The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 09, 1904, Page 14, Image 15

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' ,,v'yOLUIVIE4. NUMBER 34
with this .uniformly favorable oxpori
ohco'&nd successful operation of their
railroads by other governments to
guldo us, I say again, the people of
.'this, cpuntryaro roady to adopt gov
'ornmont ownership of railways.
A Good Book.
f llavo you read "The Tattlings of. a
Retired Politician," hy Forrest Cres
soy? If not you ought to do so. Somo
of the stories are true ones with only
thd names altered and all of them
. might bo truo so faithfully do the
characters portray political life in the
United States. The lessons taught are
not the less valuable because made
palatable by an entertaining 3tyle. The
book is sold at all book stores -and is
' published by Thompson & Thomas,
"The Kingdom of Never(3rows01d."
RICHARD L. METCALFE, in?OmIia World-Herald.
Pagan Rite at a Grave.
. An interesting feature connected
with the burial of ex-S'tato Senator
Goorgo B. Sloan hero today was the
carrying out of a pagan rite at tho
grave by Kltawaga, for many years his
Indian valet. Mr. Sloan was an Epis
copalian, and after tho services at tho
church the rector, the Rev. L. G.
Morris, went to tho cemetery, where
the final services were conducted at
tho grave.
At tho conclusion Kltawaga .appeared
at the head of his, master's grave, and
after pronouncing an invocation to the
gods of his countrymen, opened a cage
and liberated six white doves.
The affair was arranged - with the
consent of the tamily. Exchange.
That is a pretty scone in Ethel Bar
rymoro's simple little play, "Cousin
Kate," where the happy Irish lover
throws open the gates of "tho Kingdom
of Nevcr-Qrow-Old." This Irish lover,
a man who has learned, as Francis
Murphy would say, that "it's time,
enough' to be dignified when you're
dead," had ever kept himself in touch
with the children anil had not per-
I mitted himself to become a stranger
IU IUU til lllO LllllU 1UUDU UUllgUl, LUU
children's hearts. By chance he meets
with "Cousin Kate," with whom he
falls desperately in love. He mentions
the famous old tale of the "Three
Boars and Silver Locks," and "Cousin
Kate" asks him if he is interested
in such stories. Ho confesses the
truth and admits that ho has made it
a practice to fight off the ravages of
Increasing years by keeping in touch
with the simple things of life and min
gling with tho little ones. He tells
her that it is just such things as these
that keeps men and women young, and
he adds that these pastimes are merely
journeys to "the kingdom of nover-
grow-rold." "Cousin Kate" drops into
u seat and say's: "Tell me the story of
iho 'Three Bears and Silver Locks.' "
The young Irishman begins the tale
and when its conclusion is anticipated
by his fair listener, showing that she
has a familiarity with such stories, her
lover takes a seat beside her and with
a fine display of enthusiasm says:
'You are one of us; you, too, are. of
the kingdom!"
Stage folks have no monopoly in the
touring of this kingdom. There are
many busy men and women in this
world today, as there have been busy
mon and women in the past, who make
irequent journeys to tnose naiiowed
precincts. "And a little child1 shall
lead them" is not all a prophecy; it is
history. Some of the world's strongest
men' have been led by little ones; not
led from the path 6f duty, but kept in
that path by the influence which the
association with' little children had
upon their lives. Several years ago
when Benjamin Harrison, then presi
dent of the United States, visited
Omaha, he addressed a great gather
ing of children "on the high 8Chnni
grounds Always happy in his speech?
to men, General Harrison showed t
he was, as well, a children's orator
He knew Wow to command their atten
tion; he knew how to .touch their
UCtt,ia -uuu iM-esmeni tnough he wu?
he made the bold confession,. then ami
there; that, he had made it a practice
to seek the company of little children
in order .to obtain the relaxation neces
sary in a bUsy career and that in the
company of these little ones he had
found .the very best in life.
The'man who confines his associa
tion to grown folks ignores opportuni
ties for developing the mind, for re
juvenating the soul and for renewing
faith, in mankind. In the marts of
trade there is selfishness and brutal
ity; in. the political arena there is
hypocrisy and 'insincerity; in the so
cial circle there is double dealing and
lack of candor; but in the temple of
childhood there is sincerity and truth;
in "the kingdom of never-grow-old"
there is relief from the meanness and
the malice of the world.
He who would seek rest from the toil
and the anxiety of a busy life may find
it if he but cast dull dignity to the
winds and cultivate the acquaintance
N First Use of Tea
By whom or when the use of tea
for drinking purposes was first dis-,
covered is lost in antiquity. It is
spoken of as a famous herb In Chinese
literature as far back as 2,000 years
B. C. at which time its cultivation
and classification were almost as
thorough and complete as they are
today. One of the ancient legends
says that its virtues were accidentally
learned by King Shen Nung She, the
Chinese monarch Who is also known
as "the divine husbandman," who, the
record says, flourished forty centuries
ago. He was engaged In boiling water
ovor a fire made of tho branches of
the tea plant and carelessly allowed
some of the leaves 10 rail intd the
The liquid which he expected to
come from the vessel simply as
sterilized water was miraculously con
verted into an elixir or life by tho
accidental addition of the tea leayes.
Soon after it became highly esteemed
in all the oriental cities anff was used
a3 a royal gift from the Chienese mon
archs to the potentates of southern
and western Asia.
This same King Shen Nung She not
only, earned tho title of respect by
-which ho was known through the dis
covery of the virtues or lea, but because-of
being the first to teach his
people how to make and use plows
and many other implements of hus
bandry, Omaha True Yoico
Burns' Manuscript
The original manuscript of "Tho
Cotter's Saturday Night" which Burns
. himself thought his finest poemhas
. been sold at Sotheby's for $2,500.
Curiously enough, this Is just the
sum with which Burns refcurnnri n
; Ayrshire from Edinburg as the net
proceeds of the first edition of his
- poems, after he had been lionized by
all the men of light and leading in
T Modern Athens and now the manu-
t jsprlpt of only one of his effusions
uas iotcneu as much,
, , Burns, wrote a fine, bold hand full
of character and force and as big as
Cromwell's or Bismarck's what is
' .called In Scotland "half-text." London
Cablegram to New York American.
I IBiMffT fi
I MlBfflHfflfflaaaaaaaaaaaamff
1 wHMsHi iraMBMWaMBfflalBi '
H It Vrfl bKKSOmw'T KZkJ BIbbV nMHTm ilBawamF-TFrK-'1nffHfM1rfflT fBaaaaaaaaaawflaaaflaT J
Wmaot ou? ffifffl? CT?uX.tr5!idBSl5fi2 Art AihXW Z hftVC a"aneed ,for th clal right to distribute within the
nnntninin w? .ork comprises twenty albums, published weekly, nnd
m, .i." n-..vvuvut,1uiiii6oloMuim;u;a, w i.u uiusiuiiui uuavf lUUUUH Dy me WCU-KnOWn author ftlld lPfhirnr TTrnnlr fJ Tvrrnll
SStein? Itsoirwith Its magnificent architecture and lagoons, Its savage tribes and Weir oStomf lfi "wonder&l Xas Md wtrw
wn.?!n3fClSllPCrb albUmS 8h?d b0 ln very Amorlcan home- aad w J nvo arran-id to plac3 them within the reach of our readers In two
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to glvo our readers every oppor
tunity to know this greatest of
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Sand In Your Order Now
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AlbiSf. 6o to pay for same, we send you FRBGth. Bjitlr Serl.3 of ao
cenS0 A&9 f2 ot the Borlca and cash at tho rato of only 10
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In ftoat af Grand Ba.l ' HM17ffrJ22S. Jd. Coml.i.- V
D.SmSBfd,9B jipaMMQartSf- P,ke ?
Phlllp'plB Affl.ttli.wl, BldC: ,0 ftffiLlf.. .... ; "r 'Tu.'SoIr.-.".! Balldlar .
.. u,iUIHK w CaiClflU ( DHb!0 VZ91
The Commoner,
address.' ;.r-.V:
Lincoln, Neb
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