The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, August 26, 1904, Page 16, Image 16

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    if A'
n " ff nv-gr'tt'r
The Commoner.
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not until you can say 'Ileri' is the dollnr. You dcscrvo it," not until wo HAVE EARNED IT, not until you are WILL
ING to send it to us, not until you want to send it to us, not until you aro SATISFIED to pay it, not until wo HAVE
PIlOVHN'TO YOU that wo have what we claim, not until VITiE-ORE HAS DONE FOR YOU WHAT YOU WANT IT
TO DO FOR YOU. Until then, you pay. us NOTHING. After that you will ho willing to pay, GLAD TO TAY, a3
hundrodfl of tho readers of this paper, yea even thousands, have been willing and glad to pay. l'OU ARE TO BE THE JUDGE Wo leave
It to you entirely for you to decide. If you can say that we, and VltavOro, havo earned yourmoney, we want your money, as wo say at tho
top, hut NOT OTHERWISE. How can you refuse to givo this most remarkable of all ramarkablo remedies a natural, curing and healing
mineral oro a trial on tho terms of such a LIBERAL OFFER? If you need medical treatraeut of any kind, if you are sick and ailing, if
anyone in your family is ailing, poorly, worn out, sickly , It is actually a sin and a sharao if you do notsond for Vitro-Ore upon tho terms of
this thirty-day trial oflcr. Read tho offer! Read It again and again! Soud for tho meilclno! Do it to-day! Each day lost makes a caso
older obstinate, harder, hurts you more, pains you more. Wo tako all Iho risk; you haye nothing to lose.
Subscribers or readers of Tlio Commoner a full sized $1.0J), package of VITiE-ORE by mail, postpaid, sufficient for one month's treat
ment, to bo paid f r within ono month's- tlmo after receipt, if the receiver can truthfully say that its uso has done him or her more
good than a 1 tho drus and doies of quacks or good doctors or patent medicines ho or she has over used. Read this over again care
fully, and understand that wo ask our pay only when lthasdonoyou good and not bofore. II not no money Is wanted! Wo lake alt
the risk; you have nothing to lose. If it does not benefit you, you pay us nothing. Wo givo you thirty days' time to try the medicine
thirty days to see results boloro you need to pay us one cent, and you do not pay tho ono cent unless you do see tho results. You nro
to be 'the Judge! We know Vltte-Oro and aro willing t tako tho risk.
Vlta)-Oro is a natural, hard, ndainnnttne, rnck-llko BUtBtauco mineral Oro -mined from tho ground like Bold and sllvor In tho neighborhood or
a onco powerful, but now extinct, mineral sprlnpr, Jt requires twenty years tor oxidization by oxoosuro to tho air, when It slackR down UUo lime, and Is
then ot medicinal value. It contains free Iron, froo Eulphur, and f reo maunpslum, throo properties which aro most essential for tho retention ot health
In tho human systoin, nnd ono paeltaRO ono ounco or tho OHK, when mixed with n quart ot water, will equal In medicinal strength and curatlvo valuo
800 Rations ot tho moat powerful mineral wator drank fresh from tho sprlncs. UIb a geological discovery, In which there is nothing added or takcu from
It Is tho marvol ot tho century for curing dlsoaso as thousands testify, and as no one. answering this, writing for a package, will deny aftor using.
VITilS-Ollli hascurod moro ehronlo, obsttnato, pronounced lncurablo cases than any othor known mcdlclno,and will roach such cases with a moro rapid
and powerful ouvatlvo action thin any medicine, combination of medicines, or doctors' proscriptions which it is posslblo to procure.
Vi'iVE-OHE will do tho 6amo for jou as It has for hundreds ot roadera ot 'lho commoner, If you will givo It a trial. Send for a fit packago at our
risk. You havo nothing to loso tut tho stamp to auswor this announcement. We want no cno's money whom Vltro-Oro can not benoflt. You aro to bo
tho Judge! Can anything bo moro fair? hat scnBlblo person, no matter how prejudiced ho or Bho may bo, who doslroB a euro and is willing to pay
for tt wou'd hoaltato to try Vlho-t ro on this liberal oiler? Ono packago is usually sufllclent to euro ordinary cases; two or threo for chronic, obstinate
oases. Wo mean Just what wo Bay In this announcement, and will do just as wo agreo. Wrlto to-day for a packago at our risk and expenso, giving ago
and allmont3, and mention Tho Commonor, so wo may know that you aro entltlod to this liboral olfer.
I had Neuralgia of tho Hoart and Systematlo
Catarrh for years, and Kldnoy Troublo, Soreness of
tho Breast and Lungs and constant soreness in the
stomach tor fifteen years. I was nflllctcd with a
cough on lying aown
at night and suflcred
pain occasionally
throughout my entire
system. I also had
spells ot Paralysis and
numbness of tho llmbi
dizziness and Female
Trouble. Sinco usitn;
Vitac-Ore I can walk
as far as any woman,
can do as much work
without fatigue as I
did years ago, and can
truthfully say I feel
filteen years younger
ns all pain and suflcr
ing is a thing ot tho
past. I wns treated by
doctors and two scien
tists, but only received
temporary relief from
them. Vltac-Oro has accomplished all these won
ders for me. Mns. Sallik E. IIUDSOK,
Dresden, Tenn.
ylt 9 iflfjBfij iKiRV AwWf
Only R.eqvilrod Ono,Woek's Vso to Prove
tKo R.emavkablo Efflcccy of Vltao-Ore.
1 havo been attllotcd for about twelve years with a'
ncrlous Kldnoy (rouble, which was at time? so bad -that
my urine would bo thick with blood aud pbos
phatc. I tried sevoral doctors as well as every pat
ent modlclno rccommonded for a troublo of this na
ture, out tounu aoso
lutoiy no reliof, I also
took trcatmout at dill'
eront times from threo
well known specialists
without any benoflt.
At' last I decided to
oult fooling with med
icines, leollng that
nothing could do mo
any" good, and it was
atthia time that I read
tho Vltao-Oro adver
tisement, ottering to
send a packago of
Vitae-Oro on- thirty
days trial. Tho offer
seemed so fair that I
could not do other
wise than send for a
package with at least tho hopo that It might bo tho
remedy and treatment which I was looking for. It
did not require moro than ono week's use of Vitae-
Oro to maico mo well satislled with it and to provo
;to mo that it would do all that was claimed for It.
I have now taken It for a porlod ot six weeks time
and am getting bettor every day. J have gained
over twclwo pounds In weight during this timo and
foel as vigorous and hearty as 1 did twenty years
ago, although I am now M years old. I fool as
though J havo a new lease on my llfo, aud would
advise and urge ovcryono afflicted as 1 was to givo
Vltac-Oro a fair trial, W. R. KEY, Moultrlo, da.
jy SUM wL
I mm
Many of the troublcsand disorders which Vitae-Oro is advertised to cure may be traced
to a Catarrhal condition of some part of tho body. Most people connect tho word Cat
arrh only with a disorder of tho head or throat, but such inference Is not correct.
Catarrh aslelncd by Webster, is an inflarama'ory affection of any mucous
77. !r membrane, auy condition in which there aro congestion, swelllnir.
morbid action or any alteration lathe quantity and quality of mucous secreted. It can
consequently bo present In any-part of tho body where, thoro is a mucous membrane, tho
head, nose, throat, stomach, intestines, bowels, bladder, kidneys and generative organs
and'as a clot ot dust will Impair tho workings of the finest watch, so a catarrhal condl!
tlon of any organ will cnfooblo its power.prevont tho proper functional activity and en
paclty, arid result in a complication of Ills of many names and svmptoms, treated in
many dlfterent ways, but no euro is pojslble unless tho Catarrhal condition, the Prlrnnrv
Came is checked and removed. . ' ' ry
To successfully treat catarrh of any part It lshoco3sary to use medicaments which
possess tho power of allaying Inflammation, arresting morbid action and of mirlfvine
diseased mucous. w HUl"'lU
iifflU""0re Y.V.1 P0)Mvdy cur catarrh of any ortran or part of the body, used for tho
different conditions in the sovoral ways prescribed in our printed directions 'it a ? nat
ural astringent, presenting qualities as such which it seems Impossible to dupl cotoin
any manufactured or artificial product and Immediately allays 'all inflammation Itom
all morbid or Irregular action on the mombrano, eradicates all catarrhal conditions and '
places each organ, in a natural, normal, healthy condition, so as to ft itufolly n rform Us
Individual function and restores tho entire system to a state of entire and nerfbet hSKth
Its actions aro certain and results sure.. It can bo relied lmon to tWoi. ,vh a! . ftl"1,
promptly and effectively tbau any trcaWm, 'oSZSloW Sffloj .
'scrlption that can bo procured and cure completely ai well an nriJ.Z--i n p
ailllctcd with catarrh of any part should nordolaytreaS Fol1
of tho disease to othor parts, a moro aggravated condition froS monyth tn rLn??rC
moro dlfllculty In effecting a cure. Vltae-Or has cured tho imi? I? moat4 aniV
cases, as tho multitude of testimonials In our iSdexoshows S y ot fhoVK whffi ti? I
Fho grSyo" 3UCU a 3tne th,U UPe WM 8lVeU up ffiMBlUWca stdiwf
Rheumatism .
Bright's arvd Dropsy
LaGrlppo -
Blood iPoisoning
Soros CLid Ulcors
MoLlocrial Fovor
Norvous Prostration and Anaemia
Llvor. Kldrxoy and Blalddor Troubles
Coctorrh of Any Pxrt
Fomalo Complaints
Stomach and Bowol Disorders
Gonoral Debility. -
Old Pople-For tho Agod thoro la nothing
better thai VltaeOr..' The toss of appetite
and general breaking down of the d llges me
organs Is delayed, tho blood PM';d.Sd
enriched, tho vital organs aro stronRthcnett
and a peaceful old ago may be i en JpyojJg
tho uso of this great natural romedy nw
out drugs.
son wh d IS Tu J!,al . flgf. u attention and consideration and afterward the gratitude of every "viog P"
2nd 7voWnZQtuu hea,tll1?r wh0 uers Pains, ills and diseases which have defied the medical world
55nso rmSiII! Zthf?u W notJor yllr koptlclsinf but ask only your investigation, and at our ex
peuso, regardless of what ills you have, by sending to us for a package. ADDRESS,
.'.. -
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