,V' 0iapTBMi:i(H? - Commoner. 15 of those concerning whom tho great Dickens said: "I love these little peo ple, and it is not a slight thing when they, who are so fresh from: God, love us." In those circles the weary man of business renaws hisr lease upon life and -warms the cockles, of his heart; ho is brought closer to nature; closer to truth, closer to uoa as he strolls in tho sunbeams that dance among the trees and flowers thriving about tho palaces of nature; in. "the kingdom of nover-grow-oldV' In the ballads; and the tales: of the nursery there are lessons of life and of love; lessens of philosophy and of logic; lessons of truth and' of poetry; there is simple, eloquence and real nfirnestness. Those; who' havo not ac customed themselves to wander in this kingdom are not able to appreciate these things, but many whose feet are: familiar with the ground will bear tes timony to these claims. Ther.e are men. who could not, with patience, sit' through an evening of Wagner; men; who do not know one of music's notes from, another, and yet, if one doubts that there- is; muafc in; the hearts of these men,, let him, some winter evening, peer 'through the por tals' of "the kingdom" and he will be given a. touch; of the- soul of music compared with which.' the products of "the, harp that once; through Tara's halls," are. hafcdly worthy of mentipri, Some'tJf these' ndtes mqrf grate 'liarshV ly upon the ear Of the Wagn'erJan;; the disciple .of Thorites may imagine that h& detects indications of discord; the follower of Beethoven, nifty assert that all" is not harriipny; but those who, like' .the Irish? raver in "Cousin; Kate," are "of the kiiigffom;' will be able to grasp the celestial character of the melody, TiierQj& real music' in the "patty cake, patty cake" of "the baker's man,"' i'ri tti&i'trbt, trot, trot"' of the jourriy "to ,Banury Gross; ,r inu the "Heydiddiediddje" pf -ythfc cat and the iiddleVin.'the.'.'Siriga song of sixpence,. a. p'ockat full of rye, four and twenty blackbirds baking in. a pie," dr in "Onery, orr-y ickery,. Ann; IMllison, Follison, Nicholas, John; Queevy, quavey, English navy, rinktum, tink- tum; Buck." Those who are "of th" kingdom" can, testify that out of the mouths of babes: comes, wisdom. One of the- best known of the district judges in' the city of Omaha, long ago learned to leave his dignity upon the bench and to forget it while recuperating in the sunshine pf "the kingdom." Not long ago the judge left his home in the morning before his infant child had awakened Arousing from his sleep, the little one rubbed his eyes and calling to his mother, asked, "Where's my daddy?" -tie was told that the' judg& had gone to his daily labors. "Did he kiss me before he went away?" asked the child. The mother replied in the affirmative. For some time the little one lay still and then called, "Mamma, come and feel my heart." The mother; with some curiosity and considerable anxiety,. . complied with the request, and. asked, "What's tho matter with your heart?" The little one replied "My hearths a Deatin' hard." . . ;- "What is youx. h-earj, neating hard for?" asked the mother.! "My heart's a beatinr hard fpr my daddy to come home!"; replied the child. ...-' - . - The sweetest singer of aji the ages gave to men the sweetest song of all the years when he said: "Of such are the kingdom of heaven!" As the forget-me-nots '6'f the angels, ?re,wn before t&e foot-sore man, make Jjje s pathway easier ta tread, these iittle "heart beats" matfe themselves ieit over the broad expanse that sep arates the nursery from the cduntingr zoom, spur men to greater effort and inspire them- to nobJifcjpurpose. 'flnn "J11 in the 'Kentucky hemp flffi , shda.ndeMdan. a. maze, of aoubt and skepticism? was so impressed with his now found affection for wun ms now found affection for a It was no strike, simply a caso of no noble woan that he Anally planted orders. py njs leet irmly upon; "faltk's founda tion stbaes" becaase la conceived that there must be a good. God, else there could not be such a holy love. Within. tno radius, of the child's pure affection, within the embrace of the little arms, within the feel of the little "heart beats," there ia no room or doubt. there-is no place for skepticism.. The purity, the lovor the faith of "one of the least of these" points as unmis takably to divine origin as. the needle points to the pole. Love and faith, and hope and charity, all these, as well as rest and recreation, await those who would make the happy pilgrimage over hallowed ground in. "the king dom of never-grow-old." Rudimentary Instinct "Why is it," asked the elderly man with the contemplative air, "that we instinctively choose the tables and chairs next ta a wall in a restaurant? Why are the tables in the center of the room always the last taken?" , "Don't know; never thought of it," responded his companion. "But I'll bet you. have a theory to account for it" The elderly man. smiled-knowingly, I and. continued: ' "You will notice that the corner seats are always first,' taken It's- the same In street catsJpr railroad coaches. Every man or womam. Instinctively takes: to a cornerr and screws his or her back into it. Have you noticed, too, ,thafe when passing peppier along a wall you will always edge inward if you possibly can. t ' . ... . . . "Why is it?., simply mstmct an instinct the origin' of which dates back to prehistoric times, wnen men had. not yet learned the use or metal weapons. It is the instinct we inherit from our cavedwelling ancestors, who had only clubs with which., to defend themselves. Instinct is only an un conscious disposition to make use of previous experiences. "When the prehistoric man wanted to eat his meat' in peace he huddled into some cranny in a cliff or against the side of a big rock. In that po sition he felt secure, for nothing could attack .him: from the rear, and he could observe everything that ap proached his way; It must nave taken ages of experience to have bred that instinct so deeply within us, for even now, when cave bears and mastodons do not frequent our eating resorts, we prefer walls; and especially corners every time. "I snppose,. too, mat's why man naturally walk on. tne outward side of women along sidewalks. In case a winged ichthy-osarus should swoop down, on them he couia bang her over against the shop windows and stand off the beast. , "It is another rudimentary instinct which has survived the need, of it, , Man instictively protected woman by having a cliff on one srae of her and himself on the other, and to this day sheexpects Jtf" S-an Francisco Sun day. . , -; Idle Men in Ireland I asked a strapping young fellow Who sat on a truck on the quay at r.ondondemr with a little bit of a pipe between his. teeth why he did not gota.work. "God Dress you, sor, wu you find it. for me?" saiu ne, witu thn readiness of his race. It was a doleful tale they tola me In that town in the "Far Down." The snipping roe iinM frjirlp. wasr bad. and. worst rtf nTf their shirt factories had just closed and this threw the girls out! As I sat on a jaunting car on a road In Donegal I passed a company of boys who trudged along barefoot with thoir shoes slung, over their shoulders, i learned that thoy had just returned from Scotland, whore they usually go every summer to gather in the harvests for tho Scotch farmers. But there was nothing for them In. Scotland this year and thoy were walking from Londonderry, somo it a,xly m,les' t0 tnelr horao in the Rosses. The crops were not poor, but the introduction of American agricultural implements during tho past few years wrought such havoc with their Industry that this ono oc- wiuuuon, winch tho poor of that coun try looked forward to every year, is rapidly being taken away from them, rhen there is nothing to do but fall back on the potato crops on tho bits o the land at home. J. OTDonnoll in r.moijcan Letter to the Pittsburg Dis-paten. TJi PlttJcMl Ofrttok Political conditions in August are not a very valuable indication of the wheat is going to happen. It Is re corded that on the 22d of August, 18G4, Abraham Lincoln mado this memorandum, which ho put away care BEST(JN THE WORLD, i LAVM: REAfi Separators THE DE LAVAL-5EPJRAT0R 00 74 CORTLANDT ST, r RANDOLPH 1 CAHAL St NEW YORK, CHICAGO. THE PLATFORM TEXT BOOK Contains Decoration of Independence, Constitution: of the U. S., All National Platforpw, of; all political parties, since their formation, to and including those of 1004, 'l88 pages. 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Eaton in 1817 and is the most interesting biography published since those of Washington and Jefferson. It will be an invaluable contribution to our polit ical history, and. can only be had by Subscription, a it will not be on sale in book stores. We will send tho sot in. two volumes, by express, prepaid, at tho price given above, free of any other charges. Send your order to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. The Prairie Farmer. A Leader Among Agricultural Papers Publisked Weekly at Chicago, Ills, Sabffer JptloM Prlce $1.00. Special Offer: THE COMMONER - M Ail Amy Y Both 1 year. . . Jk I .OH VnJLIRm FARMER All Prairie Parmer subscribers' wilt also raoefv the riewe Magaxlsa monthly supplement Send orders to The ComMoK0rrIAncdit Neb.. -k A t.