The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 09, 1904, Page 10, Image 11

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The Commoner.
WHHBMMna "-'-
The Beautiful Kingdom
There aro faces Alight with' glory of
In the "Kingdom of Never-grow-
Thero aro hearts that aro light as tlio
clear skies above - ;
In that kingdom of beauties untold.
'And happy is ho who can dwell in that,
land ,. .
."Where children are ruling with scep
ters in hand,
For youth is the monarch of one hap
py band,
In the "Kingdom of Never-grow-
No sorrows lurk deep in grim thickets
of gloom
In the "Kingdom of Neyer-grow-
But flowers of beauty ,nro ever In
... bloom
And the pathways aro shining as
gold.- ,
The "laughter of little ones borne on
the air
Is surcease of. sorrow and' cure for all
caro, . v . .
For happiness reigns and lias banished
In the "Kingdom of Nevor-grow-bld."
The little hands wave a warm -welcome
to alt
In the "Kingdom of Never-grow-
rrninewnntrntl n voices in harmony call.
: And their little armB vwatf ttQljanfql&. J
And Father Time pauses- to 4aste of
the -joys, -;..
To join in the games full of romping
and noise
That are played all the hours by sweet
girls and boys
In the "Kingdom of Never-grow-old."
" " - . v ' j .'-
Come, walk with me libw' through the
cool shadow fleetf ;,' ! ' , '. "-x
In the "Kingdom of Never-grow-
Had we not just finished paying the
meat bill, the grocery bill, the coal
bill the ice bill and the gas hill?
Ah yes! The trusts have made us
famll'iar with the hold-up games. They
differ only in methods of procedure. ;
"Do you put. any faith in this new
imovoment for political reform?" wo
asked of Senator Graball.
"The putting of money into polit
ical movements "
Noting our look of pained surprise
the senator paused and with a .move
ment of deprecation continued:
"-I mean yes, I have implicit
faith in the people."
,' Squelched
The tall man and the short man met
on the corner. The tall man' was an
administration supporter; the short
man ivas not. The tan, man and the
short man were soon engaed in a dis
cussion, "I can prove my assertions by gov
ernment statistics' exclaimed the tall
"Is that so?" sarcastically queried
the short man. f
"Yes, it's so. I can 'prove that the
cost of living has not Increased in pro
portion 'to the increase in wages. Now,
for instance, here are the figures com
piled by "
"Excuse me," 'interrupted' the short
man. "Are those Carroll T; Wright's
statistics?'.'... . .."
" "Yes;- sir; and1", -
. '"Their h"ere 'is the "proof that'theyi
are radically wrong," said the Bhort
man, thrusting .some papers into the
tall man's hand and rapidly walking
Slowly unrolling the papers thr.ust
into his . hand the tall man gazed at
the figures written thereon.. ;
The papers were the grocery and
meat, bills of. the shorb man.. ',
house Is going to run on 'the unions
schedule hereafter. 1 am working the
nine hour day now, and my salary is
my Tjoard and clothes, overtime is
i'But, my -dear, I " '
"Well, I do, Mr. Bingley . ijnai mat
.- ji'J
orjgnx s uisease and
i a betes Cured
Vhivtn&ty Qtktmul Acting as Judge
IT V w . . -- w -- , .
item, 30 cents, is one hour overtime Irvine K. MotfyW. D., r Cincinnati, o . dem-
lOlt- I ""Biiaicu uviurn tu euuuii&i DOarUOltlie En.
ttn Pnf itoo tfiha Utdlnc ,1a4l "" HVMX"
And backward the years of VuVtr'ou-
liles will creep I " '?"' '
While stories of -youth1 are "retold.
All burdens grow' lfglit-'ahd all cares
We dismiss; '-
The gates are unlocked by a sweet
- baby. kiss, . ' '
And Love sits enthroned in "the City
. ot Bliss f
In , the "Kingdom of Never-grow-old."
'---. ' " ,-V' .
kP.eninc vour sunner hot while you
ered down town niter your wont jvas
done, talking politics."
"Now, lopk here, Mrs. Bingley; I
Want "
"And that .next item, 45 cents, is an
hour and a half overtime when I;
your breakfast waiting Sunday .morn
ing while you snoozed away "because
you were out late Saturday night at
tending a primary."
"0, come now, dear, I " . .
"And that next item, 75 cents, is the.
time I put in last labor day getting the
ichildren ready for the picnic whlleyou
nranecd around on a horse, arid: iosed
!for the edification of the multitude."
"Isn't that '
"And that next item, $2.50, Is' the
overtime I put in after. ,C o'clock; "darn
ing the children's stockings and 'mend
ing their clothes while you spawled ali
over the sofa reading the evening pa
pers'." "I'll not stand for"
"And that next item,J?3, is the' ov'orr
time. I put in after G o'clock washing
the supper dishes and getting, the po
tatoes and other things ready for;
breakfast next morning." " -
"What will you. take and" ;
"Every .item there is on the square,
Mr.. Bingley, and it all amounts to
$13.75. Worlc is off in this house' until
the bill is paid, and-don't you forget
"But I can't pay" ;
"Then your force walks out. I'm go
ing, home io, my mother for. "d ,,fe-
weeks. I'll take the'children And y,qu
can hustle-!-" .,.,-.
"Mrs. Bihgiey.I find this'rtim .hook
correct.,.. sYMrU:iripnpy, . is' rjgh"tr JMere.
Here!s $15, and you cancr.edit,.mGuwith
the $1.75." . , ,,. ., ....... :
"Thank" you, , dear. . The strike has
been called offi" '" ' ' ' '
BrainXeaJcs "-; . -Sanctificatiori
is hot ste"reIlzatlon.
It is easier to climb whWyou look
up. ' ;- ;v; "r
ing Post, 6ke ottbe lpaiing daily papora of vh-
0. uiuu, mo power oi liia
rcnicay-to enre the worst
forms ol Kidney illsenscs.
Later a pnbllc test wna in.
Blliutca under the nuapf.
iirRf the Pout, nnd nve
cftB'es bfBrlEht'H ni9.npn
iand JUabetesvOTe Bclc-ct-iq3JjrJLUcro.
nnd placed nonths' time all
yrsrc pronounced ctirwi.
v. Olfl hi - thn TTinat mnmi
ncnt TJnivcrsltlM.irrtJjB United States, having
ttcen choseni My e.vftt, tp make examinatloa
oftho cases befbreriCTrter treatmcoit.
Auno -dealrlngHo Tcad the? details of this
fptiDHc test can obtain copies df tho papers by
Tbia public demonstration cravo Dr. Mnttnn
tintferniationkl reputation tbit baa "brought him
into correspondence with jcoplo all over the
;worUl, and noted Europeans arc num
!berfed among those who havo taken his treat
ment anamoen curea.
Tho doctor mvllL correspond with those whn
arc suffering witK Bright's DiBCflBe', Diabetes or
'ahyTkidriey trouble, teither in.the first, interne
dlate or last stages, and wyi -be.pleased to Klve
,hlg fcxpert-'opinlon.rre to vlhoso who will send
xiiiu n, uujuwiHivu ui luuir uyiupioms. ah essay
wKich tho doctor, has :prep$red about kidney
troubles and doflcribingliisnewmethod of treat
ment will alto tie mailed. bv hlin. .Corrosnnn.
idenco for this. "ptirpOseVshould lie addressed to
1RVIKE.IOayr,Mjl).,,89 Mitchell Building,
;Cinclnnatl, Ohfo ,-. , .'
- , ; "
writings refer to Its enlargement, fatty
degeneration, displacement, palpita
tion and pericardial effusion. One re-
maricaoie pas.saga or tnese om-woria
inquirers speak 1 distension occuring
because thehloojl has stagnated and
does not cimilatijprqperly. - ,
ISTot Greece," 'Srjeterore, hut .Egypt,
,iong .hefore.aleand . Hippocrates,
rwas the motherlShd,'';b ratibnal" medp
icine jinti ,aqaftprnarTl?;yiews of ,th
Grejf6hJ:th;lcai?'fttiQnf. the
wore .anjp$t ivoxaQUit9'ithb
earliJsrj:7-Qhdcp;Cahlegram. to New
York ATE(rWan. r ' .
Ffxmlllar v
-' "Hold up your hands! "
Stern and emphatic came the com
mand, the sharp tones, piercing' the
cool evening air.
. "-Hold up your hands! '
Instinctively wp elevated our hands
ahove our heads, while the highway
man went through our pockets and re
moved $1;06, a 99-cont' watch, a brok
. en-bladed pocketlmlfo and a petrified
potata (carried ior rheumatism)
"Don't move for a full minute,"
vhissed the hold bandit Then he slid
way into tho darkness.
At the end o the minute 'we'pro
'fedo'btf J,our' Wa'homtowU'r. ';
frightened"? Not atall. Tho oxpe'ri--.euce
"was too familiar, , .
Dnce' upon a- time the "confidence
games" of the world met to organize
an association for mutual improve
ment, and the gathering was one of
the largest ever known. The interest
manifested was intense, and the meet
ing promised to be a great success.
But, trouble arose over the selection
of a presiding officer. Every "game"
present, claimed the honor.. The
wrangling proceeded for many weary
hour's; and there seemed to be -great
danger that the proposed organization
-would fail through lack of harmony.
Finally, after nearly every "game"
present had presented its claims to
recognition, an unusually large one
appeared on. the, scene.
"Cease ' this wrangling, friends," it
said.,. ."I have hut to announce who 1,
am in order to settle this contro-;
versy. The mere mention of my name
will convince you that I am entitled to
be '-It' in this august .assemhly."
"W.oll, fwho are you?" queried an
unusually large "game."
-ir,' was me iouu reply, "i am an
Infant Industry." ,
Recognising' the superior claim the
other "games" humbly" howed and, the
J$tWp. industry w-as given the seat, of ;
iuuyi uu vuuiuiuuu.
. True 'Christianity needs lib; press
Municipal corporation has4tssource
in "municipal ncgleot.
We love to boast, of our infirmities,
but we dislike to have others mention
(hem. .
People who are. always 'measuring
their, heads 'for 'their crowns seldom
can. -show any, 'dross scars on theli
W . t r - - -
. - - ' :.
m m ' mimm !. n i ii i
i . ....... j. 'j . rt .'!, -jii - j?j'
"What's this, my dear?" queried Mr.
Tiiugiey, looicmg -at tne column of
ngures lianaea him hy Mrs. Bingley.
' "That's my' time book, Mr. Bingley."
"But what does it mean?"
"It means, Mr;" Bingley, that this
" : " Egypt Knew It
According to I)r. Richard Caton, F.
R. C, Pv Harvard was anticipated
6,000 -years ago hy the priest-doctors
of Egypt in his momentous discovery
of the circulation or the blood. As
far back as 4,000 B. C. Egypt had
works '"on medicine aria anatomy, and
one brilliant genius l-em-hotep, priest
of the sun-god Ra, and physician to
King Torsothros became so enmient
that he was reverocr as a demi-go'd
after his death; a temple was huilt
tiver'hia tomb; and in his honor hos
pitals were raised in Memphis and
other cities
ere- me priest-physicians treated I
the stoio md embalmed-.the -bodies, of
men ana sacrea animals. They were
probably, Dr. Caton thinks, the-first:
or maniana to 4tGautro a .wulirrihntarr
knowledge of the -movements -oC the
Diooa. , fi .
Their papyri contain intelligent"Jrcf
erences to the heart, the bloodvessels
and the pulse. Of the .heartvtopar
tlcular they knew much, aiid'.vthejr
Isn't it something' to -travel
atj, the warjfrora Chicago and
Kansas "Oity;- through to Los
Angeles and. San Francisco
In the 'sam train-, ;over the
safne trapks an'd in. Oliarge of
emploeB of the same com-
i '3 . $-.
You Ba? 'aotnis only via tho
,Ssnta knd you can reach
'Earth's greatest wonder
Of Arizona-only via the Santa Fo,
Isnt that something too?
;jtnd descriptive
llteraturo from
ir;U;l - " - l '
-,. tibi&noz ',
. ''.vM.ttJtKl fy
: ' fi
.'"' J
fU '-'"' ' iiwnr-y
' "t.T'SfV''
a- i.