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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1904)
T-fc- n z irw-"- grtvarrjvr irjgrw -n -1 v-i-if-r-r-'tr ' r-twwni immpmnmm i mpii amiiJuimnHf n r,u IS I T I 16 The Commoner. VOLUME 1, NUMBER 32. J$f , "" Hymmm-wTmim X paying dlvidonda of from 2 to 14 por cent. Toads Bit at night around the bases of eloctric light poles along tho coun try roads of England, waiting for the fall of tho dead, injured and partly cooked moths which have alighted on tho hot globes above. A sixten-ycar-old brigand has arisen-to fame in tho, neighborhood df Trieste, Austria. Ho has already cbm mlttcd several murders and has or ganized an "irftolligenco bureau" that has enabled him to defy tho officers of tho law so far. Some Armada relics, which havo beon recovered from the bottom of the sea, wero sold tho other day at a London auction. A breechloading can non, with wad and ball still in posi tion, brought $275, coins realised from 60 cents to $1 a pair, stone cannon balls brought something undor $5 apioqe, and two iron shot sold for $10. A now fuol successfully tested at Muncio; Ind., has beon invented by Ja cob Smith, a glassblowcr. It is said to possess moro heat units per pound than either coal or wood; it can bo manufactured and sold at a profit for half tho cost of coal, and it does not smoke oxcopt wlion a strong draft is used. Tho fuol is made largely from tho refuse of pulp mills. The Germans aro encroaching on vhat has been for many yoars almost an English monopoly the hotel bus iness in the island of Madoria. They havo obtained from Portugal a con cession for tho establishment of san itariums there, tho company to bo exempt from payment of duties for A bLrbacrois doctrine CLUB LIST. .rfiiyonpoUhMoUowJnpwJIl he Font wltliTTTE GDAiinOiTEH, both one yenr, fcr the club price. If erlcrticnls irniy bo Fcnt to difcrciU addresses 11 IttxuO. Your friends mny wiflh to join with tcu In Bonding lor n combination. Allsubscrlp Ilonj ero or one yenr, mid li ncw.l'cplnwlththo current number unkEBotbcmicdlreclcd. Pres ent FiibFcrJfcers nerd not w nit mil IbelrEiib icrlptlons expire. Renewals ueclvcd now will te entered tor a lull jenr Irom expiration date, tubfcrlptlons lor Lfternry Dlpctt and Public Opinion must bo new. Renewals lor theso two notaccepted. loiclEU pestaeoextrp. AGRICULTURAL. Roir. nub Frlco Prlco $.50 S1.20 BreederBQnzctte, wfe ?.ou 2,25 arm ami Home, semi-mo no l.oo Farm, Field and Fireside, wk l.oo .B5 Farm, Stock and Horac,Bemi-mo... .50 1.00 Farmer's Wile, mo ,o l.oo IJorao and Farm, semi-mo .50 1 00 Irrigation Arc; mo l.oo 3.85 KanFas Farmer, wk l.oo l.oo Missouri Valley Former, mo 50 3.0:1 Orange Judd Farmer, wk 1,00 Poultry Success bo 310 Poultry Topics, mo 25. 3!oo Practical Farmer, wk 1.00 135 Frairlo Farmer, wk 1.00 l.oo Reliable Poultry Journal, mo 60 3.00 cistern Swine Breeder mo .50 3.00 NEWSPAPERS. Rctr. Prlco Atlanta Constitution, wk ?j,oo Cincinnati Knqulrer.wk i.oo Iuditnapolis Sentinel, wk 50 Kansas City World Daily jj.oo Kansas City World, do. cxc. Sun. .. 1.60 Nebraska Independent, wk 1.00 Rocky Mountain NewB-Times, wk. . 1.00 Eeattlo Times, wk.? m Thrice-R-Week N. Y. World... ..". 1 00 ' xvnc!',,e,r, und nclgcT, Sunday. .. . li&O . Wor liUU crald , twice-n-week 1.00 MAGAZINES. Rcir. .. Prlco Cosmopolitan, mo 81,00 Good Housekeeping, mo l.oo Pearson's Magazine, mo 1.00 Pilgrim, mo ..;;,- 1.00 Review 2.'50 Eucceea, mo 3 00 Twentieth Century Home, mo.'.V.V. l!oo y Oman's IJomo Companion, mo... 3,00 MISCELLANEOUS. Ro?. cinb Price Price Literary Direst, (new wk ?3:00 js.oo Public Opinion, (new) wk 4.00 j,oo Tho Public, wk, 2.00 225 Wlndle' 1.00 335 Not. Clubbing Combinations or premium ellerain which the Thrlce-a-Wcek World, World. Herald, or Kansas City World, or Farm, Stock and Home appears, tcresldentiof the respective cltlcb In which tLcrarerenamad republished i Club Price 11.85.' 1.35 1.00 8.00 2.00 1.35 1.60 1.35 1.65 1.85 Club Price 8 J. 35 1.85 1.60 1.35 2.85 1.C5 1.35 1.45 ; ' Willi 1 1 H' - . - I ;3rr -wmF . -Jtm- - tx i w wmj im rstm- i&tfr- wrwtm. w-z j fmmf0 1. 1 1 Mil" -,'.t&a3 ' f t , Hy ProB. Roosovolt (to "West l'oint Cadet) "A good soldior must not only be willing to fight but anxious to fight. many years, and now the Germans are likely to get a concession to supply Funchal with water next winter. It is remarked by the London Chron icle that most df the children taken to the hospitals there need milk rather than medicine and that "milk dispen saries" would be a useful branch of hospital service. S'emi-starvation, complicated in many cases by alcohol and tobacco, is at the bottom of most of the physical ills of the poorer classes of the English people, 30 per cent of whom, an authority has said, "never know what it is to have a full stomach." A London firm recently received from a miner in Alaska this letter: "Gentlemen Enclosed you will find art envelope, which you will tear up in small pieces and place in a glass of water. Let it stand for and hour then stir and. drain off slowly; add more. water auu uram, ana you will' rind 30 grains of gold, for which you will send me stylographic pen wrapped ud in late newspaper." The gold thus ob- wuiucu aum xur $l.6q ana me pen was duly forwarded. In 1881 an incessantly and heavily traveled bit of street at the entrance tO EUSton Station In Tnnilnn , - . . 'J""""" nftto ex perimentally paved with India rub- mm u.vm4(:u iur me purpose. A Concrete foundation, finished with ce ment to make it smooth, was covered with two inches of this preparation, and, when ready, the wheels of traffic were turned upon it. They continued to roll over it without interruption until May, 1902, a period of 21 years, and in all that time the rubber had not worn thrnucrlj nf nnv annf Ttn jburg Dispatch, . ", The Prairie Farmer. A Leader Among Agricultural Papers Published Weekly at Chicago, Ills. Subscription Price, $ 1.00. THE COMMONER - Tk ne special unen r b....,....$i.(K) h Prairie Farmer subscribers will also re'oeiva th h, wr.-.,-. "onthly supplement, aend ordera to The Commoner; Lincoln, Neb mmammmm0immMmmmmmm"maimmmi'mimnt-ia A DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER. The OMAHA WORLD-HERALD. Hsued Semi-Weekly. Subscription Price $1. 00 Special Clubbing Offer: Wo2 jjjjJ Comino6; $1.25 Send orders to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. J V j, , Q " 'i .'t '.X .h' j- -. KJH