The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, August 26, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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'AUGtlfff 201904;
The Commoner.
p'ut into a. preserving kettle' with a lit
tio water, cover closely and let sim
mer until the apples turn yellow, then
take them out into a dish and let
them cool. Pare and core them. Put
fresh, clean grape leaves in the bot
tom of a saucepan, add the apples and
water and cook until tender, but do
not allow them to boil. When cooked,
weigh them, and to each pound allow
one pound of sugar. Place sugar in
saucepan with just enough water to
dissolve it and stir over the Are until
melted; then bofl and skim until clear.
Add the fruit fcnd cook very slowly
until very tender and clear. Pack the
fruit in jars and pour the hot syrup
over them and seal.
Wild Crabapple Jelly.- An economi
cal way is to dip off the juice from
cooked apples and leave tne fruit in
the kettle, adding more water to the
apples, if necessary, and cook them
down to a pulp, then rub them through
a coarse fsi'eVo or colander, adding
brown sugar, pint for pint, stirring
down and cooking until thick. The
juice dipped from the fruit will make
a nice jelly, and you will thus have a
jelly and a jam from the same apples.
Gingered Peaches. Soak one-half
ounce of green ginger in a cup of
water. Peel and cut .up four pounds
of ripe peaches, and place in layer on
a largo platter, sprinkle well with su
gar, add layers of peaches and sugar
until all are used. In the morning
turn them into a granite or porcelain
fettle, add the ginger water and sim
mer not . boil four hours, or until
thick and" rich.
Query Box
Mrs. C. S. Any good cook book will
give you many recipes for U3ing to
matoes. I give you a few in another
' Katie L. There is nothing better
.for the sick than fresh air and,, pure
'in ' r m T in 1
AS EASY. -Needs
Only a Little Thinking.
The food of childhood often decides
"whether one is to grow up well nour
ished and healthy or weak and sickly
from improper food.
It's just as easy to be one as the
other provided we get a proper start.
A wise physician like the Denver
Doctor who knew about food, can ac
complish wonders provided the patient
is willing to help and will eat only
proper food.
Speaking of this case the Mother
said her-little four year old boy was
suffering irom a peculiar derangement
of the stomach, liver and kidneys and
his feet became so swollen he couldn't
take a step. "We called a Doclcr who
said at once we must be very careful
as to his diet as improper food was
the only cause of his sickness. Sugar
especially, he forbid
"So the Dr. made up a diet and the
principal food he prescribed was
Grape-Nuts and the boy, who was very
fond of sweet things took the Grape
Nuts .readily without adding any su
gar. (Dr. explained that the sweet in
Grape-Nuts is not at all like cane or
beet sugar but is the natural sweet of
the grains.)
"We saw big improvement inside a
few days and now Grape-Nuts are al
most his only food and he is once
more a healthy, happy, rosy-cheeked
youngster with every prospect to grow
up into a strong healthy man." Name
given by Postum Co., Battle Creelc,
The sweet in Grape-Nuts is the Nature-sweet;
known as Post Sugar, not
digested in the liver like ordinary,
sugar, but pre-digested. Feed the
youngsters a handful of Grape-Nuts
when Nature 'demands sweet and
prompts them to call for sugar.
There's a reason.
Get the little book "The Road to
tWellville" in each.pkg.
water, with suitable' diet Children's
styles vary but little from season to
season. Small boys are happy in
Kussian suits, and in Norfolk and
Housewife. Squeeze the juice from
a lemon, dip the shell in salt and
powdered brickdust and use for scour
ing brass or copper.
"Nervous."- Physicians advise a
bedtime lunch for nervous or ema
ciated people; often one is nervous
and restless because the stomach be
ing empty, the blood goes to the brain.
, Topsy. Being thin, you will not en
joy your water-drinking as much as
your stout sister, as the stout sister
will perspire a great deal more freely,
and can, because of this, stand using
more of tho fluid.
S. M. If the use of the gasoiine in
routing insect pesto has failed you, it
must be your fault; the gasoline treat
ment is "standard." Turpentine is
also a "specific." Try again and again.
Busy Bee. Fill the cracks in the
plaster with a mixture. of plaster of
Paris and vinegar instead of using
water. It will not "set" so soon, and
you will thus have a longer time in
which to finish before it hardens.
Make but a small quantity at a time.
Anxious. To take the stains of ice
cream from your silk, place the
stained spot on a piece of blotting pa
per or absorbent cotton and sponge
with chloroform or gasoline; when
dry, sponge with tepid water and a
pure soap, and rub with a flannel
until perfectly dry. The ice cream
leaves a stain of both grease and su
gar. Dan R. Staining the floor is prefer
able ,as well as cheaper. The paint is
opaque, and will conceal the grain of
the wood, while the stain will simply
dye it, giving it the appearance of
hard wood finish. After thoroughly
drying the stain, there should be
given it two coats of varnish. If the
work is well done, and the floor not
much used, one coat of varnish a year
will be sufficient; if much used, it
will need two.
Elizabeth. A good soap cream for
cleansing the pores of the skin, is made
as follows: Melt fifty grams of
strained honey, forty grams of pure
castile soap and thirty grams of white
wax together; add ten grams each
of tincture of benzoin and slorax, mix
ing thoroughly. Use this instead of
soap for washing the face before retir
ing. Is this what you want? About
the eczema, see your physician. Brush
ing does not affect the color of the
hair, except that it makes it glossy.
Use salts of tartar for a shampoo, two
or three times a month. Your druggist
will tell you how to dilute it.
Emma T. You should not need any
thing to keep your hands smooth at
this season of the .year. Here is the
recipes: "Mix equal parts ol glycerine
and lemon juice; after washing the
hands, before drying them, pour a lit
tle of the mixture in the palm and
rub thoroughly over the hands. Rub
until the mixture dries in. This is
simple and Inexpensive Another is
as follows: One small cake of good
toilet soap, grind or pound fine, and
melt in a double boiler with a tea
spoonful each of borax and oatmeal
(not rolled oats), a tablespqpnful each
of witch hazel and glycerine aid two
ounces of rosewater. Melt and pour
into a jar. This is a soap jelly, to be
used in washing the hands.
Housekeeper. Castile soap can not
profitably, if at all, be made at home
in small quantities, as it calls for ex
pensive ingredients and special . machinery.
any water, if set on tho back, of trie
'rango. with gentle heat until the juice
is started. Tomatoes keep better if
salted and peppered as for table uso
when put up. Fruit will not keep un
less air-tight; to test the Jaw, after
screwing on tho top, turn tho jar up
side down on the table and if there
is tho slightest oozing of juice from
any point around the edge, put tho
jar upright again and, with the handle
of a knife, press tho rlra of metal down
tightly against the rubber nnd test
again. When thoroughly tested, leave
the jar setting upside down until cold,
then put away in a cool dark place.
Many kinds of fruit and vegetables are
affected by the light after being can
ned, and It is better to wrap them in
brown paper, such as tho groceries
come in, or tho paper sacks may be
saved and slipped over the jars.
In making plum jelly, add a tea
spoonful of soda to a gallon of Juice
to take away the strong taste. While
making, bo sure to remove all scum
from the top as It rises. Always put
the jelly in small glasses or jars, so
that only the quantity to be used
within a short time may be disturbed.
As the jelly cools, a hollow is formed
in tho top, and when it Is cold, pour
into this a little melted parrafnn wax,
in order to effectually exclude tho ulr,
and avoid mold.
In making tomato preserves, butter
or catsup, cook slightly, pour into a
strong cloth bag and drain over night.
In the morning, pour the juice out, for
its use will only make the tomato
strong-tasted, besides, it will save
much time which would be required to
boil it down. The juice can be used
for making vinegar.
Uso porcellain or marbleizcd ket
tles for putting up fruits. If one has
a bell-metal kettle, which has the vir
tue of remaining "as good as new"
from generation to generation if taken
care' Of; it should be" kept perfectly
clean, else its use is not to be en
couraged. It Is really a simple matter,
howover, to keep it clean, and only re
quires to be. set over the fire and in
It boil a cupful of good vinegar and
half as much salt, swabbing the liquid
all over the inside while hot with a
rag fastened mop-fasjiion on a stick;
after having brightened it in thi3 wise,
scour it. Inside and out with some
good scouring material -brick-dust,
Spanish whiting, wood ashef, etc., give
it a washing all over and dry thor
oughly. When ready to use it, scald
with the vinegar and salt, wash quick
ly with hot water and use. Always
wash it at once on turning the con
tents out, and rinse thoroughly be
fore putting more fruit into it If
taken care of, it is much to be prefer
red, on account of durability, to the
frail, easily ruined porcellain.
Green Gr&po Jelly.
Pick the green grapes just as they
begin to turn, if you want "looks'' as
well as taste to your jelly. Stew them
in water enough to cover them, mash
and pour Into a thin flannel bag and
let drip until thoroughly drained; do
not squeeze the bag, as this will force
the fine pulp through with tho rem
nant of juice, and make your jelly
muddy-looking. To one pint of the
juice, add one pound of granulated
sugar, and boil until it jells, which will
ordinarily be in about twenty minutes.
Putting Vp Fruit
ttrp nfi Utile water as nossible when
canning fruits. Berries, plums, -cherries,
grapes and tomatoes do not need
For tho Sowing Room.
The "summer is practically ended,
and the thoughts of the careful mother
turn to the wardrobe of the little folks
who are either already, or soon-to-be
in the school room. The wise mother
Is she who carefully looked over the
the last winter garments, carefully
sorting and parcelling them before
putting them away for the summer, A
Good bread linker, m
well an beginner, can
always learn something
now about making bread.
Bend Tor our bread Look, which
explains how
with Yeast Foam the best
yeast In tho world. YeaatFoam
la made of wholesome vege
table Jntfrt'dfontR, rfnd contain
tho secret of that sweet, nutty,
wheaty tanto which la tho de
light of all good homc-kecpers,
The secret is in the yeast.
Yeast Foam In wold by all gro
cers at Co a paokago enough to
make 0 loaves. Wrlto for tho
boon, "How to Mako Dread" -free.
little overhauling, in this case, will
show tho available material now h
hand for first wear during tho crlBp
autumn days before the real "flannel"
weather begins, and also the number
and size of the garments to be passed
down the line by letting out, making
over and remodelling with the aid of
a few yards of new material for trim
mings, etc.
Many of the dainty little dresses
worn through the summer can still
servo their purpose, the necessary ad
ditional warmth being secured by
wearing light weight flannels, or those
worn thin through last winters serv
ice. A little, light weight jacket may
be added for the quite cool, or damp
days. Many of the little dresses are
made in suspender style, to be worn
with a suitable guimpe and these pat
terns, the "made overs" may be made
with the skirt and suspenders of ono
material, the guimpe being made of
another. The suspender suit Is partic
ularly Jjecomlng for the over-grown
girl oi thirteen or fourteen years of
Tho girl's school outfit should con
tain plenty of aprons, and there are
many attractive ways of making them.
A very pretty style, quickly made and
easily laundered is one which entirely
covers the dress, shaped only by shoul
der and 'under-arm seams, and finished
at the lower edge with a deep hem. It
is plain at the front, and at the back,
where a button-closing Is arranged.
A flat collar completes the neck, and
tie-strings bow at the back. This
apron may be made with or without
the collar, pockets, tie-strings or
sleeves, and can be trimmed a3 elab
orately as one wishes, or can be made
entirely plain.
Tho long blouse is invariably becom
ing to the small boy, and is of easy
construction. It is shaped by under
arm and shoulder seams, and is box
plaited at the back and front, a short
closing being arranged under the cen
ter front plait.
Spanking does not care children of urine dim
cuttle?. If It did there would be lew children
that would do It. There is a constitutional cause
for this. Mm, M. Summers, Box 100, Notre Dame
Ind.. will send her home treatment to any
mother. She asks no money. Wrllc her today
If your children trouble you In this way. Don't
blame the child, The chances arc It can't help It
,a m&MM