mrwwamKvmmtwxm BmmlMMilMiwiiiimitlirrii H . SEPTEMBER 9. 1904 I . The Commoner. t s n Montgomery Ward & Co.'s Big Catalogue No. 75 is Now Ready IEbRMbbbV Bk Wn m RVwafiLi a IHW The People's Favorite Catalogue "CO TCT3 Ward's Catalogue No. 75 i" lC JC li Tho biggest, boat and most roliablo cata- - 0guo issued by any catalogue houflo in tho world wo mako no oxocptlons. Boo Lot "A" below. Bead It. Bigger an better than rcr etf pounds or valuable iHfermatlon, 1 0O page or rare nlnea-prlntcd ah heTy white fceek paper, carefully elte, handsome cover by tho HimouH artist, Ike Morgatt-n catalegHO that Hkeuld bo In every household. -You Can Get a Copy Absolutely flD pp t&nKwTFJ,lr(lil?' B"ltab' 'or framing, by ordering any of tho 1 lota descrlbod below. JL MS-JLmJ-JLd Don't delay. Ward'h Cataloour 1b tho 1'opulaii Okb everywhere, and Is preferred by almost everybody to nli others. We expect thousands of applications as soon as this announcement Is road, so wo urgo you to gut our application In early. It s tlie Only Complete Catalogue TIlUIUI tno only ono that la nlxtnlittnlv nr. jruuiiaueu. complete lit every detail, tho onh duto and nothing bnt porfpetly dppcndablo goods at prices the fowestobtnlnablo anywhere. Cataloguo No. 73 Is all that n good cataloguo should bo. It represents tho largest stock of goods In tho world 21 different divisions. caohastorojnitBolf, 85 soparnto and distinct lines open for your ex amination. .Practically everything wo havo to soil Is Included no wt- thing is in Cataloguo No. 73 this year an improvement wo know will bo hailod with delight by our thousands of friends and old cuslomor. EciitinTl f( T.1TX J?0,tnJnKl'k"ltovorboforonttomntrd. 77 iHf J ,a ., V.10.101 on heavy whlto book paper, making It strong and durable, rich In nppcaranco. easy to road, and more- dostrablo In ovory respect. The KdltW da Lmo Is n triumph In, catalogue making. It contains over BO.OOO Illustrations, most of which aro new and print rorfoctly on tho flnn whlto paper usd for tho Kd. tl?n il0 LujW 8j.00O quotatl&nsof hlgh-grado, absolutely honost mor chandlso, sot In now typo cast especially for this cataloguo: 12 pages of carpots, rugs nnd portlcrca printed in actual colors 'l imos of men's nocktlca In actual coJoffl, about 2U0 pages of satin finished tmnnr show. lng actual photographlo reproductions of laces, ombroldorlos. milll- uun.Huinuuo iHHiiionB, iun, omj. xnis caiaioguo weighs over UK IDs. and In 3 inches thick. Whon wo toll you that other catalogues don't S0' over 8 lbs. you will quickly boo what an enormous book Cataloguo No. 73 is. Exports pronounco it tho finest specimen of a cataloguo evor produced. Fot "Hip Wnmrn ?ho y ,.otc,,t "tJ,,.M ,n wiqa'B U1 Wcar, furniture, notions, grocer I to, glassware, toilet article, stationery, sewing machines, berks Jewelry, enrpets, curtains, and 10,(MJ other goixl and notcswiry articles. Far tlcularcaro has been given toour fashions In v:omcn'wrailnpapparei. Our btiyors havo picked up tho best of titr)tlilnu ihmn InNiw York undothor Lantern markets. Our rtylcfi ate correct and the. iy latest later than thewo shown In any other tiiural tatuiruio. Drn't buy from an old cataloguo with ioftt j car's itjlcs. CatalcMJCscf other Aims Issuod ahead of ours contain last year's larhlrns, and nio not tiunt worthy. Wo know this to ben fact, bceuuto thlsxar's itikawrrcnot shown by tho New York designers until Aticmt ,nrdwouatodla)td tho publication of Cataloguo No. 73 until cur Lujuu returned from How York with tho now samples for ncxtr.lnlcr. It Is our policy to leal tno rMfiiwIrn, and )ou con positively rely upon our cataloguo. Among other thlnrs cf jntcrcrt tovtrnu-n In Cataloguo No. 7J Is tho largest retail stock of dry cccc'nln thuttorld, Ghoico silks, dainty llnons, fnrhlonablo dirrs rrca, hxllng. towel ing, cotton goods, otc.j in fact everything a Yildo-awolccdry-rcrdsiitoro should havo -oil of tho best quality and very rcarrnaLloln price. Willi Cataloguo No. 73 In your hands ou can, at jour Iclruro, reject etery. thing for your homo, for ynurwlf, for your family, without the troublo of n shopping trip, and with the obsclitto certainty that uvorything will bo just allttlo bit better than you expect. PrT "Ft77T'vl,mr1",ir n'ocuoNo.73wlllbofonndnsotjrco i ii , cf great ccnvenlenro and economy. Fni tVlf T3n Too largest stock of hnrdwaro In tho world , Is at our command, everything for your homo, your barn, your farm, your ranch. No matter what your occu pation Is, wo have what you need your clothing, your shoes, fnrm Implomcnta, vohiclos. harness, photo and olcctrlcal goods, books, watohos, etc. Everything from windmills to fish hooks-all at prlco no low that you can eavo any whoro from 15 to CO por cent by trading with us. Ileitardless of your ago. your occutntlnn. or lr.ur wrnlili. It onnhim vnu to naloct exactly what you rant rlthout tho tinnornnrn nf l.lfln dozen stores and taking what they havo to offer, whether It Is lust what Nothing but tho best la I iiBB- BBsH&bVJKbL e'tiRS5iBB HbHhBbBswSbTWbBB vVHBtflBBBBKHIstSBCkSPlttV nSHPHHBMSB J 70i want or not, X7 Tlri "KTrti- ;all TvocV. . ,. J-"''1 pood enough for onr cus- tomoro. Many flrmaaro making anolsottboutihelr!low prices: hut don't bo mlslod. A low prWj Is no bargain unless you got quality. Anybody can sell worthlcco goods cheap. Catalogue No. 75 is FREE with any of the following Bargain Lots With each lot wo pack an attractlvo D'arcy Fhotogravtirc with our compliment. Cut out and uno order coupoa belaw IlcAutlful reproductions of famoua masterpieces FHEE with our compllmenta, with ItuA"Qnd Bpccinla "B" to "O" riatlno Black Tones. 10x20 inches. Finn Kid Finish Taper. Tho D'arcy Photogravuro Oclatln Process', tho finest method known for securing perfect photographic ef fects. Tho accuracy with which details and pcrspco- Lot A To 1o Shinned by Freight. A copy of Catlog No. 73 (Edition do Luxo) and a souvenir photogravure, both absolutely free. Vor Iit "A" 9S.40. Ordor tlilH lot ALOIVIS ir you want It. 23 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar - - - $1.00 25 lbs. Selected Fancy Japan XXX Rico 1.00 10 bars Hannah Cobb's Laundry Soap - -.40 1 Handsome D'arcy Phototrravuro - - FREE 1 Cataloguo and Buyers' Guide No. TO Edition de Luxe - - FREE Until October. 15, 1904, Lot "A" -Packed in case for shipment by freight; weight, about 75 pounds. $240 The D'arcy Photogravures tivo, as well as tho general beauty cf tho original lotogravures would be a paintings, nro all preserved In tho pictures has caused experts to pronounco tho reproductions far superior to tho flnost and most cxpcnslvo photographs. Any nno of thews flvo magnificent photogravures would be a beautiful docorutlon to tho finest homo. Tho originals woro painted by masters whoso nanus have long been lamous tno world over. viVITSfJIMUpTS, BACH pNK A MAHTKKI'IKCJil A Country Scene In Normandy, by Vorschuur, a famous Dutch landscape painter. JVnt tn Im r!nnvliiP(.il. Iiv Alfnnn Hnrlnif. n ltusslan artlut. VleoliiR- From the FlnmcH, a remarkably dramatic painting, by Adolf Schrcyer, a Germ an piJuter, Tlio Farmer's I,iiiirh. bSIuIlon Dupro a beautiful pastoral painting. The lie To n no of Znpotn nriilvc, by Vercstchagin, tno famous artist who wna killed on tho Basslan i battleship l'otropavlovsk at 1'ort Arthur. jiiJMEsHstfGsjSJBlL Spoclnl B Polished Oak Writing Desk. G foot high. 80 lnohoa wide. A lino ploco of fnrnituro. A cata logue with as nei each .... O.o Bpcclnl C 8,000 of these lino Rockers bought es pecially for this oalo. A good, largo basket scat lteod Hooker. A catalogue, edition do luxo, paokod with every Chair. Weight, complete, about q i ne 801bs. BpooialO-.ap.OOrockerfor , .yl-VO Special D Box calf, solid leather soles. A 8hoo that sells for $3.00 at xnost'placca. Don't forget slzo. Sold only with Lot A. These lino shoes $1.90 Lot A $2.40. Both, by freight, JHsrll Speclnl P-15,000 Mel tonetto Walking Skirts ?cs. This crc od Btri BKirt, II,Us;r no fuiUU trip . $1. Lot A, 2.10 Speclnl O All iVool KorBoy Jack et. inches long; morcor izod sergo lin ing. A hand some garment. nra hlnplrrtr castor. A wondorful bargain. Packed with Lot A and Bhippod by freight, a cataloguo included. This iackot, $5.tX);Lot A, $2.40. Special Q, avnn both together ?f.WJ Cut Out On Tflls L.IDO ay. JgL Mr Special II-KItchon Cablnot Table with hardwood top. Tho lowest prlco wo havo over seen. Prlco, with cata logue JaflBWri$33 $2.95 Special Ir-100-1 b. sack of best ltlco at lowest nrlco ev or Imnton. TVlItlnn dn Luxo catalogue with each sack. 100-1 b, sack Special K Ono of the best Oil Ilea tors m ado. 28 Inches high. Weighs j6 lbs., with n cataloguo. Special kUiJ Special F-20 pieces Win, A. Rogers' Silverware, 6 cs, fl ir si IDPOd uY l Lot A. $2.40. knives, 0 forks, 6 largo spoons, 0 teaspoons, 1 butter Knuo, i sugar spoon, uom onir wun lxn a, to oo shipped o) freight. Rogers' Silver, tXWj lror Dotn . . . . . $5.14 $2.25 BBBBBBBBBBBtB BBBBBbI Special E-A fine WomnVs ' Shoo mado of (mild hnr rnlf. A big bargain at our prloo. Bold onl v wl th 3 ,nf. A . Vh tvtn shoes $1.40: Lot A $2.40. r on uom togotner, by troignt . . r.a FIR out this sido for ordering any of tho TJurgain lots described above I encloso 8. Mo.. Name. Please ship Spociul to adUrcss below. T vm, 1nn'f ram in nnlnr nnv of tho Bargain Lots, we will gladly send Cat alogue upon receipt of IB cpnts to help pay postage-tho book Itscl f Is f rco. I encloso IS ceatH for which plcaso send Cataloguo, No. 73 to o POSTOFriCE. SnirpiNO Point.. State. Order Lot A alono if yon want it. Specials D, E, F, O. P. M.N. will be sold only with Lot A. Do not order them alone our object is to send you a profitable J freight shipment. In cluding a free cata- HaSyXfRSK $6.25 Speclnl M A gray fur Lap Robe, mado from Japanrso goat skin. A flno robe. 4 ft by 5 ft. Bold only with Lot A. Lap robo, $3.10 1 Lot A. $2.40. Jloth packed tOKClhcr . te rrr Wt., about f&.70 90 lbs. A ratalognowith tTcry shipment. Ssoclal nrFanoy Pace Doublo PI u oil Robe. Tho greatest bargain evor offnrod. 2-ply plush, CObyeo in. Hold only, with Lot A. Plush robo, $1.95 j Lot a 9 rho. Pack ed in conn -for shipment by mk xn. freight . ....... $.5 Special O- Air Tight ilcater, 88 inches high, made of sheet steel, alakol trimmings. Burns every thing except coal. Jsqual tho price if you can. Weight, 40 lbs. .A cata loguo with each ship- m -i rjtt xnent il.J . . .... UW ! Tt . ..,. A .u.l.l loguo and a D'arcy photogravure, Pr cesexp re 'Wffii'fflSffl-aifiSpyC oooKiet aescriDing aoovu uuxjjmio - - , Wontg?oniery Ward. y Co ndngnstrel Chicago The OldestiLargest nd Most Favorably Known Catalogue House in the World-Established In 1872 The Government Ownership of Railroads By Judge VanWaggenen of Iowa, I was told by & prorilinent man in Jowa, immediately alter my Water loo speech, that the idea of govern jnent ownership of railroad woul4 be strong in t,Ue cities, but that it ' would not meet with savor among the farmers; --It;therefQrG,give6 joiqi 'great ' ueal Jf .satfef action G. find ihefirst, meeting- called-to"&xjonsiderthe seue originating,among .the.f armers .and to address Hhis eetinlargely ifcom- posed of that class of our citizens. It was the thought of ttiis .man that the farmers would loolc Upon the purchase of tho railroads as entailing a debt, ,whereas it -would really he the pur rt.oca of a viiiufilila asset, of vast n inironcp in viilule. It had .neenhdasmow, my icmviction that ithev-.sentiment ls-as -4wb -w-itronger, among the rmers -tnan amongatiy - otherclass - of people. i shall therefore proceed this evening to discuss the question of government ownership of the railroads, not partic ularly from the standpoint of the far mer, but from the standpoint of all the people of the country. I shall not be able to enter into any comprehen sive review of the whole subject for it would take more time than I can consume this evening to demonstrate the benefits of government .ownership while several evenings would be nec essary tofiilly"discu8 the many evils. which It -would--elimrnate irom lour politics,' from the 'riadminfestration of, government- and -from the commercial lifemnd imlnstrjrof -our people.-. Ishall content myself for tnis occasion with attempting to present as clearly as possible the wonderful growth of the sentiment as indicated by the rapidity with which the pBlicy is Deing univer sally adopted by the nations of the world and the unform success with which the acquisition of the railroad has been attended. I am not certain that these facts are not a complete answer to .all the objections to govern ment ownership of railroads, which havo .been orxan bo :made. If three fourths tof the railrod&af tfceiworftl asidc-from the TJnitod StHaTrMarla. Britain .arm now la th hands of tthc'govcrmweht, if forljr-'hro 'v-nr .dSl 4 - :fta ...V 't?i -: 'K i. ti&&xMlSl&M-.,.lt; T- tfs- jl a ..i.hAi. idtjikitf.jiL4J t ?4lUft-t --J. . .