Monday night. It is supposed that he provided the means for the light of the princess and that he was an agent of Lieutenant Count Mattassich Keglevitch, with whom she eloped in '1897. An Investigation proves that the fire which destroyed the American school for boys at Arzjj roum, Asiatic urkey, August 29. was accidental. The school belonged to the American board of commissioners for foreign missions. The secretary of state, R. W, S'cott, who Is .acting premier of "Canada, has not heard of -overtures 'being made for a renewal of a conference between Canada and tho United States on the reciprocity question. The time is not considered opportune for a conference, since the views ex pressed by members of the house of commons Were adverse to such a proposal, it being urged that it rested with congress to first reduce the tariff now exiting against Canada. ' Evidence' of a shortage of window glass has shown .yesterday by the withdrawal of former quotations by the American - Window ' com pany the leading producer and the only concern operating factories in the country. Prices have been advanced from Iff to 20 per cent over the rates, prevailing last week. Sir Charles Hardinge, the British ambassador at St Petersburg;. has informed the foreign office that the rehortthat the Russian government has compensated the owners of tho German steamer, Thca;- which was sunk by tho Vladivostok squad- Auut ib nicurrocc. i Mrs. Julius Lehmann, wife of tho former mem ber of tho St. Louis house of delegates, who In serving a tcrnV of Imprisonment for boodllng, hail bocorao violently,, insano from brooding over her troubles. ' ' An Associated Press dispatch under date oC Chicago, Sept. 1, says: "Tho Journal of the Amer ican Medical association will publish tomorrow tho statistics rcgardlag accidents on tho Fourth of July. Tho total number of doaths from lockjaw was ninety-ond as against 4G0 the previous Fourth. But thorc wore nlnoty-two deaths from other causes, against only sixty last year. Tho total deaths were 183 and tho total number of persona injured, not fatally, was 3,980." An Associated Press dispatch under date of Washington, D. C, Sept. 1, says: "Tho monthly comparative staternont of tho government receipts and expenditures buowb that for tho month of August, 1904, the total receipts were $44,903,390, and tho expenditures $51,246,003, leaving a doilcit for the month of $0,343,212. Tho deficit for the two months of tho present fiscal year Is $23. 750,941, . The, state democratic convention for tho stato of Wisconsin was hold, at Oshkosh, September 1. Georgo W. Peck was nominated for governor by acclamation and tho remainder of tho ticket Ib aa follows: Lieutenant govornor, Dr. If. A. Lathrop; secretary of stato, James P. Nqlan; treasurer, An drew Jensen; attorney general, Wm. A. Wolfe; railroad commissioner, Edward L. Hanlon; Insur ance commissioner, Henry Fotzor; chairman stato central coirimiUce, A. F. Warden. Tho steamship Baltic brought into New York 2,000 passengers In tho steerage in. addition to ,671.1ntho cihlh, making, a total of &124, persons oil board, lnbludin'g 'flip, crew. Ampng the. seer WiWr.werp; .a, number of returning Ajnor ipans. . William Riley, a,, cattleman,, was In -the steerage, having completed his 204th round trip across tho Atlantic. Judge Lanning In the United States circuit court of Now Jersey signed an order allowing an appeal from tho decision of Judge Bradford in the Northern ' Securities case.' An open switch caused the wrecking of the westbound Imperial limited express on the Can adian Pacific railroad on September 2, at Winni peg, Man., killing five women and badly injuring a porter and the engineer. An Associated Press dispatch from New York, dated Septomber 2, says: "Receiver Smith 'of the United States Shipbuilding company, sold at public auotlon today in Newark, N. J., the 300,000 shares of Bethlehem steel stock held by the ship building company. The only bidder was a rep resentative of the Standard Trust company. The upset price of $7,500,000 was bid. The sale was made pursuant to agreement, between Charles M. &'chwab and 'the. reorganization committee, by wlilclrthe Mr." Schwab will retain control of the Bethlehem company." President Donnelly of the butchers' national organization, In a speech delivered at the con ference . of the Allied Trades' union in Chicago, declared that the most effective way to settle the strike is to bring about a meat famine. In this connection President Donnelly said: "The conference board has decided to place all meats upon the unfair list. The order goes Into effect on Saturday evening, September 3, at 5:30 p. m. The order will be sent to every padklng house in -the country and no ipqniber of tho meat cutters and butcher workmen union will be allowed to dress any animal until the strike is settled. This action Is Uie.jpsuJk'.offho rp.quesj:4htwthe pub lic refuse to eat meat, and no person, no matter in what capacity emplpyed In handling meat, must handle the same after 5:30. p. m: on Satur day. The packers have resorted to extortion as the result of the strike, buying live stock on the hoof for almost nothing and charging almost any price for the dressed product. The public will now he given an opportunity to retaliate by re fusing to at .meat-until such time as they cam. procure the same at a fair market price." i Jl m " ;:,. -..-J'i' Vfff","