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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1904)
1': august 20, im. pvjijnffro The Commoner. 13 The Greatest Fortune Tellers Every human being yearns to look into the future. A man may think himself wise and above petty super stitions hut how solemnly and ear nestly he listens while some foolish young girl or wrinkled old gypsy talks about the lines in his hand. He would not listen to such a per son or be influenced by her ordinarily, but old superstition makes him give close attention to foolish talk about the future. This universal interest in fortune telling, an old inheritance, makes us all rather foolish at times. It might be made a useful thing if we could get into the habit of telling our own individual fortunes, instead of relying upon hysterical or swind ling clairvoyants. You, the young man reading this, should make up your mind to be your own fortune teller. The usual soothsayer with the itch ing palm looks at your line of life, your line of luck, your lino of fate, etc., and she reads your future ac cording to the length and strength and general behavior of these lines. But you can tell your own fortune better than she can. Don't look into the lines of ypur hand look into your heart, into your mind, into your ways of living. It does not matter how long a dis tance your fate line may iun; but it does matter a great deal how long you are able to stick at a thing that you have once undertaken. Don't believe the gentle witch who tells you that you will fail because your line of fate is broken. But tell yourself that you will fail because your line of effort is so often broken. Never mind the life line or its va garies. That line has nothing to do with your life or your death. Its shape simply shows how you happened to close your hand and form Its wrinkles when you were an unborn baby. But there are other lines that you .can read, inside of yourself, and these will tell you some truths about your chances for a long life or a snort one. If you see in your past life a long line of cock-tails before breakfast or after breakfast for that matter you 'may predict for yourself a not "The Busy Man's Train." Appropriate in its Name, Appropriate in its Route, Appropriate in its Character. "The 20th CENTURY UMITED." This is The century of all the ages. The ISTow York Contral Lake Shore 2Q-hour train between Now York and Chicago (the two great commercial centers of America) is The train of the century and is appropriately named "The 28th CENTURY UMITED." A beautiful etching of tbia- train printed on platopapcr24xS2inches ready for framing wilL bo sent free to any ad dress on reaeipt of 50 cents, by Georgo U. Daniels, General Passenger Agent, Grand Central Station-, New York. - very long and not very useful life, and be proud of your accuracy as a prophet later on. If you see in yourself other lines of foolishnesslate hours, dissipation if you find yourself sleepy as your work begins, when you ought to bo at your best you may safely predict for your self shortness of days and lack of use fulness In them. The present fashion among fortuno tollers and their dupes is what is called "the reading of the crystal ball." The wise old gentleman or lady who makes money out of the foolish ones looks into the crystal ball and then spins a marvellous tale of things seen there concerning the future. The crystal ball. of course, is a fraud or, at the best, self-deceplion on the part of the fortune teller. But every one of us possesses a crystal ball, more or less clear, more or less cloudy. That crystal ball is our own soul, our own consciousness, and in it, if we will, we can read the truth about the future very clearly. To be your own fortune teller does not require any very great prepara tion; no hours of fasting or special diet Is necessary. To be your own fortune teller you have only to cast out self-deception. Stop fooling yourself, and look hon estly into your own character. You can read there pretty accurately what is going to happen to you. And, best of all, you can not only tell your own fortune, but you can control it, if you will be guided and warned by tho weaknesses that you see in your own personality. Don't look at this picture in a care less way. Don't read this editorial or glance it over with condescending good nature, saying to yourself, "I know a lot of people that might well Investigate their own characters." Apply the advice that Is here given to yourself. Make an experiment as your own fortune teller. Take an hour by yourself, look into your own mind, study your own weaknesses. Tell yourself truthfully your mis takes, and follow along the lines of your misconduct to their final, inevi table end. If you are a gambler, you can see in the crystal ball disgrace and failure in the end. If you are insincere, you can see loss of friends and self-respect. If you are inclined to drink, you can see a life wasted and withered toward the close. If you are selfish, you will see In the future the lonely bitterness that selfishness brings. Try to read your own fortune, and be guided by what you see in your crystal ball.' Your time will not be wasted. New York American. Six-Year-One Term for President At a meeting of the executive com mittee of the National Business league, held in Chicago January 14, 1904, a movement was Inaugurated, by unanimous adoption of the following preamble and resolutions, to amend the constitution of the United States, so as to provide for a six-year presi dential term, making the chief ex ecutive ineligible for re-election: "Whereas, In view of the vast, di versified and rapidly increasing indus tries and commerce of the United States, and the multitude of people relying on the successful operation of productive and trade enterprises, which, to be continuously and evenly prosperous, should be unhampered by frequent distracting influences of the public mind;- and "Whereas, The president of the United States of America is, as pro vided in section 1, articlo 11 of tho con stltlon of tho United States, elected to office for tho brief torm of four years, and thereafter' is oligiblo for re-election as president for a like term or terms; and "Whereas, A presidential campaign, aside from Its frequent recurrence, and by reason of Its oxpensivo mothods, Inevitable political oxcitomont over candidates, now Issues and tho pos sibility of a change of policy by now administrations, especially as to the tariff and finances, involves tho com mercial interests of tho countiy in a condition of unrest and uncertainty, producing a partial paralysis of busi ness activities and delaying promo tion of now undertakings for at least one year before and possibly for some time subsequent to, the election of a chief executive; therefore, bo it "Resolved, That, as a measure of tho greatest import to tho manufac turing aud commercial interests, wago earners and tho people generally, by reason of a consequent longer poriod of industrial tranquility and prosper ity; also as a means of relieving the president of many annoyances that se riously interfere with tho unre3ricted discharge of his official duties to the people; tho National Business loaguo hereby recommends an amendment to tho constitution of tho United States, fixing the presidential term at six years and making tho chief executivo ineligible for re-election; and bo it also "Resolved, That tho National Busi ness league hereby adopts tho propo sition as an important subject of its efforts for tho common good, on which its best endeavors shall bo directed, until tho aforesaid proposed amend ment Is duly ratified by the states and confirmed by the congress of tho United States; and bo it further "Resolved, That copies of these resolutions be sent to each member of the senate and house of representa tives at Washington, to all manufac turers, commercial organizations, prominent business firms and tho press throughout the country. The Olivo Industry in California The Chinamen, Japs and cholOB (Mexican laborers) in southern Cali fornia are happy when olive picking time comes, and they leave the cities and' towns for the olive orchards. Picking is a large item in tho cost of the olive industry in California, and the average price paid f6r pick ing olives for making oil is ?77.50 a ton, and for pickling purposes from ?18 to $20 a ton. It Is a picturesque sight to see many pickers at work on high ladders gathering the fruit at the tops of the trees. Tho general estimate is that a full bearing tree will produce 250 pounds. Many big trees, however, yield 350 pounds, while many bear less than 100 pounds. Every year the industry shows a great increase, and the man who gives intelligent care to his olive orchard is sure to make a large profit. There are now growing in the state more than 2,500,000 trees, the yield is es timated to be 400,000 barrels of fifty gallons each of the pickled and dried fruit, or about 0,000 car loads, and 1,000,000 cases of oil of twelve bottles each, enough to make 2,000 car loads. Leslie's Weekly. SU'l If yon only knew how tnachmors I money jou could make with aa Empire Cream Separator! on tho farm, we don't believe you'd hesitate a day beforo buying one. Our books about tho Empire Way of running tho dairy are ttto. They point tne way to bltcer profit. Send in 70a.' name. Empire Crews Separator Co. Bleeaafleld, N. J. Chicago HI. AllMicapsIU, Altai. ? LESS THAN HALF TO ST. LOUIS and Rtturn via WABASH R. R. Tickets sold Tuesdays and Thurs days in August and September, rate from Omaha $8.50. Daily lound trip rate of $13.80. Correspondingly low rates from your station. Tho Wabash is tho ONLY line landing all passengers at its own sta tion main entrance World's Fair grounds, thus saving time, annoyance and extra car faro. All World's Fair maps show Wabash station main en trance. For all information address, HARRY E. MOORES, G. A. P. D., Wab. R. R., Omaha, Neb. I CAN SELL YOUR MSIHBSS. r REAL ESTATE ne matter where locattd. Properties nnd business of all kinds sold quickly for cash in all part of tho United States. Don't wait. Write today des cribing what you havo to sell and Hiving cash price on name. A. P. TONE WILSON, Jr Real EtUte Specialist. 418 KansaB Ave; Topeka, Kans. Ganger Cured WITH SOOTHING, BALMY OIL Cancer, Tumor, Catarrh. Fistula, Ulcers, Be zerna and all Skin and Womb Diseases. Write for Illustrated Book. Sent free. Address DR. BYE, SKJ5IK Kansas City. Mo. vwfiwKKr iaaaaaV n4Mv4 On0RFEEretnrncd. TRT. Patent Secured srsaMsssss; and whit to Intent. TJnert publications Ifsnedfor free distribution. Patents secured hi us adfertlwrt free ta Patent Jtecord SAMPLE COIT T&tX. Ersns, Wllkens Co., Dept T, Wasnlnrton, D.O. Wrt a rA tf nirfiarnr1flnAn flsirnr. nnd guns this fall ut prices never ottered before. Good Breach Load- era f4.00. Our Special Double Barrel 110.00 gun equal to others costing 130.00. Send 2 c. stamp for complete catalogue. If. & D. FolHom Arms Co., 314 Broadway, N. Y GUNS rGnuEig" Ttefct. Sold to the runmrmi WfeUaJ C91LikBFKlfiH9KCl4. S.C.A THE PLATFORM TEXT BOOK . Contains Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the U. S., AH National Platforms, of all political parties, since their formation, to and including those of 1904, 188 pages. Postpaid 25 cents. Address, THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nelr. aO-,1 JUJU.4