tf JT : lr 2 I ' '." I ' --I .. ficss competition, is not extraordinary. A similar chargo could be brought against most large busi nesses." "The undoubtedly large profit accruing, to the Standard Oil company from tho utilization of by products is. owing entirely to its superior mechan ical efficiency and organization." "The power of tho Standard Oil company is tremendous, but it is only such power as natur ally accrues to so largo an aggregation of capital; and in the- persistence with which, competition against it has continued, in tho quickness with "Which that competition increases when oppor tunity for profit under existing prices appears, and in tho ever present possibility' of competition which meets the Standard Oil Company in every direction of every part of its policy, lie the safe guards against the abuse of this great power." Tho above quotations illustrate tho tono of tho book and thtf fact that it is being sent to ministers .free indicates that a systematic effort is oeing made to win over to tho defense of trust methods those whoso duty it is- to speak out against im 'morality wherever practiced. Praising the smart ness of the men at the head of the oil company, asserting that the managers have not yet abused tho power given by monopoly, arguing that latent competition will prevent extortion and pleading that some other company would have secured' a monopoly if the Standard Oil company had not these defenses are presented with adroitness and repetition. The word "inevitable" Is used several times he falls back on destiny and suggests the fcolplessness of those who are the victims of mo nopoly to prevent the control of the market. The fact is that there is nothing natural about a mo nopoly .until the tendency (o Injure others can be called a natural tendency. Every monopoly rests upon a corporation and every corporation is cre ated by law. Tho law makers have either given corporations too much power or executives have allowed the corporations to act oeyond their legal authority. The remedy is to put the government in the hands of men who are at heart opposed to private monopolies and who will in the Interest of the public rigidly enforce existing laws and enact such new laws as may be necessary. "A private monopoly is indefensible and' intolerable." Hi1 An Answer to Criticism 'Some of the eastern democrats and some, of the populists have criticized Mr. Bryan's state Si sivlG his reasons for supporting Judge Parker. The eastern democrats find fault because the support is given without endorsing the meth ods employed to secure tho nomination and with out, holding out hope of economic reform. . The jriUcism is not valid. M.K. Bryan owes a duty to the loyal democrats of 189G' and 1900 as well sb to. the organization and he could.. not help the ticket by pretending to be delighted with the nomination, neither could he help the ticket by trying to deceive those who have trusted him Je can do.-the, most good and render the best rvicoto the ticket by pointing out that in spite of all he himself has said in spite of all any one else can say-it is better to support the ticket than to assist in the election of President Roosevelt. Ho ha? given reasons that seem to him sufficient and satisfactory, and he hopes to be able to give additional reasons after Judge Parker's letter of acceptance appears. The good effect of Mr. Bryan's statement is already apparent. Many have an nounced, their intention to support tho ticket who before were in despair. They see now that they can support the ticket and still. continue the fight for economic reform; they see that the election of Judge Parker will remove imperialism, . mili tarism and the race question and clear the way for a fight on economic questions. 'Neither is the .populist criticism valid. It is more important that reforms shall be, secured than that those reforms . shall come through any particular party. The ; total populist vote is small compared with tho .numl)$r- of; democrats ;wlio desire reform Mr Bryan .can do the- cause of reform- more good bv helping; these' democrats .to , control the demo cratic party than ; lie coitfjT 3x joining thp. popu . lists If Judge Parker carries' out the T democratic platform we shall make progress.-during Mb ad ministration; if he refuses to carry out the plat . form he will make it easier for the reform element to regain control of the organization ' JJJ . ,-: The N$vy League ' On another page will be 'found a auoKf inn Ifrqm, the, literature now. being, circulSeTby Um INayy league, a society. recently organized for J 2 .stimulation of sentient in favor fr T iDaVy It is called a "patriotic" movement-strange It The Commoner. is" -always patriotic to inceas6 taxes' out iiever patriotic to reduce them. The appeal shows "how the Navy leaguers in the various nation1!?, "patriot ically" of course, play each other against the people. It is ahn6unced 'that President Roosevelt and Attorney General Moody are honorary vice-presidents df the league. If the Navy league in each of the countries named Uses an increase in the riavy of other countries as, a reason for another" in crease In the navy at home it is not easy to see where a limit can be placed. Such a movement is entirely in keeping with tho war-like spirit that pervades tho speech of ex-Governor Black, plac ing President Roosevelt in nomination; it is in keeping vith the imperialistic spirit that has grown out of a 'colonial policy ill the Philippines. It is tho swaggering, bullying, blood and thunder policy that is expected to attract those of "easy International morality" as Mr. Roosevelt once described it. An effort was made to secure ah endorsement of this policy by the democratic na tional conventibh in fact it was endorsed by the sub-committee but the full committee rejected it without the formality of a roll call. This nation does not need to compete with other nations in the size t)f-its navy unless it intends to vie with them in schemes-of exploitation and conquest. It is about time for the formation of a "patriotic" organization having for its object the protection of the interests of tho farmers and laborers ahd peaceful progress. But as such a society could not Hold out the- alluring promises of life-positions, commissions and valuable contracts it could riot arouse any. great amount of enthusiasm. Where the Sun Shines '..'; The New York Sun has formally declaied for Roosevelt and Fairbanks and this fact is being pointed to by some republican leaders as a gain for the party, although many republican editors seem inclined to look upon the Sun's announce ment much as. they regarded the "acquisition" of the Chicago Chronicle.; J? Jemembered that the Sun is under l?n J ?l J-pierPnt Morgan it is not in the 1?? wpnsi!? that that paper haa finally de clared for the republican nominee. It is true lm 'ISf receny sad ome very uncompli mentary .things -about Mr. Roosevelt personally and yet this did not necessarily mean that the Sun would object to Mr. Roosevelt's election. Vic ious thrusts at public men is the Sun's stock in trade and there is good reason for believing that there has never been the slightest danger that q?r,d ieVOte itself to the republican cause. If anyone has any doubt on this point he may be enlightened by reading the Washing! IT wTtC Vt? t0 the ChicaS Record -Herald 1903. In that dispatch Mr. Wellman said- "There is no more uneasiness in Wall street as to what congress is to do in the trust busting line Wall street knows." Then Mr. Wellman stated thai OTSffiJ?' f trust had held a ing at Washington in conference with republican L inwSofnn reached an agreement providing for enacted b'vZ to ?.law that Was equtny fnw w i tthe pPnohcan congress. Mr. Wellman further declared that the leading trust renre?Pn proval o ??h! Lnh?V,?e Jon the enthusiastic ap- statement: "It w fi not i ff rI?1Unieered the fault if the fS'STl soon look upon him wVmofe favor " d n0t The announcement that J PiTrnnnf tvt " would support Mr. RoosWoH SS ponJ MorSan formal declaration by th Tnp'w viT?, hy tho ca;tcs. that Mr. 00BetMBZJe7kn Slm- in cessfm campalgn in h5g fitbrt i? Suc" Wasted Time How much time is wasted' a amount of time should bsS A rfono course; but it should be ? mad tn ?al lnter" jmtfs general-wmu, and ft to intercourse that bovs find on- ItlnJ' Th social fotVMBi,' NUMBER 32. is hdanl that prepays onefor usefulness n-i, ness b.tit much is heaVd' that SaZ I h?m moralize! "''Let us draw" a' plituWof 1 1 und -twin brothers, if you please hZ b,ro(her8 gether as. hoys, thedivfdf Si cfe Psay 0' grow up and keep., each, other, comnanv V, uthey But w.hen. they finish the high sStw 3(?l o drift apart. The more -s Odious nt VJ 10 prepare himself for. some useful c 17? rnmrtinq nvPTYiniQ,, t.i ,. ".ViU1 career. Mft .... xAJr llL ilJB nauits, he te omiqal, saves a part of hia m "e,ls cc snnnrlH nn hnnh tt jr"" tt Part ;;; h. :r,:ri, "" , mm with econ- ho hi5. remains exemnlarv i Uu "tul ,career. He omiqal, saves a part of his money and I spends on books. He ftnmminto ui ' ",i ...? torv. he malcfis hmoif rhZ- " "AT11 )vlUl ' searches out the secrets of nature, he read s whn the philosophers, the preachers, the orato rs an, the pbots have said. He puts in his spare 10urs adding to his store of knowledge and all of hta time in developing character. ls i,T5? ,ther thinks that he knows enough and feels, that ho has earned a. good time. What hh brother, spends on books he spends for clean? drinks fknd-fun. Whilo his' brother is readinc ho is gossiping with young men of similar habits telling-doubtful,. stories, and exchanging experiences.- ' HO' keeps late hours and is neither re freshed, by. sleep nor strengthened in purpose for the next day's work. . , Which one of 'these" boys is most likely to succeed? Which will be most likely to have a competency in old age? . W.hich will contribute most to the welfare of the country? Which will get most real happiness .out of life? These pictures are reproduced in every com munity. The boys 'described may not he twin brothers, they may be simply brothers or they may be the sons of neighbors boys who started with equal chances. Yet, with these object lessons before them, thousands of young men are wasting their time, sapping their strength and throwing away great possibilities. A society in each community for the improvement of the boys just budding into manhood would ;do much to lessen the number of criminals and to decrease the number of wretched and wrecked lives. (See Cartoon.) JJJ Judge Parker's One Term Pledge .There' is nothing particularly new in the singlo term idea but tho emphasis Judge Parker gave to his pledge- nof to accept renomination must con vince men .generally of his perfect sincerity on this point. Tho American people, during the past three- years, have been provided an excellent op portunity for learning the dangers involved in a national administration that, anxious to succeed itself, places political ambitioD above public wel fare. Not only did Judge Parker make his pledge emphatic, but he clearly pointed out the advan tages derived to tho public when the occupant of the white house has it clear that he will under no circumstances accept renomination and is therefore in a position to discharge his duty with an eye single to public interests, and that independence is known of all men. Judge Parker said: I accept, gentlemen of the committee, the nomination and if the action of the conven tion shall bo indorsed by an election by the people,' I will, God helping me, give to the discharge of the duties of that exalted ofllce the best service of which I am. capable and at the end of the term retire to private life. I shall not be a candidate for, nor shall 1 ac cept a renomination. Several reasons might be advanced for this position, but the control ling one with me is that I am fully persuaded that no incumbent of that office should eyer be placed in a. situation of possible temptation to consider what the effect of action taken by him in an administrative matter of great importance might have upon his -political ioi tunes. Questions of momentous consequence to all. of. the people, have been in the past ana will be in tho future presented to the presi dent for. determination, and approaching tms consideration, as well as im weighing the facis and ..the arguments, bearing upon them, ne Should" bo. unembarassed by any possiow tnonght'orthe influence his decision may have upon anything whatever that may affect mm personally. X make 0iis statement, not in criticism of any of our presidents from Wash ington down who have either held the omce for two terms or sought1 to succeed them selves; for strong arguments" could bo ad vanced in support of tho re-election Ja ,f" idehi It is simply my judgment that tne interests of this country are now so vast am the-questions presented are frequently of sucn . overpowering" magnitude to the people uw if is1 indispensable to the maintenance oi fl j i m $1 l I V-1 ',-v ",V- , V vO .Wl -W ..-